Adding a couple of words
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3 @article{forcada00j,
4 author="Raül Canals and Anna Esteve and Alicia Garrido and M. Isabel Guardiola and
5 Amaia Iturraspe-Bellver and Sandra Montserrat and Pedro Pérez-Antón and Sergio
6 Ortiz and Herminia Pastor and Mikel L. Forcada",
7 title="interNOSTRUM: a Spanish-Catalan Machine Translation
8 System",
9 journal="Machine Translation Review",
10 year=2000,
11 number=11,
12 pages="21-25",
13 note="En línea: \url{}"
16 @inproceedings{canals01a,
17 author = {R. Canals-Marote and A. Esteve-Guill{\'{e}}n and A. Garrido-Alenda and M. Guardiola-Savall and A. Iturraspe-Bellver and S. Monserrat-Buendia and S. Ortiz-Rojas and H. Pastor-Pina and P.M. Perez-Antón and M.L. Forcada },
18 title = {The {S}panish-{C}atalan machine translation system inter{NOSTRUM}},
19 editors="B. Maegaard",
20 booktitle="Proceedings of MT Summit VIII: Machine Translation in the Information Age",
21 year = 2001,
22 note = "Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 18-22.09.2001",
23 pages ="73-76"
26 @inproceedings{ruimy98,
27 author = {N. Ruimy and O. Corazzari and E. Gola and A. Spanu and N. Calzolari and A. Zampolli},
28 title = {The European {LE-PAROLE} project: The Italian Syntactic Lexicon},
29 booktitle = "Proceedings of First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - ELRA",
30 year = 1998 ,
31 note = "Granada, Spain 28-30.05.1998",
32 volume = 1,
33 pages = "241-248."
36 @Article{canals01b,
37 author = {R. Canals-Marote and A. Esteve-Guill{\'{e}}n and A. Garrido-Alenda and M. Guardiola-Savall and A. Iturraspe-Bellver and S. Monserrat-Buendia and S. Ortiz-Rojas and H. Pastor-Pina and P.M. Perez-Antón and M.L. Forcada },
38 title = {El sistema de traducción automática castellano-catalán inter{NOSTRUM}},
39 journal = {Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural},
40 year = 2001,
41 volume = 27,
42 pages = {151--156},
43 note = "XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Procesamiento del
44 Lenguaje Natural, Jaén, Spain, 12-14.09.2001"
48 @Article{gilabert03j,
49 author = {Patrícia Gilabert Zarco and Javier Herrero-Vicente and Sergio Ortiz-Rojas and Antonio
50 Pertusa-Ibáñez and Gema Ramírez-Sánchez and Felipe Sánchez-Martínez and Marcial
51 Samper-Asensio and Míriam A. Scalco and Mikel L. Forcada},
52 title = {Construcción rápida de un
53 sistema de traducción automática español-portugués partiendo de un sistema
54 español--catalán},
55 journal = {Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural},
56 year = 2003,
57 number = 32,
58 pages = {279-285},
59 note = {(Actas del XIX congreso de la Sociedad Española de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural)}
62 @inproceedings{garrido03p,
63 author = {Garrido-Alenda, Alicia
64 and Gilabert Zarco, Patrícia
65 and Pérez-Ortiz, Juan Antonio
66 and Pertusa-Ibáñez, Antonio
67 and Ramírez-Sánchez, Gema
68 and Sánchez-Martínez, Felipe
69 and Scalco, Miriam A.
70 and Forcada, Mikel L.},
71 title = {Shallow parsing for Portuguese-Spanish machine translation},
72 booktitle = {TASHA 2003: Workshop on Tagging and Shallow Processing of
73 Portuguese},
74 year = {2003},
75 month = {October},
76 editor = {Branco, A. and Mendes, A. and Ribeiro, R.},
77 pages = {21--24},
78 organization = {},
79 publisher = {},
80 location = {Lisbon, Portugal},
81 copyright = {},
82 isbn = {},
83 issn = {},
84 abstract = { To produce fast, reasonably intelligible and easily
85 corrected translations between related languages, it suffices to use a
86 machine translation strategy which uses shallow parsing techniques to refine
87 what would usually be called word-for-word machine translation. This paper
88 describes the application of shallow parsing techniques (morphological
89 analysis, lexical disambiguation, and flat, local parsing) in a
90 Portuguese-Spanish, Spanish-Portuguese machine translation system which is
91 currently being developed by our group and is publicly and freely available
92 at}
95 @TECHREPORT{lesk75tr,
96 author = "M.E. Lesk",
97 title = "Lex --- a lexical analyzer generator",
98 institution = "AT\&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J.",
99 number = "Technical Report 39",
100 year = "1975"
105 @InProceedings{diasdealmeida94p,
106 author = {Jos{\'{e}} Jo{\~{a}}o {Dias de Almeida}},
107 title = {JSPELL --- um módulo para análise léxica genérica de linguagem natural},
108 booktitle = {Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Lingüística},
109 year = 1994,
110 note = "disponible en \internet{}"
113 @INCOLLECTION{roche97b,
114 AUTHOR = "E. Roche and Y. Schabes",
115 TITLE = "Introduction",
116 BOOKTITLE = "Finite-State Language Processing",
117 EDITOR = "E. Roche and Y. Schabes",
118 PUBLISHER = "MIT Press",
119 PAGES = "1--65",
120 YEAR = "1997",
121 ADDRESS = "Cambridge, Mass."
124 @Misc{Verdejo00a,
125 author = "Felisa Verdejo and Julio Gonzalo and Anselmo Peñas",
126 title = "Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing",
127 year = "1999",
128 note = "\texttt{\~{}ircourse}"
131 @Book{vandesnepscheut93b,
132 AUTHOR = "J. L. A. van de Snepscheut",
133 TITLE = "What computing is all about",
134 PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
135 YEAR = "1993",
136 PAGES = "262--267",
137 ADDRESS = "New York"
140 @Book{cormen90b,
141 AUTHOR = "Thomas H. Cormen and Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest",
142 TITLE = "Introduction to algorithms",
143 PUBLISHER = "MIT press",
144 YEAR = "1990",
145 PAGES = "485--488",
146 ADDRESS = "Cambridge, Massachusetts"
149 @Book{salomaa73b,
150 AUTHOR = "Arto Salomaa",
151 TITLE = "Formal Languages",
152 PUBLISHER = "Academic Press",
153 YEAR = "1973",
154 ADDRESS = "New York, NY"
157 @Book{Hop79a,
158 author = "J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman",
159 title = "Introduction to automata theory, languages, and
160 computation",
161 publisher = " Addison-Wesley",
162 year = "1979",
163 address = "Reading, MA"
166 @article{Elman90a,
167 author = "Jeffrey L. Elman",
168 title = "Finding Structure in Time",
169 journal = "Cognitive Science",
170 year = "1990",
171 volumen = "14",
172 pages = "179--211"
175 @article{wagner74,
176 author = "Robert A. Wagner and Michael J. Fischer",
177 title = "The String-to-String Correction Problem",
178 journal = "Journal of the ACM",
179 volume = "21",
180 number = "1",
181 pages = "168-173",
182 year = "1974"
185 @article{garridoalenda01p,
186 author = "Alicia Garrido-Alenda and Mikel L. Forcada",
187 title = "MorphTrans: un lenguaje y un compilador para especificar y
188 generar m\'odulos de transferencia morfol\'ogica para sistemas
189 de traducci\'on autom\'atica",
190 journal = {Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural},
191 year = 2001,
192 volume = 27,
193 pages = {157--164}
196 @Article{garrido99j,
197 author = {A. Garrido and A. Iturraspe and S. Montserrat and H. Pastor and M. L. Forcada},
198 title = {A compiler for morphological analysers and generators based on finite-state transducers},
199 journal = {Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural},
200 year = 1999,
201 number = 25,
202 pages = {93--98}
205 @InProceedings{Cutting92a,
206 author = {D. Cutting and J. Kupiec and J. Pedersen and P. Sibun},
207 title = {A practical part-of-speech tagger.},
208 booktitle = {Third Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference.},
209 pages = {133--140},
210 year = {1992},
211 address = {Trento, Italia},
212 month = {31 marzo--3 abril}
215 @Book{Manning99b,
216 author = {Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schütze},
217 title = {Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing},
218 publisher = {MIT press},
219 year = {1999}
222 @Book{Boronat99b,
223 author = {L. Moreno and M. Palomar and A. Molina and A. Ferrández},
224 title = {Introducción al procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural},
225 publisher = {Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante},
226 year = {1999}
229 @Article{Verdejo98a,
230 author = {M. Felisa Verdejo and Julio Gonzalo},
231 title = {Del procesamiento del lenguaje natural a la Ingenirería Lingüística: ¿dónde nos encontramos?},
232 journal = {Novática},
233 year = {1998},
234 number = {131}
237 @Unpublished{Forcada01a,
238 author = {Mikel L. Forcada and Marco Gori},
239 title = {Recurrent neural networks},
240 note = {artículo en la Wiley's Encyclopedia of Electric and Electronic Engineering},
241 year = {2001},
242 annote = {en prensa}
245 @BOOK{haykin98b,
246 AUTHOR = "Simon Haykin",
247 TITLE = "Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation
248 (2nd. ed.)",
249 PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall",
250 YEAR = "1998",
251 ADDRESS = "Upper Saddle River, NJ"
254 @Book{Hertz91b,
255 author = {J. Hertz and A. Krogh and R.G. Palmer},
256 title = {Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation},
257 publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
258 year = {1991},
259 address = {Reading, Massachusetts}
263 @Book{Hutchins92b,
264 author = {W.J. Hutchins and H.L. Somers},
265 title = {An Introduction to Machine Translation},
266 publisher = {Academic Press},
267 year = {1992},
268 address = {London}
271 @Book{Day96b,
272 author = {R.A. Day},
273 title = {Cómo escribir y publicar trabajos científicos},
274 publisher = {Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza},
275 year = {1996},
276 address = {Zaragoza}
279 %coorregida
280 @inproceedings{canals01a,
281 author = {R. Canals-Marote and A. Esteve-Guill{\'{e}}n and A. Garrido-Alenda and M. Guardiola-Savall and A. Iturraspe-Bellver and S. Monserrat-Buendia and S. Ortiz-Rojas and H. Pastor-Pina and P.M. Perez-Antón and M.L. Forcada },
282 title = {The {S}panish-{C}atalan machine translation system inter{NOSTRUM}},
283 editors="B. Maegaard",
284 booktitle="Proceedings of MT Summit VIII: Machine Translation in the Information Age",
285 year = 2001,
286 note = "Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 18-22.09.2001",
287 pages ="73-76"
290 %NOVA (no te n'oblides)
291 @article{forcada00j,
292 author="Raül Canals and Anna Esteve and Alicia Garrido and M. Isabel Guardiola and
293 Amaia Iturraspe-Bellver and Sandra Montserrat and Pedro Pérez-Antón and Sergio
294 Ortiz and Herminia Pastor and Mikel L. Forcada",
295 title="interNOSTRUM: a Spanish-Catalan Machine Translation
296 System",
297 journal="Machine Translation Review",
298 year=2000,
299 number=11,
300 pages="21-25",
301 note="En línea: \internet{}"
305 @Article{mohri97a,
306 author = {Mehryar Mohri},
307 title = {Finite-state transducers in language and speech processing},
308 journal = {Computational Linguistics},
309 year = {1997},
310 volume = {23},
311 number = {2},
312 pages = {269--311}
315 @Article{mohri94a,
316 author = {Mehryar Mohri},
317 title = {Minimization of sequential transducers},
318 journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
319 year = {1994},
320 volume = {807}
323 @Article{oncina93a,
324 author = {J. Oncina and P. García and E. Vidal},
325 title = {Learning subsequential transducers for pattern recognition interpretation tasks},
326 journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
327 year = {1993},
328 volume = {15},
329 pages = {448--458}
332 @Article{daciuk00j,
333 author = {Jan Daciuk and Stoyan Mihov and Bruce W. Watson and Richard E. Watson},
334 title = {Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic Finite-State Automata},
335 journal = {Computational Linguistics},
336 year = 2000,
337 volume = 26,
338 number = 1,
339 pages = {3--16}
342 @Unpublished{carrasco01a,
343 author = {Rafael C. Carrasco and Mikel L. Forcada},
344 title = {Incremental Construction and Maintenance of Minimal Finite-State Automata},
345 note = {artículo en Computational Linguistics},
346 year = {2002},
347 annote = {en prensa}
350 @Article{mohri00a,
351 author = {Mehryar Mohri},
352 title = {Minimization algorithms for sequential transducers},
353 journal = {Theorical Computer Science},
354 year = {2000},
355 volume = {234},
356 pages = {177--201}
359 @Book{Aho86b,
360 author = {Alfred V. Aho and Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman },
361 title = {Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools},
362 publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
363 year = {1986},
364 address = {Reading, Massachusetts}
367 @inproceedings{bentley97b,
368 author = {J. Bentley and B. Sedgewick},
369 title = "Fast Algorithms for Sorting and Searching Strings",
370 booktitle = "{SODA}: {ACM}-{SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (A Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Discrete Algorithms)",
371 year = "1997",
372 url = "" }
374 @incollection{abney91a,
375 author = "S. Abney",
376 title = "Parsing by Chunks",
377 editor = "R. Berwick and S. Abney and C. Tenny",
378 booktitle = "Principle-Based Parsing: Computation and Psycholinguistics",
379 pages = "257--278",
380 publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
381 text = "Steven P. Abney. Parsing by Chunks. In Robert C. Berwick, Steven P. Abney,
382 and Carol Tenny, editors, Principle-Based Parsing: Computation and Psycholinguistics,
383 pages 257--278. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1991.",
384 year = "1991",
385 address = "Boston",
386 url = "" }
388 %corregida
389 @inproceedings{garrido02a,
390 author="Alicia Garrido-Alenda and Mikel L. Forcada and Rafael
391 C. Carrasco",
392 title="Incremental construction and maintenance of morphological
393 analysers based on augmented letter transducers",
394 booktitle="Proceedings of TMI 2002 (Theoretical and Methodological
395 Issues in Machine Translation, Keihanna/Kyoto, Japan, March
396 2002)",
397 year="2002",
398 pages="53-62",
402 @Book{marti01b,
403 AUTHOR = "M. Antonia Martí and J. Alberto Alonso and Toni Badia and Joan Campàs and Xavier Gómez and Julio Gonzalo and Joaquim Llisterri and Joaquim Rafel and Horacio Rodríguez and Joan Soler and M. Felisa Verdejo",
404 TITLE = "Les tecnologies del llenguatge",
405 PUBLISHER = "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya",
406 YEAR = "2001",
407 ADDRESS = "Barcelona"
410 @Book{nirenburg87b,
411 AUTHOR = "Sergei Nirenburg",
412 TITLE = "Machine translation: Theoretical and methodological issues",
413 PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
414 YEAR = "1987",
415 ADDRESS = "Cambridge"
418 @Book{arnold94b,
419 AUTHOR = "D. Arnold and L. Balkan and S. Meijer and R. Humphreys and L. Sadler",
420 TITLE = "Machine translation: An introductory guide",
421 PUBLISHER = "NCC Blackwell",
422 YEAR = "1994",
423 ADDRESS = "Oxford",
424 note = "Disponible en \internet{}"
427 @incollection{arnold93b,
428 author = {Doug Arnold},
429 title = "Sur la conception du transfert",
430 booktitle = "La traductique",
431 editor = "P. Buillon and A. Clas",
432 publisher = "Les Presses de l'universite de Montreal",
433 year = "1993",
434 address = "Montreal",
435 pages = "64-76"
438 @incollection{vandooren93b,
439 author = {F. Vandooren},
440 title = "Divergences de traduction et architectures de transfert",
441 booktitle = "La traductique",
442 editor = "P. Buillon and A. Clas",
443 publisher = "Les Presses de l'universite de Montreal",
444 year = "1993",
445 address = "Montreal"
448 @inproceedings{forcada00a,
449 author = {M. Forcada},
450 title = "Learning machine translation strategies using commercial systems: discovering word-reordering rules",
451 booktitle = {MT 2000: Machine Translation and Multilingual Applications in the New Millennium},
452 address = {Exeter, UK},
453 year = {2000},
454 month = {Noviembre}
457 @inproceedings{slocum87metal,
458 author = "Jonathan Slocum",
459 title = "{METAL}: the {LRC} machine translation system",
460 booktitle = "Machine Translation Today: The State of the Art",
461 publisher = "Edinburgh University Press",
462 address = "Edinburgh",
463 editor = "Margaret King",
464 pages = "319--350",
465 year = "1987"
468 @article{bennett85lrc,
469 author = "W. S. Bennett and J. Slocum",
470 title = "The {LRC} Machine Translation System",
471 journal = "Computational Linguistics",
472 volume = "11",
473 number = "2-3",
474 pages = "111-121",
475 year = "1985"
478 @inproceedings{diazilarra00a,
479 author = "A. Díaz--Ilarraza and A. Mayor and K. Sarasola",
480 title = "Reusability of {W}ide-{C}overage {L}inguistic {R}esources in the {C}onstruction of a {M}ultilingual {M}achine {T}ranslation {S}ystem",
481 booktitle = {MT 2000: Machine Translation and Multilingual Applications in the New Millennium},
482 address = {Exeter, UK},
483 year = {2000},
484 month = {Noviembre}
487 @inproceedings{diazilarra01b,
488 author = "A. Díaz--Ilarraza and A. Mayor and K. Sarasola",
489 title = "Inclusión del par castellano-euskara en un prototipo de traducción automática multilingüe",
490 booktitle = "Proceedings of the second international workshop on Spanish Language Processing and Language Technologies",
491 address = "Jaén",
492 pages = "107-111",
493 year = "2001"
496 @inproceedings{mitamura91efficient,
497 author = "T. Mitamura and E. Nyberg and J. Carbonell",
498 title = "An Efficient Interlingua Translation System for Multilingual Document Production",
499 booktitle = "Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit III",
500 address = "Washington, DC",
501 text = "Mitamura, T., Nyberg, E. and Carbonell, J. (1991), An Efficient Interlingua
502 Translation System for Multilingual Document Production, Proceedings of
503 Machine Translation Summit III, Washington, DC, 1991.",
504 year = "1991"
507 @inproceedings{schubert88arc,
508 author = "K. Schubert",
509 title = "The architecture of DLT - interlingua or double direct",
510 booktitle = "New Directions in Machine Translation",
511 editor = "Maxwell, D. and Schubert, K. and Witkam, T.",
512 publisher = "Foris Publication",
513 address = "Dordrecht, Holland",
514 text = "Klaus Schubert. 1988. The architecture of DLT - interlingua or double direct?
515 In Dan Maxwell, Klaus Schubert, and Toon Witkam, editors, New Directions
516 in Machine Translation. Foris Publication, Dordrecht - Holland.",
517 pages = "131-144",
518 year = "1988" }
520 @article{vauquois85automated,
521 author = "Bernard Vauquois and Christian Boitet",
522 title = "Automated Translation at Grenoble University",
523 journal = "Computational Linguistics",
524 volume = "11",
525 number = "1",
526 pages = "28-36",
527 year = "1985"
530 @book{rosetta94b,
531 author = "M. T. Rosetta",
532 title = "Compositional Translation",
533 publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publisher",
534 address = "Dordrecht",
535 year = "1994"
538 @article{eurotra91a,
539 author = "V. Allegranza and S. Krauwer and E. Steiner",
540 title = "Eurotra {S}pecial {I}ssue",
541 journal = "Machine {T}ranslation",
542 volume = "6",
543 number = "2/3",
544 year = "1991"
547 @inproceedings{susy87,
548 author = "H. D. Maas",
549 title = "The {MT} system {SUSY}",
550 booktitle = "Machine Translation Today: The State of the Art",
551 publisher = "Edinburgh University Press",
552 address = "Edinburgh",
553 editor = "Margaret King",
554 pages = "209--246",
555 year = "1987"
558 @inproceedings{hutchins99a,
559 author = "John Hutchins",
560 title = "The developement and use of machine translation systems and computer-based translations tools",
561 booktitle = "International {S}ymposium on {M}achine {T}ranslation and {C}omputer {L}anguage {I}nformation {P}rocessing",
562 publisher = "No lo se",
563 address = "Beijing, China",
564 year = "1999"
567 @inproceedings{nyberg00kantoo,
568 author = "Eric Nyberg and Teruko Mitamura",
569 title = "The {KANTOO} Machine Translation Environment",
570 booktitle = "{AMTA}",
571 pages = "192-195",
572 year = "2000",
573 url = "" }
575 @article{nakaiwa99j,
576 title="Automatic Extraction of Rules for Anaphora Resolution of Japanese Zero Pronouns in Japanese-English Machine Translation from Aligned Sentence Pairs",
577 author="Nakaiwa, Hiromi",
578 journal="Machine Translation",
579 volume="14",
580 number="3-4",
581 year="1999",
582 pages="247--279"
585 @article{mori99j,
586 title="Zero-subject Resolution Using Linguistic Constraints and Defaults: The Case of Japanese Instruction Manuals",
587 author="Mori, Tatsunori and Matsuo, Mamoru and Nakagawa, Hiroshi",
588 journal="Machine Translation",
589 volume=14,
590 number="3-4",
591 year=1999,
592 pages="231--245"
595 @BOOK{allen95b,
596 AUTHOR = {Allen, James},
597 TITLE = {Natural Language Understanding},
598 ADDRESS = {Redwood City, CA},
599 PUBLISHER = {Benjamin/Cummings},
600 YEAR = 1995,
601 EDITION = {2nd.}
604 @Book{radford99b,
605 author = {Radford, A. and Atkinson, M. and Britain, D. and
606 Clahsen, H. and Spencer, A.},
607 title = {Linguistics: an introduction},
608 publisher = {Cambridge Univ.\ Press},
609 year = 1999,
610 address = {Cambridge}
613 @Book{sager93b,
614 author = {Juan C. Sager},
615 title = {Language engineering and translation: consequences
616 of automation},
617 publisher = {Benjamins},
618 year = 1993,
619 address = {Amsterdam}
623 @InProceedings{tellier00p,
624 author = {Isabelle Tellier},
625 title = {Semantic-driven emergence of syntax: the Principle of Compositionality upside-down},
626 booktitle = {Proc. 3rd Conference on the The Evolution of Language},
627 pages = {220--224},
628 year = 2000,
629 address = {Paris},
630 month = {April}
632 @ARTICLE{rabiner89,
633 AUTHOR = {Rabiner, L. R.},
634 TITLE = {A tutorial on hidden {M}arkov models and selected
635 applications in speech recognition},
636 JOURNAL = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
637 YEAR = {1989},
638 VOLUME = {77},
639 NUMBER = {2},
640 PAGES = {257--286},
641 MONTH = {},
642 NOTE = {}
646 @Article{pla04,
647 author = "Pla, Ferran and Molina, Antonio",
648 title = "Improving part-of-speech tagging using lexicalized {HMM}s",
649 journal="Journal of Natural Language Engineering",
650 pages="167--189",
651 year="2004",
652 volume = {10},
653 number = {2},
654 month = {June}
657 @Misc{Unicode,
658 author = {},
659 title = "Unicode",
660 year = {},
661 note = "\texttt{}"
664 @InProceedings{corbi05,
665 author = { Corb{\'{\i}}-Bellot, Antonio M.
666 and Forcada, Mikel L.
667 and Ortiz-Rojas, Sergio
668 and P{\'{e}}rez-Ortiz, Juan Antonio
669 and Ram{\'{\i}}rez-S{\'{a}}nchez, Gema
670 and S{\'{a}}nchez-Mart{\'{\i}}nez, Felipe
671 and Alegria, I{\~{n}}aki
672 and Mayor, Aingeru
673 and Sarasola, Kepa},
674 title = {An open-source shallow-transfer machine translation engine for the
675 romance languages of {S}pain},
676 booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Associtation for Machine Translation 10th Annual
677 Conference},
678 year = 2005,
679 month = {May},
680 editor = {},
681 volume = {},
682 series = {},
683 pages = {79--86},
684 organization = {},
685 publisher = {},
686 location = {Budapest, Hungary}
689 @Book{ide00,
690 AUTHOR = "Ide, N.",
691 TITLE = "The XML Framework and Its Implications for the
692 Development of Natural Language Processing Tools",
693 booktitle = {Proceedings of the COLING Workshop on Using Toolsets and Architectures to Build NLP
694 Systems},
695 YEAR = "2000",
696 ADDRESS = "Luxembourg"
700 @Book{roche97,
701 AUTHOR = "Roche, E. and Schabes, Y.",
702 TITLE = "Introduction",
703 booktitle = {Finite-state language processing},
704 PUBLISHER = "MIT Press",
705 YEAR = "1997",
706 PAGES = "1-65",
707 ADDRESS = "Cambridge, Massachusetts"
710 @Article{ortiz05j,
711 author = {Sergio Ortiz-Rojas and Mikel L. Forcada and Gema Ramírez-Sánchez},
712 title = {Construcción y minimización eficiente de transductores de letras a partir de diccionarios con paradigmas},
713 journal = {Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural},
714 year = 2005,
715 number = 25,
716 pages = {51--57}