Minor translation
[apertium.git] / webspace / content / mk / whodevelopsit.html
1 <div id="main">
2 <h2>Кој го развива?</h2>
3 <p>The Apertium architecture is being developed by the <a href="http://transducens.dlsi.ua.es">Transducens</a> research group at the <a href="http://www.dlsi.ua.es">Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics</a> of the <a href="http://www.ua.es">Universitat d'Alacant</a>.
4 </p>
5 <p>Linguistic data for Apertium are being developed by Transducens</p>
6 <ul>
7 <li>Spanish–Catalan</li>
8 <li>Spanish–Portuguese</li>
9 <li>Catalan–French</li>
10 <li>Occitan–Catalan</li>
11 <li>English–Catalan</li>
12 </ul>
13 the <a href="http://webs.uvigo.es/sli/">Seminario de Lingüística Informática</a> of the <a href="http://www.uvigo.es/indice/index.gl.htm">Universidade de Vigo</a>
14 <ul>
15 <li>Spanish–Galician</li>
16 </ul>
17 and the <a href="http://www.iula.upf.edu/">Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada</a> of the <a href="http://www.upf.edu/">Universitat Pompeu Fabra</a> in Barcelona
18 <ul>
19 <li>Occitan–Catalan</li>
20 <li>English–Catalan</li>
21 <li>French–Catalan</li>
22 </ul>
24 <p><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=143781">Many other developers</a> are also generating <a href="http://ilazki.thinkgeek.co.uk/apertium/graph.svg">new pairs</a>. You can <a href="http://apertium.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/apertium/">browse the <acronym title="Subversion">SVN</acronym> repository</a> to see a snapshot of current development. Some activity can still be observed at <a href="http://apertium.cvs.sourceforge.net/apertium/">the old <acronym title="Concurrent Version System">CVS</acronym> repository</a>.
25 </p>
26 <p>Apertium welcomes new developers: if you think you can improve the engine or the tools, or develop linguistic data for us, do not hesitate to <a href="?id=contact">contact us</a>.
27 </p>
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