3 * This package needs lttoolbox-3.0 package installed in the
8 When building, this package generates the following modules:
10 * apertium-deshtml, apertium-desrtf, apertium-destxt
11 Deformatters for html, rtf and txt document formats.
13 * apertium-rehtml, apertium-rertf, apertium-retxt
14 Reformatters for html, rtf and txt document formats.
17 Tagger modules generator.
19 * apertium-gen-transfer
20 Transfer modules generator.
23 Translator program. Execute without parameters to see the usage.
27 1) Download the packages for lttoolbox-VERSION.tar.gz and
28 apertium-VERSION.tar.gz and linguistic data
30 2) Unpack lttoolbox and do ('#' means 'do that with root privileges'):
31 $ cd lttoolbox-VERSION
36 3) Unpack apertium and do:
42 4) Unpack linguistic data (LING_DATA_DIR) and do:
45 and wait for a while (minutes).
49 USAGE: apertium [-d datadir] [-f format] [-u] <translation> [in [out]]
50 -d datadir directory of linguistic data
51 -f format one of: txt (default), html, rtf
52 -u don't display marks '*' for unknown words
53 translation typically, LANG1-LANG2, but see modes.xml in language data
54 in input file (stdin by default)
55 out output file (stdout by default)
60 $ apertium es-ca txt <input >output