Finished vp8_sixtap_predict4x4_ssse3 function
[aom.git] /
1 #!/bin/sh
2 ##
3 ## Copyright (c) 2010 The VP8 project authors. All Rights Reserved.
4 ##
5 ## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
6 ## that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
7 ## tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
8 ## in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
9 ## be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
14 self=$0
16 for opt; do
17 case $opt in
18 --clean) clean=yes;;
19 -j*) jopt=$opt;;
20 *) echo "Unsupported option $opt"; exit 1;;
21 esac
22 done
24 TAB="$(printf '\t')"
25 cat > << EOF
26 %\$(BUILD_SFX).tar.bz2: %/.done
27 ${TAB}@echo "\$(subst .tar.bz2,,\$@): tarball"
28 ${TAB}@cd \$(dir \$<); tar -cf - \$(subst .tar.bz2,,\$@) | bzip2 > ../\$@
30 %\$(BUILD_SFX).zip: %/.done
31 ${TAB}@echo "\$(subst .zip,,\$@): zip"
32 ${TAB}@rm -f \$@; cd \$(dir \$<); zip -rq ../\$@ \$(subst .zip,,\$@)
34 logs/%\$(BUILD_SFX).log.bz2: %/.done
35 ${TAB}@echo "\$(subst .log.bz2,,\$(notdir \$@)): tarlog"
36 ${TAB}@mkdir -p logs
37 ${TAB}@cat \$< | bzip2 > \$@
39 %/.done:
40 ${TAB}@mkdir -p \$(dir \$@)
41 ${TAB}@echo "\$(dir \$@): configure \$(CONFIG_OPTS) \$(EXTRA_PATH)"
42 ${TAB}@cd \$(dir \$@); export PATH=\$\$PATH\$(EXTRA_PATH); ../\$(SRC_ROOT)/configure \$(CONFIG_OPTS) >makelog.txt 2>&1
43 ${TAB}@echo "\$(dir \$@): make"
44 ${TAB}@cd \$(dir \$@); PATH=\$\$PATH\$(EXTRA_PATH) \$(MAKE) >>makelog.txt 2>&1
45 ${TAB}@echo "\$(dir \$@): test install"
46 ${TAB}@cd \$(dir \$@); PATH=\$\$PATH\$(EXTRA_PATH) \$(MAKE) install >>makelog.txt 2>&1
47 ${TAB}@cd \$(dir \$@)/dist/build; PATH=\$\$PATH\$(EXTRA_PATH) \$(MAKE) >>makelog.txt 2>&1
48 ${TAB}@echo "\$(dir \$@): install"
49 ${TAB}@cd \$(dir \$@); PATH=\$\$PATH\$(EXTRA_PATH) \$(MAKE) install DIST_DIR=\$(TGT) >>makelog.txt 2>&1
50 ${TAB}@touch \$@
52 #include
53 EOF
55 #[ -f ] || \
56 # find ${self%/*} -name .git -prune -o -type f -print0 \
57 # | xargs -0 -n1 echo \
58 # | sed -e 's; ;\\ ;g' | awk '{print "$(TGT)/.done: "$0}' >
60 build_config_list() {
61 for codec in $CODEC_LIST; do
62 for arch in $ARCH_LIST; do
63 if [ -n "$OS_LIST" ]; then
64 for os in $OS_LIST; do
65 CONFIGS="$CONFIGS vpx-${codec}-${arch}-${os}"
66 done
67 else
68 CONFIGS="$CONFIGS vpx-${codec}-${arch}"
70 done
71 done
74 CODEC_LIST="vp8 vp8cx vp8dx"
75 case `uname` in
76 Linux*)
77 ARCH_LIST="x86 x86_64"
78 OS_LIST="linux"
79 build_config_list
80 ARCH_LIST="armv5te armv6 armv7"
81 OS_LIST="linux-gcc"
86 for vs in vs7 vs8; do
87 for arch in x86-win32 x86_64-win64; do
88 for msvcrt in md mt; do
89 case $vs,$arch in
90 vs7,x86_64-win64) continue ;;
91 esac
92 ARCH_LIST="$ARCH_LIST ${arch}${msvcrt}-${vs}"
93 done
94 done
95 done
97 Darwin*)
98 ARCH_LIST="universal"
99 OS_LIST="darwin8 darwin9"
101 sun_os*)
102 ARCH_LIST="x86 x86_64"
103 OS_LIST="solaris"
105 esac
106 build_config_list
108 TAR_SFX=${TAR_SFX:-.tar.bz2}
109 ARM_TOOLCHAIN=/usr/local/google/csl-2009q3-67
110 for cfg in $CONFIGS; do
111 full_cfg=$cfg
112 cfg=${cfg#vpx-}
113 opts=
114 rm -f makelog.txt
116 case $cfg in
117 src-*) opts="$opts --enable-codec-srcs"
118 cfg=${cfg#src-}
120 eval-*) opts="$opts --enable-eval-limit"
121 cfg=${cfg#src-}
123 esac
125 case $cfg in
127 # Linux
129 *x86-linux)
130 opts="$opts --target=x86-linux-gcc" ;;
131 *x86_64-linux)
132 opts="$opts --target=x86_64-linux-gcc" ;;
133 *arm*-linux-gcc)
134 armv=${cfg##*armv}
135 armv=${armv%%-*}
136 opts="$opts --target=armv${armv}-linux-gcc" ;;
137 *arm*-linux-rvct)
138 armv=${cfg##*armv}
139 armv=${armv%%-*}
140 opts="$opts --target=armv${armv}-linux-rvct"
141 opts="$opts --libc=${ARM_TOOLCHAIN}/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc" ;;
145 # Windows
147 # need --enable-debug-libs for now until we're smarter about
148 # building the debug/release from the customer installed
149 # environment
150 *-x86-win32*-vs*)
151 opts="$opts --target=x86-win32-vs${cfg##*-vs} --enable-debug-libs";;
152 *-x86_64-win64*-vs8)
153 opts="$opts --target=x86_64-win64-vs8 --enable-debug-libs" ;;
156 # Darwin
158 *-universal-darwin*)
159 opts="$opts --target=universal-darwin${cfg##*-darwin}-gcc" ;;
162 # Solaris
164 *x86-solaris)
165 opts="$opts --target=x86-solaris-gcc" ;;
166 *x86_64-solaris)
167 opts="$opts --target=x86_64-solaris-gcc" ;;
168 esac
170 case $cfg in
171 *x86-linux | *x86-solaris) opts="$opts --enable-pic" ;;
172 esac
174 case $cfg in
175 *-win[36][24]mt*) opts="$opts --enable-static-msvcrt" ;;
176 *-win[36][24]md*) opts="$opts --disable-static-msvcrt" ;;
177 esac
179 opts="$opts --disable-codecs"
180 case $cfg in
181 vp8*) opts="$opts --enable-vp8" ;;
182 esac
183 case $cfg in
184 *cx-*) opts="${opts}-encoder" ;;
185 *dx-*) opts="${opts}-decoder" ;;
186 esac
187 opts="$opts --enable-postproc"
189 [ "x${clean}" = "xyes" ] \
190 && rm -rf ${full_cfg}${BUILD_SFX}${TAR_SFX} \
191 && rm -rf logs/${full_cfg}${BUILD_SFX}.log.bz2
193 TGT=${full_cfg}${BUILD_SFX}
194 BUILD_TARGETS="logs/${TGT}.log.bz2 ${TGT}${TAR_SFX}"
195 echo "${BUILD_TARGETS}: CONFIG_OPTS=$opts" >>
196 echo "${BUILD_TARGETS}: TGT=${TGT}" >>
197 case $cfg in
198 *-arm*-linux-*)
199 echo "${BUILD_TARGETS}: EXTRA_PATH=:${ARM_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/" >> ;;
200 *-vs7)
201 echo "${BUILD_TARGETS}: EXTRA_PATH=:/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\ .NET\ 2003/Common7/IDE" >> ;;
202 *-vs8)
203 echo "${BUILD_TARGETS}: EXTRA_PATH=:/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\ 8/Common7/IDE" >> ;;
204 esac
205 MAKE_TGTS="$MAKE_TGTS ${TGT}${TAR_SFX} logs/${TGT}.log.bz2"
206 done
209 ${MAKE:-make} ${jopt:--j3} -f \