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[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # arguments can be package names: their versions are appended to each line, space separated
5 =head1 NAME
7 -
9 =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 =head1 OPTIONS
15 =over 8
17 =cut
20 my $optpod = <<'=back';
22 =item B<--bbc!>
24 Only output the history of projects that seem to be BBCs. NOTE DANGER:
25 demanding that 5.13 be among the testing perl versions. Option has a
26 Verfallsdatum.
28 =item B<--help|h!>
30 This help
32 =back
36 Read the local collection from the logfile from metabase, write one line per distro.
38 =head1 TODO
41 =head1 AUTHOR
43 =cut
45 use strict;
46 use Getopt::Long;
47 use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
49 use Sort::Versions;
50 use YAML::Syck ();
51 use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time);
53 my @opt = $optpod =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
54 our %Opt;
55 GetOptions
57 \%Opt,
58 @opt,
59 ) or pod2usage(1);
61 pod2usage(0) if $Opt{help};
63 my $storefile = "metabase-log.txt";
64 chdir "/home/k/sources/CPAN/andk-cpan-tools" or die;
65 open my $fh, $storefile or die;
66 # [2010-10-29T21:05:10Z] [Chris Williams (BINGOS)] [pass] [RIZEN/Chat-Envolve-0.0100.tar.gz] [i386-dragonfly-64int] [perl-v5.10.0] [373b43ee-e3a0-11df-9e2d-9e9e6e8696e0] [2010-10-29T21:05:10Z]
67 my @qr = (qr/\[([^\]]+)\]/) x 8;
68 local $" = " ";
69 my %H;
70 my $line = 0;
71 LINE: while (<$fh>) {
72 my($date,$tester,$result,$path,$arch,$perl,$uuid,$ts) = my @f = /@qr/ or next;
73 my $h = $H{$path}{history} ||= [];
74 $H{$path}{intro} ||= ++$line;
75 push @$h, {result => $result, ts => $ts, perl => $perl, tester => $tester};
77 my $boring = 0;
78 HISTORY: for my $path (sort { $H{$a}{intro} <=> $H{$b}{intro} } keys %H) {
79 my %S;
80 for my $rec (@{$H{$path}{history}}) {
81 my $result = $rec->{result};
82 next if $result =~ /^(na|unknown)$/;
83 $S{$result}++;
85 if (keys %S <= 1){
86 $boring++;
87 next HISTORY;
89 my $distroreport = "";
90 $distroreport .= sprintf "%s:\n", $path;
92 my $seen_fail = 0;
93 my $maybe_bbc = 1;
94 my $seen_513 = 0;
95 for my $rec (sort {versioncmp($a->{perl},$b->{perl}) || $b->{result} cmp $a->{result}} @{$H{$path}{history}}) {
96 next if $rec->{result} =~ /^(na|unknown)$/;
97 $distroreport .= sprintf " %-15s %s %s\n", @$rec{"perl","result","tester"};
98 $seen_fail = 1 if $rec->{result} eq "fail";
99 $maybe_bbc = 0 if $seen_fail && $rec->{result} eq "pass";
100 $seen_513 = 1 if $rec->{perl} =~ /5\.13\./;
102 if ($Opt{bbc}) {
103 if ($maybe_bbc && $seen_513) {
104 print $distroreport;
106 } else {
107 print $distroreport;
109 # , join(" ", map {$_->{result}} );
111 printf "(boring distros: %d)\n", $boring;