new tickets from slaven
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -l
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 8
19 =cut
21 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
23 =item B<--debug=s>
25 String can be C<reps>, nothing else. Note: the time estimation for
26 individual distros is buggy, don't trust them!
28 =item B<--help|h!>
30 This help
32 =item B<--tail=i>
34 Defaults to 20. Show only the last logfiles
36 Misnomer since the day we reversed the result of the glob.
38 =item B<--terse!>
40 Do not parse the whole files, just report the date and perl.
42 =back
46 Get some stats on a megalog file: seconds per process, total seconds,
47 number of lines, number of ticks.
49 Usually called from the cpanpm directory with
51 perl ~k/sources/CPAN/andk-cpan-tools/bin/ --tail=3
53 =head1 BUGS
55 The option --debug=reps does not reflect the stack of activities: if
56 Job A depends on B, then we measure ABBA: A-start, B-start, B-end,
57 A-end and the running time for A includes the running time for B in
58 the end.
60 =cut
63 use FindBin;
64 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
65 BEGIN {
66 push @INC, qw( );
69 use Dumpvalue;
70 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
71 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
72 use File::Spec;
73 use File::Temp;
74 use Getopt::Long;
75 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
76 use List::Util qw(max sum);
77 use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
79 our %Opt;
80 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=|!]+)/ } @opt;
81 GetOptions(\%Opt,
82 @opt,
83 ) or pod2usage(1);
84 if ($Opt{help}) {
85 pod2usage(0);
87 $Opt{tail} ||= 20;
89 my %F;
90 my @ml = glob("megalog-*.log");
91 if ($Opt{tail}) {
92 shift @ml while @ml > $Opt{tail};
94 for my $ml (reverse @ml) {
95 my $identitylinestyle = undef; # { " Building" => "cpanpm", "\e.+?\s\s" => "color" }
96 open my $fh, $ml or die "Could not open '$ml': $!";
97 my %seen;
98 my %S;
99 my %P; my $P = "00";
100 my $process_cnt;
101 my($date) = $ml =~ /megalog-(.+)\.log/;
102 $S{adate} = $date;
103 my $prev_0time = 0;
104 while (<$fh>) {
105 $S{blines}++ unless $Opt{terse};
106 my($reps);
107 if (!$S{aperl} and m!^perl\|->\s+.+?/
108 (?: perl | host/([^/]+) )
110 ( [^/]+ / [^/]+ )
111 /bin/perl
112 !x) {
113 if ($1) {
114 $S{aperl} = "$1/$2"; # the normal case
115 } else {
116 $S{aperl} = "k83/$2"; # rarely true
118 last if $Opt{terse};
119 } elsif (/=monitoring proc/) {
120 # ==========monitoring proc 18571 perl v5.15.6-585-gc6fb3f6/a2da secs 30001.0000=======
121 # $S{btix}++;
122 if (/=monitoring proc (\d+) perl\s+\S+\s+secs (\d+\.\d+)==/) {
123 my $process = $1;
124 my $time = $2;
125 if ($time < $prev_0time) {
126 $prev_0time = 0;
128 $process_cnt = $P{$process} ||= $P++;
129 $S{sprintf "p-%02d-0time", $process_cnt} = $time;
131 } elsif (/^\ Building .\/..\/(\S+)/) { # up to 2.xx
132 # Building S/SR/SRI/Mojolicious-3.18.tar.gz
133 my $what = $1;
134 $identitylinestyle ||= "cpanpm";
135 if ($identitylinestyle eq "cpanpm") {
136 $S{sprintf "p-%02d-3last", $process_cnt} = $what;
137 unless ( $seen{$what}++ ){
138 $S{sprintf "p-%02d-1reps", $process_cnt}++;
139 $reps = $what;
142 } elsif (m{^\e.+?\s\s([A-Z-0-9]+/\S+?)\e}) { # 2.03, but also before
143 # <ansicolor> TOKUHIROM/Test-Requires-0.07.tar.gz</ansicolor>
144 my $what = $1;
145 $identitylinestyle ||= "color";
146 if ($identitylinestyle eq "color") {
147 $S{sprintf "p-%02d-3last", $process_cnt} = $what;
148 unless ( $seen{$what}++ ){
149 $S{sprintf "p-%02d-1reps", $process_cnt}++;
150 $reps = $what;
154 if ($Opt{debug} && $Opt{debug} eq "reps" && $reps) {
155 my $this_0time = $S{"p-$process_cnt-0time"};
156 printf "# %s %5d %5d %s\n", $process_cnt, $this_0time, $this_0time-$prev_0time, $reps;
157 $prev_0time = $this_0time; # Buggy! do not rely on it. Does not reflect the stack of activities
160 unless ($Opt{terse}){
161 $S{totalsecs} = sum map { $S{$_} } grep { /^p-\d+-0time$/ } keys %S;
163 no warnings 'uninitialized';
164 print join " ",
165 map { $F{$_}=max($F{$_},length($S{$_}));
166 sprintf("%s=%*s", $_, $F{$_}, $S{$_}) }
167 sort grep { !/^p-/ } keys %S;
168 for my $kp ( "00"..$P ) {
169 last unless exists $S{"p-$kp-0time"};
170 $S{"p-$kp-2avg"} = sprintf "%.1f", $S{"p-$kp-1reps"} ? $S{"p-$kp-0time"}/$S{"p-$kp-1reps"} : 0;
171 printf " %s:", $kp;
172 for my $k (sort grep { /^p-$kp-/ } keys %S) {
173 my($kl) = $k =~ /.+-\d*(\w+)/;
174 my($v);
175 if ($kl eq "time") {
176 $v = sprintf "%d", $S{$k};
177 } else {
178 $v = $S{$k};
180 printf(" %s=%s", $kl, $v)
182 print "";
184 print "" unless $Opt{terse};
187 # Local Variables:
188 # mode: cperl
189 # cperl-indent-level: 4
190 # End: