Routinely eliminating annotations about probably outdated reports
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use Sys::Hostname;
4 die "not yet ported to ds8143" if hostname eq "ds8143";
6 # use 5.010;
7 use strict;
8 use warnings;
10 =head1 NAME
14 =head1 SYNOPSIS
18 =head1 OPTIONS
20 =over 8
22 =cut
24 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
26 =item B<--dir=s>
28 defaults to C</home/ftp/cpantesters/reports>
30 =item B<--help|h!>
32 This help
34 =item B<--interactive|i!>
36 Defaults to true. If set to false (--nointeractive or --noi), you can
37 remove hundreds of thousands of file without being asked a single
38 question.
40 =item B<--numversions=i>
42 Defaults to 2 which means look at the two most recent versions for
43 whatever we're doing. Everything older is discarded considered
44 outdated.
46 =back
50 Walk through all distro-directories we have and remove outdated ones.
52 Born as a copy of
54 =cut
57 use FindBin;
58 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
59 BEGIN {
60 push @INC, qw( );
63 use Dumpvalue;
64 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
65 use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree);
66 use File::Spec;
67 use File::Temp;
68 use Getopt::Long;
69 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
70 use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
71 use List::Util qw(first);
72 use Term::Prompt qw(prompt);
73 use Text::Format;
74 use YAML::Syck;
75 use version;
77 our %Opt;
78 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=!\|]+)/ } @opt;
79 GetOptions(\%Opt,
80 @opt,
81 ) or pod2usage(1);
82 $Opt{dir} ||= "/home/ftp/cpantesters/reports";
83 $Opt{interactive} = 1 unless defined $Opt{interactive};
84 $Opt{numversions} ||= 2;
86 opendir my $dh, $Opt{dir} or die;
87 my %S; # for the summary at the end
88 my $tf = Text::Format->new(firstIndent=>0);
89 $|=1;
90 LETTERDIR: for my $dirent (sort readdir $dh) { # A B C
91 next unless $dirent =~ /^[A-Za-z]$/;
92 opendir my $dh2, "$Opt{dir}/$dirent" or die;
93 my %vdistro;
94 DISTRO: for my $dirent2 (readdir $dh2) { # Dpchrist-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-1.015
95 next if $dirent2 =~ /^\.\.?$/;
96 my $vdistro = $dirent2;
97 my($distro,$version,$mod) = $vdistro =~ /(\S+)-(v?\d+(?:[\.\d]*[^-]*))(-(?:TRIAL|withoutworldwriteables|fix))?$/;
98 unless (defined $version) {
99 # Angel102
100 ($distro,$version) = $vdistro =~ /(\D+)(\d+)/;
102 unless (defined $version){
103 die "could not parse version from $vdistro";
105 $version=~s/[^\d\.]+$//;
106 1 while $version=~s/([\d\.])[^\d\.]+.*/$1/;
107 $version=~s/\.$//;
108 # print "DEBUG: parse version[$version] of distro[$distro](vdistro[$vdistro])\n";
109 my $numversion = eval {version->new($version)->numify};
110 if (not defined $numversion) {
111 die "ERROR: Could not parse version[$version] of distro[$distro](vdistro[$vdistro]): $@";
112 } elsif ($@) {
113 die "Panic: we have a \$\@[$@] but a numversion[$numversion] too";
115 $vdistro{$distro}{$numversion} = $vdistro;
117 for my $distro (keys %vdistro) {
118 my $v = $vdistro{$distro};
119 my @vdistros_sorted_by_version = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$v;
120 while (@vdistros_sorted_by_version > $Opt{numversions}) {
121 my $cldir = $v->{$vdistros_sorted_by_version[0]};
122 my $absdir = "$Opt{dir}/$dirent/$cldir";
123 opendir my $dh3, "$absdir/nntp-testers" or die "Could not open '$absdir/nntp-testers': $!";
124 my @cldirent = grep { /\.gz$/ } readdir $dh3;
125 my $report = sprintf
126 ("==> Having reports from
127 %d versions of
128 %s in directory
129 %s (%s). The oldest of those,
130 %s, has
131 %d reports\n\n",
132 scalar @vdistros_sorted_by_version,
133 $distro,
134 $cldir, join(",",@vdistros_sorted_by_version),
135 $vdistros_sorted_by_version[0],
136 scalar @cldirent,
138 print $tf->format($report);
139 my $answer;
140 if ($Opt{interactive}) {
141 $answer = lc prompt "x", "Shall I delete '$absdir'? (y/n/q)", "", "y";
142 } else {
143 $answer = 'y';
145 if ($answer eq "q") {
146 last LETTERDIR;
147 } elsif ($answer eq "n") {
148 } elsif ($answer eq "y") {
149 rmtree $absdir;
150 if ($Opt{interactive}) {
151 warn sprintf "Deleted %d reports.\n", scalar @cldirent;
154 shift @vdistros_sorted_by_version;
158 warn YAML::Syck::Dump \%S;
160 # Local Variables:
161 # mode: cperl
162 # cperl-indent-level: 4
163 # End: