WIP: be less chatty
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin / query-rt-group-by-requestor.pl
1 # see first posting http://use.perl.org/~LaPerla/journal/35252
2 # (Top rt.cpan.org requestors) (up to ticket 32022)
4 # second: http://use.perl.org/~LaPerla/journal/38195 (Who wrote all
5 # the RT tickets?) (up to ticket 42061)
7 =head1 NAME
9 query-rt-group-by-requestor -
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 2
19 =cut
21 my $optpod = <<'=back';
23 =item B<--fromdate=s>
25 No default. Try C<2009-01-01>
27 =item B<--todate=s>
29 No default. Try <2010-01-01>
31 =item B<--chunksize=i>
33 Default 396. We stop bothering rt.cpan.org after that many requests.
35 =item B<--help|h!>
37 TBD
39 =item B<--html!>
41 TBD
43 =item B<--inclself!>
45 defaults to 1, unreliable otherwise
47 =item B<--password=s>
49 TBD
51 =item B<--server=s>
53 TBD
55 =item B<--top=i>
57 TBD
59 =item B<--upto=i>
61 TBD
63 =item B<--username=s>
65 Defaults to C<ANDK>. Needs to be set to empty string if only
66 statistics are wanted. This can be done with
68 --username "" # not --username="" !
70 =item B<--withlastyear!>
72 TBD
74 =back
78 RT::Client::REST broke at some point in time and I posted a mostly
79 clueless patch that seemed to work. At least the progam did not die
80 immediately. The patch was integrated into 0.35 and soon after that
81 ticket 35146 was opened that reverted a part of my patch. (Sidenote:
82 The patch is posted reverse)
84 Now with that patch this program again died quickly with
86 HTTP::Message content must be bytes
88 So I decided to patch REST thusly:
90 --- /home/k/.cpan/build/RT-Client-REST-0.35-d_Mo_f/lib/RT/Client/REST.pm 2008-04-15 12:24:11.000000000 +0200
91 +++ /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/pVNtS9N/perl-5.8.0@32642/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/RT/Client/REST.pm 2008-05-01 09:27:13.000000000 +0200
92 @@ -496,7 +496,8 @@
93 # not sufficiently portable and uncomplicated.)
94 $res->code($1);
95 $res->message($2);
96 - $res->decoded_content($text);
97 + use Encode;
98 + $res->content(Encode::encode_utf8($text));
99 #$session->update($res) if ($res->is_success || $res->code != 401);
100 if ($res->header('set-cookie')) {
101 my $jar = HTTP::Cookies->new;
106 Of course this cannot be correct but for me it works right now quite
107 well but only because rt.cpan.org sends charset=utf-8 or so.
109 =cut
111 use strict;
112 use warnings;
114 use RT::Client::REST;
115 use Getopt::Long;
116 use List::Util qw(max);
117 use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
118 use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
119 use YAML::Syck;
121 warn "Working with version $RT::Client::REST::VERSION";
123 # XXX yes, it's a stupid setup that requires an argument to
124 # (logically) boolean options
125 my %Config = (
126 fromdate => "", # "2009-01-01",
127 todate => "", # "2010-01-01",
128 chunksize => 396,
129 html => 0,
130 inclself => 1, # setting to 0 not reliable
131 password => '',
132 server => 'https://rt.cpan.org',
133 top => 70,
134 upto => 0, # allows recalc against a point in the past
135 username => 'ANDK',
136 withlastyear => 0, # well, hardcoded 2007; probably a crappy idea
139 my @opt = $optpod =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
140 GetOptions(\my %config, @opt) or pod2usage(2);
141 if ($config{help}) {
142 pod2usage(0);
144 while (my($k,$v) = each %config) {
145 $Config{$k} = $v;
148 my $yaml_db_file = "$ENV{HOME}/sources/CPAN/data/query-rt-group-by-requestor.yml";
149 my $ALL;
150 if (-e $yaml_db_file) {
151 warn "Loading yaml file '$yaml_db_file'";
152 $ALL = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($yaml_db_file);
153 } else {
154 warn "WARNING: yaml file '$yaml_db_file' not found!!!";
155 sleep 3;
156 $ALL = {};
158 my $curmax = max keys %{$ALL->{tickets} || {}};
159 $curmax ||= 0;
160 print "highest registered ticket number ATM: $curmax\n";
161 $curmax ||= 1;
162 FINDHOLES: for (my $i = 1; $i <= $curmax; $i++) {
163 if (exists $ALL->{tickets}{$i}) {
164 } else {
165 $curmax = $i;
166 last FINDHOLES;
169 print "Max after findholes: $curmax\n";
170 TRIM: for (my $i = $curmax;;$i--) {
171 my $ticket = $ALL->{tickets}{$i};
172 $curmax = $i;
173 if (keys %$ticket) {
174 last;
175 } else {
176 delete $ALL->{tickets}{$i};
179 print "Max after trim: $curmax\n";
181 my $nextmax = $curmax + $Config{chunksize};
183 my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new(
184 server => $Config{server},
185 timeout => 300
188 if ($Config{username} && !$Config{password}) {
189 use Term::ReadKey;
190 local $|=1;
191 print "Please enter the password of user '$Config{username}': ";
192 ReadMode "noecho"; # Turn off controls keys
193 my $pw = ReadLine;
194 print "\n";
195 ReadMode 0; # Reset tty mode before exiting
196 $Config{password} = $pw;
198 if ($Config{username} && $Config{password}) {
199 eval { $rt->login( username => $Config{username}, password => $Config{password} ); };
200 die "Alert: Problem logging in: '$@'" if $@;
202 my @ids;
203 eval {
204 @ids = $rt->search(
205 type => 'ticket',
206 query => qq[(Id >= $curmax and Id <= $nextmax)],
209 die "search failed: $@" if $@;
211 my %ids;
212 @ids{@ids} = ();
213 $|=1;
214 my $maxid = max @ids;
215 print "filling $curmax..$maxid\n";
216 ID: for my $id ($curmax..$maxid) {
217 my $feedback;
218 if ($ALL->{tickets}{$id}){
219 $feedback = "E"; # existed before
220 } else {
221 if (exists $ids{$id}) {
222 } elsif (keys %ids) {
223 } else {
224 print "\nStopping at $id.\n";
225 last ID;
227 my $ticket;
228 if (exists $ids{$id}) {
229 $ticket = eval { $rt->show(type => 'ticket', id => $id) };
230 if (!$ticket || $@) {
231 warn "Emergency-saving YAML";
232 YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$yaml_db_file.new", $ALL);
233 rename "$yaml_db_file.new", $yaml_db_file;
234 die $@;
236 } else {
237 $ticket = {};
239 if (keys %$ticket) {
240 $feedback = "w"; # wrote something interesting
241 } else {
242 $feedback = "e"; # empty
244 $ALL->{tickets}{$id} = $ticket;
246 print $feedback;
247 delete $ids{$id};
248 unless ($id % 37){
249 print "z";
250 YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$yaml_db_file.new", $ALL);
251 rename "$yaml_db_file.new", $yaml_db_file;
252 sleep 3;
255 YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$yaml_db_file.new", $ALL);
256 rename "$yaml_db_file.new", $yaml_db_file;
257 print "filled\n";
260 sub who {
261 my($v) = @_;
262 my $who = $v->{Requestors} || $v->{Creator};
263 return "" unless $who;
264 if ($who =~ s/\@cpan\.org(,.*)?$//) {
265 $who = uc $who;
267 my %alias = map { s/~A~/@/r } (
269 'Marek.Rouchal~A~gmx.net' => 'MAREKR',
270 'marek.rouchal~A~infineon.com' => 'MAREKR',
271 'aaron~A~FreeBSD.org' => 'ACDALTON',
272 'acferen~A~yahoo.com' => 'Andrew Feren',
273 'agentzh~A~gmail.com' => 'AGENT',
274 'alexchorny~A~gmail.com' => 'CHORNY',
275 'andreas.koenig~A~anima.de' => 'ANDK',
276 'andrey~A~kostenko.name' => 'GUGU',
277 'andy~A~petdance.com' => 'PETDANCE',
278 'a.r.ferreira~A~gmail.com' => 'FERREIRA',
279 'ask~A~develooper.com' => 'ABH',
280 'at~A~altlinux.org' => 'ATOURBIN',
281 'at~A~altlinux.ru' => 'ATOURBIN',
282 'audreyt~A~audreyt.org' => 'AUDREYT',
283 'autrijus~A~autrijus.org' => 'AUDREYT',
284 'barbie~A~missbarbell.co.uk' => 'BARBIE',
285 'blair~A~orcaware.com' => 'BZAJAC',
286 'bobtfish~A~bobtfish.net' => 'BOBTFISH',
287 'chad.a.davis~A~gmail.com' => 'CADAVIS',
288 'chris~A~clotho.com' => 'CLOTHO',
289 'corion~A~corion.net' => 'CORION',
290 'cpan~A~ali.as' => 'ADAMK',
291 'cpan~A~audreyt.org' => 'AUDREYT',
292 'cpan~A~chrisdolan.net' => 'CDOLAN',
293 'cpan~A~clotho.com' => 'CLOTHO',
294 'cpan~A~pjedwards.co.uk' => 'STIGPJE',
295 'ddascalescu+perl~A~gmail.com' => 'DANDV',
296 'dan.horne~A~redbone.co.nz' => 'DHORNE',
297 'davem~A~iabyn.com' => 'DAVEM',
298 'david~A~davidfavor.com' => 'David Favor',
299 'david~A~landgren.net' => 'DLAND',
300 'david.tulloh~A~AirservicesAustralia.com' => 'LORDLOD',
301 'dha~A~panix.com' => 'DHA',
302 'dmacks~A~netspace.org' => 'DMACKS',
303 'florent.angly~A~gmail.com' => 'FANGLY',
304 'felix.ostmann~A~thewar.de' => 'SADRAK',
305 'frank.wiegand~A~gmail.com' => 'FWIE',
306 'gbarr~A~pobox.com' => 'GBARR',
307 'gregoa~A~debian.org' => 'GREGOA',
308 'he~A~NetBSD.org' => 'Havard Eidnes',
309 'imacat~A~mail.imacat.idv.tw' => 'IMACAT',
310 'ivorw-cpan~A~xemaps.com' => 'IVORW',
311 'jdhedden~A~1979.usna.com' => 'JDHEDDEN',
312 'jesse~A~bestpractical.com' => 'JESSE',
313 'jesse~A~fsck.com' => 'JESSE',
314 'jhi~A~iki.fi' => 'JHI',
315 'jozef~A~kutej.net' => 'JKUTEJ',
316 'julian~A~mehnle.net' => 'JMEHNLE',
317 'kmx~A~volny.cz' => 'KMX',
318 'leon~A~astray.com' => 'LBROCARD',
319 'leonerd-cpan~A~leonerd.org.uk' => 'LEONERD',
320 'livingcosmos~A~gmail.com' => 'TBONE', # http://www.livingcosmos.org/about/
321 'malmberg~A~Encompasserve.org' => 'John Malmberg',
322 'mark~A~summersault.com' => 'MARKSTOS',
323 'mark~A~twoshortplanks.com' => 'MARKF',
324 'matthew~A~mdarwin.ca' => 'MDARWIN',
325 'merlyn~A~stonehenge.com' => 'MERLYN',
326 'mnodine~A~alum.mit.edu' => 'NODINE',
327 'm.nooning~A~comcast.net' => 'MNOONING',
328 'mst~A~shadowcat.co.uk' => 'MSTROUT',
329 'mstevens~A~etla.org' => 'MSTEVENS',
330 'nadim~A~khemir.net' => 'NKH',
331 'nick~A~ccl4.org' => 'NWCLARK',
332 'nigel.metheringham~A~Dev.intechnology.co.uk' => 'NIGELM',
333 'njh~A~bandsman.co.uk' => 'NJH',
334 'njh~A~ecs.soton.ac.uk' => 'NJH',
335 'nospam-abuse~A~bloodgate.com' => 'TELS',
336 'ntyni~A~iki.fi' => 'Niko Tyni',
337 'nothingmuch~A~woobling.org' => 'NUFFIN',
338 'otto.hirr~A~olabinc.com' => 'OTTO',
339 'perl-rt~A~misterwhipple.com' => 'MRWHIPPLE',
340 'perl~A~evancarroll.com' => 'ECARROLL',
341 'pjacklam~A~online.no' => 'PJACKLAM',
342 'rafl~A~debian.org' => 'FLORA',
343 'rcaputo~A~pobox.com' => 'RCAPUTO',
344 'ron~A~savage.net.au' => 'RSAVAGE',
345 'rurban~A~x-ray.at' => 'RURBAN',
346 'salvatore.bonaccorso~A~gmail.com' => 'Salvatore Bonaccorso',
347 'sartak~A~gmail.com' => 'SARTAK',
348 'shlomif~A~iglu.org.il' => 'SHLOMIF',
349 'schmorp~A~schmorp.de' => 'MLEHMANN',
350 'schwern~A~pobox.com' => 'MSCHWERN',
351 'schwern~A~bestpractical.com' => 'MSCHWERN',
352 'slaven~A~rezic.de' => 'SREZIC',
353 'slaven~A~cpan' => 'SREZIC',
354 'slaven.rezic~A~berlin.de' => 'SREZIC',
355 'steve.hay~A~uk.radan.com' => 'SHAY',
356 'steve~A~fisharerojo.org' => 'SMPETERS',
357 'steven~A~knowmad.com' => 'WMCKEE',
358 'stro~A~railways.dp.ua' => 'STRO',
359 'taro.nishino~A~gmail.com' => 'TNISHINO',
360 'mail~A~tobyinkster.co.uk' => 'TOBYINK',
361 'todd.e.rinaldo~A~jpmorgan.com'=> 'TODDR',
362 'toddr~A~null.net' => 'TODDR',
363 'tokuhirom+cpan~A~gmail.com' => 'TOKUHIROM',
364 'tony~A~develop-help.com' => 'TONYC',
365 # JKEGL is it in https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=46925
366 'user42~A~zip.com.au', => 'JKEGL', # why did I believe 'KRYDE',?
367 'ville.skytta~A~iki.fi' => 'SCOP',
368 'wb8tyw~A~gmail.com' => 'John Malmberg',
369 'william~A~knowmad.com' => 'WMCKEE',
370 'xdaveg~A~gmail.com' => 'DAGOLDEN',
371 'xenoterracide~A~gmail.com' => 'XENO',
372 'zefram~A~fysh.org' => 'ZEFRAM',
373 'cpan~A~zoffix.com' => 'ZOFFIX',
375 $who = $alias{$who} || $who;
376 if ($Config{inclself}) {
377 # fall through
378 } else {
379 if ($who && $v->{Owner} && $who eq $v->{Owner}) {
380 return;
382 if ($who eq "TONYC" and $v->{Queue} eq "Imager") {
383 # too many tickets never get an owner, so inclself should stay
384 # default until we know how to reliably identify tickets to self
385 return;
388 return $who;
391 sub users_2007 {
392 my $postedlist = <<'EOL';
393 1: guest 486
394 2: SREZIC 393
395 3: MSCHWERN 385
396 4: ANDK 347
397 5: ADAMK 317
398 6: MARKSTOS 304
399 7: CHORNY 248
400 8: RRWO 205
401 9: WMCKEE 161
402 10: SMPETERS 136
403 11: TONYC 132
404 12: LGODDARD 129
405 13: CDOLAN 117
406 14: JDHEDDEN 114
407 15: RCAPUTO 110
408 16: RJBS 101
409 17: MAREKR 101
410 18: MTHURN 98
411 19: ATOURBIN 85
412 20: PETDANCE 84
413 21: SAPER 79
414 22: BARBIE 72
415 23: JESSE 71
416 24: NKH 62
417 25: IMACAT 60
418 26: CORION 60
419 27: ACDALTON 59
420 28: DAGOLDEN 58
421 29: CLOTHO 57
422 30: RSAVAGE 57
423 31: MERLYN 52
424 32: HANENKAMP 51
425 33: Niko Tyni 51
426 34: TELS 49
427 35: LTHEGLER 47
428 36: MARKF 47
429 37: PODMASTER 47
430 38: JPIERCE 47
431 39: GROUSSE 46
432 40: BZAJAC 46
433 41: KANE 44
434 42: JONASBN 44
435 43: STENNIE 43
436 44: SPOON 43
437 45: MUENALAN 41
438 46: JJORE 41
439 47: RURBAN 40
440 48: SHLOMIF 37
441 49: JOHANL 36
442 50: dsteinbrunner@pobox.com 36
443 51: SHAY 36
444 52: DLAND 36
445 53: IVORW 35
446 54: mcummings@gentoo.org 34
447 55: FERREIRA 34
448 56: NUFFIN 34
449 57: NIKC 33
450 58: STIGPJE 33
451 59: arnaud@underlands.org 33
452 60: MSTEVENS 32
453 61: DHA 31
454 62: ABH 31
455 63: NJH 31
456 64: SCOP 30
457 65: KWILLIAMS 30
458 66: STRO 30
459 67: SMYLERS 30
460 68: perl@infotrope.net 29
461 69: DHORNE 29
462 70: dave@riverside-cms.co.uk 28
463 71: SMUELLER 28
464 72: dhoworth@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk 27
465 73: ISHIGAKI 27
466 74: JKEENAN 26
467 75: JMEHNLE 26
468 76: DMUEY 26
469 77: tom@eborcom.com 25
470 78: cpan@fireartist.com 25
471 79: JROCKWAY 25
472 80: NODINE 25
473 81: DMITRI 24
474 82: JHI 24
475 83: RENEEB 24
476 84: jpo@di.uminho.pt 24
477 85: DOM 24
478 86: cweyl@alumni.drew.edu 24
479 87: BOOK 23
480 88: OVID 23
481 89: DAXIM 22
482 90: tony@develop-help.com 22
483 91: THALJEF 22
484 92: CNANDOR 21
485 93: GHENRY 21
486 94: CLACO 21
487 95: perl@crystalflame.net 21
488 96: YANICK 21
489 97: m.romani@spinsoft.it 21
490 98: MARKOV 20
491 99: DJERIUS 20
492 100: LEIRA 20
495 my %p;
496 for my $line (split /\n/, $postedlist) {
497 my($pos,$name,$count) = $line =~ /(\d+):\s(\S.+\S)\s+(\d+)$/;
498 $p{$name} = { pos => $pos, count => $count };
500 return \%p;
503 keys %{$ALL->{tickets}}; # reset iterator
504 my %S;
505 TICKET: while (my($k,$v) = each %{$ALL->{tickets}}) {
506 if (my $upto = $Config{upto}) {
507 next TICKET if $k > $upto;
509 my $fromdate = $Config{fromdate};
510 my $todate = $config{todate};
511 if ($fromdate or $todate) {
512 my $date = $v->{Created} or next TICKET;
513 my $dt;
514 DATEFMT: for my $pat (
515 "%a %b %d %T %Y", # Sun Sep 28 12:23:12 2008
516 "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z", # Sun, 28 Sep 2008 12:23:12 +0100
517 "%b %d, %Y %R", # July 10,...
518 "%b %d, %Y %R", # July 4,...
519 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", # 2010-01-20 20:40:53 for ticket 53865
521 $dt = eval {
522 my $p = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new
524 locale => "en",
525 time_zone => "UTC",
526 pattern => $pat,
528 $p->parse_datetime($date)
530 last DATEFMT if $dt;
532 unless ($dt) {
533 die "Could not parse date[$date] for ticket $k";
535 if ($fromdate and $dt->datetime lt $fromdate
536 or $todate and $dt->datetime ge $todate) {
537 next TICKET;
540 my $who = who($v);
541 next TICKET unless $who;
542 $S{$who}++;
544 my $top = 1;
545 printf "%s\n", $Config{html} ? "<dl>" : "";
546 my $longestname = 0;
547 my $showtop = $Config{top} || 40;
548 for my $k (sort {$S{$b} <=> $S{$a}} keys %S) {
549 $longestname = length $k if length $k > $longestname;
550 last if $top >= $showtop;
551 $top++;
553 $top = 1;
554 my $p;
555 my $sprintf = "%s%2s: %-".$longestname."s %4d%s\n";
556 if ($Config{withlastyear}) {
557 $sprintf = "%s%2s: %-".$longestname."s %4d (%2s) %3s%s\n";
558 $p = users_2007();
560 my $last_score = 0;
561 for my $k (sort {$S{$b} <=> $S{$a}} keys %S) {
562 my $score = $S{$k};
563 my $top_or_empty = $score == $last_score ? "" : $top;
564 my $x = sprintf
566 $sprintf,
567 $Config{html} ? "<code>" : " ",
568 $top_or_empty,
570 $score,
571 $p ? ( $p->{$k}{pos} || "-", $p->{$k}{pos} ? $S{$k}-$p->{$k}{count} : "-") : (),
572 $Config{html} ? "</code><br/>" : "",
574 $x =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g if $Config{html};
575 print $x;
576 last if $top >= $showtop;
577 $top++;
578 $last_score = $score;
580 printf "%s\n", $Config{html} ? "</dl>" : "";
582 # Local Variables:
583 # mode: cperl
584 # cperl-indent-level: 2
585 # End: