new ticket from slaven
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 file
15 eg: perl ~k/sources/CPAN/andk-cpan-tools/bin/ --html megalog-2012-04-24T21:44:13.log
17 =head1 OPTIONS
19 =over 8
21 =cut
23 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
25 =item B<--help|h!>
27 This help
29 =item B<--html!>
31 Do not produce XML but additional stuff so we get XHTML
33 =back
37 ALERT: program does not work anymore. Bitrot. Missing comments in the
38 code make it hard to understand why it worked. See
39 /home/sand-legacy/andk-cpan-tools.localdisk-deprecated/logs/megainstall.20090215T0811.out
40 for possibly the youngest left over megainstall file with accompanying
41 directory of XML results.
43 The two versions and were
44 written at the time of the megainstall target. This
45 is a reincarnation because our megalog files are
46 nearly identical to the megainstall files. It now has a manpapage and
47 we want to add options instead of writing more and more variations. We
48 have turned on warnings because it was not really hard to do and maybe
49 it helps us to understand better what we're doing.
51 The bad things that can happen:
53 (1) too many lines left over in residuum.yml. Why is there a
54 SPURKIS!accessors-1.01.xml that does not start with 'Running
55 install...'?
57 (2) two things in one: why is there so much about CSS-DOM and
58 HTML-Encoding within SPROUT!HTML-DOM-0.053.html?
60 =head1 SEE ALSO
64 =cut
67 use FindBin;
68 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
69 BEGIN {
70 push @INC, qw( );
73 use Dumpvalue;
74 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
75 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
76 use File::Spec;
77 use File::Temp;
78 use Getopt::Long;
79 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
81 our %Opt;
82 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=\|\!]+)/ } @opt;
83 GetOptions(\%Opt,
84 @opt,
85 ) or pod2usage(1);
86 if ($Opt{help}) {
87 pod2usage(1);
90 # translating
91 #!/usr/bin/perl -0777 -nl
92 my $parsefile = shift or pod2usage(1);
94 use Encode qw(decode);
95 use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
96 use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time);
97 use YAML::Syck;
99 our $VERIFY_XML = 0;
100 if ($VERIFY_XML) {
101 require XML::LibXML;
102 our $p = XML::LibXML->new;
104 $_ = do { open my $fh, $parsefile or die "Could not open '$parsefile': $!"; local $/; <$fh> };
105 chomp;
106 our $start = time;
107 our($perl) = m!perl\|\-\>\s(/home\S+/installed-perls/(?:.*?)/bin/perl)\s!;
108 unless ($perl) {
109 die "ALERT: Could not find a valid path to a perl in '$parsefile', maybe remove this irritating file";
111 our($perl_path) = eval { dirname(dirname($perl)) };
112 if (!$perl_path || $@) {
113 die "ALERT: problem on dirname during '$parsefile': perl => '$perl': $@";
115 our $outdir = $parsefile or die "not true '$parsefile': $!";
116 warn "Converting '$outdir'\n";
117 $outdir =~ s/.(out|log)$/.d/ or die "...";
118 mkpath $outdir;
119 our $exte = $Opt{html} ? ".html" : ".xml";
120 my $have_warned = {};
122 sub mystore ($$$$){
123 my($shortdistro,$log,$ok,$seq) = @_;
124 my $outfile = $shortdistro;
125 $outfile =~ s!\.(tar.gz|tgz|tar.bz2|tbz|zip)?$!$exte!;
126 $outfile =~ s|$|$exte| unless $outfile =~ /\Q$exte\E$/;
127 $outfile =~ s|/|!|g;
128 $outfile =~ s|^|$outdir/|;
129 # megalog-2012-04-08T09:37:22.log
130 my($time) = $outdir =~ /(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/;
131 open my $fh, ">:utf8", $outfile or die "Could not open > '$outfile': $!";
132 my $i = 0;
133 $ok = "COULD_NOT_PARSE" unless defined $ok;
134 ESTRING: for ($time,$perl_path,$shortdistro,$ok) {
135 $i++;
136 unless (defined) {
137 warn "undefined something during shortdistro=$shortdistro,ok=$ok,seq=$seq,i=$i";
138 next ESTRING;
140 s!\&!\&amp;!g;
141 s!"!&quot;!g;
142 s!<!&lt;!g;
143 s!>!&gt;!g;
145 my $ulog = eval { require Encode::Detect; decode("Detect",$log) };
146 if ($@) {
147 unless ($have_warned->{Detect}++) {
148 warn "error during decode/detect: $@";
149 warn "during shortdistro=$shortdistro,ok=$ok,seq=$seq,i=$i";
151 $ulog = $log;
153 my $dumper = Dumpvalue->new(unctrl => "unctrl");
154 $ulog =~ s/([\x00-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f])/ $dumper->stringify($1,1) /ge;
155 $ulog =~ s|^</span>||;
156 $ulog .= q|</span>| if $ulog =~ /<span[^<>]+>[^<]+$/;
157 if ($Opt{html}) {
158 $ulog = qq{<html xmlns=""><head><title>$shortdistro</title></head><body>
159 <h2>Time: $time</h2>
160 <h2>Perl: $perl_path</h2>
161 <h2>Distro: $shortdistro</h2>
162 <h2>Status: $ok</h2>
163 <h2>Seq: $seq</h2>
164 <pre style="font-size: x-large;"><b>$ulog</b></pre>
165 </body></html>};
166 } else {
167 $ulog = qq{<distro time="$time" perl="$perl_path" distro="$shortdistro" ok="$ok" seq="$seq">$ulog</distro>\n};
169 if ($VERIFY_XML) {
170 our $p;
171 die "cannot parse '$shortdistro': [$ulog]" unless eval { $p->parse_string($ulog); 1 };
173 print $fh $ulog;
174 close $fh or die "Could not close '$outfile': $!";
175 sleep 1/96;
178 sub measure ($) {
179 warn sprintf "[%s] since last measure[%.4f]\n", shift, time - $start;
180 $start = time;
183 # the first part is a duplication of which I
184 # wrote for my Munich talk:
186 s/={10}monitoring proc \d+ perl \S+ secs [0-9\.]+={7}\n//g;
187 my%h=("&"=>"&amp;",q!"!=>"&quot;","<"=>"&lt;",">"=>"&gt;");
188 s/([&"<>])/$h{$1}/g;
189 measure("&\"<>");
190 s!\e\[1;3[45](?:;\d+)?m(.*?)\e\[0m!<span style="color: blue">$1</span>!sg;
191 measure("blue");
192 s!\e\[1;31(?:;\d+)?m(.*?)\e\[0m!<span style="color: red">$1</span>!sg;
193 measure("red");
194 #s!\n!<br/>\n!g;
195 s!\r\n!\n!g;
196 measure("CRLF");
198 our $HTMLSPANSTUFF = qr/(?:<[^<>]+>)*/;
200 my @lines = split /\n/, $_;
201 measure("split");
202 my %seq; # $seq{$shortdistro} = [];
203 my @longdistro;
204 my @shortdistro;
205 my @leader;
206 my $invalid;
207 my $i = 0;
208 LINE: while (defined($_ = shift @lines)) {
209 s!.+?\r!!g;
210 # $DB::single = /WWW-Sitemapper-1.110340/;
211 if (0) {
212 } elsif (/
213 >\S+\Q is up to date \E\(
214 /x) {
215 # lines we ignore.
216 next LINE;
217 } elsif (/
218 \Q>Running install for module '\E
220 \QWARNING: This key\E
222 \QSignature for \E
224 \QPrimary key fingerprint: \E
226 \QD i s t r o P r e f s\E
228 \Q\.yml\[\d+\]\E
229 /x) {
230 push @leader, $_;
231 next LINE;
232 } elsif (
233 m!<span[^<>]+>
235 Running\s(?:make|Build)\sfor\s(.+)
237 Checksum\sfor\s(.+)\sok
239 </span>
242 # lines where we say they introduce a new block and we expect
243 # the following lines all to belong to this distro.
244 # $DB::single=1;
245 my $d = $1 || $2;
246 $d =~ s|^.+/id/([A-Z]/[A-Z][A-Z]/)|$1|;
247 if (!@longdistro or $d ne $longdistro[-1]) {
248 push @longdistro, $d;
249 $d =~ s|^[A-Z]/[A-Z][A-Z]/||;
250 push @shortdistro, $d;
251 $seq{$shortdistro[-1]} ||= [];
253 if (@leader) {
254 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, @leader;
255 @leader = ();
257 } elsif (@shortdistro and m|[ ]{2}\Q$shortdistro[-1]\E| and !m|----\s.+\s----|) {
258 #### $DB::single = $shortdistro[-1] eq "JILLROWE/Runner-Init-2.23.tar.gz";
259 # this may be the end of the block
260 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, $_;
261 my $end = 0;
262 my $ok;
263 if ($lines[0] =~ /[ ]{2}.+[ ]install[ ].*?--\s+((?:NOT\s)?OK|NA)/) {
264 $ok = $1;
265 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
266 $end = 1;
267 } elsif ($lines[0] =~ /[ ]{2}(.+)\s+--\s+((?:NOT\s)?OK|NA)/) {
268 my $command = $1;
269 $ok = $2;
270 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
271 if ( $ok =~ /\bNOT\b/
272 and $command =~ /\b(?:make|Build|(?:Build|Makefile)\.PL|test)$/) {
273 if ($invalid) {
274 $ok = "DEPEFAIL";
276 $end = 1;
278 if ($lines[0] =~ /\bPrepending\b.*\bPERL5LIB\b/) {
279 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
281 if ($lines[0] =~ />Running.*test/
282 && $lines[1] =~ />[ ]{2}/) {
283 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
284 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
285 $end=1;
287 if ($lines[0] =~ />Running.*install/
288 && $lines[1] =~ />[ ]{2}/) {
289 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
290 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
291 $end=1;
293 if ($lines[0] =~ />\/\/hint\/\//) {
294 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
295 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines while $lines[0] =~ /^\s/;
296 $end=1;
298 } elsif ($lines[0] =~ /Already done|Won't repeat unsuccessful test|Tests succeeded but|one dependency not OK|\d+ dependencies missing/) {
299 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, shift @lines;
300 $ok = "DEPEFAIL";
301 $end=1;
303 if ($end) {
304 # if we reached the end of one distro we pop this one off the
305 # end of the "stack" of distros we have seen starting.
306 $i++;
307 unless ($i % 500){
308 measure($i);
310 my $log = join "", map { "$_\n" } @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}};
311 mystore($shortdistro[-1],$log,$ok,$i);
312 $invalid = undef;
313 delete $seq{$shortdistro[-1]};
314 pop @longdistro;
315 pop @shortdistro;
317 next LINE;
318 } elsif (/CPAN::Reporter: test results were not valid, Prerequisite missing:|Warning: Prerequisite.*failed when processing/) {
319 $invalid = 1;
321 # every line can be collected under the name of the last distro we
322 # have identified. Before the first one we have nothing to collect
323 if (@shortdistro) {
324 push @{$seq{$shortdistro[-1]}}, $_;
326 } # while @lines
327 # The residuum is a hash of distros we did not see finishing.
328 # Usually this means they failed early or horribly
329 my $residuumi = 0;
330 for my $k (keys %seq) {
331 $i++;
332 $residuumi++;
333 my $log = join "", map { "$_\n" } @{$seq{$k}};
334 mystore($k,$log,"RESIDUUM",$i);
335 delete $seq{$k};
337 measure($i);
338 #open my $rfh, ">", "$outdir/residuum.yml" or die;
339 #print $rfh YAML::Syck::Dump(\%seq);
340 #close $rfh or die;
341 warn "wrote a total of $i reports (among which $residuumi in state RESIDUUM)";
344 if (-e $perl) {
345 local $@;
346 eval {
347 open my $fh, ">", "$outdir/perl-V.txt" or die "Could not open >$outdir/perl-V.txt: $!";
348 open my $pfh, "-|", $perl, "-V" or die "cannot fork: $!";
349 while (<$pfh>) {
350 print $fh $_;
352 close $pfh or die "perl died during -V";
353 close $fh or die "could not write '$outdir/perl-V.txt': $!";
355 if ($@) {
356 warn "Error while trying to run -V: '$@'";
360 __END__
363 # Local Variables:
364 # mode: cperl
365 # cperl-indent-level: 2
366 # End: