old ticket from slaven
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin / installed-perls-overview.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # arguments can be package names: their versions are appended to each line, space separated
5 =head1 NAME
7 ....pl -
9 =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 =head1 OPTIONS
15 =over 8
17 =cut
20 my $optpod = <<'=back';
22 =item B<--eval=s>
24 TBD: Code to eval and print the output.
26 =item B<--help|h!>
28 This help
30 =item B<--hostname=s>
32 when determining the config file, use this hostname.
34 =item B<--max=i>
36 stop output after that many perls
38 =item B<--maxperl=s>
40 skip perls above
42 =item B<--minperl=s>
44 skip perls below
46 =item B<--show=s@>
48 Config attributes to be included in the table. Defaults to
49 C<useithreads>, C<uselongdouble>, and C<config_args~EBUGGING=both>.
51 Config attributes are mostly reported with their own value with two
52 exceptions:
54 define becomes D
55 undef becomes u
57 If the expression contains a tilde, it's a primitive matching. RTFS.
59 =item B<--sprintfwidth|w=i>
61 Width reserved for the versions. Defaults to 8. If there is one
62 spielverderber with a version number of 20110324.1600_001, you can set
63 it to 17 to get the columns aligned.
65 =item B<--verbose!>
67 Include the module names in the output
69 =back
73 Lookss which perls we have in
74 C</home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/> and reports
75 about the two significant directory levels in their paths, ordered
76 according to perl's git conventions, e.g.:
78 v5.17.7.0-15-ge2beedf/a2da
79 v5.17.7.0-15-ge2beedf/9980
80 v5.17.7.0-15-ge2beedf/127ecf
81 v5.17.7.0-15-ge2beedf/127ec
82 v5.17.7.0-15-ge2beedf/127e
83 v5.17.6-424-ge2beedf/127e
84 v5.17.6-423-g67e0a0c/9980
85 v5.17.6-422-gc2219ca/a2da
86 v5.17.6-421-gd1bee06/165a
87 v5.17.6-416-g9a90211/127e
88 v5.17.6-415-gbfd14e5/9980
89 v5.17.6-413-g2e1be9f/a2da
90 v5.17.6-412-g6e0a4ea/165a
91 v5.17.6-408-g3cf48ca/127e
92 v5.17.6-306-g23b7025/9980
93 v5.17.6-98-gcd298ce/127e
94 v5.17.6-97-gf5a0fd1/9980
95 v5.17.6-97-gf5a0fd1/127e
96 v5.17.6-92-g00f6437/127e
99 =head1 TODO
102 =head1 AUTHOR
104 =cut
106 use strict;
107 use Getopt::Long;
108 use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
112 my @opt = $optpod =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
113 our %Opt;
114 GetOptions
116 \%Opt,
117 @opt,
118 ) or pod2usage(1);
120 pod2usage(0) if $Opt{help};
122 use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname);
123 use Sort::Versions;
124 use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
126 my $hostname = $Opt{hostname} || hostname();
128 my $perls_config_file = "/home/sand/src/andk/andk-cpan-tools/bin/loop-over-recent.pl.otherperls.$hostname";
129 my @perls;
130 my $perlhomepath = "perl";
131 unless ($hostname eq "k83") {
132 $perlhomepath = "host/$hostname";
134 if (open my $fh2, $perls_config_file) {
135 while (<$fh2>) {
136 chomp;
137 s/#.*//; # remove comments
138 s/\s+\z//; # remove trailing spaces
139 next if /^\s*$/; # remove empty/white lines
140 unless (m|/.+/|) {
141 s|^|/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/$perlhomepath/|;
142 s|$|/bin/perl|;
144 next unless -x $_;
145 push @perls, $_;
148 my %testperl = map {
149 ($_ => 1)
150 } @perls;
151 my @L = grep { !/bad/ }glob("/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/$perlhomepath/*/*/bin/perl");
152 my %firstlettermap = ( p=>1, G=>2, v=>3 );
153 @L = sort {
154 my $aXX = substr($a,47+length($perlhomepath));
155 my $bXX = substr($b,47+length($perlhomepath));
156 my $ret = $firstlettermap{substr($bXX,0,1)} <=> $firstlettermap{substr($aXX,0,1)};
157 unless ($ret) {
158 for ($aXX,$bXX) {
159 s|/.*||;
161 if ($aXX =~ /(.+)-RC(\d+)/) {
162 if ($bXX =~ /(.+)-RC(\d+)/) {
163 } elsif (substr($bXX,0,length($1)) eq $1) {
164 $ret = 1;
166 } elsif ($bXX =~ /(.+)-RC(\d+)/) {
167 if ($aXX =~ /(.+)-RC(\d+)/) {
168 } elsif (substr($aXX,0,length($1)) eq $1) {
169 $ret = -1;
173 unless ($ret) {
174 for ($aXX,$bXX) {
175 s|^v||;
176 s|^perl-||;
177 s|-g.*||;
178 s|-|.|g;
180 $ret = versioncmp($bXX,$aXX);
182 unless ($ret) {
183 my $aXX = substr($a,47+length($perlhomepath));
184 my $bXX = substr($b,47+length($perlhomepath));
185 $ret = $bXX cmp $aXX;
187 # warn sprintf "%-12s %-12s %s\n", $aXX, $bXX, $ret;
188 $ret;
189 } @L;
190 my %globperl = map {
191 ($_ => 1)
192 } @L;
193 my @testperl_not_in_globperl = grep { !$globperl{$_} } keys %testperl;
194 unshift @L, @testperl_not_in_globperl;
195 if ($Opt{max} && $Opt{max} < @L) {
196 pop @L while $Opt{max} < @L;
199 my @Showconfig = qw(useithreads uselongdouble config_args~EBUGGING=both);
200 for my $showconfig (@{$Opt{show}||[]}) {
201 push @Showconfig, $showconfig;
203 $Opt{sprintfwidth} ||= 8;
204 # this string is injected into the small program that every perl has to execute:
205 my $sprintfshowconfig = "%1s%1s%1s " . join " ", ("%-$Opt{sprintfwidth}s") x (@Showconfig-3);
206 # this string is injected into the small program that every perl has to execute:
207 my $showconfigvalues = join " ", @Showconfig;
208 my $modules_differs_from_args = 0;
209 my @modules = map {
210 if (/::/) {
211 } elsif (s/\.pm$//) {
212 s|/|::|g;
213 $modules_differs_from_args++;
214 } elsif (/-/) {
215 s|-|::|g;
216 $modules_differs_from_args++;
219 } map {
220 if (/,/) {
221 split /,/, $_;
222 } else {
226 @ARGV;
227 if ($modules_differs_from_args++) {
228 warn "@modules\n";
230 # some day try with IPC::System::Simple for better signal handling? I
231 # mean for delivering ^C to the right process(es)?
232 my $SIGNAL = 0;
233 $SIG{INT} = sub {
234 my($sig) = shift;
235 warn "Saw signal '$sig', will stop asap";
236 $SIGNAL++;
238 PERL: for my $p (@L) {
239 # my($path) = $p =~ m{/([^/\-]+(?:[\d\.]{4,}|blead)(-(?:\d+-g[[:xdigit:]]+|RC\d+))?)/};
240 my $aXX = substr($p,47+length($perlhomepath));
241 my($path,$sha) = $aXX =~ m|([^/]+)/([^/]+)/|;
242 my $vpath = $path; # version-relevant-path
243 $vpath =~ s/-g[[:xdigit:]]{7,10}//; # recently git started to use 10 digits instead of 7
244 if ($Opt{minperl}){
245 my $vcmp = versioncmp($vpath,$Opt{minperl});
246 #warn "vcmp[$vcmp]vpath[$vpath]minperl[$Opt{minperl}]\n";
247 next PERL if $vcmp<0;
249 if ($Opt{maxperl}){
250 my $vcmp = versioncmp($vpath,$Opt{maxperl});
251 #warn "vcmp[$vcmp]vpath[$vpath]maxperl[$Opt{maxperl}]\n";
252 next PERL if $vcmp>0;
254 $testperl{$p} ||= 0;
255 my $program = <<'EOP';
256 no lib ".";
257 my $SIGNAL = 0;
258 $SIG{INT} = sub {
259 my($sig) = shift;
260 warn "Inner perl saw signal '$sig', will stop asap";
261 $SIGNAL++;
263 my $testperl = shift;
264 my $verbose = shift;
265 my $path = shift;
266 my @v;
267 for my $m (@ARGV) {
268 eval "use $m ()";
269 my $v;
270 if ($@) {
271 #eval "require $m";
272 #$v = eval {$m->VERSION();};
274 eval "require Module::Info";
275 if ($@) {
276 $v="!noMI";
277 } else {
278 $v=eval "Module::Info->new_from_module(q{$m})->version";
279 $v = "_n/a_" unless defined $v;
281 } elsif (defined $m) {
282 local($SIG{__WARN__}) = sub {}; # silence List::Gen
283 $v = eval {$m->VERSION();};
284 if (!defined($v) or !length($v) or $@) {
285 $v = eval "\$$m\::VERSION";
286 $v =~ s/\s//g;
287 $v = '_n\a_' unless length $v;
289 } else {
290 $v = "?n-a?"
292 push @v, $verbose ? ("X$m" => $v) : $v
294 if ($SIGNAL){
295 warn "Exiting due signal" ;
296 exit 42;
298 use Config;
299 unless ($path) {
300 $path=$^X;
301 if (length $path > 21){
302 for ($path){
303 s{^/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/<PERLHOMEPATH>/}{};
307 if (length $path > 21){
308 for ($path){
309 s{perl-}{p'};
312 #no warnings "uninitialized";
313 my @showconfigvalues = map {
314 if (my($name,$qr)=/(.+?)~(.+)/) {
315 my $cqr = eval "qr{$qr}";
316 $Config{$name} =~ $qr ? 1 : 0;
317 } elsif (!defined($Config{$_})) {
318 "u";
319 } else {
320 "define" eq $Config{$_} ? "D" : $Config{$_}
323 printf "%-28s %s%-8s<SPRINTFSHOWCONFIG> %s\n", $path, $testperl?"*":" ", $Config{version}, @showconfigvalues, join(" ",map {sprintf "<SPRINTFWIDTH>", $_} @v);
325 $program =~ s/<SPRINTFSHOWCONFIG>/$sprintfshowconfig/g;
326 $program =~ s/<SHOWCONFIGVALUES>/$showconfigvalues/;
327 $program =~ s/<SPRINTFWIDTH>/%-$Opt{sprintfwidth}s/;
328 $program =~ s/<PERLHOMEPATH>/$perlhomepath/g;
329 sleep 0.01;
330 last PERL if $SIGNAL;
331 my @system = ($p, '-e', $program, $testperl{$p}, $Opt{verbose}, "$path/$sha", @modules);
332 # some day try with IPC::System::Simple for better signal handling?
333 my $ret = system @system;
334 $SIGNAL++ if $ret>>8 == 42;
335 last PERL if $SIGNAL;
336 sleep 0.02;
337 last PERL if $SIGNAL;