old ticket from slaven
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin / confreq_bug_logs.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 #!/home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/ppP8264/perl-5.8.0@31653/bin/perl
6 use Tie::IxHash;
7 use CPAN::DistnameInfo;
8 my $t = tie %S, "Tie::IxHash" or die "cannot tie: $!";
9 ARGV: for my $argv (glob "logs/megainstall.20070{727T0705,730T1247,803T0330,810T2248,812T0825,812T1010}.out") {
10 open my $fh, $argv or die;
11 LINE: while (<$fh>) {
12 # next unless /XML-RSS/;
13 if (my($d) = /Running make for ([\040-\177]+)/){
14 if ($d =~ /XML-RSS-\d/) {
15 warn "...$argv\n $d\n";
17 next LINE if $seen{$argv,$d}++;
18 my $dinidi = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($d)->dist;
19 $S{$dinidi}++;
20 if ($d =~ /XML-RSS/) {
21 warn "...$argv\n $d\n $dinidi\n $S{$dinidi}\n";
26 # print map { "$_\n" } grep { $S{$_}==6 } keys %S;
27 # dont know why the above thing doesnt work
28 # I verified with 5.8.7 and bleadperl@31653
29 # also not works (keys %S) instead of $t->Keys; no idea whats going on
30 for ($t->Keys) {
31 # for (keys %S) {
32 next unless $S{$_} == 6;
33 print "$_\n";