old ticket from slaven
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin / compare-smueller-smoke-with-annotate.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 $0 URL
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 8
19 =cut
21 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
23 =item B<--help|h!>
25 This help
27 =item B<--state=s>
29 Defaults to 'annotated'. Possible values are C<annotated>,
30 C<notannotated>, C<analysisized>
32 =back
36 Shows the annotated/notannotated/analysisized distros in Steffen's list.
38 annotated is boring because we have done our work already
40 notannotated is has potential
42 analysisized has potential and has data at analysis
44 As primitive as it is we could first iterate through the analysisized
45 ones and write tickets for them if possible. We could then take the
46 notannotated ones and run some tests for them so that they end up in
47 analysis.
49 To filter the analysisized to the pass->fail ones I use
51 % perl bin/compare-smueller-smoke-with-annotate.pl --state=analysisized 'http://users.perl5.git.perl.org/~tsee/carp_errmsg/'|perl -nale 'print if $F[0]=~/^\d/ && $F[1]eq"N" && $F[2]eq"pf"'
52 2006-12-10 N pf http://analysis.cpantesters.org/solved?distv=CGI-Application-Plugin-CaptureIO-0.01
53 2012-02-15 N pf http://analysis.cpantesters.org/solved?distv=CPS-0.13
54 2008-07-17 N pf http://analysis.cpantesters.org/solved?distv=POE-Component-Server-SimpleXMLRPC-0.02
55 2010-09-21 N pf http://analysis.cpantesters.org/solved?distv=Thread-Pool-0.33
57 The "pf" stands for pass->fail while the "N" stands for notannotated.
59 What can be done at any time without spending too much time is to run
60 the notannotated ones through loop-over-recent without a glob.
62 I started to annotate those that I cannot grok, just so that they
63 disappear from the list.
65 =cut
68 use FindBin;
69 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
70 BEGIN {
71 push @INC, qw( );
74 use Dumpvalue;
75 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
76 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
77 use File::Spec;
78 use File::Temp;
79 use Getopt::Long;
80 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
82 our %Opt;
83 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=]+)/ } @opt;
84 GetOptions(\%Opt,
85 @opt,
86 ) or pod2usage(1);
87 $Opt{state} ||= "annotated";
88 my $url = shift or pod2usage(1);
89 use LWP::UserAgent;
90 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
91 my $resp = $ua->get($url);
92 my $content = $resp->content or die;
93 my %smoked;
94 my($s1,$s2);
95 for (split /\n/, $content) {
96 # <td><a href="http://search.cpan.org/dist/Tie-RegexpHash-0.15">Tie-RegexpHash-0.15</a></td>
97 # <td><a href="http://search.cpan.org/dist/CGI-Application-Plugin-CaptureIO-0.01">CGI-Application-Plugin-CaptureIO-0.01</a></td>
98 unless ($s1) {
99 if (/class="grade (pass|na|fail|unknown)"/) {
100 $s1 = substr($1,0,1);
101 next;
104 unless ($s2) {
105 if (/class="grade (pass|na|fail|unknown)"/) {
106 $s2 = substr($1,0,1);
107 next;
110 next unless m{http://search.cpan.org/dist/([^"']+)};
111 $smoked{$1} = "$s1$s2";
112 $s1 = $s2 = undef;
114 open my $fh, "annotate.txt" or die;
115 my %anno;
116 while (<$fh>) {
117 my($dist,$anno) = /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/;
118 next unless $smoked{$dist};
119 $anno{$dist} = $anno;
120 if ($Opt{state} eq "annotated") {
121 if ($anno) {
122 printf "anno: %-34s %s\n", $dist, $anno;
124 } elsif ($Opt{state} eq "analysisized") {
125 } elsif ($Opt{state} eq "notannotated") {
126 } else {
127 die "Illegal state '$Opt{state}', cannot continue";
130 if ($Opt{state} eq "notannotated") {
131 for my $dist (sort keys %smoked) {
132 if (!$anno{$dist}) {
133 printf "notanno: %s http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=%s\n", reldate($dist), $dist;
136 } elsif ($Opt{state} eq "analysisized") {
137 $|++;
138 for my $dist (sort keys %smoked) {
139 my $anaurl = sprintf "http://analysis.cpantesters.org/solved?distv=%s", $dist;
140 my $resp = $ua->get($anaurl);
141 my $content = $resp->content;
142 my($state) = $content =~ /(No results|Release not found|Top Regressions|data were not sufficient)/;
143 unless ($state) {
144 warn "unknown state for dist[$dist]";
146 # "No results" has also "Distro-ID" and some more!
147 if ($state eq "Top Regressions") {
148 # <tr><td><b>Uploaded:</b></td><td>2007-12-12T01:48</td></tr>
149 $state = $1 if $content =~ /Uploaded:.+?(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)T\d\d:\d\d/;
150 } else {
151 $state =~ s/^(Release|data were)\s+//;
152 $state =~ s/\s+/-/g;
154 printf "%-18s %s %s %s\n", $state, $anno{$dist}?"A":"N", $smoked{$dist}, $anaurl;
158 sub reldate {
159 return "2000-01-01";
162 # Local Variables:
163 # mode: cperl
164 # cperl-indent-level: 4
165 # End: