new perls v5.39.10
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
6 use CPAN::Version;
8 =head1 NAME
12 =head1 SYNOPSIS
16 =head1 OPTIONS
18 =over 8
20 =cut
22 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
24 =item B<--addopts=s@>
26 Options to be added to the Configure call. Do not use a leading C<->
27 (dash) for the content of the option as in
28 C<--addopts=Duserelocatableinc>
30 =item B<--debugging!>
32 Defaults to true and sets -DDEBUGGING=-g. Cannot be combined with
33 --debuggingoption
35 =item B<--debuggingoption=s>
37 No default. Passed through to perl with a C<-D>. Cannot be combined with
38 --debugging.
40 Example:
42 --debuggingoption=DEBUGGING=both
44 =item B<--dotcpanhome=s>
46 defaults to C< $ENV{HOME}/.cpan >. The place passed to every
47 smoker-perl where it should pick the MyConfig from.
49 =item B<--help|h!>
51 This help
53 =item B<--install!>
55 Runs C<./installperl> on perl and exits with an error if it does not
56 succeed.
58 Defaults to true.
60 =item B<--inversemodule=s>
62 If we are running a bisect to find out when a breakage was fixed, we
63 need to fake the other return value than what we usually do. I.e. when
64 the module passes we return a fail and when it fails we return a pass.
65 Because git-bisect is so braindead. You get this by supplying a
66 --inversemodule.
68 =item B<--jobs|j=i>
70 Parameter to pass to 'make -j' on normal C<make> runs and to assign to
71 the TEST_JOBS environment variable on C<make test> runs. Since
72 20160607 we also set HARNESS_OPTIONS accordingly. Defaults to 3.
74 It seems perl 5.8.7 needs --jobs=1 . It doesn't succeed with x2p stuff
75 but it's even worse when called with parallel make.
77 =item B<--keepfiles!>
79 Do not do any cleanup after perl installation. Cleanup should be done
80 by the user then, e.g. with C<git clean -dfx>.
82 =item B<--keepfilesonerror!>
84 Do not do any cleanup on error, just bail out with an error.
86 =item B<--module=s@>
88 Install this (or these) module(s), die when it (the last of those)
89 cannot be updated to the current version. See also --inversemodule.
91 Misnomer. the argument can be any argument that can be passed to CPAN
92 shell's install command. B<But>: since we only have the uptodate
93 command to verify that an install has taken place, we are unable to
94 determine success for arguments like
95 MSCHWERN/Test-Simple-1.005000_005.tar.gz.
97 In so far, it is not such a misnomer.
99 Additional hook: if the argument contains no slash but a minus, we
100 replace it with C<::> as we are used to do it in many other contexts.
102 And another hook: if there is only one --module option and the
103 argument contains a comma, we split into an arrayref.
105 =item B<--patchperl!>
107 Whether we should try to run patchperl. If perl is 5.028003 or lower,
108 we default to true, otherwise to false. Reasoning being we want
109 unmodified sources for recent releases, patchperl should be reserved
110 (in our opinion) for patching old perls, others should be subject to
111 more scrutiny. 5.028003 actually needs patchperl due Time::Local. See
114 =item B<--prefix=s>
116 Defaults to /home/<getlogin>/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl, but only
117 when hostname=k83. All other hostnames get the last path element
118 C<perl> replaced with C<host/> concatenated with their hostname. We
119 started with this rule on 2012-04-22 because relocateableinc does not
120 work (see
122 It gets the output of C<git describe> and a config-dependent
123 hex-encoded hash appended.
125 =item B<--report!>
127 Short for
129 --module=Bundle::CPANxxl --module=Bundle::CPANReporter2
131 Defaults to false.
133 =item B<--suppressreadline!>
135 $CPAN::Suppress_readline will be set to true. Useful for testing
136 modules that need a readline handle, like Term::Completion
138 =item B<--successchecker=s>
140 Run a perl script that determines success or failure. Will only be
141 executed when state is success.
143 =item B<--test!>
145 Runs C<make test> on perl and exits with an error if it does not
146 succeed.
148 Since 2016-01-02 we default this to true.
150 =item B<--tmpdir=s>
152 Defaults to /tmp.
154 =item B<--ud=s>
156 One of C<UU>, C<UD>, C<DU>, C<DD>, C<rand>.
158 Defaults to UD, gets expanded to
160 --addopts=Uuseithreads
161 --addopts=Duselongdouble
163 UU gets expanded to
165 --addopts=Uuseithreads
166 --addopts=Uuselongdouble
168 etc.
170 Argument C<rand> changes the option itself to one of the four
171 available uppercase settings at random.
173 =item B<--usegit!>
175 If current directory contains a C<.git/> subdirectory, defaults to
176 true, otherwise to false.
178 =item B<--verbose!>
180 Add a bit extra verbosity. Underdeveloped.
182 =back
184 =head1 DESCRIPTION
186 Script to build perl and one or more modules and return true when the
187 module (or the last of several modules) can be built.
189 Chdir to the git repo and for a simple build run
193 The default is a nonthreaded build with -Duselongdouble. To choose a
194 different permutation of threadedness and uselongdoubleness use the
195 option -ud=, eg:
197 -ud=DD
198 -ud=UU
199 -ud=DU
201 To immediately build one module with the resulting perl:
203 -module=YAML::Syck
205 With the ability to return false on fail we can start bisecting:
207 git bisect start v5.14.0-658-g65374be v5.14.0-523-gc5caff6
209 And then C<run bisect>:
211 git bisect run -ud=rand --module=YAML::Syck
213 =cut
215 # stolen from
216 use BSD::Resource;
217 BSD::Resource::setrlimit(BSD::Resource::RLIMIT_CORE(), 40*1024*1024, 40*1024*1024);
218 BSD::Resource::setrlimit(BSD::Resource::RLIMIT_CPU(), 3600, 3600);
219 BSD::Resource::setrlimit(BSD::Resource::RLIMIT_RSS(), 3_000_000_000, 3_000_000_000);
220 BSD::Resource::setrlimit(BSD::Resource::RLIMIT_AS(), 4_000_000_000, 4_000_000_000);
222 use FindBin;
223 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
224 BEGIN {
225 push @INC, qw( );
228 use Dumpvalue;
229 use Cwd;
230 use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
231 use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree);
232 use File::Spec;
233 use File::Temp;
234 use Getopt::Long;
235 use Pod::Usage;
236 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
237 use Digest::SHA;
238 use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname);
239 our %Opt;
240 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=!\|]+)/ } @opt;
241 GetOptions(\%Opt,
242 @opt,
243 ) or pod2usage(1);
244 if ($Opt{help}) {
245 pod2usage(0);
248 $Opt{report} ||= 0;
249 $Opt{install} //= 1;
250 $Opt{test} //= 1;
251 $Opt{tmpdir} ||= "/tmp";
252 $Opt{dotcpanhome} ||= "$ENV{HOME}/.cpan";
253 unless (defined $Opt{usegit}) {
254 if (-d ".git") {
255 $Opt{usegit} = 1;
256 } else {
257 $Opt{usegit} = 0;
261 sub cleanup_or_die {
262 # error: Untracked working tree file 'lib/Search/' would be overwritten by merge.
263 if ($Opt{usegit}) {
264 unless (0==system git => clean => "-dfx") {
265 die;
267 my $dirty = `git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no`;
268 until (!$dirty) {
269 system git => reset => "--hard";
270 $dirty = `git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no`;
275 cleanup_or_die;
276 my $gitdescribe;
277 if ($Opt{usegit}) {
278 chomp($gitdescribe = `git describe`); # eg: v5.19.6-105-g448f81e
279 } else {
280 $gitdescribe = basename(cwd());
282 my($perlversion) = $gitdescribe =~ /(?:v|perl-)(5[\d\.]+)/;
283 if (!defined $Opt{patchperl}) {
284 require version;
285 my $perlversionnumeric = version->new($perlversion)->numify;
286 if ($perlversionnumeric <= "5.028003") {
287 $Opt{patchperl} = 1;
288 } elsif ($perlversionnumeric >= "5.030000" && $perlversionnumeric >= "5.030010") { # actually only needed on debugging
289 $Opt{patchperl} = 1;
290 } else {
291 $Opt{patchperl} = 0;
295 if ($Opt{patchperl}) {
296 local $@;
297 $HAVE_DEVEL_PATCHPERL = eval { require Devel::PatchPerl; Devel::PatchPerl->import("2.08"); 1; };
298 if (!!$Opt{patchperl} && !$HAVE_DEVEL_PATCHPERL) {
299 die "Option --patchperl is set but we do not have Devel::PatchPerl; please install it";
301 if ($Devel::PatchPerl::VERSION eq '1.54') {
303 warn "I'll spare you the use of Devel::PatchPerl 1.54, 1.54 is too broken, see #128573";
306 if ($Opt{patchperl} && $HAVE_DEVEL_PATCHPERL) {
307 if ($Opt{verbose}) {
308 warn qq{About to call Devel::PatchPerl->patch_source("$perlversion", ".")};
310 eval { Devel::PatchPerl->patch_source($perlversion, "."); };
311 if ($@) {
312 warn "Alert: Devel::PatchPerl failed for perl version $perlversion with error $@!";
313 use Term::Prompt qw(prompt);
314 my $answer = lc prompt "x", "Shall I continue? (y/n)", "", "n";
315 if ($answer eq "n") {
316 print "Exiting per user request\n";
317 exit;
319 } elsif ($Opt{verbose}) {
320 warn qq{End Of Devel::PatchPerl->patch_source("$perlversion", ".")};
323 } elsif (!$Opt{patchperl}) {
324 require version;
325 my $perlversionnumeric = version->new($perlversion)->numify;
326 my $min = "5.022001";
327 if ($perlversionnumeric < $min) {
328 die "ALERT: Found perl $perlversionnumeric (<$min); I have to tell you that we really need Devel::PatchPerl";
331 $Opt{jobs} = 3 unless defined $Opt{jobs};
332 if ($Opt{ud} eq "rand") { # one rare place where overwriting an option feels ok
333 $Opt{ud} = (qw(UD UU DD DU))[int rand 4];
335 my($useithreads,$uselongdouble) = unpack "aa", $Opt{ud} ||= "UD";
336 my($debuggingoption, $debuggingoption2);
337 if (defined $Opt{debugging}) {
338 if (defined $Opt{debuggingoption}) {
339 die "debugging and debuggingoption not meant to be combined";
340 } elsif ($Opt{debugging}) { # --debugging
341 $debuggingoption = "EBUGGING=-g";
342 } else { # --nodebugging
343 $debuggingoption = "";
345 } elsif (defined $Opt{debuggingoption}) {
346 if ($Opt{debuggingoption} eq "rand") {
347 my @o = (("")x7,("DEBUGGING=-g")x5,"DEBUGGING=both");
348 $debuggingoption = $o[int rand scalar @o];
349 } elsif ($Opt{debuggingoption} =~ /^EBUGGING=(?:-g|both)/) {
350 $debuggingoption = $Opt{debuggingoption};
351 } else {
352 warn "WARNING: Got unusual debugging option '$Opt{debuggingoption}'; not sure whether I should accept that";
353 $debuggingoption = $Opt{debuggingoption};
355 } else {
356 $debuggingoption = "EBUGGING=-g";
359 # older perls did not understand EBUGGING=-g, only optimize=-g
361 # commit eaf812ae1a347289872c15b0fb8a27a85b03dc2f
362 # Author: H.Merijn Brand <>
363 # Date: Mon Apr 17 12:18:07 2006 +0000
365 # Support for -DDEBUGGING and its alias -DEBUGGING
367 require version;
368 my $perlversionnumeric = version->new($perlversion)->numify;
369 if ($perlversionnumeric < 5.010) {
370 if ( $debuggingoption eq "EBUGGING=-g"
371 || $debuggingoption eq "EBUGGING=both"
373 $debuggingoption = "optimize=-g";
374 if ($debuggingoption eq "EBUGGING=both") {
375 $debuggingoption2 = "EBUGGING";
380 my $hostname = hostname;
381 $hostname =~ s/\..*//;
382 my $USER = $ENV{USER};
383 unless ($Opt{prefix}) {
384 if (0 && $hostname eq "k83") { # obsolet 2018
385 $Opt{prefix} = "/home/$USER/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl";
386 } else {
387 $Opt{prefix} = "/home/$USER/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/$hostname";
390 warn "prefix is going to be '$Opt{prefix}'. Please interrupt if this is not your intention\n";
392 local $|=1;
393 for (1..0) {
394 printf "\r%d ", 5-$_;
395 sleep 1 if $_;
397 print "\n";
399 my @cargs =
401 "-Dmyhostname=$hostname",
402 "-Dinstallusrbinperl=n",
403 "-Uversiononly",
404 "-Dusedevel",
405 "-des",
406 "-Ui_db",
407 # 20160102: the -lnm surprise seems to make this necessary:
408 "-Dlibswanted=cl pthread socket inet nsl gdbm dbm malloc dl ld sun m crypt sec util c cposix posix ucb BSD gdbm_compat",
409 "-$useithreads"."useithreads",
410 "-$uselongdouble"."uselongdouble",
411 $debuggingoption ? "-D$debuggingoption" : (),
412 $debuggingoption2 ? "-D$debuggingoption2" : (),
413 (map { "-$_" } @{$Opt{addopts}||[]})
415 my $sha = Digest::SHA->new(1);
416 for my $c (@cargs) {
417 $sha->add($c);
419 my $hex = $sha->hexdigest;
420 my $prefix;
422 for (my $i=4; $i<length($hex); $i++) {
423 my $cargshash = substr($hex,0,$i);
424 $prefix = "$Opt{prefix}/$gitdescribe/$cargshash";
425 unless (-e "$prefix/bin/perl") {
426 last;
429 unshift @cargs, "-Dprefix=$prefix";
430 unless (0==system "./Configure", @cargs) {
431 die;
433 my @makes = (["make"], ["make", "test"]);
435 for my $make_i (0 .. ($Opt{test}?1:0)) {
436 my @make = @{$makes[$make_i]};
437 if ($Opt{jobs} && $Opt{jobs} > 1) {
438 if ($make_i == 0) {
439 push @make, "-j$Opt{jobs}";
440 } elsif ($make_i == 1) {
441 $ENV{TEST_JOBS} = $Opt{jobs};
442 $make[1] =~ s/\Atest\z/test_harness/ or die;
445 my $ret = system @make;
446 if (0==$ret) {
447 } elsif ($Opt{keepfilesonerror} || $Opt{keepfiles}) {
448 die "Running make[@make] returned ret[$ret], dieing according to 'keepfiles(onerror)?'";
449 } else {
450 cleanup_or_die;
451 warn sprintf
453 "Alert: %s: %s returning 125 after running make[%s] returned ret[%s]",
454 scalar localtime,
456 join(" ", @make),
457 $ret,
459 exit 125;
462 if ($Opt{install}) {
463 unless (0==system "./installperl") {
464 cleanup_or_die;
465 die;
467 } else {
468 warn "Option --install is off, not installing this perl";
470 if ($Opt{keepfiles}) {
471 warn "No cleanup according to --keepfiles option. You may want to 'git clean -dfx'";
472 } else {
473 cleanup_or_die;
475 my $inverse = 0;
476 my $m = $Opt{module} || [];
477 if (@$m == 1 and $m->[0] =~ /,/) {
478 $m = [ split /,/, $m->[0] ];
480 if ($Opt{inversemodule}) {
481 $inverse = 1;
482 push @$m, $Opt{inversemodule};
484 if ($Opt{report} || @$m) {
485 my $transient_build_dir = 1;
486 my $bdir;
487 if ($transient_build_dir) {
488 $bdir = File::Temp::tempdir(
489 "makeperl-XXXXXX",
490 DIR => $Opt{tmpdir},
491 CLEANUP => 1,
492 ) or die $!;
494 require Sys::Hostname;
495 my $hostname = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
496 my @hostspecific;
497 unless ($hostname eq "k83") {
498 # -I ~/.cpan-k75 -MCPAN::MyConfig"
499 @hostspecific =
501 "-I",
502 "$ENV{HOME}/.cpan-$hostname",
503 "-MCPAN::MyConfig",
506 my @cpanshell =
508 "$prefix/bin/perl",
509 @hostspecific,
510 "-I$Opt{dotcpanhome}",
511 "-M-lib='.'",
512 "-MCPAN::MyConfig",
513 "-MCPAN",
514 "-e","\$CPAN::Config->{test_report}=0;", # new 2019-07-16: no reports from here, avoiding premature leaks
515 $bdir ? ("-e","\$CPAN::Config->{build_dir}=q{$bdir};") : (),
516 "-e",
518 $ENV{HARNESS_OPTIONS} = "j".$Opt{jobs} if $Opt{jobs} > 1;
519 if ($Opt{report}) {
520 my @script;
521 my $opcfv = `$prefix/bin/perl -MCPAN::FTP -e print\\\$CPAN::FTP::VERSION;`;
522 if (CPAN::Version->vlt($opcfv,"5.5009")) { # very kamikaze
523 my $cwd = cwd;
524 eval {
525 chdir "/home/$USER/cpanpm";
526 mkpath "tmp-$$";
527 chdir "tmp-$$";
528 0 == system git => "clone", "..", "."
529 or die "Could not clone cpanpm to tmp-$$";
530 # vvvvv kamikaze here vvvvv (no dependency resolution)
531 0 == system qq{$prefix/bin/perl Makefile.PL; $prefix/bin/perl -Ilib -MCPAN -e 'install(q(.))'}
532 or die "Could not run make install from /home/$USER/cpanpm";
533 chdir "/home/$USER/cpanpm";
534 rmtree "tmp-$$";
535 } or warn "Error while trying to install CPAN from repo: $!";
536 chdir $cwd;
538 my $opcv = `$prefix/bin/perl -MCPAN -e print\\\$CPAN::VERSION;`; # other perl cpan version
539 my %minv;
540 $minv{version} = '2.36';
541 $minv{distro} = "ANDK/CPAN-$minv{version}.tar.gz";
542 if (CPAN::Version->vlt($opcv,$minv{version})) {
543 push @script, qq{install("$minv{distro}");
544 die unless
545 CPAN::Shell->expand(
546 Module=>"CPAN"
547 )->uptodate;
550 push @script, qq{install(
551 "parent",
552 "version",
553 "CPAN::Meta::Requirements",
554 "JSON::PP",
555 "JSON::XS",
556 "Log::Log4perl",
557 "Log::Dispatch::File",
558 "Time::Piece",
559 "Bundle::CPANxxl",
560 "Bundle::CPANReporter2",
561 "BSD::Resource",
562 "Log::ger",
563 "Log::ger::Output::File",
564 "Log::ger::Layout::Pattern",
565 "Term::Prompt",
566 "Algorithm::Numerical::Shuffle",
567 "Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast",
568 # "Module::Info",
569 # "Devel::PatchPerl",
570 # "Module::Versions::Report",
571 # "V",
573 die unless
574 CPAN::Shell->expand(
575 Module=>"Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase"
576 )->uptodate;
578 for my $script (@script) {
579 my(@system) =
580 (@cpanshell,
581 $script,
583 warn "DEBUG: system[@system]";
584 unless (0==system @system) {
585 die "Alert: problem running system[@system]";
589 my $ret = 0;
590 if ($m && @$m) {
591 for (@$m) {
592 s/-/::/g if /-/ and !m|/|;
594 my $install = join ",", map { "'$_'" } @$m;
595 my $last = $m->[-1];
596 my $shellcmd = "install($install); die unless CPAN::Shell->expand(Module => '$last')->uptodate;";
597 if ($Opt{suppressreadline}) {
598 $shellcmd = "\$CPAN::Suppress_readline=1;$shellcmd";
600 if (0==system @cpanshell, $shellcmd) {
601 $ret = 0;
602 } else {
603 $ret = 1;
605 if ($inverse) {
606 $ret ^= 1
609 if (!$ret && $Opt{successchecker}) {
610 if (0==system "$prefix/bin/perl", $Opt{successchecker}) {
611 $ret = 0;
612 } else {
613 $ret = 1;
616 exit $ret;
618 # Local Variables:
619 # mode: cperl
620 # cperl-indent-level: 4
621 # End: