new perls v5.39.10
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 $0 [OPTIONS]
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 8
19 =cut
21 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
23 =item B<--days=f>
25 Defaults to 7. Is translated to
27 now() - interval 'N days'
29 =item B<--help|h!>
31 This help
33 =item B<--minpostdate=s>
35 Looks like an integer but stands for a month in the format YYYYMM.
36 Actual DB range is 199908 to, at the time of this writing, 202202.
37 Used to generate where clauses such as
39 ... where postdate >= $dbh->quote($Opt{minpostdate}) ...
41 Defaults to 202104.
43 B<Note: this should be changed to be a moving value similar to days> (once we are satisfied with the alpha version)
45 =item B<--urls!>
47 Provide relevant URLs and parts of URLs after each line
49 =back
53 =head1 HISTORY
55 =head1 DEPLOYMENT
57 =cut
60 use FindBin;
61 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
62 BEGIN {
63 push @INC, qw( );
66 use Dumpvalue;
67 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
68 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
69 use File::Spec;
70 use File::Temp;
71 use Getopt::Long;
72 use Pod::Usage;
73 use POSIX ();
74 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
75 use List::AllUtils qw(any);
77 our %Opt;
78 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=|!]+)/ } @opt;
79 GetOptions(\%Opt,
80 @opt,
81 ) or pod2usage(1);
82 if ($Opt{help}) {
83 pod2usage(0);
85 $Opt{minpostdate} = '202104';
86 $Opt{days} //= 7;
88 use FindBin;
89 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../CPAN-Blame/lib";
90 use CPAN::Blame::Config::Cnntp;
92 my $ann = "/home/andreas/src/analysis-cpantesters-annotate/annotate.txt"; # !!! needs config support
93 open my $fh, $ann or die "Could not open $ann: $!";
94 my(%Annotations,%HalfAnnotations);
95 while (<$fh>){
96 my($d,$r) = /(\S+)\s+(.+)/;
97 $Annotations{$d} = $r;
98 $d =~ s/-v?[\d\._]+//;
99 $HalfAnnotations{$d} = $r;
102 use LWP::UserAgent;
103 use JSON::XS;
104 use CPAN::DistnameInfo;
105 use List::AllUtils qw(reduce);
106 use CPAN::Version;
108 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
109 my $jsonxs = JSON::XS->new->indent(0);
111 use DBI;
113 my $pgdbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=analysis") or die "Could not connect to 'analysis': $DBI::err";
114 my $sth0 = $pgdbh->prepare("create temporary table x as (select dist, version, sum(case when state='pass' then cnt else 0 end) passes, sum(case when state='fail' then cnt else 0 end) fails from (select dist, version, state, count(*) cnt from cpanstats where postdate >= ? AND fulldate < now() - interval '$Opt{days} days' group by dist, version, state) x group by dist, version)");
115 my $sth0i = $pgdbh->prepare("CREATE INDEX xdv ON x (dist, version)");
116 my $sth1 = $pgdbh->prepare("select passes, fails from x where dist=? AND version=?");
117 my $sth2 = $pgdbh->prepare("select version, passes, fails from x where dist=? order by version");
118 my $sth3 = $pgdbh->prepare("select dist, version, state, fulldate, tester, perl, guid from cpanstats where (postdate >= ?) AND (fulldate > (now() - interval '$Opt{days} days')) order by fulldate"); # ignoring race between two values of now()
119 my $sth4 = $pgdbh->prepare("update x set passes=? where dist=? AND version=?");
120 my $sth5 = $pgdbh->prepare("update x set fails=? where dist=? AND version=?");
121 my $sth6 = $pgdbh->prepare("INSERT INTO x values (?,?,0,0)");
125 $sth0->execute($Opt{minpostdate});
126 $sth0i->execute();
127 $sth3->execute($Opt{minpostdate});
129 my $i = 0;
130 my $total = $sth3->rows;
131 my %cand;
132 ROW: while (my($dist,$version,$state,$fulldate,$tester,$perl,$guid) = $sth3->fetchrow_array) {
133 ++$i;
134 $sth1->execute($dist, $version);
135 if ($sth1->rows == 0) {
136 $sth6->execute($dist, $version);
137 $sth1->execute($dist, $version);
139 my($passes, $fails) = $sth1->fetchrow_array;
140 if ($state eq 'pass') {
141 $passes++;
142 $sth4->execute($passes, $dist, $version);
143 next ROW;
144 } elsif ($state eq 'fail') {
145 unless ($fails) {
146 $cand{$dist}{$version}=1;
148 $fails++;
149 $sth5->execute($fails, $dist, $version);
150 } else {
151 next ROW;
153 next ROW unless $passes;
154 next ROW unless $cand{$dist};
155 next ROW unless any { $fails==$_ } 1, 2, 3;
156 my $short_tester = length($tester) < 40 ? $tester : substr($tester,0,40);
157 $fulldate =~ s/:00\+00$//;
158 printf "%6d %-39s %-16s %-11s %5d %2d %s %s %s\n", $i, $dist, $version, $perl, $passes, $fails, $fulldate, $guid, $short_tester;
159 if ($Opt{urls}) {
160 my $distv = sprintf "%s-%s", $dist, $version;
161 print " $distv\n";
162 my %w = ( distv => $distv, version => $version ); # work from metacpanapiquery, maybe not needed
163 my $query = sprintf ",date,status,version,author,archive&size=400&_source=tests", $dist;
164 my $resp = $ua->get($query);
165 unless ($resp->is_success) {
166 warn sprintf "No success visiting '%s': %s; sleeping %.3f\n",
167 $query, $resp->code;
168 next ROW;
170 # print $query;
171 my $jsontxt = $resp->decoded_content;
172 my $j = eval { $jsonxs->decode($jsontxt); };
173 if (!$j || $@) {
174 my $err = $@ || "unknown error";
175 die "Error while decoding '$jsontxt': $err";
177 my $hits = $j->{hits}{hits};
178 my($matchingrelease) = grep { $_->{fields}{name} eq $distv } @$hits;
179 unless ($matchingrelease) {
180 warn "Did not find release for $distv\n";
181 next ROW;
183 my($releasedate) = $matchingrelease->{fields}{date};
184 my($archive) = $matchingrelease->{fields}{archive};
185 print " releasedate: $releasedate\n";
186 my($author) = $matchingrelease->{fields}{author};
187 print "$author/$archive\n";
188 # $DB::single = 1;
189 # warn "x $matchingrelease";
190 my $report_url = sprintf "$guid";
191 print "$report_url\n";
194 $i = 0;
195 my $displayallcands = 0;
196 if ($displayallcands) {
197 DIST: for my $dist (sort keys %cand) {
198 printf "%4d %s\n", ++$i, $dist;
199 $sth2->execute($dist);
200 my $j = 0;
201 VERSION: while (my($version, $passes, $fails) = $sth2->fetchrow_array) {
202 next VERSION unless $cand{$dist}{$version};
203 my $anno_comment = "";
204 if (my $anno = $Annotations{sprintf "%s-%s", $dist, $version}) {
205 $anno_comment = " anno: $anno";
207 elsif (my $half_anno = $HalfAnnotations{$dist}) {
208 $anno_comment .= " hanno: $half_anno";
210 printf " %4d %-20s %8d %8d%s\n", ++$j, $version, $passes, $fails, $anno_comment;
214 $pgdbh->do("DROP TABLE x");
217 # Local Variables:
218 # mode: cperl
219 # cperl-indent-level: 4
220 # End: