new perls v5.39.10
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 $0 [OPTIONS]
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 8
19 =cut
21 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
23 =item B<--help|h!>
25 This help
27 =item B<--minpostdate=i>
29 Looks like an integer but stands for a month in the format YYYYMM.
30 Actual DB range is 199908 to, at the time of this writing, 202202.
31 Used to generate where clauses such as
33 ... where postdate >= $dbh->quote($Opt{minpostdate}) ...
35 Defaults to 201607.
37 =item B<--newperl=s@>
39 C<5.20.0 RC1>
41 =item B<--oldperl=s@>
43 C<5.18.2>
47 =back
51 We generate a json file and a txt file. The latter for myself to view
52 the upcoming contents easily, the json for the webserver.
54 The generation took about 1-2 hours in the beginning but it got slower
55 and slower, the more reports arrived.
57 =head1 HISTORY
59 formerly known as
61 =head1 DEPLOYMENT
63 There were some rather long lines in the crontab that had to be edited
64 whenever a new release appeared. Something like
66 58 17 28 * * /home/andreas/src/installed-perls/v5.16.0/4e6d/bin/perl /home/andreas/src/andk-cpan-tools/bin/ --newperl="5.27.4" --oldperl=5.26.0 > /home/andreas/beforemaintrelease-cron.out 2>&1
68 Having more than one pair of old and new perl was allowed. Running
69 them every few days was also usual
71 =cut
74 use FindBin;
75 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
76 BEGIN {
77 push @INC, qw( );
80 use Dumpvalue;
81 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
82 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
83 use File::Spec;
84 use File::Temp;
85 use Getopt::Long;
86 use Pod::Usage;
87 use POSIX ();
88 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
90 our %Opt;
91 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=|!]+)/ } @opt;
92 GetOptions(\%Opt,
93 @opt,
94 ) or pod2usage(1);
95 if ($Opt{help}) {
96 pod2usage(0);
98 $Opt{oldperl} = ['5.18.2'] unless $Opt{oldperl} && @{$Opt{oldperl}};
99 $Opt{newperl} = ['5.20.0 RC1'] unless $Opt{newperl} && @{$Opt{newperl}};
100 $Opt{minpostdate} = '201607';
101 die "the arrayrefs for oldperl and newperl must be of same length, "
102 . "found lengths %d and %d, cannot continue",
103 scalar @{$Opt{oldperl}},
104 scalar @{$Opt{newperl}}
105 unless scalar @{$Opt{oldperl}}==scalar @{$Opt{newperl}};
107 use FindBin;
108 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../CPAN-Blame/lib";
109 use CPAN::Blame::Config::Cnntp;
111 my $HAVE_IPCCL = eval { require IPC::ConcurrencyLimit; 1 };
112 die unless $HAVE_IPCCL;
114 use DBI;
116 my($workdir);
117 BEGIN {
118 $workdir = File::Spec->catdir
119 ($CPAN::Blame::Config::Cnntp::Config->{solver_vardir},
120 "workdir");
122 my($basename) = File::Basename::basename(__FILE__);
123 my $limit = IPC::ConcurrencyLimit->new
125 max_procs => 1,
126 path => "$workdir/IPC-ConcurrencyLimit-$basename",
128 my $limitid = $limit->get_lock;
129 if (not $limitid) {
130 warn "Another process appears to be still running. Exiting.";
131 exit(0);
134 my $pgdbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=analysis") or die "Could not connect to 'analysis': $DBI::err";
135 my $sth0 = $pgdbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpanstats WHERE postdate >= ? and perl = ?");
136 #### my $sth2 = $pgdbh->prepare("select perl, state, count(*) from cpanstats where postdate >= ? and dist = ? and version = ? and perl in (?, ?) and state in ('pass','fail') group by perl, state");
137 my $sth3 = $pgdbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(distinct(dist||version)) FROM cpanstats WHERE postdate >= ? and perl = ?");
138 use JSON::XS;
139 my $jsonxs = JSON::XS->new->indent(1)->canonical(1);
141 for my $i (0..$#{$Opt{newperl}}) {
142 my($perl1,$perl2);
143 $perl1 = $Opt{oldperl}[$i];
144 $perl2 = $Opt{newperl}[$i];
145 unless ($perl1 && $perl2) {
146 die "options oldperl and newperl are mandatory, found $perl1 vs $perl2";
148 $sth0->execute($Opt{minpostdate}, $perl2);
149 my($total) = $sth0->fetchrow_array;
150 $sth3->execute($Opt{minpostdate}, $perl2);
151 # mnemotechnics: newperl and perl2 and rc all associated with the release candidate
152 my($totalrcdists) = $sth3->fetchrow_array;
154 # on the days 2016062[12] the smoker was of DCOLLINS was broken
156 # update 2022-02-09: ad-hoc decision: ignore all tests before 201607 (abandon 70M)
158 $pgdbh->do("CREATE temporary TABLE distnames$i AS
159 ( SELECT DISTINCT dist, version FROM cpanstats
160 WHERE postdate >= ?
161 AND state = 'fail'
162 AND perl = ?
163 ) ", undef, $Opt{minpostdate}, $perl2) or die;
164 my $sth1 = $pgdbh->prepare("select dist, version from distnames$i");
166 my $ts = POSIX::strftime "%FT%T", gmtime(time);
167 my $S =
169 "!ALL" => {
170 perls => [ $perl1, $perl2 ],
171 $perl2 => $total,
172 totalrcdists => $totalrcdists,
173 datetime => $ts,
176 #### warn "starting matrix at $ts";
177 $pgdbh->do("CREATE temporary TABLE matrix$i AS
178 ( SELECT perl, state, cpanstats.dist, cpanstats.version, count(*) cnt
179 FROM cpanstats
180 JOIN distnames$i ON (distnames$i.dist=cpanstats.dist AND distnames$i.version=cpanstats.version)
181 WHERE postdate >= '$Opt{minpostdate}' and perl in ('$perl1', '$perl2') and state in ('pass','fail')
182 GROUP BY perl, state, cpanstats.dist, cpanstats.version
183 )") or die "error while creating temporary table 2: $DBI::err";
184 my $ts2 = POSIX::strftime "%FT%T", gmtime(time);
185 #### warn "finished matrix at $ts2";
186 my $sth5 = $pgdbh->prepare("SELECT matrix$i.perl, matrix$i.state, matrix$i.cnt from matrix$i WHERE matrix$i.dist=? and matrix$i.version=?");
188 MAIN: {
189 $sth1->execute;
190 my $i = 0;
191 my $rows = $sth1->rows;
193 while (my($dist,$version) = $sth1->fetchrow_array) {
194 $i++;
195 #### $sth2->execute($Opt{minpostdate}, $dist, $version, $perl1, $perl2);
196 #### $DB::single = $dist eq "Lingua-Ogmios" && $version eq '0.011';
197 $sth5->execute($dist, $version);
198 my $s;
199 my %seen = (pass => 0, fail => 0);
200 #### while (my($perl,$state,$count) = $sth2->fetchrow_array) {
201 while (my($perl,$state,$count) = $sth5->fetchrow_array) {
202 $s->{$perl}{$state} = $count;
203 $seen{$state}++;
205 my $ignore = 0;
206 if ($seen{pass} == 0) {
207 $ignore=1;
209 if ($seen{fail} == 2 and $seen{pass} == 2) {
210 $ignore=1;
212 store($dist,$version,$s,$S,$ts,$perl1,$perl2,$i,$rows,$ignore);
215 $pgdbh->do("DROP TABLE matrix$i");
216 $pgdbh->do("DROP TABLE distnames$i");
219 sub write_new_line {
220 my($S, $dist, $version, $s, $ts, $row_i, $rows_total, $perl1, $perl2, $serialized_perl_versions) = @_;
221 $S->{"!CAND"}{$dist}{$version} = $s;
222 my $outfile = "$ENV{HOME}/var/beforemaintrelease/result-$serialized_perl_versions";
223 File::Path::mkpath File::Basename::dirname $outfile;
224 { #JSON
225 open my $fh, ">", "$" or die;
226 print {$fh} $jsonxs->encode($S);
227 close $fh or die $!;
228 rename "$", "$outfile.json" or die "Could not rename: $!";
230 { #TXT
231 open my $fh, ">", "$" or die;
232 for my $k (sort keys %{$S->{"!CAND"}}){ # $k='Date-Formatter'
233 for my $k2 (sort keys %{$S->{"!CAND"}{$k}}){ # $k2='0.11'
234 my $v = $S->{"!CAND"}{$k}{$k2};
235 no warnings 'uninitialized';
236 printf {$fh} "%-56s %3d %3d %3d %3d\n",
237 "$k-$k2",
238 $v->{$perl1}{pass}, $v->{$perl1}{fail},
239 $v->{$perl2}{pass}, $v->{$perl2}{fail};
242 close $fh or die $!;
243 rename "$", "$outfile.txt" or die "Could not rename: $!";
247 sub store {
248 my($dist,$version,$s,$S,$ts,$perl1,$perl2,$row_i,$rows_total,$ignore) = @_;
249 my $serialized_perl_versions = join ":", map {
250 my($lex) = lc($_);
251 $lex =~ s/[\s\:\-]//g;
252 $lex
253 } $perl1, $perl2;
254 unless ($ignore) {
255 write_new_line($S, $dist, $version, $s, $ts, $row_i, $rows_total, $perl1, $perl2, $serialized_perl_versions);
257 if ($row_i == $rows_total) {
258 use File::Spec ();
259 my $overviewfile = "$ENV{HOME}/var/beforemaintrelease/overview.json";
260 File::Path::mkpath File::Basename::dirname $overviewfile;
261 my $lfh;
262 until ($lfh = lockfilehandle($overviewfile)) {
263 sleep 1;
265 my $slurp = do { local $/; <$lfh> };
266 $slurp ||= "{}";
267 my $O = $jsonxs->decode($slurp);
268 $O->{$serialized_perl_versions} = $ts;
269 seek $lfh, 0, 0;
270 print {$lfh} $jsonxs->canonical->encode($O);
271 truncate $lfh, tell $lfh;
272 close $lfh or die "Could not close '$overviewfile': $!";
276 sub lockfilehandle {
277 my($lockfile) = @_;
278 use Fcntl ();
279 use File::Basename ();
280 use File::Path ();
281 File::Path::mkpath File::Basename::dirname $lockfile;
282 my $lfh;
283 unless (open $lfh, "+<", $lockfile) {
284 unless ( open $lfh, ">>", $lockfile ) {
285 die "ALERT: Could not open >> '$lockfile': $!";
287 unless ( open $lfh, "+<", $lockfile ) {
288 die "ALERT: Could not open +< '$lockfile': $!";
291 if (flock $lfh, Fcntl::LOCK_EX|Fcntl::LOCK_NB) {
292 # print "Info[$$]: Got the lock, continuing";
293 return $lfh;
294 } else {
295 # print "FATAL[$$]: lockfile '$lockfile' locked by a different process";
296 return undef;
300 # Local Variables:
301 # mode: cperl
302 # cperl-indent-level: 4
303 # End: