new ticket found
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
3 =head1 rt-deleter
5 Get a cookie from, say firebug. Call me with numbers and ranges, eg
7 23658..9 32665..72
9 Tickets will be displayed with 'less'.
11 The question will be asked if you want to delete it.
13 =cut
15 use strict;
16 use warnings;
18 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(prompt);
19 use Getopt::Long;
20 use HTML::TreeBuilder;
21 use HTML::FormatText;
22 use LWP::UserAgent ();
23 use YAML::Syck;
24 { no warnings "once"; $YAML::Syck::ImplicitUnicode = 1; }
26 sub _h2text ($);
28 my %Config = (
29 server => '',
30 username => 'ANDK',
31 password => '',
32 cookie => '',
33 less => '',
34 autodelete => [
35 qr/(?s:R+e+a+l+.+?m+e+n+!+.+?M+i+l+i+o+n+s+.+?o+f+.+?p+e+o+p+l+e+.+?a+c+r+o+s+.+?t+h+e+.+?w+o+r+l+d+)/,
36 qr/We strongly recommend deleting this letter and avoid clicking any links/,
37 qr/\QI looked for you on, the largest people\E/,
38 qr/Enjoy secure ordering, lowest possible prices/,
39 qr/Download eTrust Antivirus ScanReport.TxT/,
40 qr/bietet Ihnen ein leistungsorientiertes Lohn und/,
41 qr/wunderbare Aufstiegschancen/,
42 qr/J..?.?ai en ma possession tous les documents/,
43 qr/Dior, the Christian Dior Fashion House has/,
44 qr/Spring Sale Fashion Footwear Shoes/,
45 qr/(?s:P+r+e+s+e+n+t+.+u+n+f+o+r+g+e+t+t+a+b+l+e+.+n+i+g+h+t+.+t+o+.+y+o+u+r+.+b+e+l+o+v+e+d+.+o+n+e+)/,
46 qr/\QНи3kи{e} ц{e}ны!!!\E/,
47 qr/I am the representative of the large Ukrainian/,
48 qr|Consortium of Export/Import Based in Czech|,
49 qr{(?s:I+n+c+r+e+a+s+e+.+?S+e+x+u+a+l+.+?E+n+e+r+g+y+.+a+n+d+.+?P+l+e+a+s+u+r+e+)},
50 qr{It is Very Easy To Loss Weight},
51 qr{8.901.530.28.70\.},
52 qr{495.{3}772.07.57},
53 qr{(?s:le super lot de la loterie.*sultats de la Loterie Mega Millions.*FELICITATION!)},
54 qr{(?:eflyers|newsflash|specialfeatures|accountsaction|Radio&Music|adlinx|tvlinx)\@es1\.indiantelevision\.com},
55 qr{Read.*?What.*?Our.*?Satisfied.*?Customers.*?Say},
56 qr{\Q***<br />
57 Warning!<br />
58 This letter contains a virus which has been<br />
59 successfully detected and cured.<br />
60 ***<br />\E},
63 qr{\QOur system detected an illegal attachment on your message\E},
64 qr{Diagnostic-Code:\s+X-Postfix;\s+host.+\s+said:\s+550\s+.+\s+Recipient address rejected:.+\s+User unknown in virtual mailbox table},
65 qr{<title>.+Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender</title>},
66 qr{----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----},
67 qr{(?s:Failed to deliver to.+account is full.+quota exceeded)},
70 qr{(?x:Ahn \s nyeong|Ciao|God \s dag|Goedendag|Guten \s Tag|
71 Hallo|Hai|Hei|Hej|Hello|Hey|Heya|Hi|Hoi|
72 Ni \s hao|Oi|Salve|Bonjour,Try\s)[,\.]+(?:\s|<br\s*/>)*\s*(?xi:
73 \QFuck \s beer! \s Got \s sexy \s girl\?\E
74 |How \s to \s keep \s your \s girlfriend \s happy \s \.\.\.
75 |How+ \s to \s turn \s your.+
76 |(p+r+o+v+e+|s+a+v+e+) \s y+o+u+r+ \s l+o+v+e+!?
77 )(?:\s|<br\s*/>)*http://\S+[\.\[\]](?:cn|com)[\s<]},
78 qr{(?i:Pour ne plus recevoir de messages.+cliquez ici)},
79 qr{If you would like not to receive any further communication from us, please send email to unsubscribe\},
80 qr{To unsubscribe, send an email to: \S+ with the address: \S+ in the subject line},
81 qr{[\x{0400}-\x{0513}\s,\.:]{50}}, # 50 cyrillic is spam?
82 qr{Avis de tempete sur les prix},
83 qr{Sie wuenschen Ihre Freizeit fuer Ihre Finanzen nutzen},
84 qr{Sie haben oefters Freizeit},
85 qr{Mailen Sie uns.*\.ru und lassen Sie sich genauere Informationen zukommen.},
86 qr{Viel Kohle in klitzekleiner Zeit},
87 qr{To begin processing of your prize contact:},
88 qr{(?mx: (^ [ef]\S{9}\s[ef]\S{9}\s[ef]\S{9}.+\n){3} )},
89 qr{(?mx: (^ [ef]\S{10}\s[ef]\S{10}\s[ef]\S{10}.+\n){3} )},
90 qr{The attachment file in the message has been removed by eManager},
91 qr{(?s:This is an automated response to let you know that your message has been.+?caught by our spam filter)},
92 qr{(?s:The WatchGuard Firebox which protects your network detected a message which may.+?not be safe\.)},
93 qr{(?s:This nondelivery report was generated by the amavisd-new program)},
94 qr{(?:MailEnable: Message could not be delivered to some recipients.)},
95 qr{(?:This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.<br />)},
96 qr{(?:Message you sent blocked by bulk email filter!)},
97 qr{(?:The message has been blocked because it contains)},
98 qr{(?:Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir de mail de notre part,)},
99 qr{(?:The email you sent with the following subject has NOT BEEN DELIVERED)},
102 qr{US Pharmaceutical Company Executives List(ing)?},
103 qr{every dentist in the (United States|US) with full contact details},
104 qr{Chiropractors in the USA},
105 qr{Contact List of Chiropractors},
106 qr{for (termination of|stopping) this e?mail (in future )?send (us )?an? (blank message|email) with},
107 qr{Chiropractors offices with full contact data},
108 qr{(?i:dentists and dental services)},
110 qr{Si no desea recibir información en un futuro},
111 qr{\QFuck beer! Got sexy girl?\E},
113 qr{\QThis week only you pay only:\E},
114 qr{\QPastas Simples - Pastas com Bolsa\E},
117 qr{(?:eventually considered the camera as a valuable)},
118 qr{Sign up so you can check it out with me},
119 qr{Ideas for your Business},
120 qr{We design and manufacture car wraps},
121 qr{Anjelina Jolie XXX Video Free.},
122 qr{Click here and Enjoy: <a href="http://},
123 qr{You can check you order status at the fol?owing link:},
125 qr{(Sexy|Nude) Angelina Jolie video!},
126 qr{(?:VENDAS - GLOBAL GESSO)},
127 qr{Este es un correo no solicitado},
128 qr{(?:Dear Client,<br />)},
129 qr{(?:Your account was temporarily blocked. Here is an instruction on recovery of your account.)},
131 qr{It's free to join and easy to sign up!},
132 qr{More Easy To Make Money},
133 qr{You have recieved a Hallmark E-Card from your friend.},
134 qr{IKEA has a Fantastic new FREE tool for home decorating},
135 # qr{EasyWeb\},
137 qr{In dringenden F.llen wenden Sie sich bitte an meine Vertretung Silvio Kranzusch},
138 qr{miss Mabel Dagba},
139 qr{\swww\.xema\.es\s},
143 GetOptions(\my %config,
144 (map { ref $Config{$_} ? "$_=s\@" : "$_=s" } keys %Config),
145 "nonono!",
146 "stats!",
147 ) or die;
148 while (my($k,$v) = each %config) {
149 $Config{$k} = $v;
151 unless ($Config{cookie}) {
152 die "Missing mandatory option --cookie";
154 $ENV{LESS} = $Config{less};
156 my @rtickets = @ARGV or die "Usage: $0 [options] ticket...";
157 my @tickets;
158 for my $i (0..$#rtickets) {
159 if ( $rtickets[$i] =~ /(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/ ) {
160 my($from,$sto) = ($1,$2);
161 my $to = $from;
162 my $x = ("." x length($sto)) . '$';
163 $to = $sto unless $to =~ s/$x/$sto/; # s/// fails on 99..100
164 push @tickets, $from..$to;
165 } else {
166 push @tickets, $rtickets[$i];
169 @tickets = sort {$a <=> $b} @tickets;
170 print "Planning to visit tickets @tickets.\n";
171 my $yaml_db_file = "$ENV{HOME}/sources/CPAN/data/rt-deleter.yml";
172 my $ALL;
173 if (-e $yaml_db_file) {
174 $ALL = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($yaml_db_file);
175 #for my $k (keys %$ALL) {
176 # my $k7d = sprintf "%07d", $k;
177 # if (substr($k,0,1) eq " " or length $k != 7 and length $k7d == 7) {
178 # $ALL->{$k7d} = delete $ALL->{$k};
181 } else {
182 warn "WARNING: yaml file '$yaml_db_file' not found!!!";
183 sleep 3;
184 $ALL = {};
187 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
188 keep_alive => 1,
190 $ua->default_headers->push_header(
191 Cookie => $config{cookie},
193 $|=1;
194 TICKET: for my $ticket (@tickets) {
195 unless ($ticket =~ /^\d+$/) {
196 warn "Alert: skipping invalid ticket '$ticket'";
197 next TICKET;
199 if ($ticket =~ /^(17751)$/) {
201 warn "Alert: skipping known DOS ticket '$ticket'";
202 next TICKET;
204 my $displ = "$Config{server}/Ticket/Display.html?id=$ticket";
205 print "Retrieving ticket '$ticket' as $displ...\n";
206 my $resp = $ua->get($displ);
207 unless ($resp->is_success) {
208 warn sprintf "Could not retrieve '%s': %s", $displ, $resp->code;
209 sleep 2;
210 next TICKET;
212 my $decoded = $resp->decoded_content;
213 unless ($decoded) {
214 $decoded = $resp->content;
215 my $cnt = $decoded =~ tr[\200-\377][?]d;
216 if ($cnt) {
217 warn sprintf "Warning: had to replace %d bytes in the content of the message", $cnt;
218 sleep 2;
221 if ($decoded =~ m|>Status:</td>\s+<td.+?>deleted</td>\s+.+\bTicket\sdeleted\s+|s) {
222 warn "Ticket already deleted, nothing to do\n";
223 sleep 2;
224 next TICKET;
226 my $answer;
227 if ($Config{nonono}) {
228 print "not showing '$ticket'\n";
229 sleep 1;
230 $answer = "n";
231 } elsif ($Config{autodelete}) {
232 REGEXP: for my $rx (@{$Config{autodelete}}) {
233 if ($decoded =~ $rx) {
234 print "Ticket matches '$rx'\n";
235 $answer = "y";
236 last REGEXP;
240 $DB::single=1;
241 my $text = _h2text($decoded);
242 #
243 #
244 if ($answer) {
245 print join "", (("=" x 79) . "\n") x 2;
246 print "Answer '$answer' has already been determined automatically\n";
247 sleep 1;
248 } else {
249 {no warnings "once"; $DB::single++;}
250 open my $less, "|-", "less" or die "Could not fork: $!";
251 binmode $less, ":utf8";
252 print $less $decoded;
253 print $less "="x79,"\n" for 0..1;
254 print $less $text;
255 close $less;
256 print join "", (("=" x 79) . "\n") x 2;
257 $answer = prompt "You have now seen the ticket '$ticket'. Do you want to delete it? {N,y,q,yq}", "n";
259 my $ticket7d = sprintf "%07d", $ticket;
260 if ($answer =~ /^q/i) {
261 print "OK, end of loop\n";
262 last TICKET;
263 } elsif ($answer =~ /^n/i) {
264 print "OK, leaving ticket '$ticket' alone\n";
265 $ALL->{$ticket7d} ||= { text => $text,
266 want_delete => 0,
267 date => scalar(localtime),
269 next TICKET;
270 } elsif ($answer =~ /^y/i) {
271 print "OK, trying to delete ticket '$ticket'\n";
272 $ALL->{$ticket7d} = { text => $text,
273 want_delete => 1,
274 date => scalar(localtime),
276 my $delete = "$Config{server}/RT-Extension-QuickDelete/ToggleQuickDelete?id=$ticket";
277 my $resp = $ua->get($delete);
278 if ($resp->is_success) {
279 my $decoded = $resp->decoded_content;
280 if ($decoded =~ /Undelete/) {
281 $ALL->{$ticket7d}{could_delete} = 1;
282 print "Ticket '$ticket' deleted\n";
283 } else {
284 my $text = _h2text($decoded);
285 die "ALERT: response was succeess but did not contain 'Undelete'. text[$text]";
287 } else {
288 $ALL->{$ticket7d}{could_delete} = 0;
289 warn "ALERT: Could not delete ticket '$ticket': " . $resp->as_string;
290 last TICKET;
292 if ($answer =~ /^yq/i) {
293 print "OK, end of loop\n";
294 last TICKET;
299 print "End of loop, writing memories...";
300 open my $fh, ">:utf8", "$" or die "Couldn't open: $!";
301 print $fh YAML::Syck::Dump($ALL);
302 rename $yaml_db_file, "$yaml_db_file~";
303 rename "$", $yaml_db_file;
304 print "Memories written to $yaml_db_file\n";
306 if ($Config{stats}) {
307 print "Collecting stats\n";
308 my %del_by;
309 for my $k (keys %$ALL) {
310 if ($ALL->{$k}{text} =~ /^(.+) - Ticket deleted/m) {
311 $del_by{$1}++;
312 } elsif ($ALL->{$k}{could_delete}) {
313 $del_by{ANDK}++;
314 } else {
315 $del_by{UNKNOWN}++;
318 my $i = 0;
319 for my $k (sort { $del_by{$b} <=> $del_by{$a} } keys %del_by) {
320 $i++;
321 printf "%3d %23s %5d\n", $i, $k, $del_by{$k};
322 last if $i >= 10;
326 sub _h2text ($) {
327 my($decoded) = @_;
328 my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($decoded);
329 my $formatter = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 50);
330 my $text = $formatter->format($tree);
331 $tree->delete;
332 $text;
335 __END__
337 # Local Variables:
338 # mode: cperl
339 # coding: utf-8
340 # cperl-indent-level: 2
341 # End: