Sleep less long
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
9 -
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 8
19 =cut
21 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
23 =item B<--help|h!>
25 This help
27 =item B<--jobs|j=i>
29 Parameter to pass to ''. Defaults to 1 which is usually
30 what we want. But in rare situations, when for example TEST produces a
31 fail but harness produces a pass, this comes in handy.
33 =item B<--keepfilesonerror!>
35 Do not do any cleanup on error, just bail out with an error.
37 =back
41 Runs in a loop. Stops when no patches have arrived.
43 The loop is to run installed-perls-overview and inspect the list from
44 top to bottom. It is expected that the list is based on I<git
45 describe> and sorted like the trunk. And when the current 'git
46 describe' matches the first line, then we have nothing to do.
48 We set --jobs to 1 because at the moment we are much faster (>100
49 times) than the smoker and sleep long times between invocations. If we
50 were yet faster we would only waste both disk and CPU.
52 =cut
55 use FindBin;
56 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
57 BEGIN {
58 push @INC, qw( );
61 use Dumpvalue;
62 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
63 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
64 use File::Spec;
65 use File::Temp;
66 use Getopt::Long;
67 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
68 use Pod::Usage;
70 our %Opt;
71 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=!\|]+)/ } @opt;
72 GetOptions(\%Opt,
73 @opt,
74 ) or pod2usage(1);
76 if ( $Opt{help} ) {
77 pod2usage(0);
79 $Opt{jobs} //= 1;
81 use YAML::Syck;
82 use POSIX;
83 use Sys::Hostname ();
85 my @valid_debuggingoptions = (("EBUGGING=both")x1, ("EBUGGING=-g")x5, ("EBUGGING=none")x7);
87 my $waitabit = 0;
88 LOOP: while () {
89 if ( $waitabit > time ) {
90 my $sleep = $waitabit - time;
91 $sleep = 1 if $sleep < 1;
92 sleep $sleep;
93 } else {
94 $waitabit = time +120; # arbitrary
96 open my $fh, "-|", $^X, "$FindBin::Bin/", "--max=100", "--minperl=v5.15.7";
97 my(@perls,%perls_seen);
98 OVLINE: while (<$fh>) {
99 my($perl) = split " ", $_, 2;
100 my $hostname = Sys::Hostname::hostname;
101 $hostname =~ s/\..*//;
102 my $perl_or_host;
103 if ($hostname eq "k83") {
104 $perl_or_host = "perl";
105 } else {
106 $perl_or_host = "host/$hostname";
108 # Can't exec "/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.23.7-35-g6002757/3bd2/bin/perl": No such...
109 my $absperl = sprintf "/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/%s/%s/bin/perl", $perl_or_host, $perl;
110 open my $fh2, "-|", $absperl, "-V:useithreads|uselongdouble";
111 my @stat = stat $absperl;
112 my $mtime = POSIX::strftime "%FT%TZ", gmtime $stat[9];
113 my %conf;
114 while (<$fh2>) {
115 my($k,$v) = /(\w+)='(\w*)';/;
116 $conf{$k} = $v || 'undef';
118 next OVLINE if $perls_seen{join ",", @conf{qw(useithreads uselongdouble)}}++;
119 push @perls, +{ perl => $perl, mtime => $mtime, %conf };
120 last OVLINE if @perls >= 4;
122 warn YAML::Syck::Dump \@perls;
123 my @system_git = (git => "pull");
124 while () {
125 last if 0 == system @system_git;
126 warn sprintf "%s UTC: git poll has failed, sleeping 900 for the next retry\n", scalar gmtime;
127 sleep 900; # arbitrary
129 my $describe = `git describe`;
130 warn $describe;
131 chomp $describe;
132 if ($describe eq
133 substr($perls[0]{perl},0,index($perls[0]{perl},"/"))) {
134 my $sleep = 2700; # arbitrary
135 my $eta = time+$sleep;
136 local($|)=1;
137 while () {
138 my $left = $eta - time;
139 last if $left < 0;
140 printf "\r%d ", $left;
141 sleep 1;
143 print "\n";
144 next LOOP;
146 my $ud;
147 if (@perls >= 4) {
148 $ud = sprintf "%s%s",
149 uc(substr($perls[3]{useithreads}||qw(D U)[int rand 2], 0, 1)),
150 uc(substr($perls[3]{uselongdouble}||qw(D U)[int rand 2], 0, 1));
151 } else {
152 my %pickud = map { $_ => 1 } qw(UU UD DU DD);
153 for my $p (@perls) {
154 my $thisud = sprintf "%s%s",
155 uc(substr($p->{useithreads}, 0, 1)),
156 uc(substr($p->{uselongdouble}, 0, 1));
157 delete $pickud{$thisud};
159 $ud = (keys %pickud)[int rand scalar keys %pickud];
161 my $debuggingoption = $valid_debuggingoptions[int rand scalar @valid_debuggingoptions];
162 my @system_mp =
163 ($^X,
164 $DB::VERSION ? ("-d") : (),
165 "$FindBin::Bin/",
166 "--jobs=$Opt{jobs}",
167 "--ud=$ud",
168 "--report",
169 "--debuggingoption=$debuggingoption",
170 $Opt{keepfilesonerror} ? "--keepfilesonerror" : (),
172 warn YAML::Syck::Dump \@system_mp;
173 sleep 3; # just so that the message can be seen
174 0 == system @system_mp or die "Alert: problem running system[@system_mp]";
177 # Local Variables:
178 # mode: cperl
179 # cperl-indent-level: 4
180 # End: