new ticket from slaven
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/pVNtS9N/perl-5.8.0@32642/bin/perl -d
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
9 cnntp-scrape - collect metadata of postings to
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 8
19 =cut
21 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
23 =item B<--baseuri=s>
25 defaults to C<>.
27 =item B<--group=s>
29 defaults to C<perl.cpan.testers>.
31 =item B<--workdir=s>
33 defaults to something like ~/var/...
35 =back
39 is the code base that
40 produces the pages. I found the link on
43 We want to download all metadata of all postings of the current month,
44 i.e. subject, from, id and write it to a permanent place. We are not
45 interested much in data from the month before, so we should parse out
46 which month we are in and use it as a label for the resulting DB file.
47 We are not interested in the page id because this changes every hour.
49 Maybe we do not want to parse the html but rather some RSS feed? I see
50 in the svn log that there were atom and rss activities but I find no
51 links on the pages.
53 /group/$1/rss/posts.xml in apache/sites/cnntp.tmpl sounds interesting.
54 Indeed,
55 gives me something RSSish starting with
57 and ending with
59 But the month has started with
61 So, forget RSS.
63 objects:
65 B<month>, name, article_min, article_max, current_paging. The month
66 changes only when we visit the default page,
69 current_paging which can change at any time: I just clicked on 116
70 which was the last but on the resulting page I see now 118 is the
71 last. Two consecutive clicks are not necessarily providing adjacent
72 datasets. current_paging has attributes: max (int), seen (hash)
74 articles can be thread leaders or not. If they are thread leaders we
75 must read them to get at the other articles in the thread. We have the
76 subject already but not the author. article_subject, article_from,
77 article_id. whether an article is a thread leader or not can change
78 over time, even while we are reading, we should not record the fact.
79 Oh well, we must, of course, record it as long as we have not read
80 them.
82 =head2 first round algorithm fails
84 I thought I'd get all articles in a range and be finished when I
85 actually have them. But neither can I determine the two borders
86 reliably nor can I get intervals complete.
88 So the algorithm must change. Read 1..n. Stop when either 20 minutes
89 have passed or n is reached or end is reached. Then sleep. Good
90 enough.
92 =head2 BUGS
94 Plenty.
96 =over
98 =item how to deal with holes
100 How come that we have holes? For example 3081767 is missing today. It
101 was a posting on Jan 17th. All could be so correct and simple without
102 the holes. 17th january is today. 3081851 is current max. That's 84
103 below max. The current first page goes down to 3081762 but I do not
104 see x1767. x1767 is:
106 PASS local-lib-1.003001 i686-linux-thread-multi-64int-ld
108 The string "local-lib" is not on pages 1-10, so this is not a
109 threading issue. The posting is simply missing in the pages. The
110 missing postings are not a fault of this program it seems.
112 We just passed a full wallclock hour. And has expired
113 all pages. Reading page1 again, gives a max of 3081942, that is 92
114 more. So I should find x1767 on page one or two. But it isn't. Page 1
115 has visible 1830-1942, page2 1594-1668!!! No shift-reload corrects for
116 that. Apparently immediately after the hour there are new pages and
117 old pages mixed. Of course my reading algorithm cannot cope with that.
119 Potential solution: goto nntp to fill holes.
121 =item why not nntp?
123 NNTP xhdr is far superior to the method deployed here. xpat would--in
124 theory--be even better but it is extremeley slow so that I believe
125 they first filter by pattern and then by range.
127 % time perl -le '
128 use Net::NNTP; use YAML::XS qw(Dump);
129 use List::Pairwise qw(mapp grepp);
130 my $nntp=Net::NNTP->new("");
131 my(undef,undef,$last) = $nntp->group("perl.cpan.testers");
132 my %fail = grepp { $b =~ /^FAIL / } %{$nntp->xhdr("Subject", [$last-200, $last])};
133 print Dump \%fail;
135 ---
136 '4346542': FAIL Log-Accounting-SVN-0.01 i686-linux-thread-multi-ld 2.6.28-11-generic
137 '4346547': FAIL Parse-SVNDiff-0.03 i686-linux-thread-multi 2.6.28-11-generic
138 '4346552': FAIL Tie-Scalar-MarginOfError-0.03 i686-linux-thread-multi-ld 2.6.28-11-generic
139 '4346556': FAIL Pointer-0.11 i686-linux-thread-multi 2.6.28-11-generic
140 [...]
141 perl -le 0.08s user 0.02s system 0% cpu 10.059 total
143 =item why not a database?
145 With a database we could slowly fill the full 4 or 5 millions and
146 already use it for a web page. But then we should really work with
147 jifty or catalyst again. Or download the existing sqlite database and
148 then start adding to it?
150 Abandoning the current codebase because I'd have to delete nearly
151 everything here. Calling it
153 =back
155 =cut
157 use Dumpvalue;
158 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
159 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
160 use File::Spec;
161 use File::Temp;
162 use Getopt::Long;
163 use LWP::UserAgent;
164 use List::Util qw(max min);
165 use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
166 use Set::IntSpan::Fast::XS ();
167 use Set::IntSpan::Fast ();
168 use URI ();
169 use XML::LibXML;
170 use YAML::Syck;
172 our %Opt;
173 GetOptions(\%Opt,
174 @opt,
175 ) or pod2usage(1);
177 $Opt{group} ||= "perl.cpan.testers";
178 $Opt{baseuri} ||= "";
180 my $workdir = $Opt{workdir} ||= File::Spec->catdir(vardir(\%Opt),"workdir");
181 chdir $workdir
182 or die("Couldn't change to $workdir: $!");
184 while () {
185 my $page1 = read_default_page(\%Opt);
186 my $page_uris = $page1->{current_paging};
187 my $month = $page1->{month};
188 my $db = read_local_db_for_month(\%Opt,$month);
189 $db->{workdir} = $workdir;
190 my $min_article = $db->{min_article}; # must be before merging!
191 merge_page_into_db($page1,$db);
192 my %pages_seen;
193 $pages_seen{"page1.html"} = 1;
194 $db->{pages_seen} = \%pages_seen;
195 unless ($min_article) {
196 # first time here in this month
197 my($last_page_uri) = $page_uris->[-1];
198 my $page2 = read_a_page($last_page_uri);
199 merge_page_into_db($page2,$db);
200 my($tpagename) = $last_page_uri =~ m|.*/([^/]+)$|;
201 $pages_seen{$tpagename} = 1;
203 COLLECT: while () {
204 PAGE: for my $uri (@$page_uris) {
205 last COLLECT if have_seen_enough($db); # the only way out
207 my($tpagename) = $uri =~ m|.*/([^/]+)$|;
208 next PAGE if $pages_seen{$tpagename};
210 my $page2 = read_a_page($uri);
211 merge_page_into_db($page2,$db);
212 write_current_month(\%Opt,$db);
213 my $freshest_page_uris = $page2->{current_paging};
214 my($higest_page_id_outer) = $page_uris->[-1] =~ /page(\d+)\.html/;
215 my($higest_page_id_inner) = $freshest_page_uris->[-1] =~ /page(\d+)\.html/;
216 if ($higest_page_id_outer < $higest_page_id_inner) {
217 # they have renumbered
218 $page_uris = $freshest_page_uris;
219 %pages_seen = ();
220 next COLLECT;
222 $pages_seen{$tpagename} = 1;
224 warn " ### highly suspect! ###";
225 sleep 180;
227 write_current_month(\%Opt,$db);
228 sleep 3600;
232 my $ua;
233 sub _ua {
234 return $ua if $ua;
235 $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new
237 keep_alive => 1,
238 timeout => 300,
239 env_proxy => 1,
241 $ua->parse_head(0);
242 $ua;
247 my $xp;
248 sub _xp {
249 return $xp if $xp;
250 $xp = XML::LibXML->new;
251 $xp->keep_blanks(0);
252 $xp->clean_namespaces(1);
253 #my $catalog = __FILE__;
254 #$catalog =~ s|$|ParseReport/catalog|;
255 #$xp->load_catalog($catalog);
256 return $xp;
260 sub write_current_month {
261 my($opt,$db) = @_;
262 my $month = $db->{month};
263 my $path = dbpath($opt,$month);
264 mkpath dirname $path;
265 my $set = Set::IntSpan::Fast->new($db->{set_as_string}||"");
266 for my $a (keys %{$db->{articles}}) {
267 $set->add($a);
269 $db->{set_as_string} = $set->as_string;
270 YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$", $db);
271 rename "$", $path or die "Could not rename: $!";
274 sub have_seen_enough {
275 my($db) = @_;
276 return unless exists $db->{min_article};
277 my $shouldhave = 0;
278 my $miss = 0;
279 for (my $i = $db->{min_article}; $i <= $db->{max_article}; $i++) {
280 $shouldhave++;
281 if (!exists $db->{articles}{$i}) {
282 $miss++;
285 warn "missing[$miss]shouldhave[$shouldhave]\n";
286 return 1 if $miss < 0.1 * $shouldhave;
287 return 1 if $db->{pages_seen}{"page24.html"};
288 return;
291 sub mybasename {
292 my($p) = @_;
293 $p =~ s|.*/||;
294 return $p;
297 sub fetch_and_parse {
298 my($uri,$as) = @_;
299 $as ||= mybasename($uri);
300 FETCH: {
301 sleep 6; # let them breathe
302 print STDERR "****Fetching $uri as $as...";
303 my $resp = _ua->mirror($uri,$as);
304 my $cheaders = "$as.header";
305 if ($resp->is_success) {
306 print STDERR "DONE\n";
307 open my $fh, ">", $cheaders or die;
308 for ($resp->headers->as_string) {
309 print $fh $_;
310 # print STDERR $_;
312 } elsif (304 == $resp->code) {
313 print STDERR "DONE (not modified)\n";
314 my $atime = my $mtime = time;
315 utime $atime, $mtime, $cheaders;
316 } elsif ($resp->code >= 500) {
317 my $sleep = 120;
318 warn sprintf
320 "%s on downloading %s: %s; sleeping %d, then retrying",
321 $resp->code,
322 $uri,
323 $resp->status_line,
324 $sleep
326 sleep $sleep;
327 redo FETCH;
328 } else {
329 warn sprintf
331 "unexpected error on downloading %s: %s",
332 $uri,
333 $resp->status_line,
335 return;
338 _preparse($as);
339 my $xml = _xp->parse_html_file($as);
342 sub _preparse {
343 my($file) = @_;
344 my $content = do {open my $fh, $file or die; local $/; <$fh> };
345 my $dumper = Dumpvalue->new(unctrl => "unctrl");
346 if ($content =~ s/([\x00-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f])/ $dumper->stringify($1,1) /ge) {
347 my(@stat) = stat $file or die;
348 open my $fh, ">", $file or die;
349 print $fh $content;
350 close $fh or die;
351 utime $stat[9], $stat[9], $file;
355 sub read_default_page {
356 my($opt) = @_;
357 my $uri = "$opt->{baseuri}/$opt->{group}/";
358 my $xml = fetch_and_parse($uri,"index.html");
359 my $page = understand_a_page($xml,$uri);
362 sub read_a_page {
363 my($uri) = @_;
364 my $xml = fetch_and_parse($uri);
365 my $page = understand_a_page($xml,$uri);
368 sub understand_a_page {
369 my($xml,$baseuri) = @_;
370 unless ($xml){
371 require Carp;
372 Carp::confess("understand_a_page called without or with an undefined \$xml argument");
374 # want month, pages, articles(subject,id,from,thread_leader)
375 my($p1) = $xml->findnodes("/html/body/p[a[1] = 'Newest']");
376 my @p1a = $p1->findnodes("a");
377 shift @p1a while $p1a[0] && $p1a[0]->getAttribute("href") !~ m|/page\d|;
378 pop @p1a while $p1a[-1] && $p1a[-1]->textContent =~ m|Oldest|;
379 my @pages = map {
380 URI->new($_->getAttribute("href"))->abs($baseuri)
381 } @p1a;
382 my($month) = $pages[0] =~ m|/(\d+/\d+)/page\d|;
383 $month =~ s|/|-|g;
385 my($table1) = $xml->findnodes("/html/body/table[\@class = 'article_list']");
386 my @table1tr = $table1->findnodes("tr");
387 my @articles = map {
388 my($td1a) = $_->findnodes("td[1]/a");
389 my $href = $td1a->getAttribute("href");
390 my($id) = $href =~ /msg(\d+)\.html$/;
391 my($td2) = $_->findnodes("td[2]");
392 my($td3) = $_->findnodes("td[3]");
393 my $from = $td3->textContent;
394 $from =~ s/^\s+//;
395 $from =~ s/\s+\z//;
397 href => $href,
398 id => $id,
399 subject => $td1a->textContent,
400 thread_leader => $td2->textContent =~ /^1\s/ ? 0 : 1,
401 from => $from,
403 } @table1tr;
404 for my $article (grep {$_->{thread_leader}>0} @articles) {
405 my $thr_articles = read_thread_leader($article,$baseuri);
406 push @articles, @$thr_articles;
408 return {
409 baseuri => $baseuri, # for debugging
410 month => $month,
411 current_paging => \@pages,
412 articles => \@articles,
416 sub read_thread_leader {
417 my($article,$baseuri) = @_;
418 my $uri = URI->new($article->{href})->abs($baseuri);
419 my $xml = fetch_and_parse($uri->as_string);
420 $DB::single = !$xml;
421 my($ul) = $xml->findnodes("/html/body/ul/ul");
422 unless ($ul) {
423 ($ul) = $xml->findnodes("/html/body/ul");
425 unless ($ul) {
426 my $localtime = localtime;
427 require YAML::Syck; print STDERR "Line " . __LINE__ . ", File: " . __FILE__ . "\n" . YAML::Syck::Dump({article => $article, baseuri => $baseuri, localtime => $localtime}); # XXX
428 # e.g.
429 # which has some extreme html that cannot be parsed.
430 return [];
432 my(@ul_li) = $ul->findnodes("li");
433 my @articles;
434 for (@ul_li) {
435 my($a) = $_->findnodes("a") or next;;
436 my $href = $a->getAttribute("href");
437 my($id) = $href =~ /msg(\d+)\.html$/;
438 my $subject = $a->textContent;
439 $subject =~ s/^\s+//;
440 $subject =~ s/\s+\Z//;
441 my $from = $_->textContent;
442 $from =~ s/.*by\s+//s;
443 push @articles, {
444 href => $href,
445 id => $id,
446 subject => $subject,
447 thread_leader => 0,
448 from => $from,
451 return \@articles;
454 sub dbpath {
455 my($opt,$month) = @_;
456 sprintf "%s/%s.yml", vardir($opt), $month;
459 sub vardir {
460 my($opt) = @_;
461 sprintf
463 "%s/var/cnntp-scrape/%s",
464 $ENV{HOME},
465 $opt->{group},
469 sub read_local_db_for_month {
470 my($opt,$month) = @_;
471 my $path = dbpath($opt,$month);
472 my $y;
473 if (-e $path) {
474 $y = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($path);
475 } else {
476 $y = +{};
478 return $y;
481 sub merge_page_into_db {
482 my($page,$db) = @_;
483 if ($db->{month}) {
484 die "Alert: mixing two months not allowed" if $page->{month} ne $db->{month};
485 } else {
486 $db->{month} = $page->{month};
488 my $max_page_article_id = max map {$_->{id}} @{$page->{articles}};
489 if (!$db->{max_article} or $max_page_article_id > $db->{max_article}) {
490 $db->{max_article} = $max_page_article_id;
492 my $min_page_article_id = min map {$_->{id}} @{$page->{articles}};
493 if ($min_page_article_id < 2900000) {
494 # $DB::single++;
495 warn "broken page/baseuri[$page->{baseuri}] min_page_article_id[$min_page_article_id]";
496 } else {
497 if (!$db->{min_article} or $min_page_article_id < $db->{min_article}) {
498 $db->{min_article} = $min_page_article_id;
501 for my $article (@{$page->{articles}}) {
502 my $id = $article->{id};
503 $db->{articles}{$id} ||=
505 from => $article->{from},
506 subject => $article->{subject},