Medium sized Internalization made by flattener against megalog-2017-10-22
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 =head1 NAME
5 jpeguploads -
7 =head1 SYNOPSIS
9 Root runs this from ~ftp/incoming directory in a loop like
11 while true; do perl ~k/sources/CPAN/andk-cpan-tools/bin/ ; sleep 20 ; done
13 The user looks at the images witha browser under
14 file:///home/ftp/incoming/today/index.html
18 We have a directory in our ftp server where the xxx video server is
19 allowed to upload images. We make thumbnails of the images and
20 maintain html pages that let us inspect the thumbnails quickly.
22 We are always in a hurry and have only that many seconds time to run.
23 After that we exit. So they(you) must call us repeatedly.
25 =cut
28 $ENV{LANG} = "C";
30 use strict;
31 use DateTime;
32 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
33 use Getopt::Long;
34 eval {require Time::Duration};
35 our $HAVE_TIME_DURATION = !$@;
37 our %Opt;
38 GetOptions(\%Opt, "timeout=i");
40 $Opt{timeout} ||= 60;
41 my $start = time;
44 # first find out what the most recently uploaded date is
45 my $dir0 = ".";
46 opendir my $dh0, $dir0 or die;
47 my ($m0,$d0,$y0,$iso0);
48 for my $dirent (readdir $dh0) {
49 next unless $dirent =~ /(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)/;
50 my($m,$d,$y) = ($1,$2,$3);
51 my $iso = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", $y, $m, $d;
52 if (not defined $iso0 or $iso gt $iso0) {
53 $iso0 = $iso;
54 $y0 = $y;
55 $m0 = $m;
56 $d0 = $d;
60 my $dir = sprintf "%d_%d_%d", $m0, $d0, $y0;
61 opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not opendir '$dir': $!";
62 my @base;
63 my @tobethumbed;
64 for my $dirent (readdir $dh) {
65 next unless $dirent =~ /(.+)\.jpg$/;
66 my $base = $1;
67 next if $dirent =~ /\.thumb\.jpg$/;
68 push @base, $base;
69 next if -e "$dir/$base.thumb.jpg"; # already converted
70 warn "base[$base]\n";
71 push @tobethumbed, $base;
73 @base = sort { $b cmp $a } @base;
74 if (@tobethumbed or -M "$dir/index.html" > -M $0) {
75 open my $fh, ">", "$dir/" or die;
76 printf $fh <<EOH, ($y0, $m0, $d0)x2;
77 <html><head><title>prtz%04d-%02d-%02d</title><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1800; URL=index.html"></head><body><h3>%04d-%02d-%02d</h3>
78 EOH
79 my $L_min;
80 for my $base (@base) {
81 my $min = substr($base,0,5);
82 if (not defined $L_min or $min ne $L_min) {
83 my $dt = DateTime->new
85 year => $y0,
86 month => $m0,
87 day => $d0,
88 hour => substr($min,0,2),
89 minute => substr($min,3),
90 second => 0,
91 time_zone => 'GMT',
93 $dt->set_time_zone("Europe/Berlin");
94 my $berlin_min = sprintf "%02d:%02d", $dt->hour, $dt->minute;
95 print $fh "<h6>$berlin_min</h6>\n";
97 print $fh <<EOR;
98 <a href="$base.jpg"><img src="$base.thumb.jpg"/></a>
99 EOR
100 $L_min = $min;
102 print $fh "</body></html>\n";
103 rename "$dir/", "$dir/index.html" or die;
104 my $updir = dirname $dir;
105 my $symlink = "$updir/today"; # wrong: we're losing the images!
106 if (-l $symlink) {
107 my $content = readlink $symlink;
108 if ($content ne $dir) {
109 unlink $symlink or die "Could not unlink: $!";
110 warn "unlinked symlink '$symlink'";
113 unless (-e $symlink) {
114 symlink $dir, $symlink or die "Could not create symlink: $!"
116 for my $base (@tobethumbed) {
117 if (0 == -s "$dir/$base.jpg") {
118 warn "Found empty image '$dir/$base.jpg'\n";
119 local $^T=time;
120 if (-M "$dir/$base.jpg" > 1) {
121 warn "Removing...\n";
122 unlink "$dir/$base.jpg" or die "Could not unlink: $!";
123 } else {
124 warn "Skipping\n";
126 next;
128 unless ( 0 == system "convert", "-geometry", "150x150", "-quality", "75", "$dir/$base.jpg", "$dir/$base.thumb.jpg" ) {
129 warn "died during convert '$dir/$base.jpg' '$dir/$base.thumb.jpg'; sleeping a bit...";
130 sleep 20;
131 die "Bye";
133 last if time - $start > $Opt{timeout};
136 require Cwd;
137 my $abs = sprintf "%s/%s/%s.jpg", Cwd::cwd(), $dir, $base[0];
139 my @stat = stat $abs;
140 my $mtime = $stat[9];
141 warn sprintf " %s: %s\n", Time::Duration::duration(time - $mtime), $abs;
142 } else {
143 warn sprintf "latest: %s\n", $abs;
145 if (not -e "current.jpg" or -M "current.jpg" > -M "$dir/$base[0].jpg") {
146 unlink "current.jpg";
147 symlink "$dir/$base[0].jpg", "current.jpg";