Initial checkin after first run
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 =pod
5 customization and extension of for megainstall log files.
7 with the ability to switch to the next file when one file is finished;
9 displaying filename and current package from time to time;
11 intelligent handling of incomplete lines
13 =cut
15 use File::Basename qw(basename);
16 use File::Spec;
17 use Getopt::Long;
18 use List::Util qw(maxstr);
19 use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
21 our %Opt;
22 GetOptions(\%Opt,
23 "debug!",
24 ) or die;
26 my $curpos = 0;
27 my $line;
28 my $file = youngest();
29 my $currentpackage;
30 $| = 1;
32 our @sleepscala = (2,3,5,8,13,21,34);
33 @sleepscala = (2,3,5) if $Opt{debug};
34 my $sleepscalaindex = 0;
35 FILE: while () {
36 open GWFILE, $file or die "Could not open '$file': $!";
37 my $lines = 0;
38 while (<GWFILE>) {
39 $lines++;
41 close GWFILE;
42 my $i = 0;
43 open GWFILE, $file or die "Could not open '$file': $!";
44 my $lastline = "";
45 LINE: for (;;) {
46 warn "lines[$lines]" if $Opt{debug};
47 my $gotone;
48 for ($curpos = tell(GWFILE); $line = <GWFILE>; $curpos = tell(GWFILE)) {
49 $i++;
50 # warn "i[$i]curpos[$curpos]" if $Opt{debug};
51 $gotone=1;
52 if ($line =~ /^\s+CPAN\.pm:/) {
53 ($currentpackage) = $line =~ /^\s+CPAN\.pm: Going to build\s+(\w[^\e]+\w)(?:\e.*)\s*$/;
55 if ($i > $lines - 10) {
56 my @time = localtime;
57 my $localtime = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", @time[2,1,0];
58 my $fractime = time;
59 $fractime =~ s/\d+\.//;
60 $fractime .= "0000";
61 my $prefix = sprintf "%5d %s.%s", $i, $localtime, substr($fractime,0,4);
62 if (($i % 18) == 0) {
63 my $filelabel = $file;
64 my $currentpackagelabel;
65 if ($currentpackage) {
66 $currentpackagelabel = $currentpackage;
67 $currentpackagelabel .= " "
68 while length $currentpackagelabel < length $filelabel;
69 $filelabel .= " "
70 while length $currentpackagelabel > length $filelabel;
72 if (length $lastline) {
73 print "\n(( $filelabel ))\n";
74 } else {
75 print "(( $filelabel ))\n";
77 if ($currentpackagelabel) {
78 print "(( $currentpackagelabel ))\n";
80 if ($lastline) {
81 print $lastline;
84 if (length $lastline) {
85 printf "\n%s %s%s", $prefix, $lastline, $line;
86 } else {
87 printf "%s %s", $prefix, $line;
89 if ($line =~ /\n/) {
90 $lastline = "";
91 } else {
92 $i--;
93 $lastline = $line;
97 if ($gotone) {
98 sleep 0.33;
99 $sleepscalaindex=0;
100 } elsif ($i < $lines) {
101 # no sleep
102 } else {
103 sleep $sleepscala[$sleepscalaindex];
104 my $youngest = youngest();
105 if ($sleepscalaindex<$#sleepscala) {
106 $sleepscalaindex++;
107 if ($sleepscalaindex==$#sleepscala) {
108 printf "\nINFO: max sleepscala reached at %s\n", scalar localtime;
110 } else {
111 printf "\rINFO: %s youngest[%s]", scalar localtime, basename $youngest;
113 if ($youngest ne $file) {
114 print "\nswitching to $youngest\n";
115 $file = $youngest;
116 next FILE;
119 seek(GWFILE, $curpos, 0); # seek to where we had been
123 sub youngest {
124 my($dir,$pat) = @_;
125 $dir ||= "/home/sand/andk-cpan-tools/logs/";
126 $pat ||= qr/^megainstall\..*\.out$/;
127 opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Could not opendir '$dir': $!";
128 my $youngest = maxstr grep { $_ =~ $pat } readdir $dh;
129 File::Spec->catfile($dir,$youngest);