new perls
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 =head1 NAME
5 recent -
7 =head1 SYNOPSIS
9 watch -t -n 20 'perl ~k/sources/CPAN/GIT/trunk/bin/ -n 25 --burn-in-protection'
11 =head1 OPTIONS
13 =over 8
15 =cut
17 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
19 =item B<--help|h!>
21 This help
23 =item B<--alternative=i>
25 =item B<--allowdups!>
27 Normally we suppress Foo-3.33 when we have already seen Foo-4.44. With
28 this option we show all versions.
30 =item B<--burn-in-protection!>
32 =item B<--linetrim=i>
34 =item B<--localroot=s>
36 Defaults to C</home/ftp/pub/PAUSE/authors>. Path to authors directory.
38 =item B<--n=i>
40 =item B<--showsize!>
42 =back
46 Show most recent uploads according to the RECENT file and mark the
47 currently processing one (according to ~/.cpan/loop-over-recent.state
48 with a star.
50 The burn-in-protection changes something from time to time. This also
51 cleans up STDERR remnants that otherwise might annoy the user of
52 watch(1).
54 =cut
56 use strict;
57 use warnings;
59 use CPAN::DistnameInfo;
60 eval {require Time::Duration};
61 our $HAVE_TIME_DURATION = !$@;
62 # use YAML::Syck;
64 use Dumpvalue;
65 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
66 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
67 use File::Spec;
68 use File::Temp;
69 use Getopt::Long;
70 use Pod::Usage;
71 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
73 our %Opt;
74 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=|!]+)/ } @opt;
75 GetOptions(\%Opt,
76 @opt,
77 ) or pod2usage(1);
78 if ($Opt{help}) {
79 pod2usage(0);
82 $Opt{n}||=40;
84 if (-e "/home/k/sources/rersyncrecent/lib/") {
85 require lib;
86 lib->import("/home/k/sources/rersyncrecent/lib/");
87 lib->unimport(".");
89 require File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent;
90 use CPAN::Version;
91 unless (CPAN::Version->vge($File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent::VERSION, '0.4.5')) {
92 warn "WARNING: loaded version '$File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent::VERSION' maybe not sufficient. Loaded from $INC{'File/Rsync/Mirror/'}\n";
95 my $statefile = "$ENV{HOME}/.cpan/loop-over-recent.state";
96 my $max_epoch_worked_on = 0;
98 my $rx = qr!\.(tar.gz|tar.bz2|zip|tgz|tbz)$!; # see also loop-over...
100 if (-e $statefile) {
101 local $/;
102 my $state = do { open my $fh, $statefile or die "Couldn't open '$statefile': $!";
103 <$fh>;
105 chomp $state;
106 $state||=0;
107 $state += 0;
108 $max_epoch_worked_on = $state if $state;
110 $Opt{localroot} ||= "/home/ftp/pub/PAUSE/authors";
111 $Opt{localroot} =~ s|/*$|/|; # ensure trailing slash
112 my $rf = File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent->new
114 localroot => $Opt{localroot},
115 local => "$Opt{localroot}RECENT.recent",
117 my $have_a_current = 0;
118 my $recent_events = $rf->news(max=>10*$Opt{n});
120 my %seen;
121 $recent_events = [ grep { $_->{path} =~ $rx
122 && $_->{type} eq "new";
123 } @$recent_events ];
124 unless ($Opt{allowdups}) {
125 $recent_events = [ grep { my $d = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($_->{path});
126 no warnings 'uninitialized';
127 !$seen{$d->dist}++
128 } @$recent_events ];
130 for my $re (@$recent_events) {
131 if ($re->{epoch} == $max_epoch_worked_on) {
132 $re->{is_current} = 1;
133 $have_a_current = 1;
137 my $count = 0;
138 my $intro_done = 0;
139 ITEM: for my $i (0..$#$recent_events) {
140 my $item = $recent_events->[$i];
141 my $mark = "";
142 my $epoch = $item->{epoch};
143 unless ($intro_done++) {
145 printf " %s since latest upload\n", Time::Duration::duration(time - $epoch);
146 } else {
147 printf " %7d seconds since latest upload (no Time::Duration?)\n", time - $epoch;
150 if ($max_epoch_worked_on) {
151 if ($item->{is_current}) {
152 $mark = "*";
153 } elsif (!$have_a_current
154 && $max_epoch_worked_on > $item->{epoch}
155 && $i > 0
156 && $max_epoch_worked_on < $recent_events->[$i-1]->{epoch}) {
157 printf "%1s %s\n", "*", scalar localtime $max_epoch_worked_on;
160 my $size = "";
161 if ($Opt{showsize}) {
162 my $abs = $Opt{localroot} . $item->{path};
163 $size = -s $abs ? sprintf(" %7d ",-s $abs) : "_________";
165 my $line = sprintf
167 "%1s %s %s%s\n",
168 $mark,
169 scalar localtime $epoch,
170 $size,
171 substr($item->{path},8),
173 if (my $trim = $Opt{linetrim}) {
174 if (length $line > $trim) {
175 substr($line,$trim-3) = "...\n";
178 if ($Opt{"burn-in-protection"}) {
179 chomp $line;
180 while (rand 30 < 1) {
181 $line = " $line";
183 if (length($line) > 80) {
184 while (length($line) > 80){
185 chop($line);
187 substr($line,80-1,1) = rand(30)<1 ? "_" : ">";
189 while (length($line) < 80){
190 $line .= rand(30)<1 ? "_" : " ";
192 if (rand(30)<1) {
193 $line =~ s/ /_/g;
195 $line .= "\n";
197 print $line;
198 ++$count;
199 if ($Opt{n} && $count>=$Opt{n}) {
200 last ITEM;
203 if (0 == $count) {
204 print sprintf " found nothing of interest in %s\n", $rf->rfile;
205 } elsif ($Opt{"burn-in-protection"} && $count < $Opt{n}) {
206 while ($count < $Opt{n}) {
207 my $line = "";
208 while (length($line) < 80){
209 $line .= rand(30)<1 ? "_" : " ";
211 print "$line\n";
212 $count++;
215 __END__
217 # Local Variables:
218 # mode: cperl
219 # cperl-indent-level: 2
220 # End: