new perls
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/pVNtS9N/perl-5.8.0@32642/bin/perl -d
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
9 cnntp-contemplate - combine datacollections and annotations to recommendations
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 8
19 =cut
21 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
23 =item B<--group=s>
25 defaults to C<perl.cpan.testers>.
27 =item B<--workdir=s>
29 defaults to something like ~/var/...
31 =back
33 =head1 BUGS
35 some code copy and pasted from cnntp-scrape...
39 show the most recent FAILs on cpantesters. Compare to annotations.txt
40 which I maintain manually.
42 =head1 TODO
44 Is latest?
46 Release date
48 link to matrix
50 open tickets
52 result of -solve
54 my own results
56 =cut
58 use lib "$ENV{HOME}/sources/CPAN/ghub/cpanpm/lib";
59 use CPAN;
60 use DateTime;
61 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
62 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
63 use File::Spec;
64 use File::Temp;
65 use Getopt::Long;
66 use LWP::UserAgent;
67 use List::Util qw(max min reduce sum);
68 use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
69 use Term::ANSIColor;
70 use URI ();
71 use XML::LibXML;
72 use YAML::Syck;
74 our %Opt;
75 GetOptions(\%Opt,
76 @opt,
77 ) or pod2usage(1);
79 $Opt{group} ||= "perl.cpan.testers";
80 $Opt{baseuri} ||= "";
82 my $workdir = $Opt{workdir} ||= File::Spec->catdir(vardir(\%Opt),"workdir");
83 chdir $workdir
84 or die("Couldn't change to $workdir: $!");
86 $CPAN::Frontend = "CPAN::Shell"; # alt: devnull
88 package CPAN::Shell::devnull;
89 sub myprint { return; }
90 sub mywarn { return; }
91 sub mydie { my($self,$why) = @_; warn "Caught error[$why]; continuing"; return; }
92 sub mysleep { return; }
94 CPAN::HandleConfig->load;
95 CPAN::Shell::setup_output;
96 CPAN::Index->reload;
98 my $db = read_local_db_for_month(\%Opt);
99 my $anno = read_annotations(\%Opt);
100 my $max = 50;
101 my $i = 0;
102 my %seen;
103 my $highestreported = 0;
104 my $recent100000 = [];
105 ARTICLE: for my $k (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{$db->{articles}}) {
106 my $article = $db->{articles}{$k};
107 my($ok,$dist) = ok_value_and_distro($article);
108 unless ($highestreported++) {
109 print "((($k))) $ok $dist\n";
111 next ARTICLE unless "FAIL" eq $ok;
112 next ARTICLE if $seen{$dist}++;
113 if (exists $anno->{$dist}) {
114 my $anno = $anno->{$dist};
115 substr($anno,36) = "..." if length($anno) > 39;
116 printf "%s %8d skip %s (%s)\n", "-"x2, $k, $dist, $anno;
117 } else {
118 my @ret = cpan_lookup_dist($dist);
119 my($upload_date,$author,$passfail_overview);
120 if (@ret) {
121 if (1 == @ret) {
122 # $DB::single=1;
123 unless ($upload_date = $ret[0]->{UPLOAD_DATE}) {
124 my($id) = $ret[0]->{ID};
125 $id =~ s|^./../||;
126 local($CPAN::Frontend) = "CPAN::Shell::devnull";
127 CPAN::Shell->ls($id); # find out the upload date!
128 $upload_date = $ret[0]->upload_date || "???";
130 $author = substr($ret[0]{ID},5);
131 $author =~ s|/.*||;
132 $passfail_overview = passfail_overview($dist,$db,$recent100000);
133 } else {
134 die "ALERT: not reached anymore";
136 } else {
137 next ARTICLE;
138 $author = "???";
139 $upload_date = "....-..-..";
140 $passfail_overview = "--:--:--";
142 ++$i;
143 for ($article->{from}) {
144 substr($_,56)="..." if length>58;
146 my $ddist = length($dist)<=52 ? $dist : (substr($dist,0,49)."...");
147 if (my($y,$m,$d) = $upload_date =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/) {
149 my $dtu = DateTime->new(year => $y, month => $m, day => $d, time_zone => "floating");
150 my $dtn = DateTime->now;
151 my $dur = $dtn->subtract_datetime_absolute($dtu);
152 my $delta = $dur->delta_seconds;
153 my $color_on = "";
154 # $DB::single++;
155 if ($delta >= 3*365.25*86400) {
156 $color_on = Term::ANSIColor::color("yellow");
157 } elsif ($delta >= 3*86400) {
158 $color_on = Term::ANSIColor::color("green");
159 } else {
160 $color_on = Term::ANSIColor::color("red");
162 my $color_off = Term::ANSIColor::color("reset");
163 $upload_date = "$color_on$upload_date$color_off";
165 printf(
166 "%2d %8d %s %s %s/%s\n",
167 $i, $k,
168 $upload_date,
169 $passfail_overview,
170 $author,
171 $ddist,
174 last if $max == $i;
177 sub ok_value_and_distro {
178 my($article) = @_;
179 $article->{subject} =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
182 sub passfail_overview {
183 my($dist,$db,$recent100000) = @_;
184 my %summary;
185 unless (@$recent100000) {
186 while (my($k,$v) = each %{$db->{articles}}) {
187 # in january we had ~200000 articles
188 # if we limit to 100000, then we have two week
189 next if $k < $db->{max_article} - 100000;
190 next if $v->{subject} eq "Oops";
191 my($ok,$fdist) = ok_value_and_distro($v);
192 unless (defined $fdist) {
193 warn "dist[$dist]fdist[$fdist]";
194 $DB::single++;
196 push @$recent100000, {
197 subject => $v->{subject},
198 from => $v->{from},
199 ok => $ok,
200 dist => $fdist,
204 for my $v (@$recent100000) {
205 next unless $dist eq $v->{dist}; # XXX very inefficient
206 $summary{$v->{ok}}++;
208 my $pass = delete $summary{PASS};
209 my $fail = delete $summary{FAIL};
210 my $other = sum values %summary;
211 my $color_on = "";
212 my $color_off = "";
213 $pass ||= 0;
214 $fail ||= 0;
215 if (0 == $pass) {
216 $color_on = Term::ANSIColor::color("red");
217 $color_off = Term::ANSIColor::color("reset");
218 } elsif ($pass>=3 && $fail>=3) {
219 $color_on = Term::ANSIColor::color("green");
220 $color_off = Term::ANSIColor::color("reset");
222 sprintf "%s%2d:%2d:%2d%s", $color_on, $pass, $fail, $other||0, $color_off;
225 sub cpan_lookup_dist {
226 my($dist) = @_;
227 my @ret = CPAN::Shell->expand("Distribution", "/\\/$dist/");
228 my $best = reduce {
229 my $la = length(mybasename($a->{ID}));
230 my $lb = length(mybasename($b->{ID}));
231 $la < $lb ? $a : $b
232 } @ret;
233 return $best ? $best : ();
236 sub mybasename {
237 my($p) = @_;
238 $p =~ s|.*/||;
239 return $p;
242 sub dbpath {
243 my($opt,$month) = @_;
244 sprintf "%s/%s.yml", vardir($opt), $month;
247 sub vardir {
248 my($opt) = @_;
249 sprintf
251 "%s/var/cnntp-scrape/%s",
252 $ENV{HOME},
253 $opt->{group},
257 sub read_local_db_for_month {
258 my($opt) = @_;
259 # take the max. Note: the server runs probably in some pacific
260 # timezone, we really do not want to know.
261 opendir my $dh, vardir($opt);
262 my $current = reduce { $b gt $a ? $b : $a } grep {/^\d+-\d+\.yml$/} readdir $dh;
263 my($month) = $current =~ /^(\d+-\d+)\.yml$/;
264 my $path = dbpath($opt,$month);
265 my $y;
266 if (-e $path) {
267 $y = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($path);
268 } else {
269 $y = +{};
271 if (scalar keys %{$y->{articles}} < 100000) {
272 rewinddir $dh;
273 my $current2 = reduce { $b gt $a ? $b : $a }
274 grep {/^\d+-\d+\.yml$/ && $_ ne "$month.yml"} readdir $dh;
275 my($month2) = $current2 =~ /^(\d+-\d+)\.yml$/;
276 my $path2 = dbpath($opt,$month2);
277 my $y2;
278 if (-e $path2) {
279 $y2 = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($path2);
280 while (my($k,$v) = each %{$y2->{articles}}) {
281 $y->{articles}{$k} = $v;
285 return $y;
288 sub read_annotations {
289 my $fh;
290 unless (open $fh, "../annotate.txt") {
291 $DB::single=1;
292 die "Could not";
295 my $anno = {};
296 while (<$fh>) {
297 chomp;
298 next if /^\s*$/;
299 my($dist,$splain) = split " ", $_, 2;
300 $anno->{$dist} = $splain;
302 return $anno;