new perls
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # die " Deadly, don't use yet. We must implement date verification as well, at least ";
5 # Have eliminated 10 lines: Dancer2-Logger-Radis-0.001(=>0.002) Yote-0.1022(=>2.02) DBD-SQLAnywhere-2.08(=>2.13) Template-Mustache-1.0.0_0(=>1.1.0) Data-Rmap-0.64(=>0.65) Pcore-PDF-v0.1.0(=>v0.4.4) IO-Socket-Socks-0.71(=>0.74) Data-Sah-Resolve-0.003(=>0.007) Git-PurePerl-0.51(=>0.53) Archive-Zip-1.57(=>1_11)
8 # use 5.010;
9 use strict;
10 use warnings;
12 =head1 NAME
16 =head1 SYNOPSIS
20 =head1 OPTIONS
22 =over 8
24 =cut
26 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
28 =item B<--annotatefile=s>
30 Defaults to C<annotate.txt>. Filename to work on.
32 =item B<--debug|d!>
34 More output
36 =item B<--dry-run|n!>
38 Only the diagnostics, no overwrite
40 =item B<--help|h!>
42 This help
44 =item B<--max=i>
46 Stop after how many
48 =item B<--rand!>
50 If true, pick your sample randomly from all lines
52 =back
56 Visits fastapi for each line of the annotate.txt file and deletes
57 lines that have a newer counterpart.
59 =cut
62 use FindBin;
63 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
64 BEGIN {
65 push @INC, qw( );
68 use Getopt::Long;
69 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
70 use Pod::Usage;
71 use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
72 use Time::Piece;
74 our %Opt;
75 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=|!]+)/ } @opt;
76 GetOptions(\%Opt,
77 @opt,
78 ) or pod2usage(1);
79 if ($Opt{help}) {
80 pod2usage(0);
82 $Opt{annotatefile} //= "annotate.txt";
84 use LWP::UserAgent;
85 use JSON::XS;
86 use CPAN::DistnameInfo;
87 use List::AllUtils qw(reduce);
88 use CPAN::Version;
90 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
91 $ua->default_header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
92 my $jsonxs = JSON::XS->new->indent(0);
94 my @Sredu = my @Stmp = do { open my $fh, $Opt{annotatefile} or die; local $/="\n"; map {chop;$_} <$fh> };
96 my $max = defined $Opt{max} ? $Opt{max} : scalar @Stmp;
97 my $maxi = $max - 1;
98 my $sleep_on_error = 0.884;
100 my @DONE;
102 ANNO: for my $i (0..$maxi) {
103 my $si = $Opt{rand} ? int rand @Stmp : $i;
104 my($distv) = $Stmp[$si] =~ /(\S+)/;
105 my %w = ( distv => $distv ); # work
106 warn "\ndistv => $distv\n" if $Opt{debug};
107 my $d = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new("A/AA/AAA/$distv.tar.gz");
108 $w{version} = $d->version;
109 warn "version => $w{version}\n" if $Opt{debug};
110 warn sprintf "left => %d\n", $maxi-$i if $Opt{debug};
111 my $query = sprintf ",date,status,version,author&size=400&_source=tests", $d->dist;
112 my $resp = $ua->get($query);
113 unless ($resp->is_success) {
114 warn sprintf "No success visiting '%s': %s; sleeiping %.3f\n",
115 $query, $resp->code, $sleep_on_error;
116 sleep $sleep_on_error;
117 next ANNO;
119 # print $query;
120 my $jsontxt = $resp->decoded_content;
121 my $j = eval { $jsonxs->decode($jsontxt); };
122 if (!$j || $@) {
123 my $err = $@ || "unknown error";
124 die "Error while decoding '$jsontxt': $err";
126 my $hits = $j->{hits}{hits};
127 my($releasedate) = map { $_->{fields}{date} } grep { $_->{fields}{name} eq $distv } @$hits;
128 unless ($releasedate) {
129 warn "Did not find own releasedate for $distv\n";
130 next ANNO;
132 warn "releasedate => $releasedate\n" if $Opt{debug};
133 $w{cpanversion} = reduce {
134 CPAN::Version->vgt($a,$b) ? $a : $b
135 } map { $_->{fields}{version} } grep { $_->{fields}{date} ge $releasedate } @$hits;
136 warn "cpanversion => $w{cpanversion}\n" if $Opt{debug};
137 my $line = splice @Stmp, $si, 1;
138 $w{eliminated} = 0;
139 if (CPAN::Version->vgt($w{cpanversion},$w{version})) {
140 my($highest_distro) = grep { $_->{fields}{version} eq $w{cpanversion} } @$hits;
141 warn "releasedate => $highest_distro->{fields}{date}\n" if $Opt{debug};
142 if (($highest_distro->{_source}{tests}{fail}||0) > 0) {
143 my $fails = $highest_distro->{_source}{tests}{fail} == 1 ? "fail" : "fails";
144 $w{whynot} = sprintf "found %d %s", $highest_distro->{_source}{tests}{fail}, $fails;
145 } else {
146 my $tepoch = Time::Piece->strptime($highest_distro->{fields}{date}, "%Y-%m-%dT%T")->epoch;
147 if (time - $tepoch < 14*86400) {
148 $w{whynot} = "too fresh";
149 } else {
150 my($redui) = grep { $Sredu[$_] eq $line } 0..$#Sredu;
151 splice @Sredu, $redui, 1;
152 $w{eliminated} = 1;
156 warn "eliminated => $w{eliminated}\n" if $Opt{debug};
157 if ($w{whynot}) {
158 warn "whynot => $w{whynot}\n" if $Opt{debug};
160 push @DONE, \%w;
162 my @elim = map {
163 sprintf "%s(=>%s)", $_->{distv}, $_->{cpanversion};
164 } grep { $_->{eliminated} } @DONE;
165 if ($Opt{"dry-run"}) {
166 my $lines = scalar @elim == 1 ? "line" : "lines";
167 warn sprintf "Would have eliminated %d $lines: %s\n", scalar @elim, join(" ", @elim);
168 } else {
169 my $lines = scalar @elim == 1 ? "line" : "lines";
170 warn sprintf "Have eliminated %d %s: %s\n", scalar @elim, $lines, join(" ", @elim);
171 open my $fh, ">", $Opt{annotatefile};
172 print $fh "$_\n" for @Sredu;
173 close $fh or die "Could not write $Opt{annotatefile}: $!";
176 # Local Variables:
177 # mode: cperl
178 # cperl-indent-level: 4
179 # End: