Medium sized Internalization made by flattener against megalog-2018-08-16
[andk-cpan-tools.git] / lib / Bundle /
1 package Bundle::Snapshot_2011_05_03_00;
3 $VERSION = '0.01';
5 1;
7 __END__
9 =head1 NAME
11 Bundle::Snapshot_2011_05_03_00 - Snapshot of installation on k81 on Tue May 3 08:04:38 2011
13 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Snapshot_2011_05_03_00'
17 =head1 CONTENTS
18 Rose::DBx::Bouquet::Config
19 Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst::Controller
20 Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst::Excel
21 Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst::Form
22 Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst::Form::Metadata
23 Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst::Object
24 Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst::TT
25 Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst::View
26 Rose::ObjectX::CAF::MethodMaker
27 Rose::DBx::Object::Indexed::Indexer 0.008
28 Rose::DBx::Object::Indexed::Indexer::KSx 0.008
29 Rose::DBx::Object::Indexed::Indexer::Xapian 0.008
30 Routes::Tiny::Match undef
31 Routes::Tiny::Pattern undef
32 Rule::Engine::Filter undef
33 Rule::Engine::Rule undef
34 Rule::Engine::RuleSet undef
35 Rule::Engine::Session undef
36 SCGI::Request undef
37 FusionInventory::Agent::Config undef
38 FusionInventory::Agent::Network undef
39 FusionInventory::Agent::RPC undef
40 FusionInventory::Agent::SNMP undef
41 FusionInventory::Agent::Storage undef
42 FusionInventory::Agent::Target undef
43 FusionInventory::Agent::Targets undef
44 SDLx::Widget::Menu undef
45 SDLx::Widget::Textbox undef
46 SIAM::AccessScope undef
47 SIAM::Attribute undef
48 SIAM::Contract undef
49 SIAM::Device undef
50 SIAM::Driver::Simple undef
51 SIAM::Object undef
52 SIAM::Privilege undef
53 SIAM::ScopeMember undef
54 SIAM::Service undef
55 SIAM::ServiceDataElement undef
56 SIAM::ServiceUnit undef
57 SIAM::User undef
58 SNA::Network::Algorithm::Betweenness undef
59 SNA::Network::Algorithm::Connectivity undef
60 SNA::Network::Algorithm::Cores undef
61 SNA::Network::Algorithm::HITS undef
62 SNA::Network::Algorithm::PageRank undef
63 SNA::Network::Edge undef
64 SNA::Network::Filter::Guess undef
65 SNA::Network::Filter::Pajek undef
66 SNA::Network::Generator::ByDensity undef
67 SNA::Network::Generator::ConfigurationModel undef
68 SNA::Network::Node undef
69 SNA::Network::Node::Plugin::Test undef
70 SNA::Network::Plugin::Test undef
71 SNA::Network
72 SOAP::Data::Builder::Element
73 SOAP::Data::Builder
74 SOAP::ISIWoK::Lite
75 SOAP::ISIWoK::Sword
76 SOAP::Transport::HTTP::MockReplay
77 SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Log4perl
78 SQL::Bibliosoph::CatalogFile 2.00
79 SQL::Bibliosoph::Dummy 2.00
80 SQL::Bibliosoph::Query 2.00
81 SQL::Bibliosoph::Sims 2.0
82 SVG::Extension 2.50
83 SVG::Manual 2.5
84 SVG::Rasterize::Colors 0.000009
85 SVG::Rasterize::Exception 0.003006
86 SVG::Rasterize::Properties 0.000009
87 SVG::Rasterize::Regexes 0.003005
88 SVG::Rasterize::Specification 0.003005
89 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Animation 0.003005
90 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Clip 0.003005
91 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::ColorProfile 0.003005
92 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Conditional 0.003005
93 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Cursor 0.003005
94 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Description 0.003005
95 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Extensibility 0.003005
96 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Filter 0.003005
97 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::FilterPrimitive 0.003005
98 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Font 0.003005
99 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Gradient 0.003005
100 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Hyperlink 0.003005
101 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Image 0.003005
102 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Marker 0.003005
103 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Mask 0.003005
104 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Pattern 0.003005
105 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Script 0.003005
106 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Shape 0.003005
107 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Structure 0.003005
108 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Style 0.003005
109 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Text 0.003005
110 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::TextContent 0.003005
111 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Use 0.003005
112 SVG::Rasterize::Specification::View 0.003005
113 SVG::Rasterize::State 0.003006
114 SVG::Rasterize::State::Text 0.003006
115 SVG::Rasterize::TextNode 0.003002
116 SVG::Sparkline::Area 0.35
117 SVG::Sparkline::Bar 0.35
118 SVG::Sparkline::Line 0.35
119 SVG::Sparkline::RangeArea 0.35
120 SVG::Sparkline::RangeBar 0.35
121 SVG::Sparkline::Utils 0.35
122 SVG::Sparkline::Whisker 0.35
123 SVG::TT::Graph::Bar undef
124 SVG::TT::Graph::BarHorizontal undef
125 SVG::TT::Graph::BarLine undef
126 SVG::TT::Graph::Line undef
127 SVG::TT::Graph::Pie undef
128 SVG::TT::Graph::TimeSeries undef
129 SVG::XML 2.50
130 SVN::Access::Group 0.06
131 SVN::Access::Resource 0.06
132 SVN::Analysis 1.000
133 SVN::Analysis::Copy 1.000
134 SVN::Analysis::Dir 1.000
135 SVN::Class::Dir 0.16
136 SVN::Class::File 0.16
137 SVN::Class::Info 0.16
138 SVN::Class::Repos 0.16
139 SVN::Dump::Analyzer 1.000
140 SVN::Dump::Arborist 1.000
141 SVN::Dump::AuthorExtractor 1.000
142 SVN::Dump::Change 1.000
143 SVN::Dump::Change::Copy 1.000
144 SVN::Dump::Change::Cpdir 1.000
145 SVN::Dump::Change::Cpfile 1.000
146 SVN::Dump::Change::Edit 1.000
147 SVN::Dump::Change::Mkdir 1.000
148 SVN::Dump::Change::Mkfile 1.000
149 SVN::Dump::Change::Rename 1.000
150 SVN::Dump::Change::Rm 1.000
151 SVN::Dump::Change::Rmdir 1.000
152 SVN::Dump::Change::Rmfile 1.000
153 SemVer 0.2.0
154 SVN::Dump::Headers undef
155 SVN::Dump::Property undef
156 SVN::Dump::Reader undef
157 SVN::Dump::Record undef
158 SVN::Dump::Replayer 1.000
159 SVN::Dump::Replayer::Filesystem 1.000
160 SVN::Dump::Replayer::Git 1.000
161 SVN::Dump::Revision 1.000
162 SVN::Dump::Text undef
163 SVN::Dump::Walker 1.000
164 SVN::Hooks::AllowLogChange undef
165 SVN::Hooks::AllowPropChange undef
166 SVN::Hooks::CheckCapability undef
167 SVN::Hooks::CheckJira undef
168 SVN::Hooks::CheckLog undef
169 SVN::Hooks::CheckMimeTypes undef
170 SVN::Hooks::CheckProperty undef
171 SVN::Hooks::CheckStructure undef
172 SVN::Hooks::DenyChanges undef
173 SVN::Hooks::DenyFilenames undef
174 SVN::Hooks::Generic undef
175 SVN::Hooks::JiraAcceptance undef
176 SVN::Hooks::Mailer 0.11
177 SVN::Hooks::Notify undef
178 SVN::Hooks::UpdateConfFile undef
179 SVN::Notify::Alternative 1.0
180 SVN::Notify::Filter::Trac 2.81
181 SVN::Notify::HTML 2.81
182 SVN::Notify::HTML::ColorDiff 2.81
183 SWF::BinStream 0.11
184 SWF::BinStream::Codec::Zlib 0.01
185 SWF::BinStream::File 0.043
186 SWF::Element 0.42
187 SWF::Parser 0.11
188 SWISH::Filter::Document 0.15
189 SWISH::Filter::MIMETypes undef
190 SWISH::Filters::Base 0.15
191 SWISH::Filters::Decompress 0.15
192 SWISH::Filters::Doc2html 0.15
193 SWISH::Filters::Doc2txt 0.15
194 SWISH::Filters::ID3toHTML 0.15
195 SWISH::Filters::IPTC2html 0.15
196 SWISH::Filters::Pdf2HTML 0.15
197 SWISH::Filters::XLtoHTML 0.15
198 SWISH::Filters::pp2html 0.15
199 SWISH::Filters::ppt2txt 0.15
200 SWISH::Filters::xls2txt 0.15
201 SWISH::Prog::Aggregator 0.50
202 SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::DBI 0.50
203 SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::FS 0.50
204 SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Mail 0.50
205 SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::MailFS 0.50
206 SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Object 0.50
207 SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Spider 0.50
208 SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Spider::UA undef
209 SWISH::Prog::Cache 0.50
210 SWISH::Prog::Class 0.50
211 SWISH::Prog::Config 0.50
212 SWISH::Prog::Doc 0.50
213 SWISH::Prog::Headers 0.50
214 SWISH::Prog::Indexer 0.50
215 SWISH::Prog::InvIndex 0.50
216 SWISH::Prog::InvIndex::Meta 0.50
217 SWISH::Prog::KSx::Indexer 0.18
218 SWISH::Prog::KSx::InvIndex 0.18
219 SWISH::Prog::KSx::Result 0.18
220 SWISH::Prog::KSx::Results 0.18
221 SWISH::Prog::KSx::Searcher 0.18
222 SWISH::Prog::Native::Indexer 0.50
223 SWISH::Prog::Native::InvIndex 0.50
224 SWISH::Prog::Native::Result 0.50
225 SWISH::Prog::Native::Searcher 0.50
226 SWISH::Prog::Queue 0.50
227 SWISH::Prog::Result 0.50
228 SWISH::Prog::Results 0.50
229 IO::Socket::IP 0.07
230 SWISH::Prog::Searcher 0.50
231 SWISH::Prog::Utils 0.50
232 Sakai::Nakamura::Authn 0.03
233 Sakai::Nakamura::AuthnUtil 0.03
234 Sakai::Nakamura::Content 0.03
235 Sakai::Nakamura::Group 0.03
236 Sakai::Nakamura::LDAPSynch 0.03
237 Sakai::Nakamura::User 0.03
238 Sakai::Nakamura::UserUtil 0.03
239 Scaffold::Base 0.01
240 Scaffold::Cache 0.01
241 Scaffold::Cache::FastMmap 0.01
242 Scaffold::Cache::Manager 0.01
243 Scaffold::Cache::Memcached 0.01
244 Scaffold::Class undef
245 Scaffold::Constants undef
246 Search::Query
247 Scaffold::Engine 0.01
248 Scaffold::Handler 0.02
249 Scaffold::Handler::Default 0.01
250 Scaffold::Handler::ExtDirect 0.01
251 Scaffold::Handler::ExtPoll 0.01
252 Scaffold::Handler::Favicon 0.01
253 Scaffold::Handler::Robots 0.01
254 Scaffold::Handler::Static 0.01
255 Scaffold::Lockmgr 0.01
256 Scaffold::Lockmgr::KeyedMutex 0.01
257 Scaffold::Lockmgr::UnixMutex 0.02
258 Scaffold::Plugins 0.01
259 Scaffold::Render 0.01
260 Scaffold::Render::Default 0.01
261 Scaffold::Render::TT 0.01
262 Scaffold::Routes 0.01
263 Scaffold::Server 0.02
264 Scaffold::Session::Manager 0.01
265 Scaffold::Session::Store::Cache 0.01
266 Scaffold::Stash 0.01
267 Scaffold::Stash::Controller 0.01
268 Scaffold::Stash::Cookies 0.01
269 Scaffold::Stash::Manager 0.01
270 Scaffold::Stash::View 0.01
271 Scaffold::Uaf::Authenticate 0.03
272 Scaffold::Uaf::Authorize 0.01
273 Scaffold::Uaf::AuthorizeFactory undef
274 Scaffold::Uaf::GrantAllRule undef
275 Scaffold::Uaf::Login 0.01
276 Scaffold::Uaf::Logout 0.01
277 Scaffold::Uaf::Manager 0.02
278 Scaffold::Uaf::Rule 0.01
279 Scaffold::Uaf::User 0.01
280 Scaffold::Utils 0.01
281 Scalar::Random::PP::OO 0.70
282 Scalar::Util 1.23_03
283 Scalar::Util::PP 1.23
284 Schedule::Pluggable::Config undef
285 Schedule::Pluggable::EventHandler undef
286 Schedule::Pluggable::Plugin::DefaultEventHandler undef
287 Schedule::Pluggable::Plugin::JobsFromData undef
288 Schedule::Pluggable::Plugin::JobsFromXML undef
289 Schedule::Pluggable::Plugin::JobsFromXMLTemplate undef
290 Schedule::Pluggable::Plugin::Trace undef
291 Schedule::Pluggable::Run undef
292 Schedule::Pluggable::Status undef
293 Schema::Kwalify 1.04
294 Scope::Session::Flyweight 0.01
295 Scope::Session::Singleton 0.01
296 Scrappy::Action 0.92111220
297 Scrappy::Action::Generate 0.92111220
298 Scrappy::Action::Help 0.92111220
299 Scrappy::Crawler 0.62
300 Scrappy::Doo 0.62
301 Scrappy::Element 0.62
302 Scrappy::Logger 0.92111220
303 Scrappy::Plugin 0.92111220
304 Scrappy::Plugin::RandomProxy 0.92111220
305 Scrappy::Project 0.92111220
306 Scrappy::Project::Document 0.92111220
307 Scrappy::Queue 0.92111220
308 Scrappy::Scraper 0.92111220
309 Scrappy::Scraper::Control 0.92111220
310 Scrappy::Scraper::Parser 0.92111220
311 Scrappy::Scraper::UserAgent 0.92111220
312 Scrappy::Session 0.92111220
313 Script::Toolbox::Util 0.31
314 Script::Toolbox::Util::Formatter undef
315 Script::Toolbox::Util::Opt undef
316 Search::Dict 1.03
317 Search::GIN::Callbacks 0.08
318 Search::GIN::Core 0.08
319 Search::GIN::DelegateToIndexed 0.08
320 Search::GIN::Driver::Pack 0.08
321 Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Delim 0.08
322 Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::IDs 0.08
323 Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Length 0.08
324 Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::UUID 0.08
325 Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Values 0.08
326 Search::GIN::Driver::TXN 0.08
327 Search::GIN::Extract::Attributes 0.08
328 Search::GIN::Extract::Callback 0.08
329 Search::GIN::Extract::Multiplex 0.08
330 Search::GIN::Indexable 0.08
331 Search::GIN::Keys 0.08
332 Search::GIN::Keys::Deep 0.08
333 Search::GIN::Keys::Expand 0.08
334 Search::GIN::Keys::Join 0.08
335 Search::GIN::Query 0.08
336 Search::GIN::Query::Attributes 0.08
337 Search::GIN::Query::Manual 0.08
338 Search::GIN::Query::Set 0.08
339 Search::GIN::SelfIDs 0.08
340 Search::OpenSearch::Engine 0.12
341 Search::OpenSearch::Facets 0.12
342 Search::OpenSearch::Response 0.12
343 Search::OpenSearch::Response::JSON 0.12
344 Search::OpenSearch::Response::XML 0.12
345 Search::OpenSearch::Server::Plack 0.05
346 Search::Query::Clause 0.18
347 Search::Query::Dialect 0.18
348 Search::Query::Dialect::KSx::Compiler 0.13
349 Search::Query::Dialect::KSx::NOTWildcardQuery 0.13
350 Search::Query::Dialect::KSx::Scorer 0.13
351 Search::Query::Dialect::KSx::WildcardQuery 0.13
352 Search::Query::Dialect::Native 0.18
353 Search::Query::Dialect::SQL 0.18
354 Search::Query::Dialect::SWISH 0.18
355 Search::Query::Field 0.18
356 Search::Query::Field::KSx 0.13
357 Search::Query::Field::SQL 0.18
358 Search::Query::Field::SWISH 0.18
359 Search::Query::Parser 0.18
360 Search::QueryParser::SQL::Column 0.008
361 Search::QueryParser::SQL::Query 0.008
362 Search::Sitemap::Index 2.10
363 Search::Sitemap::Ping 2.10
364 Search::Sitemap::Pinger 2.10
365 Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Ask 2.10
366 Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Google 2.10
367 Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Live 2.10
368 Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Yahoo 2.10
369 Search::Sitemap::Types 2.10
370 Search::Sitemap::URL 2.10
371 Search::Sitemap::URLStore 2.10
372 Search::Sitemap::URLStore::Memory 2.10
373 Search::Tools::HeatMap 0.57
374 Search::Tools::HiLiter 0.57
375 Search::Tools::Keywords 0.57
376 Search::Tools::Object 0.57
377 Search::Tools::Query 0.57
378 Search::Tools::QueryParser 0.57
379 Search::Tools::RegEx 0.57
380 Search::Tools::RegExp 0.57
381 Search::Tools::RegExp::Keyword 0.57
382 Search::Tools::RegExp::Keywords 0.57
383 Search::Tools::Snipper 0.57
384 Search::Tools::SpellCheck 0.57
385 Search::Tools::Token 0.57
386 Search::Tools::TokenList 0.57
387 Search::Tools::TokenListPP 0.57
388 Search::Tools::TokenListUtils 0.57
389 Search::Tools::TokenPP 0.57
390 Search::Tools::Tokenizer 0.57
391 Search::Tools::Transliterate 0.57
392 Search::Tools::UTF8 0.57
393 Search::Tools::XML 0.57
394 SelectSaver 1.02
395 SemanticWeb::OAI::ORE::Agent undef
396 SemanticWeb::OAI::ORE::Constant undef
397 SemanticWeb::OAI::ORE::Model undef
398 SemanticWeb::OAI::ORE::N3 undef
399 SemanticWeb::OAI::ORE::RDFXML undef
400 SemanticWeb::OAI::ORE::ReM undef
401 SemanticWeb::OAI::ORE::TriX undef
402 Sendmail::PMilter::Context 0.94
403 Sepia::CPAN undef
404 Sepia::Debug undef
405 Sepia::Xref 0.65
406 Set::Infinite::Arithmetic undef
407 Set::Infinite::Basic undef
408 Set::Infinite::_recurrence undef
409 Set::Object::Weak undef
410 Set::Scalar::Base undef
411 Set::Scalar::Null undef
412 Set::Scalar::Real undef
413 Set::Scalar::Universe undef
414 Set::Scalar::Valued undef
415 Set::Scalar::ValuedUniverse undef
416 Set::Scalar::Virtual undef
417 Setup::Dir 0.02
418 Setup::File::Dir 0.05
419 Setup::Text::Snippet::WithID 0.01
420 Setup::Unix::Group 0.01
421 Shell::Perl::Dumper 0.0019
422 ShiftJIS::Regexp::Class 1.01
423 ShiftJIS::Regexp::Const 1.01
424 ShiftJIS::Regexp::Equiv 1.01
425 ShipIt::Conf undef
426 ShipIt::ProjectType undef
427 ShipIt::ProjectType::AutoConf undef
428 ShipIt::ProjectType::Perl undef
429 Statistics::Basic::Mean undef
430 Statistics::Basic::Median undef
431 Statistics::Basic::StdDev undef
432 ShipIt::ProjectType::Perl::MakeMaker undef
433 ShipIt::ProjectType::Perl::ModuleBuild undef
434 ShipIt::State undef
435 ShipIt::Step undef
436 IO::Pty::Easy 0.08
437 ShipIt::Step::AddToSVNDir undef
438 ShipIt::Step::ChangeRPMVersion undef
439 ShipIt::Step::ChangeVersion undef
440 ShipIt::Step::CheckChangeLog undef
441 ShipIt::Step::Commit undef
442 ShipIt::Step::DistTest undef
443 ShipIt::Step::FindVersion undef
444 ShipIt::Step::MakeDist undef
445 String::Clean::XSS 0.031
446 ShipIt::Step::Tag undef
447 ShipIt::Step::UploadCPAN undef
448 ShipIt::Util undef
449 ShipIt::VC undef
450 ShipIt::VC::Git undef
451 ShipIt::VC::Mercurial undef
452 ShipIt::VC::SVK undef
453 ShipIt::VC::SVN undef
454 Shipwright::Backend undef
455 Shipwright::Backend::Base undef
456 Shipwright::Backend::FS undef
457 Shipwright::Backend::Git undef
458 Shipwright::Backend::SVK undef
459 Shipwright::Backend::SVN undef
460 Shipwright::Base undef
461 Shipwright::Logger undef
462 Shipwright::Script undef
463 Shipwright::Script::Create undef
464 Shipwright::Script::Defaultbranch undef
465 Shipwright::Script::Delete undef
466 Shipwright::Script::Flags undef
467 Shipwright::Script::Help undef
468 Shipwright::Script::Import undef
469 Shipwright::Script::Ktf undef
470 Shipwright::Script::List undef
471 Shipwright::Script::Maintain undef
472 Shipwright::Script::Relocate undef
473 Shipwright::Script::Rename undef
474 Shipwright::Script::Requires undef
475 Shipwright::Script::Update undef
476 Shipwright::Source undef
477 Shipwright::Source::Base undef
478 Shipwright::Source::CPAN undef
479 Shipwright::Source::Compressed undef
480 Shipwright::Source::Directory undef
481 Shipwright::Source::FTP undef
482 Shipwright::Source::Git undef
483 Shipwright::Source::HTTP undef
484 Shipwright::Source::SVK undef
485 Shipwright::Source::SVN undef
486 Shipwright::Source::Shipyard undef
487 Shipwright::Test undef
488 Shipwright::Util undef
489 Shipwright::Util::CleanINC undef
490 Shipwright::Util::PatchModuleBuild undef
491 Signal::Pending 0.005
492 Signals::XSIG::Default 0.09
493 SimpleAPI::Agent 0.02
494 SimpleDB::Class::Cache 1.0502
495 SimpleDB::Class::Domain 1.0502
496 SimpleDB::Class::Exception 1.0502
497 SimpleDB::Class::Item 1.0502
498 SimpleDB::Class::ResultSet 1.0502
499 SimpleDB::Class::Role::Itemized 1.0502
500 SimpleDB::Class::SQL 1.0502
501 SimpleDB::Class::Types 1.0502
502 SimpleDB::Client::Exception 1.0500
503 Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Event 0.09
504 Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Generator 0.09
505 Simulation::DiscreteEvent::NumericState 0.09
506 Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Recorder 0.09
507 Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Server 0.09
508 Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Sink 0.09
509 Slay::MakerRule 0.06
510 Sniffer::Connection 0.22
511 Sniffer::Connection::HTTP 0.22
512 Socialtext::EditPage 0.04
513 Socialtext::Resting::DefaultRester 0.02
514 Socialtext::Resting::Getopt 0.01
515 Socialtext::Resting::LocalCopy 0.01
516 Socialtext::Resting::Mock 0.04
517 Socialtext::Resting::TaggedPages 0.01
518 Socialtext::WikiFixture 0.06
519 Socialtext::WikiFixture::Null undef
520 Socialtext::WikiFixture::Selenese 0.02
521 Socialtext::WikiFixture::TestUtils undef
522 Socialtext::WikiObject 0.03
523 Socialtext::WikiObject::Factory 0.01
524 Socialtext::WikiObject::PreBlock 0.01
525 Socialtext::WikiObject::TableConfig 0.01
526 Socialtext::WikiObject::TestPlan 0.03
527 Socket 1.89
528 Socialtext::WikiObject::YAML 0.01
529 Socket::GetAddrInfo::Core 0.21
530 Socket::GetAddrInfo::Emul 0.21
531 Socket::GetAddrInfo::Socket6api 0.21
532 Socket::GetAddrInfo::XS 0.21
533 Socket::Netlink::Generic 0.03
534 Software::License::AGPL_3 0.103001
535 Software::License::Apache_1_1 0.103001
536 Software::License::Apache_2_0 0.103001
537 Software::License::Artistic_1_0 0.103001
538 Software::License::Artistic_2_0 0.103001
539 Software::License::BSD 0.103001
540 Software::License::CC0_1_0 0.103001
541 Software::License::Custom 0.103001
542 Software::License::FreeBSD 0.103001
543 Software::License::GFDL_1_2 0.103001
544 Software::License::GPL_1 0.103001
545 Software::License::GPL_2 0.103001
546 Software::License::GPL_3 0.103001
547 Software::License::LGPL_2_1 0.103001
548 Software::License::LGPL_3_0 0.103001
549 Software::License::MIT 0.103001
550 Software::License::Mozilla_1_0 0.103001
551 Software::License::Mozilla_1_1 0.103001
552 Software::License::OpenSSL 0.103001
553 Software::License::Perl_5 0.103001
554 Software::License::PostgreSQL 0.103001
555 Software::License::QPL_1_0 0.103001
556 Software::License::SSLeay 0.103001
557 Software::License::Sun 0.103001
558 Software::License::Zlib 0.103001
559 Solution::Block 0.0001
560 Solution::Condition 0.0001
561 Solution::Context 0.0001
562 Solution::Document 0.0001
563 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility 2.37
564 Solution::Error 0.0001
565 Solution::Filter::Standard 0.0001
566 Solution::Tag 0.0003
567 Solution::Tag::Assign 0.0003
568 Solution::Tag::Capture 0.0003
569 Solution::Tag::Case 0.0001
570 Solution::Tag::Comment 0.0003
571 Solution::Tag::Cycle 0.0003
572 Solution::Tag::For 0.0004
573 Solution::Tag::If 0.0001
574 Solution::Tag::Include 0.0003
575 Solution::Tag::Unless 0.0001
576 Solution::Template 0.0001
577 Solution::Utility 0.0003
578 Solution::Variable 0.0004
579 Spoon::Base undef
580 Spoon::CGI undef
581 Spoon::Command undef
582 Spoon::Config undef
583 Spoon::ContentObject undef
584 Spoon::Cookie undef
585 Spoon::DataObject undef
586 Spoon::Formatter undef
587 Spoon::Headers undef
588 Spoon::Hooks undef
589 Spoon::Hub undef
590 Spoon::IndexList undef
591 Spoon::Installer undef
592 Spoon::MetadataObject undef
593 Spoon::Plugin undef
594 Spoon::Registry undef
595 Spoon::Template undef
596 Spoon::Template::TT2 undef
597 Spoon::Trace undef
598 Spoon::Utils undef
599 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell 0.59
600 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Dump 0.59
601 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault 0.59
602 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtJapan 0.59
603 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtJapan2 0.59
604 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode 0.59
605 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font 0.59
606 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format 0.59
607 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser 0.59
608 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser::Workbook 0.59
609 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser::Worksheet 0.59
610 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Utility 0.59
611 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook 0.59
612 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Worksheet 0.59
613 Spreadsheet::Perl::Arithmetic 0.02
614 Spreadsheet::Wright::CSV 0.102
615 Spreadsheet::Wright::Excel 0.102
616 Spreadsheet::Wright::HTML 0.102
617 Spreadsheet::Wright::JSON 0.102
618 Spreadsheet::Wright::OpenDocument 0.102
619 Spreadsheet::Wright::OpenDocumentXML 0.102
620 Spreadsheet::Wright::XHTML 0.102
621 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::BIFFwriter 2.37
622 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big 2.37
623 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart 2.37
624 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Area 2.37
625 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Bar 2.37
626 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Column 2.37
627 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::External 2.37
628 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Line 2.37
629 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Pie 2.37
630 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Scatter 2.37
631 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Chart::Stock 2.37
632 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Examples 2.37
633 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Format 2.37
634 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Formula 2.37
635 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::OLEwriter 2.37
636 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Properties 2.37
637 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Workbook 2.37
638 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Worksheet 2.37
639 Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Format 0.13
640 Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Utility 0.13
641 Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Workbook 0.13
642 Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Worksheet 0.13
643 Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::XMLwriter 0.13
644 Squatting::Controller undef
645 Squatting::H undef
646 Squatting::Mapper undef
647 Squatting::On::CGI undef
648 Squatting::On::Catalyst undef
649 Squatting::On::Continuity undef
650 Squatting::On::MP13 undef
651 Squatting::On::MP20 undef
652 Squatting::View undef
653 Squatting::With::AccessTrace undef
654 Squatting::With::Coro::Debug undef
655 Squatting::With::Log undef
656 Squatting::With::MockRequest undef
657 Squatting::With::Mount undef
658 Squatting::With::PerHostConfig undef
659 Squid::Guard::Request 0.15
660 Squirrel undef
661 Squirrel::Role undef
662 Starlet::Server undef
663 Starman::Server undef
664 Stash undef
665 Statistics::Basic::ComputedVector undef
666 Statistics::Basic::Correlation undef
667 Statistics::Basic::Covariance undef
668 Statistics::PointEstimation 1.1
669 Statistics::Basic::LeastSquareFit undef
670 Statistics::Basic::Mode undef
671 Statistics::Basic::Variance undef
672 Statistics::Basic::Vector undef
673 Statistics::Basic::_OneVectorBase undef
674 Statistics::Basic::_TwoVectorBase undef
675 Statistics::R::Bridge 0.07
676 Statistics::Sequences::Joins 0.051
677 Statistics::Sequences::Pot 0.051
678 Statistics::Sequences::Runs 0.051
679 Statistics::Sequences::Turns 0.02
680 Statistics::Sequences::Vnomes 0.04
681 Storable::AMF0 0.95
682 String::FlexMatch::Test 1.100820
683 Storable::AMF3 0.95
684 Storable::AMF::Mapper undef
685 String::BooleanSimple 0.02
686 String::Comments::Extract::C undef
687 String::Comments::Extract::CPP undef
688 String::Comments::Extract::Java undef
689 String::Comments::Extract::JavaScript undef
690 String::Comments::Extract::SlashStar undef
691 String::Formatter::Cookbook 0.102082
692 Su::Log undef
693 Su::Model undef
694 Su::Process undef
695 Su::Template undef
696 Sub::Chain::Named 0.010012
697 Sub::Exporter::Util 0.983
698 Sub::Spec::Clause::args 0.13
699 Sub::Spec::Clause::args_as 0.13
700 Sub::Spec::Clause::deps 0.13
701 Sub::Spec::Clause::features 0.13
702 Sub::Spec::Clause::result 0.13
703 Sub::Spec::Clause::result_naked 0.13
704 Sub::Spec::Clause::retry 0.13
705 Sub::Spec::Clause::statuses 0.13
706 Sub::Spec::Clause::timeout 0.13
707 Sub::Spec::Exporter 0.13
708 Sub::Spec::Runner::State 0.12
709 Sub::Spec::Utils 0.13
710 Supervisor::Base 0.06
711 Supervisor::Class undef
712 Supervisor::Constants undef
713 Supervisor::Controller 0.02
714 Supervisor::Log undef
715 Supervisor::Process 0.03
716 Supervisor::ProcessFactory 0.02
717 Supervisor::RPC::Client 0.02
718 Supervisor::RPC::Server 0.02
719 Supervisor::Session 0.02
720 Supervisor::Utils undef
721 SweetPea::Application::Builder undef
722 SweetPea::Application::Config undef
723 SweetPea::Application::Data undef
724 SweetPea::Application::Devel undef
725 SweetPea::Application::Email undef
726 SweetPea::Application::Json undef
727 SweetPea::Application::Locale undef
728 SweetPea::Application::Model 0.001
729 SweetPea::Application::Orm undef
730 SweetPea::Application::Plugin::Ajax::Jquery undef
731 SweetPea::Application::Rbac 0.001
732 SweetPea::Application::Template undef
733 SweetPea::Application::Validate undef
734 SweetPea::Application::View 0.001
735 SweetPea::Cli::Data undef
736 SweetPea::Cli::Error undef
737 SweetPea::Cli::Flash undef
738 SweetPea::Cli::Help undef
739 SweetPea::Cli::Make undef
740 SweetPea::Cli::Mvc undef
741 Syntax::Feature::Junction 0.002001
742 SweetPea::Cli::Tool undef
743 SweetPea::Cli::Util undef
744 Symbol 1.07
745 Syntax::Feature::Gather 1.001000
746 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ABC 0.06
747 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AHDL 0.06
748 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ANSI_C89 0.06
749 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ASP 0.06
750 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AVR_Assembler 0.06
751 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::AWK 0.06
752 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ada 0.06
753 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Alerts 0.06
754 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::All 0.06
755 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ansys 0.06
756 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Apache_Configuration 0.06
757 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Asm6502 0.06
758 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Bash 0.06
759 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::BibTeX 0.06
760 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::C 0.06
761 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CGiS 0.06
762 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CMake 0.06
763 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CSS 0.06
764 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CSS_PHP 0.06
765 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::CUE_Sheet 0.06
766 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cdash 0.06
767 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cg 0.06
768 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ChangeLog 0.06
769 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cisco 0.06
770 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Clipper 0.06
771 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ColdFusion 0.06
772 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Common_Lisp 0.06
773 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ComponentminusPascal 0.06
774 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Cplusplus 0.06
775 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::D 0.06
776 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::De_DE 0.06
777 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Debian_Changelog 0.06
778 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Debian_Control 0.06
779 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Desktop 0.06
780 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Diff 0.06
781 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Doxygen 0.06
782 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::E_Language 0.06
783 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Eiffel 0.06
784 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Email 0.06
785 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::En_US 0.06
786 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Euphoria 0.06
787 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ferite 0.06
788 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Fortran 0.06
789 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FourGL 0.06
790 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FourGLminusPER 0.06
791 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::FreeBASIC 0.06
792 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GDL 0.06
793 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GLSL 0.06
794 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GNU_Assembler 0.06
795 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::GNU_Gettext 0.06
796 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::HTML 0.06
797 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Haskell 0.06
798 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::IDL 0.06
799 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ILERPG 0.06
800 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::INI_Files 0.06
801 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Inform 0.06
802 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Intel_x86_NASM 0.06
803 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JSP 0.06
804 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Java 0.06
805 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JavaScript 0.06
806 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::JavaScript_PHP 0.06
807 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Javadoc 0.06
808 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::KBasic 0.06
809 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Kate_File_Template 0.06
810 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LDIF 0.06
811 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LPC 0.06
812 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LaTeX 0.06
813 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Lex_Flex 0.06
814 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::LilyPond 0.06
815 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Literate_Haskell 0.06
816 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Logtalk 0.06
817 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Lua 0.06
818 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::M3U 0.06
819 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::MABminusDB 0.06
820 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::MIPS_Assembler 0.06
821 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Makefile 0.06
822 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Mason 0.06
823 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Matlab 0.06
824 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Modulaminus2 0.06
825 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Music_Publisher 0.06
826 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Nl 0.06
827 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Objective_Caml 0.06
828 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ObjectiveminusC 0.06
829 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Octave 0.06
830 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PHP_HTML 0.06
831 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PHP_PHP 0.06
832 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::POVminusRay 0.06
833 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Pascal 0.06
834 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Perl 0.06
835 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PicAsm 0.06
836 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Pike 0.06
837 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PostScript 0.06
838 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Progress 0.06
839 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Prolog 0.06
840 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::PureBasic 0.06
841 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Python 0.06
842 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Quake_Script 0.06
843 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::REXX 0.06
844 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RPM_Spec 0.06
845 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RSI_IDL 0.06
846 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::R_Script 0.06
847 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::RenderMan_RIB 0.06
848 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Ruby 0.06
849 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SGML 0.06
850 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SML 0.06
851 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL 0.06
852 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL_MySQL 0.06
853 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::SQL_PostgreSQL 0.06
854 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Sather 0.06
855 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Scheme 0.06
856 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Scilab 0.06
857 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Sieve 0.06
858 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Spice 0.06
859 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Stata 0.06
860 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TI_Basic 0.06
861 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TaskJuggler 0.06
862 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Tcl_Tk 0.06
863 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template 0.06
864 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::ToolKit 0.06
865 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Txt2tags 0.06
866 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::UnrealScript 0.06
867 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::VHDL 0.06
868 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::VRML 0.06
869 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Velocity 0.06
870 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Verilog 0.06
871 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::WINE_Config 0.06
872 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Wikimedia 0.06
873 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XHarbour 0.06
874 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XML 0.06
875 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XMLData 0.06
876 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::XML_Debug 0.06
877 Syntax::Keyword::Junction::All 0.002001
878 Syntax::Keyword::Junction::Any 0.002001
879 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Xorg_Configuration 0.06
880 Syntax::Keyword::Junction::None 0.002001
881 Syntax::Keyword::Junction::One 0.002001
882 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Xslt 0.06
883 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Yacas 0.06
884 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Yacc_Bison 0.06
885 Syntax::Keyword::Junction::Base 0.002001
886 Sys::CpuLoadX 0.02
887 Sys::Filesystem::Aix 1.30
888 Sys::Filesystem::Cygwin 1.30
889 Sys::Filesystem::Darwin 1.30
890 Sys::Filesystem::Dummy 1.30
891 Sys::Filesystem::Freebsd 1.30
892 Sys::Filesystem::Hpux 1.30
893 Sys::Filesystem::Linux 1.30
894 Sys::Filesystem::Mswin32 1.30
895 Sys::Filesystem::Netbsd 1.30
896 Sys::Filesystem::Solaris 1.30
897 Sys::Filesystem::Unix 1.30
898 Sys::Hostname 1.11
899 Sys::Info::Constants 0.73
900 Sys::Info::Device 0.73
901 Sys::Info::Device::CPU 0.73
902 Sys::Info::Driver 0.73
903 Sys::Info::Driver::Linux::Device 0.78
904 Sys::Info::Driver::Linux::Device::CPU 0.78
905 Sys::Info::Driver::Linux::OS 0.78
906 Sys::Info::Driver::Linux::OS::Distribution 0.78
907 Sys::Info::Driver::Linux::OS::Distribution::Conf 0.78
908 Sys::Info::Driver::Unknown::Device 0.78
909 Sys::Info::Driver::Unknown::Device::CPU 0.78
910 Sys::Info::Driver::Unknown::Device::CPU::Env 0.78
911 Sys::Info::Driver::Unknown::OS 0.78
912 Sys::Info::OS 0.73
913 Sys::Statistics::Linux::Compilation 0.10
914 Sys::Statistics::Linux::CpuStats 0.20
915 Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskStats 0.24
916 Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskUsage 0.14
917 Sys::Statistics::Linux::FileStats 0.09
918 Sys::Statistics::Linux::LoadAVG 0.08
919 Sys::Statistics::Linux::MemStats 0.16
920 Sys::Statistics::Linux::NetStats 0.20
921 Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats 0.18
922 Sys::Statistics::Linux::ProcStats 0.20
923 Sys::Statistics::Linux::Processes 0.34
924 Sys::Statistics::Linux::SockStats 0.09
925 Sys::Statistics::Linux::SysInfo 0.13
926 Sys::Trace::Impl::Ktrace undef
927 Sys::Trace::Impl::Strace undef
928 Sys::Trace::Impl::Truss undef
929 Sys::Trace::Results undef
930 System::Command::Reaper 1.01
931 SystemC::Coverage 1.336
932 SystemC::Coverage::Item 1.336
933 SystemC::Coverage::ItemKey 1.336
934 SystemC::Netlist 1.336
935 SystemC::Netlist::AutoCover 1.336
936 SystemC::Netlist::AutoTrace 1.336
937 SystemC::Netlist::Cell 1.336
938 SystemC::Netlist::Class 1.336
939 SystemC::Netlist::CoverGroup 1.336
940 SystemC::Netlist::CoverPoint 1.336
941 SystemC::Netlist::File 1.336
942 Regexp::Trie
943 SystemC::Netlist::Method 1.336
944 SystemC::Netlist::Module 1.336
945 SystemC::Netlist::Net 1.336
946 SystemC::Netlist::Pin 1.336
947 SystemC::Netlist::Port 1.336
948 SystemC::Parser 1.336
949 SystemC::Template 1.336
950 TAP::Base 3.23
951 TAP::DOM::Config undef
952 TAP::DOM::Entry undef
953 TAP::DOM::Summary undef
954 TAP::Formatter::Base 3.23
955 TAP::Formatter::Color 3.23
956 TAP::Formatter::Console 3.23
957 TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession 3.23
958 TAP::Formatter::Console::Session 3.23
959 TAP::Formatter::File 3.23
960 TAP::Formatter::File::Session 3.23
961 TAP::Formatter::HTML::Session 0.09
962 TAP::Formatter::Session 3.23
963 TAP::Formatter::TextMate::Session 0.1
964 TAP::Harness 3.23
965 TAP::Object 3.23
966 TAP::Parser 3.23
967 TAP::Parser::Aggregator 3.23
968 TAP::Parser::Grammar 3.23
969 TAP::Parser::Iterator 3.23
970 MooseX::Params::Validate 0.16
971 TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array 3.23
972 Config::Simple 4.58
973 Config::Auto 0.32
974 TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process 3.23
975 Data::Comparable 1.100840
976 TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream 3.23
977 ConfigReader::Simple 1.28
978 Compress::LZO 1.08
979 Config::Std 0.9
980 TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory 3.23
981 Config::Pit 0.04
982 TAP::Parser::Multiplexer 3.23
983 Convert::ASN1::asn1c 0.07
984 Convert::Base32 0.05
985 Convert::Base32::Crockford 0.11
986 Convert::ASN1 0.22
987 TAP::Parser::Result 3.23
988 TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout 3.23
989 TAP::Parser::Result::Comment 3.23
990 TAP::Parser::Result::Plan 3.23
991 TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma 3.23
992 TAP::Parser::Result::Test 3.23
993 TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown 3.23
994 Convert::UU 0.5201
995 TAP::Parser::Result::Version 3.23
996 TAP::Parser::Result::YAML 3.23
997 TAP::Parser::ResultFactory 3.23
998 Cookie::XS 0.11
999 TAP::Parser::Scheduler 3.23
1000 CouchDB::Client 0.09
1001 TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job 3.23
1002 TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner 3.23
1003 TAP::Parser::Source 3.23
1004 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler 3.23
1005 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable 3.23
1006 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File 3.23
1007 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle 3.23
1008 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl 3.23
1009 TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP 3.23
1010 TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader 3.23
1011 TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer 3.23
1012 TAP::Spec::BailOut 0.05
1013 TAP::Spec::Body 0.05
1014 TAP::Spec::Comment 0.05
1015 DBIx::Class::Result::ColumnData 0.08
1016 TAP::Spec::Footer 0.05
1017 TAP::Spec::Header 0.05
1018 DBIx::Class::Result::Validation 0.05
1019 TAP::Spec::JunkLine 0.05
1020 TAP::Spec::Plan 0.05
1021 TAP::Spec::Plan::Simple 0.05
1022 TAP::Spec::Plan::SkipAll 0.05
1023 TAP::Spec::Plan::Todo 0.05
1024 TAP::Spec::TestResult 0.05
1025 TAP::Spec::TestSet 0.05
1026 TAP::Spec::Version 0.05
1027 TEI::Lite::Document 0.60
1028 TEI::Lite::Element 0.60
1029 TEI::Lite::Header 0.60
1030 TEI::Lite::Utility 0.60
1031 TM::Analysis 0.91
1032 TM::AsTMa::Fact undef
1033 Tangence::Client 0.05
1034 TM::AsTMa::Fact2 undef
1035 Tangence::Message 0.05
1036 TM::Axes 0.2
1037 TM::Bulk 0.5
1038 Tangence::Object 0.05
1039 TM::CTM::CParser undef
1040 TM::CTM::Parser 0.2
1041 TM::Coverage 0.1
1042 TM::DM 0.04
1043 TM::FAQ 0.8
1044 TM::Graph 0.3
1045 TM::Index 0.5
1046 TM::Index::Characteristics 0.1
1047 TM::Index::Match 0.3
1048 TM::Index::Reified 0.4
1049 TM::Index::Taxonomy 0.1
1050 TM::IndexAble 0.7
1051 TM::LTM::CParser undef
1052 TM::LTM::Parser 0.4
1053 TM::Literal 0.1
1054 TM::MapSphere 0.05
1055 TM::Materialized::AsTMa 0.18
1056 TM::Materialized::CTM 0.1
1057 TM::Materialized::JTM 1.2
1058 TM::Materialized::LTM 0.3
1059 TM::Materialized::MLDBM 0.02
1060 TM::Materialized::MLDBM2 0.02
1061 TM::Materialized::Null undef
1062 DBIx::Skinny 0.0741
1063 TM::Materialized::Stream 0.1
1064 TM::Materialized::XTM 0.02
1065 TM::ObjectAble 0.1
1066 TM::Overview 0.3
1067 TM::PSI 0.18
1068 TM::ResourceAble 0.2
1069 TM::ResourceAble::BDB undef
1070 TM::ResourceAble::MLDBM 0.03
1071 TM::ResourceAble::MemCached 0.02
1072 TM::Serializable 0.13
1073 TM::Serializable::AsTMa 0.6
1074 MIME::Base64::URLSafe
1075 TM::Serializable::CSV 0.02
1076 TM::Serializable::CTM 0.2
1077 TM::Serializable::Dumper undef
1078 TM::Serializable::JTM 1.2
1079 Cog 0.07
1080 TM::Serializable::LTM 0.3
1081 TM::Serializable::Summary undef
1082 TM::Serializable::XTM 0.03
1083 TM::Synchronizable 0.3
1084 TM::Synchronizable::MLDBM 0.03
1085 Dancer::Logger::Log4perl 0.8.0
1086 Dancer::Debug 0.03
1087 Dancer::Logger::PSGI 0.03
1088 Dancer::Logger::Pipe 0.01
1089 TM::Synchronizable::MapSphere 0.02
1090 Dancer::Logger::Syslog 0.2
1091 Dancer::Middleware::Rebase 0.8.0
1092 TM::Synchronizable::Null undef
1093 Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Twitter 0.02
1094 TM::Tau 1.15
1095 Dancer::Plugin::Browser 0.4
1096 Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI 1.0.1
1097 TM::Tau::Federate undef
1098 Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 0.1504
1099 TM::Tau::Filter 0.4
1100 Dancer::Plugin::Database 1.23
1101 Dancer::Plugin::DebugDump 0.02
1102 TM::Tau::Filter::Analyze 0.2
1103 Dancer::Plugin::Email 0.1202
1104 TM::Tree 0.4
1105 TM::Utils 1.04
1106 Dancer::Plugin::FlashMessage 0.313
1107 Dancer::Plugin::Feed 0.1
1108 Dancer::Plugin::FlashNote 1.0.0
1109 Dancer::Plugin::FormValidator 0.4
1110 Dancer::Plugin::FormattedOutput 0.01
1111 TM::Utils::TreeWalker undef
1112 Dancer::Plugin::Memcached 0.01
1113 Dancer::Plugin::MemcachedFast 0.110770
1114 Dancer::Plugin::MobileDevice 0.02
1115 Config::Options 0.08
1116 Dancer::Plugin::Mongo undef
1117 Dancer::Plugin::Params::Normalization 0.4
1118 Dancer::Plugin::ProxyPath 0.01
1119 Dancer::Plugin::Progress 0.1
1120 Dancer::Plugin::REST 0.05
1121 Dancer::Plugin::Redis 0.02
1122 Dancer::Plugin::SimpleCRUD 0.02
1123 Dancer::Plugin::SiteMap 0.06
1124 TM::Workbench::Plugin undef
1125 TM::Workbench::Plugin::Tau undef
1126 TM::Workbench::Plugin::Test undef
1127 Dancer::Session::Cookie 0.13
1128 Dancer::Serializer::UUEncode 0.02
1129 Dancer::Session::KiokuDB 0.05
1130 Dancer::Session::Memcached 0.1
1131 Dancer::Session::MongoDB 0.1
1132 Dancer::Session::PSGI 0.01
1133 Dancer::Session::Storable 0.04
1134 Dancer::Template::Haml 0.01
1135 Dancer::Template::Alloy 1.02
1136 Dancer::Template::Mason 0.003003
1137 Dancer::Template::HtmlTemplate 0.06
1138 Dancer::Template::Mason2 0.02
1139 Dancer::Template::MicroTemplate 0.02
1140 Dancer::Template::MojoTemplate undef
1141 Dancer::Template::TemplateFlute 0.0003
1142 TMDB::Movie undef
1143 Dancer::Template::TemplateSandbox 1.00
1144 Dancer::Template::Tiny 0.03
1145 Dancer::Template::Tenjin 0.4
1146 Dancer::Template::Xslate 0.01
1147 TMDB::Person undef
1148 TMDB::Search undef
1149 TMDB::Session undef
1150 TSVRPC::Client 0.01
1151 TSVRPC::Parser undef
1152 Data::AsObject 0.07
1153 TSVRPC::Util undef
1154 TUWF::DB 0.1
1155 Data::Buffer 0.04
1156 TUWF::Misc 0.1
1157 TUWF::Request 0.1
1158 TUWF::Response 0.1
1159 TUWF::XML 0.1
1160 Table::Simple::Column undef
1161 Table::Simple::Output undef
1162 Table::Simple::Output::Theory undef
1163 Tail::Stat::Plugin undef
1164 Tail::Stat::Plugin::apache undef
1165 Tail::Stat::Plugin::clamd undef
1166 Config::File 1.50
1167 Tail::Stat::Plugin::cvsupd undef
1168 Tail::Stat::Plugin::nginx undef
1169 Tail::Stat::Plugin::spamd undef
1170 Tangence::Constants 0.05
1171 Tangence::Meta::Class 0.05
1172 Data::Dump::XML 1.19
1173 Data::Digest 1.04
1174 Tangence::Metacode 0.05
1175 Data::Decode 0.00006
1176 IO::Event::AnyEvent undef
1177 IO::Event::Callback undef
1178 IO::Event::Emulate undef
1179 Data::Flow 1.02
1180 Data::FormValidator::Constraints::Words 0.04
1181 Locale::Maketext 1.17
1182 Data::FormValidator::Filters::Demoroniser 0.02
1183 IO::Event::Event undef
1184 Locale::Codes 3.16
1185 Devel::GlobalDestruction::XS
1186 Image::Hash
1187 MooX::POE
1188 PDL::CCS
1189 Data::Hexdumper 2.01
1190 CGI::Deurl::XS
1191 JSON::SL
1192 Data::JavaScript::Anon 1.03
1193 Statocles
1194 Map::Tube::Berlin
1195 Test::SVN::Repo
1196 Coro::ProcessPool
1197 Data::ModeMerge 0.27
1198 MooX::BuildArgs
1199 Games::Dukedom
1200 Net::Moip
1201 Data::MultiValuedHash 1.081
1202 BusyBird::DateTime::Format
1203 RedisDB::Parser
1204 Continuity 1.4
1205 Crypt::CAST5_PP 1.04
1206 Task::BeLike::RJRAY
1207 Data::Pageset 1.06
1208 Data::Paginator 0.04
1209 IPC::LeaderBoard
1210 Catalyst::Model::Redis
1211 Data::EventStream
1212 Data::Phrasebook 0.31
1213 Data::Phrasebook::Loader::Ini 0.10
1214 File::Flock::Tiny
1215 Data::Phrasebook::Loader::YAML 0.09
1216 FileCache::Appender
1217 Number::Closest::XS
1218 Simulation::DiscreteEvent
1219 Test::Syntax::Aggregate
1220 DBIx::Deployer
1221 Data::Properties::YAML 0.03
1222 Data::Random 0.05
1223 Data::Rand::Obscure 0.021
1224 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::Plicease
1225 Data::Recursive::Encode 0.04
1226 MooseX::Role::Nameable
1227 MooseX::Role::Hashable
1228 MooseX::Role::Defaultable
1229 DBIx::Perlish
1230 Math::Shape::Vector
1231 Inline::Struct
1232 RDF::LinkedData
1233 DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Serializer::Sereal
1234 Geo::Calc::XS
1235 Mojolicious::Plugin::NYTProf
1236 Activiti::Rest::Client
1237 Marpa::R3
1238 Data::SimplePassword 0.07
1239 QBit::TimeLog::XS
1240 FFI::Platypus
1241 String::ProgressBar
1242 Contenticious
1243 XML::LibXML::Cache
1244 MediaWiki::CleanupHTML
1245 Rstats
1246 Data::TemporaryBag 0.09
1247 Data::Table 1.54
1248 Mustache::Simple
1249 Applify
1250 DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Authen::Passphrase 0.01
1251 Data::TreeDumper::Renderer::DHTML 0.09
1252 Object::Properties
1253 Test2::Harness
1254 Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack
1255 Sub::StrictDecl
1256 JavaScript::Duktape
1257 Sub::Clone
1258 CloudApp::REST 0.02
1259 Code::Class::C 0.05
1260 Code::Explain 0.02
1261 Data::Validator 0.06
1262 Data::Validate 0.08
1263 CogWiki 0.02
1264 Daemon::Generic 0.71
1265 Collection 0.47
1266 Collision::2D 0.07
1267 Color::Calc 1.071
1268 Color::Model::Munsell 0.02
1269 Color::Model::RGB 1.02
1270 Color::Model::Munsell::Util 0.03
1271 Sidef
1272 Dancer2::Plugin::Locale
1273 Config::Model 1.243
1274 Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX
1275 Color::Spectrum 1.06
1276 DBIx::Class::Sims
1277 Test::Sims
1278 Reply
1279 Compare::Directory 1.14
1280 Compress::Raw::Bzip2 2.034
1281 Compress::LZMA::External 0.36
1282 Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.034
1283 Date::JD 0.004
1284 Compress::Raw::Lzma 2.034
1285 Compress::unLZMA 0.04
1286 ConditionSystem 0.02
1287 Date::Range 1.40
1288 Config::Ant 0.01
1289 Config::Crontab 1.33
1290 Config::Divide 0.031
1291 Config::Hosts 0.01
1292 Config::INI 0.017
1293 Config::IPFilter 1.00
1294 Config::JSON 1.5100
1295 Config::Merge 1.01
1296 Config::Model::CursesUI 1.104
1297 Config::Model::OpenSsh 1.216
1298 Config::OpenSSH::Authkey 0.99
1299 Config::Path 0.11
1300 Config::Perl::V 0.12
1301 DateTime::Event::MultiCron 0.01
1302 Config::Properties 1.71
1303 Config::Properties::Simple 0.14
1304 DateTime::Format::CLDR 1.12
1305 Config::Tiny 2.14
1306 DateTime::Event::Random 0.03
1307 Config::Tiny::Ordered 1.02
1308 DateTime::Event::Cron 0.08
1309 Config::TinyDNS 1
1310 Config::ZOMG 0.001000
1311 Config::XPath 0.16
1312 DateTime::Format::XSD 0.1
1313 Config::YAML::Tiny 1.42.0
1314 Convert::PEM 0.08
1315 DateTime::Precise 1.05
1316 DateTime::Incomplete 0.06
1317 Contextual::Return 0.2.1
1318 ControlFreak 1.0.0
1319 Convert::ASCII::Armour 1.4
1320 DateTime::Format::Epoch 0.13
1321 Convert::Bencode 1.03
1322 Convert::Binary::C 0.76
1323 Convert::Color::Library 0.03
1324 Convert::EastAsianWidth 1.02
1325 Convert::GeekCode 0.62
1326 Convert::Moji 0.02
1327 Convert::Scalar 1.04
1328 Convert::UUlib 1.34
1329 DateTime::Util::Astro 0.12000
1330 DateTime::Util::Calc 0.13002
1331 Convert::yEnc 1.04
1332 Coro::Generator 0.3.0
1333 Coro::Mysql 1.02
1334 Crypt::CFB 0.02
1335 Crypt::CVS 0.03
1336 Crypt::Camellia 2.02
1337 DBIx::Class::I18NColumns 0.15
1338 Devel::DProf 20110225.01
1339 Devel::Declare::Parser::Fennec 0.004
1340 DateTime::Format::Duration::XSD 0.01
1341 DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime::Duration 0.01002
1342 DBIx::Class::Journal 0.900200
1343 DBIx::Class::MooseColumns 0.20
1344 DBIx::Class::Numeric 0.004
1345 DBIx::Class::PassphraseColumn 0.01
1346 DBIx::Class::RandomColumns 0.003000
1347 Devel::Events 0.08
1348 DBIx::Class::Relationship::Predicate 0.03
1349 DBIx::Class::Result::ExternalAttribute 0.01
1350 DBIx::DBHResolver 0.13
1351 Devel::Platform::Info 0.08
1352 DBIx::Class::Result::ProxyField 0.03
1353 DBIx::Class::ResultSet::Faceter 0.04
1354 DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql::backup 0.04
1355 Devel::Refcount 0.09
1356 DBIx::Class::Tree 0.03003
1357 DBIx::Class::Tree::NestedSet 0.07
1358 DBIx::Class::Validation 0.02005
1359 Devel::PackagePath 0.02
1360 DBIx::Connect::FromConfig 0.05
1361 DBIx::DBH 0.4
1362 DBIx::DBHResolver::Strategy::RoundRobin 0.02
1363 DBIx::DBSchema 0.39
1364 DBIx::DBO 0.11
1365 DBIx::DataModel 1.26
1366 DBIx::DoMore 0.01003
1367 DBIx::FileStore 0.13
1368 DBIx::HA 1.1
1369 DBIx::HTML::ClientDB 1.08
1370 Devel::TakeHashArgs 0.005
1371 DBIx::HTML::LinkedMenus 1.10
1372 DBIx::HTML::PopupRadio 1.16
1373 DBIx::Hash2Table 2.04
1374 DBIx::Log4perl 0.23
1375 DBIx::Lookup::Field 2.101420
1376 DBIx::MSAccess::Convert2Db 1.08
1377 DBIx::Migration 0.07
1378 DBIx::Migration::Classes 0.02
1379 DBIx::MultiDB 0.04
1380 Device::Modem 1.53
1381 DBIx::NoSQL 0.0017
1382 Device::SerialPort 1.04
1383 DBIx::ObjectMapper 0.3013
1384 Device::USB 0.35
1385 DBIx::Printf 0.08
1386 DBIx::Printf::Named 0.01
1387 DBIx::QueryByName 0.18
1388 Digest::BLAKE 0.04
1389 DBIx::QueryLog 0.10
1390 DBIx::Report::Excel 0.2a
1391 Digest::BMW 0.04
1392 Digest::ECHO 0.04
1393 Digest::EdonR 0.05
1394 DBIx::ResultSet 0.14
1395 DBIx::RetryOverDisconnects 0.06
1396 Digest::GOST 0.05
1397 Digest::Fugue 0.04
1398 Digest::Groestl 0.04
1399 DBIx::RewriteDSN 0.04
1400 Digest::Hamsi 0.02
1401 DBIx::RoboQuery 0.012025
1402 Digest::JH 0.04
1403 Digest::Keccak 0.04
1404 Digest::HMAC_MD6 0.01
1405 Digest::MD6 0.11
1406 Digest::Luffa 0.04
1407 DBIx::SQLEngine 0.93
1408 Digest::Perl::MD4 1.4
1409 Digest::SHA::PurePerl 5.61
1410 DBIx::SQLite::Simple 0.34
1411 Digest::SHAvite3 0.02
1412 Digest::SIMD 0.04
1413 Digest::Skein 0.05
1414 Digest::Shabal 0.04
1415 DBIx::Schema::UpToDate 0.005
1416 Digest::Whirlpool 1.09
1417 DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.54
1418 DBIx::Simple::DataSection 0.02
1419 DBIx::Simple::OO 0.02
1420 DBIx::SimpleGoBetween 1.003
1421 DBIx::SimpleQuery 0.04
1422 DBIx::Skinny::Mixin::DBHResolver 0.04
1423 DBIx::Skinny::Schema::Loader 0.20
1424 DBIx::Sunny 0.06
1425 Data::Dump::Partial 0.03
1426 DBIx::TableLoader 1.000
1427 DBIx::Table2Hash 1.17
1428 DBIx::TableLoader::CSV 1.002
1429 DBIx::TextIndex 0.28
1430 DBIx::Tree 1.94
1431 DBR unknown
1432 DFA::Command 2.01
1433 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoMetaResources 1.110050
1434 Pithub
1435 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckChangeLog 0.01
1436 DNS::Oterica 0.100001
1437 DNS::ZoneEdit 1.1
1438 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CompileTests 1.110930
1439 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BumpVersionFromGit 0.008
1440 DNS::ZoneParse 1.10
1441 Data::Format::Pretty::Console 0.07
1442 DOCSIS::ConfigFile 0.6004
1443 Daemon::Easy 0.02
1444 Directory::Scratch::Structured 0.04
1445 Daemon::Mplayer 0.010
1446 Daiku 0.02
1447 Dancer::Logger::LogHandler 0.01
1448 Dancer::Plugin::Auth::RBAC 1.110720
1449 Dancer::Plugin::Authorize 1.110720
1450 Dancer::Plugin::Cache 0.2.1
1451 Dancer::Plugin::Captcha::SecurityImage 0.10
1452 Dancer::Plugin::DataFu 1.103070
1453 Dancer::Plugin::Facebook 0.001
1454 Dancer::Plugin::Fake::Response 0.0101
1455 Dancer::Plugin::MPD 0.01
1456 Dancer::Plugin::ORMesque 0.0101
1457 Dancer::Plugin::SporeDefinitionControl 0.07
1458 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Homepage 1.101420
1459 Dancer::Plugin::ValidationClass undef
1460 Dancer::Plugin::WebSocket 0.01
1461 Dancer::Template::Semantic 0.01
1462 Danga::Socket::Callback 0.01200
1463 Danga::Socket::Redis 0.06
1464 Darcs::Inventory 1.5
1465 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Mercurial 0.03
1466 Dash::Leak 0.06
1467 Data::AMF 0.09
1468 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaResourcesFromGit 1.103620
1469 Data::ArrayList 0.01
1470 Data::Babel::Client 0.01_05
1471 Data::Beacon 0.2.5
1472 Data::Bucketeer 0.001
1473 Digest::BubbleBabble 0.02
1474 Data::Bvec 1.01
1475 Data::CGIForm 0.5
1476 Data::Capture 0.27
1477 Data::CloudWeights 0.6.122
1478 Data::Collector 0.12
1479 Data::Conveyor 1.103130
1480 Data::ConveyorBelt 0.02
1481 Data::DPath::Validator 0.093411
1482 Data::Decycle 0.02
1483 Data::Deduper 0.02
1484 Data::Default 0.11
1485 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeFromPod 0.14
1486 Data::Dmap 0.08
1487 Data::Dump::PHP 0.07
1488 Data::DumpXML 1.06
1489 Data::Dumper 2.128
1490 Data::Dumper::Perltidy 0.01
1491 Data::Dumper::Simple 0.11
1492 Data::Encoder 0.03
1493 Data::Entropy 0.007
1494 Data::GUID 0.046
1495 Data::Google::Visualization::DataTable 0.07
1496 Data::Handle 0.01011703
1497 Data::HexDump 0.02
1498 Data::Hive 1.008
1499 Data::ID::Exim 0.007
1500 Data::ID::Maildir 0.003
1501 Data::Localize 0.00020
1502 Data::IPV4::Range::Parse 1.05
1503 Data::Localize::Storage::MongoDB undef
1504 Data::Maker 0.27
1505 Data::Model 0.00007
1506 Data::Money 0.04
1507 Data::Morph 1.110540
1508 Data::OpenGraph 0.01
1509 DataFlow 1.111230
1510 Data::OptList 0.106
1511 Data::PABX::ParseLex 1.04
1512 Data::Page::FlickrLike 2.00
1513 Data::Page::Navigation 0.05
1514 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::DAGOLDEN 0.016
1515 Data::Page::Viewport 1.06
1516 Data::ParseBinary 0.31
1517 Data::Password::Check 0.08
1518 Data::StreamDeserializer 0.06
1519 Data::Password::Entropy 0.06
1520 Data::Peek 0.33
1521 Data::PowerSet 0.05
1522 Data::PowerSet::Hash 0.02
1523 Data::Rx 0.100110
1524 Data::Predicate 2.1.1
1525 Data::Rx::TypeBundle::Perl 0.004
1526 Data::PrettyPrintObjects 1.00
1527 Data::Range::Compare 1.030
1528 Data::ResultSet 1.001
1529 Data::Rx::Tools::ShareDirValidator 0.1.0
1530 Data::Rx::TypeBundle::Rx 0.103520
1531 Data::SearchEngine 0.19
1532 Data::Schema 0.133
1533 Data::SearchEngine::Solr 0.17
1534 Data::Semantic::Net 1.101760
1535 Data::Serializable 0.40.1
1536 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RJBS 1.006
1537 Data::Sheet 0.01
1538 Data::Show 0.001_004
1539 Data::Stag 0.11
1540 Data::StreamSerializer 0.07
1541 Data::TUID 0.0122
1542 Data::Tabular::Dumper 0.08
1543 Data::Tabulate 0.06
1544 Data::Tabulate::Plugin::HTMLTable 0.03
1545 Debug::ShowStuff 1.13
1546 Data::Taxi 0.96
1547 Data::Throttler 0.05
1548 Data::Thunk 0.07
1549 Data::TreeDumper::Renderer::GTK 0.02
1550 Data::TreeValidator 0.03
1551 Data::Typed::Expression 0.003
1552 Data::UNLreport 1.03
1553 Date::ISO8601 0.004
1554 DateTime::TimeZone::SystemV 0.004
1555 DateTime::TimeZone::Tzfile 0.005
1556 Email::ARF 0.005
1557 Email::Address::Loose 0.10
1558 Data::UUID 1.217
1559 Data::UUID::LibUUID 0.05
1560 Data::Uniqid 0.12
1561 Data::Validate::Date 0.01
1562 Desktop::Notify 0.03
1563 Data::Validate::Image 0.003
1564 Email::FolderType 0.813
1565 Data::Validation 0.6.133
1566 Data::Verifier 0.45
1567 Email::Filter 1.032
1568 Data::YAML 0.0.6
1569 Data::YUID 0.05
1570 Email::Send 2.198
1571 Data::Zipper 0.02
1572 Date::Calc::XS 6.2
1573 Date::Chinese 1.12
1574 DateTime::Calendar::Japanese::Era 0.08001
1575 Date::Easter 1.14
1576 Date::Extract::Surprise 0.006
1577 Date::FromToday 0.02
1578 Date::HolidayParser 0.41
1579 DateTime::Calendar::Julian 0.04
1580 DateTime::Event::Easter 1.04
1581 Date::Holidays::Abstract 0.05
1582 Encode::Base32::Crockford 1.2
1583 Date::Holidays::CA 0.03
1584 Date::Holidays::DE 1.5
1585 Email::Sender::Transport::SQLite 0.091660
1586 Date::Holidays::EnglandWales 0.07
1587 Date::Holidays::IND 0.03
1588 Date::Holidays::PAK 0.03
1589 Encode::IMAPUTF7 1.05
1590 Date::Holidays::PL 1.110050
1591 Date::Holidays::UK::EnglandAndWales 0.03
1592 Date::MSAccess 1.05
1593 DateTime::Event::Chinese 0.05
1594 DateTime::Calendar::Chinese 0.07
1595 Encode::ZapCP1252 0.32
1596 Date::MSD 0.003
1597 Date::Pcalc 6.1
1598 Date::Remind::Event 0.04
1599 EntityModel::Log 0.002
1600 Date::Say::Czech 0.04
1601 Date::Span 1.125
1602 DateTime::Event::Sunrise 0.0501
1603 DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary 0.08
1604 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodLoom 3.02
1605 DateTime::Calendar::Mayan 0.0601
1606 DateTime::Calendar::Japanese 0.06001
1607 HTTP::Negotiate 6.00
1608 DateTime::Duration::Fuzzy 0.03
1609 DateTime::Event::Lunar 0.06
1610 Exception::Class::DBI 1.00
1611 DateTime::Event::SolarTerm 0.05
1612 Event::Join 0.06
1613 DateTime::Format::DBI 0.040
1614 DateTime::Format::DateManip 0.04
1615 DateTime::Format::Human::Duration 0.0.1
1616 DateTime::Format::WindowsFileTime 0.02
1617 DateTime::Functions 0.10
1618 DateTime::HiRes 0.01
1619 DateTime::TimeZone::Alias 0.06
1620 ORLite 1.48
1621 DateTime::TimeZone::Olson 0.001
1622 Exporter::NoWork 0.03
1623 DateTimeX::Format 1.03
1624 Debug::MessageArray 0.11
1625 ExtUtils::CChecker 0.07
1626 Devel::Assert 0.02
1627 Declare::Constraints::Simple 0.03
1628 Deep::Encode 0.18
1629 Exporter::Cluster 0.31
1630 ExtUtils::LibBuilder 0.04
1631 Devel::Autoflush 0.05
1632 Devel::ArgNames 0.03
1633 Devel::CallerStack 0.003
1634 Devel::Pragma 0.54
1635 Devel::ChangePackage 0.07
1636 Devel::CheckApplicationCapabilities 1.0
1637 Devel::Dt 0.04
1638 Devel::DumpTrace 0.12
1639 Devel::Dumpvar 1.06
1640 Devel::PatchPerl 0.30
1641 Devel::EndStats 0.04
1642 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MatchManifest 4.00
1643 Devel::Events::Objects 0.05
1644 Devel::Hook 0.005
1645 Devel::Hints 0.21
1646 FFmpeg::Command 0.15
1647 Devel::InPackage 0.01
1648 Devel::Ladybug 0.413
1649 Devel::OptreeDiff 2.3
1650 Devel::REPL::Plugin::DataPrinter 0.002
1651 Devel::Refactor 0.05
1652 Devel::Required 0.08
1653 Devel::SearchINC 2.103460
1654 Devel::SelfStubber 1.05
1655 Devel::SlowBless 0.03
1656 Devel::Spy 0.07
1657 Devel::Todo::Find 1.012
1658 Devel::Trace 0.10
1659 Devel::Trace::Cwd 0.02
1660 Devel::Trace::Fork 0.11
1661 Devel::Trace::More 0.04
1662 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::FLORA 0.13
1663 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeMarkdownFromPod 0.103510
1664 Devel::TraceMethods 1.00
1665 Devel::TrackObjects 0.4
1666 Devel::TrackSIG 0.01
1667 Devel::VersionDump 0.02
1668 Devel::bt 0.05
1669 Device::CurrentCost 1.110792
1670 File::BOM 0.14
1671 Fey::Test 0.08
1672 Device::Dynamixel 0.027
1673 Device::Gsm 1.56
1674 Device::Inverter::Aurora 0.05
1675 Device::KOBOeReader 0.0101
1676 Device::LaCrosse::WS23xx 0.08
1677 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ChangelogFromGit 0.002
1678 Device::MAS345 0.03
1679 File::DataClass 0.3.238
1680 Device::MegaSquirt 0.01
1681 File::DirCompare 0.6
1682 Device::TLSPrinter 0.50
1683 Fey::Loader 0.11
1684 File::Find::Rule::Filesys::Virtual 1.22
1685 Digest::MD5 2.51
1686 Device::USB::PCSensor::HidTEMPer 0.02
1687 File::Binary 1.7
1688 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Awesome 0.12
1689 File::Flock 2008.01
1690 File::FnMatch 0.02
1691 File::Finder 0.53
1692 Device::WH1091 0.03
1693 Device::XBee::API 0.2
1694 Digest 1.16
1695 Digest::FNV 2.00
1696 Digest::FNV::PurePerl 0.03
1697 Digest::HMAC 1.02
1698 Digest::PBKDF2 0.005
1699 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git 1.110500
1700 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EOLTests 0.02
1701 File::Map 0.36
1702 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::KwaliteeTests 1.101420
1703 Digest::SHA 5.61
1704 File::Monitor 1.00
1705 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub 0.06
1706 Digest::Tiger 0.02
1707 Digest::XSAdler32 0.01
1708 File::Path::Tiny 0.1
1709 Dir::ListFilesRecursive 0.02
1710 File::Path::Expand 1.02
1711 Dir::Project 3.023
1712 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MinimumVersionTests 1.101421
1713 Directory::Queue 1.20
1714 File::PathList 1.04
1715 Directory::Transactional 0.09
1716 Dist::Zilla::BeLike::CSJEWELL 0.901
1717 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ApacheTest 0.01
1718 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ApocalypseTests 1.001
1719 File::Rules 0.01
1720 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AppendExternalData 0.002
1721 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Class 1.12060312
1722 File::Rsync 0.43
1723 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AssertOS 0.04
1724 File::PathInfo 1.27
1725 File::Signature 1.009
1726 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion::Relative 0.01060309
1727 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuildFile undef
1728 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuildSelf 0.001
1729 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPANChangesTests 1.002
1730 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Catalyst 0.13
1731 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckChangesTests 1.100900
1732 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NoTabsTests 0.01
1733 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Conflicts 0.07
1734 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PerlTidy 0.09
1735 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::OSPrereqs 0.002
1736 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UnusedVarsTests 1.100860
1737 File::Tail 0.99.3
1738 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CopyTo 0.11
1739 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PortabilityTests 1.101420
1740 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CriticTests 1.102280
1741 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CustomLicense 1.0.2
1742 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::DistManifestTests 1.101420
1743 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportVersions 1.102460
1744 File::Util 3.27
1745 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Doppelgaenger 0.002
1746 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run 0.005
1747 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::DualBuilders 1.001
1748 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::DualLife 0.01
1749 File::Value 0.23
1750 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FakeFaker 0.02
1751 File::is 0.03
1752 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::StaticVersion 0.103521
1753 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FatPacker 1.100841
1754 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::GENEHACK 1.004
1755 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SynopsisTests 1.101420
1756 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FileKeywords undef
1757 Filesys::Virtual 0.06
1758 Filesys::Virtual::Plain 0.10
1759 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FindDirByRegex 1.102640
1760 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherFromManifest 1.001
1761 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::DescribeVersion 1.001011
1762 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Tag::ForRelease undef
1763 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitFmtChanges 0.003
1764 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitObtain 0.05
1765 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Inject 0.001
1766 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::JSAN 0.04
1767 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LocaleMsgfmt 1.202
1768 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::SkipInstall 1.100
1769 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::FromFile 1.11060208
1770 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild::XSOrPP 0.02
1771 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuildTiny 0.002
1772 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleInstall 0.01054020
1773 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NoAutomatedTesting 0.02
1774 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodLinkTests 1.004000
1775 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodSpellingTests 1.103491
1776 MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor
1777 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ProgCriticTests 1.102520
1778 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PurePerlTests 0.02
1779 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportPhase undef
1780 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::RequiresExternal 0.1091005
1781 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Rsync 0.1
1782 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SanityTests 0.03
1783 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SpellingCommonMistakesTests 1.001000
1784 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SubmittingPatches 0.03
1785 Finance::OFX::Parse::Simple 0.06
1786 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::WSDL 0.102600
1787 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::AJGB 1.103270
1788 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::AVAR 0.25
1789 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::ALEXBIO 0.04
1790 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::DOHERTY 0.016
1791 File::Tabular 0.72
1792 Dist::Zilla::Role::Tempdir 0.01053720
1793 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL 1.0.7
1794 Dist::Zooky 0.08
1795 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite 1.0.6
1796 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::OLIVER 1.110230
1797 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::RWSTAUNER 2.001
1798 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::BINGOS 0.06
1799 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::CEBJYRE 0.1.1
1800 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::CJFIELDS 0.0301
1801 Fey 0.40
1802 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::CJM 4.01
1803 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::DANIELP 1.04
1804 Fey::DBIManager 0.14
1805 Fey::ORM 0.42
1806 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::DOY 0.06
1807 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::FAYLAND 0.08
1808 File::Pid 1.01
1809 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::GETTY 0.007
1810 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::GopherRepellent 1.002
1811 Form::Sensible 0.20012
1812 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::IDOPEREL 0.4
1813 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::JQUELIN undef
1814 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::JROCKWAY 1.102911
1815 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::MARCEL 1.103490
1816 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::MSCHOUT 0.20
1817 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::NIGELM 0.12
1818 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::NUFFIN 0.01
1819 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::OLIVER 1.103640
1820 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::PDONELAN 1.201
1821 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::PadrePlugin 0.08
1822 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RBO 0.002
1823 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::ROKR 0.0018
1824 GD::SecurityImage 1.70
1825 Forks::Super 0.34
1826 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::RTHOMPSON 0.103532
1827 GPS::Point 0.18
1828 Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::YANICK 0.2.1
1829 Dist::Zilla::Util::EmulatePhase 0.01016513
1830 Distribution::Guess::BuildSystem 0.12_01
1831 Document::Transform 1.110400
1832 Document::Writer 0.13
1833 Domain::Register::DomainShare 1.02
1834 Doorman 0.06
1835 Dumpvalue 1.15
1836 DynGig::Automata 0.01
1837 DynGig::Cluster 0.01
1838 E::Mail::Acme 1505
1839 EBook::EPUB 0.5
1840 EBook::Generator 0.01
1841 ELF::Extract::Sections 0.02071411
1842 EV::ADNS 2.2
1843 EV::Loop::Async 1.01
1844 EWS::Client 1.110911
1845 ElasticSearch 0.36
1846 Elive 0.88
1847 Emacs::Rep 0.07
1848 Email::ARF::Hotmail 0.08
1849 Email::AddressParser 0.04
1850 Email::Date 1.103
1851 Email::Find 0.10
1852 Email::Folder 0.855
1853 ORLite::Mirror 1.20
1854 Email::Folder::Exchange 2.0
1855 Email::LocalDelivery 0.217
1856 Email::MIME::CreateHTML 1.030
1857 Email::MIME::Kit::Assembler::Markdown 0.093070
1858 Email::MIME::Kit::Renderer::TT 1.000
1859 Email::MIME::Kit::Validator::Rx 0.102010
1860 Email::MIME::RFC2047 0.91
1861 Email::Outlook::Message 0.910
1862 Email::Public 0.13
1863 Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail 0.22
1864 Email::Send::SMTP::TLS 0.04
1865 Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS 0.09
1866 Email::Stuff 2.102
1867 Email::Verify::SMTP 0.003
1868 Emailesque undef
1869 Enbugger 2.011
1870 Encode::Base58::BigInt 0.02
1871 Encode::CNMap 0.32
1872 Encode::Detect 1.01
1873 Encode::DosHebrew 0.5
1874 Encode::HanExtra 0.23
1875 Encode::IBM 0.11
1876 Encode::JIS2K 0.02
1877 EntityModel::Class 0.007
1878 Encode::Locale 1.02
1879 XML::Parser::Lite
1880 Eval::WithLexicals 1.001000
1881 Encode::JP::Emoji 0.60
1882 Yahoo::Search::XML
1883 Encode::UTF8Mac 0.03
1884 Entities 0.2
1885 EntityModel 0.010
1886 Env 1.02
1887 Env::PS1 0.06
1888 Excel::Template::Plus 0.05
1889 Error::Return 1.110510
1890 Eval::Compile 0.10
1891 Event::Notify 0.00004
1892 Eval::Context 0.09
1893 Exception::Caught undef
1894 Exception::Class::TCF 0.03
1895 Exception::Handler 1.004
1896 Exporter 5.64_03
1897 Exception::NoException 0.07
1898 Exception::Resumable 0.91
1899 Exception::Simple 0.003
1900 ExtUtils::AutoInstall 0.63
1901 Exception::Sink 3.03
1902 Geo::Postcodes 0.32
1903 Exim::SpoolMessage 0.03
1904 Exodist::Util 0.007
1905 Geography::Countries 2009041301
1906 Exporter::Proxy 0.06
1907 ExtJS::AutoForm::Moose 0.01
1908 ExtUtils::ParseXS 2.2206
1909 ExtUtils::BuildRC 0.001
1910 ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.280202
1911 Math::FFT
1912 ExtUtils::Constant 0.23
1913 ExtUtils::Command 1.16
1914 Geography::NationalGrid 1.6
1915 ExtUtils::Depends 0.304
1916 ExtUtils::Install 1.55
1917 ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Dist::Zilla::Develop 0.02
1918 ExtUtils::Manifest 1.58
1919 ExtUtils::Typemap 0.05
1920 ExtUtils::Typemap::Default 0.06
1921 Geo::Query::LatLong 0.8011
1922 ExtUtils::XSBuilder 0.28
1923 ExtUtils::XSpp::Plugin::Cloning 0.02
1924 FBP 0.26
1925 FBP::Perl 0.32
1926 FCGI::Async 0.22
1927 Getopt::Attribute 2.101700
1928 FCGI::Daemon 0.20110421
1929 FFMPEG::Effects 0.03
1930 FFmpeg::Thumbnail 0.01
1931 Getopt::Declare 1.14
1932 FLTK 0.532006_007
1933 FLV::Info 0.24
1934 FTN::Database 0.20
1935 FTN::JAM 0.04
1936 FTN::Log 0.06
1937 FTN::SRIF 0.05
1938 FabForce::DBDesigner4 0.306
1939 Fennec 1.007
1940 Fatal::Exception 0.05
1941 FedoraCommons::APIA 0.5
1942 FedoraCommons::APIM 0.6
1943 Feersum 1.200
1944 Fennec::Assert::Wrapper::Differences 0.03
1945 Fennec::Declare 1.000
1946 Fey::ORM::Mock 0.05
1947 Fey::SQL::Pg 0.005
1948 FeyX::Active 0.03
1949 File::ANVL 0.28
1950 File::CheckTree 4.4
1951 File::Checksum 0.01
1952 File::Comments 0.08
1953 Getopt::Std::Strict 1.01
1954 File::Corresponding 0.003
1955 Getopt::Mixed 1.10
1956 File::Fetch 0.32
1957 File::DigestStore 1.005
1958 File::Find::Parallel 0.52
1959 File::Find::Rule::PPI 1.06
1960 File::HomeDir
1961 File::Find::Rule::VCS 1.08
1962 File::LibMagic 0.96
1963 File::Find::Upwards 1.102030
1964 File::KeePass 0.03
1965 File::Listing 6.02
1966 File::MimeInfo 0.15
1967 File::LinkDir 1.01
1968 File::LocalizeNewlines 1.12
1969 Google::Chart 0.05014
1970 File::Locate::Iterator 18
1971 File::Lock::Multi 1.01
1972 File::LsColor 0.170
1973 File::Path 2.08_01
1974 File::MMagic::XS 0.09006
1975 GnuPG::Interface 0.44
1976 File::Media::Sort 0.044
1977 File::Monitor::Lite 0.652
1978 File::Namaste 0.25
1979 File::PathInfo::Ext 1.30
1980 File::PatternMatch 0.044
1981 File::Policy 1.005
1982 File::RsyBak 0.14
1983 File::SearchPath 0.06
1984 File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent 0.1.0
1985 File::RsyncP 0.70
1986 Gravatar::URL 1.03
1987 File::Scan 1.43
1988 File::ShareDir::PAR 0.06
1989 File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir 0.1.1
1990 File::SharedNFSLock 0.03
1991 File::Slurp::Shortcuts 0.03
1992 File::Spec::Memoized 1.00
1993 File::Stamped 0.02
1994 File::Sync 0.09
1995 File::Stat 0.01
1996 File::Stat::Ls undef
1997 File::Stream 2.30
1998 File::TTX 0.03
1999 File::Tabular::Web 0.19
2000 File::Tempdir 0.02
2001 File::TinyLock 1.1
2002 File::Type::WebImages 1.01
2003 File::Trash 1.10
2004 File::TreeBuilder 0.01
2005 Filesys::Statvfs 0.82
2006 File::Unpack 0.39
2007 File::UserConfig 0.06
2008 File::Vctools 0.09
2009 File::Which 1.09
2010 File::pushd 1.00
2011 File::Versions 0.01
2012 Filter::Simple 0.85
2013 Filesys::DfPortable 0.85
2014 Geo::Coordinates::Converter 0.10
2015 Filter::CommaEquals 0.01
2016 Filesys::DiskUsage 0.05
2017 Filesys::Type 0.02
2018 Filter::Arguments 0.14
2019 Filter::BoxString 0.04
2020 Filter::HereDocIndent 0.91
2021 Filter::Indent::HereDoc 1.01
2022 HTML::Declare 2.4
2023 Filter::gunzip 4
2024 Finance::Bank::Halifax::Sharedealing 0.03
2025 Finance::Bank::ID::BCA 0.17
2026 Finance::Bank::ID::Mandiri 0.15
2027 Finance::Bank::JP::Mizuho 0.02
2028 Finance::Bank::LaPoste 7.05
2029 Finance::BankVal::UK 0.04
2030 Finance::Card::Citibank 2.02
2031 Finance::Card::Discover 0.05
2032 Finance::Currency::Convert 1.08
2033 Finance::Currency::Convert::ECB 0.1
2034 Finance::Currency::Convert::XE 0.19
2035 Finance::FITF 0.30
2036 Finance::FIX 0.01
2037 Finance::InteractiveBrokers::API 0.02
2038 Finance::MtGox 0.01
2039 Finance::NASDAQ::Quote 0.06
2040 Finance::QIF 3.02
2041 Finance::QuoteOptions 0.23
2042 HTML::HTML5::Sanity 0.101
2043 HTML::HTML5::Writer 0.102
2044 HTML::HTML5::Outline 0.003
2045 Finance::TW::TAIFEX 0.34
2046 Finance::Wesabe 0.02
2047 Finnigan 0.0203
2048 Firepear::Catechesis 1.002
2049 Flickr::API 1.04
2050 Flickr::Upload 1.32
2051 Flame::Palette 0.02
2052 Flea 0.04
2053 Flickr::API2 2.01
2054 Flickr::Simple2 0.03
2055 Font::AFM 1.20
2056 Font::TTF::OpenTypeLigatures 0.01
2057 Food::ECodes 0.04
2058 HTML::PrettyPrinter 0.03
2059 Tree::Object
2060 RingBuffer
2061 Forest::Tree::Viewer::Gtk2 undef
2062 Class::Build::Array::Glob
2063 Catalyst::Plugin::DBIC::Schema::Profiler
2064 HTML::Microformats 0.103
2065 JSON::Tiny
2066 DateTimeX::Moment
2067 Parse::Taxonomy
2068 Github::Fork::Parent
2069 Form::Factory 0.020
2070 HTML::Strip 1.06
2071 HTML::Stream 1.60
2072 Form::Sensible::Reflector::DBIC 0.349
2073 Form::Sensible::Reflector::MySQL 0.2
2074 HTML::Table 2.08a
2075 HTML::TagCloud 0.36
2076 FormValidator::LazyWay 0.19
2077 Formatter::HTML::Textile 1.02
2078 Forward::Routes 0.14
2079 FreeBSD::Ports::INDEXhash 1.2.2
2080 HTML::Template::Compiled 0.95
2081 Frost 0.70
2082 Furl::S3 0.01
2083 FusionInventory::Agent 2.1.8_rc1
2084 HTML::Template::Pro 0.9504
2085 GD::Barcode 1.15
2086 FusionInventory::Agent::Task::OcsDeploy 1.1.0
2087 GCC::TranslationUnit 1.00
2088 Yote
2089 HTML::DOM 0.047
2090 HTML::TokeParser::Simple 3.15
2091 GD::Barcode::Code93 1.4
2092 Geo::Constants 0.06
2093 HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML 0.12
2094 Geo::Functions 0.07
2095 GD::Graph::Polar 0.16
2096 GRID::Machine 0.113
2097 GD::Thumbnail 1.35
2098 GDS2 3.00
2099 GIS::Distance 0.07
2100 GRID::Cluster 0.04
2101 Games::Affenspiel 0.1.0
2102 Games::ConnectFour 0.02
2103 Games::Dissociate 1
2104 Games::FrozenBubble 2.212
2105 Games::HotPotato 0.110020
2106 Games::NES::ROM 0.07
2107 Games::Pentago 0.01
2108 Games::SGF 0.993
2109 Games::SGF::Go::Rotator 1.2
2110 Games::Solitaire::Verify 0.09
2111 Games::Sudoku::CPSearch 1.00
2112 HTTP::Daemon::SSL 1.04
2113 Games::Tournament::Swiss 0.18
2114 Games::Word 0.05
2115 Games::Word::Wordlist::Enable 2010090401
2116 Games::Word::Wordlist::SGB 2010091501
2117 Gentoo::MetaEbuild::Spec::Base 0.1.3
2118 HTTP::LRDD 0.103
2119 Ganglia::Gmetric::PP 1.04
2120 Gedcom::Date 0.06
2121 Genezzo 0.72
2122 Geo::Address::Mail 0.04
2123 Genome 0.05
2124 Gentoo::MetaEbuild::Spec::MiniSpec 0.1.0
2125 HTTP::Request::Params 1.01
2126 HTTP::Response::Encoding 0.06
2127 Geo::Address::Mail::Standardizer 0.02
2128 Geo::Coder::SimpleGeo 0.03
2129 Geo::Coder::PlaceFinder 0.04
2130 Gentoo::MirrorList 1.0.0
2131 Gentoo::Overlay 0.02004319
2132 Gentoo::PerlMod::Version 0.3.0
2133 Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate 1.02
2134 Gentoo::PerlMod::Version::FixEbuild 0.1.1
2135 Geo::Address::Mail::Standardizer::USPS 0.03
2136 Geo::Address::Mail::Standardizer::USPS::AMS::Results 0.05
2137 Geo::Address::Mail::UK 0.02
2138 Geo::BUFR 1.19
2139 Hailo 0.67
2140 Geo::Calc 0.04
2141 Geo::Cloudmade 0.5
2142 Geo::Distance 0.16
2143 Geo::Distance::XS 0.08
2144 Geo::Coder::Bing::Bulk 0.03
2145 Geo::Coder::Googlev3 0.07
2146 Geo::Coder::OSM 0.02
2147 Geo::Coder::Many 0.23
2148 Geo::Coder::Mappy 0.01
2149 Geo::Coder::Navteq 0.03
2150 Hash::Identity 0.01
2151 Hash::Flatten 1.19
2152 Geo::Coder::Ovi 0.02
2153 Geo::Coder::RandMcnally 0.01
2154 Geo::Coder::TomTom 0.03
2155 Hash::Type 1.08
2156 Geo::Hash 0.02
2157 Gtk2::Ex::CellLayout::Base 5
2158 Geo::Coder::Yahoo 0.50
2159 Geo::Converter::dms2dd 0.02
2160 Gtk2::Ex::DateSpinner 8
2161 Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Format::Geohash 0.04
2162 Gtk2::Ex::Dragger 8
2163 Hook::AfterRuntime 0.005
2164 Gtk2::Ex::ErrorTextDialog 9
2165 Perl::osnames
2166 I18N::Charset 1.396
2167 Geo::Coordinates::Converter::iArea 0.14
2168 Geo::Coordinates::GMap 0.05
2169 Gtk2::Ex::MenuView 4
2170 Geo::GoogleEarth::Pluggable 0.13
2171 Geo::Coordinates::KKJ 0.01
2172 Geo::Ellipsoids 0.16
2173 Geo::ECEF 1.10
2174 Geo::Ellipsoid 1.12
2175 Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties 14
2176 Gtk2::Ex::History 7
2177 Gtk2::Ex::ListModelConcat 10
2178 Gtk2::Ex::NoShrink 4
2179 IO::Async::Resolver::DNS 0.01
2180 Gtk2::Ex::WidgetBits 37
2181 Gtk2::Ex::NumAxis 4
2182 IO::Digest 0.10
2183 Gtk2::Ex::Splash 52
2184 IO::Easy 0.16
2185 IO::Event 0.804
2186 Gtk2::Ex::WidgetCursor 15
2187 Gtk2::Ex::TickerView 15
2188 Geo::Gpx 0.26
2189 Geo::Hash::XS 0.00013
2190 Geo::IPfree 1.110450
2191 Geo::KML 0.92
2192 Geo::OSM::StaticMap 0.3
2193 Geo::Parse::OSM 0.40_1
2194 IO::Null 1.01
2195 Device::Chip
2196 Geo::Postcode 0.17
2197 Geo::Postcodes::DK 0.32
2198 IO::Socket::INET6 2.67
2199 Geo::Query 0.04
2200 Geo::ShapeFile 2.52
2201 Geo::TigerLine 0.03
2202 Geo::TigerLine::Abbreviations 0.04
2203 Geometry::AffineTransform 1.3
2204 Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS 0.006
2205 Geography::JapanesePrefectures 0.09
2206 Geography::NationalGrid::TW 0.08
2207 IO::Socket::Telnet 0.04
2208 Geometry::Formula 0.02
2209 DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::RelPatterns
2210 Log::File::Rolling
2211 Devel::PerlySense
2212 Dallycot
2213 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::Soften
2214 Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Ditaa
2215 BalanceOfPower
2216 Redis::CappedCollection
2217 Bio::ToolBox
2218 Gzip::RandomAccess 0.91
2219 JSON::Relaxed
2221 Getopt::Compact::WithCmd 0.13
2222 DBIx::Class::BatchUpdate
2223 IPC::Filter 0.003
2224 Devel::Cover::Report::Codecov
2225 Net::Ping::External
2226 Getopt::FileConfig 1.0001
2227 Graphics::GnuplotIF 1.6
2228 Glib::Ex::ObjectBits 12
2229 Getopt::Flex 1.07
2230 Boxer
2231 namespace::clean::xs
2232 Lock::Server
2233 DBGp::Client
2234 CPAN::Plugin::Sysdeps
2235 URI::XSEscape
2236 IPC::ShareLite 0.17
2237 IPC::ScoreBoard 0.05
2238 IPC::Transit
2239 GeoIP2
2240 Hiredis::Raw
2241 Crypt::JWT
2242 Config::Model::Systemd
2243 Footprintless
2244 Image::Base 1.14
2245 HTML::Packer 1.001_001
2246 Icon::FamFamFam::Silk
2247 Yote::Server
2248 Getopt::GUI::Long 0.92
2249 WWW::Alexa::TrafficRank
2250 HTML::FormFu 0.08002
2251 Dancer2::Plugin::Minify
2252 Carmel
2253 Getopt::Modular 0.06
2254 Getopt::Simple 1.52
2255 Getopt::Tree 1.10
2256 GitMeta 0.01
2257 Image::Info 1.31
2258 Gitalist 0.003001
2259 Glib::EV 2.02
2260 Global::Context 0.001
2261 Gloom 0.15
2262 GnuPG 0.17
2263 Google::AJAX::Library 0.022
2264 Google::GeoCoder::Smart 1.15
2265 Google::SAML::Request 0.04
2266 Google::SAML::Response 0.10
2267 Google::Search 0.027
2268 Google::Voice 0.02
2269 Goto::Cached 0.22
2270 Imager 0.82
2271 Grades 0.12
2272 Graph::Centrality::Pagerank 1.05
2273 Graphics::Primitive::Driver::Cairo 0.43
2274 Graph::Chart 0.63
2275 Hash::PriorityQueue 0.01
2276 Graph::Easy::Marpa 0.51
2277 Compiler::Lexer
2278 Graph::Fast 0.02
2279 Graphics::Primitive 0.52
2280 Graph::MaxFlow 0.03
2281 Graphics::ColorObject 0.5.0
2282 Growl::Any 0.08
2283 Gtk2::Ex::Builder 0.003001
2284 Gtk2::Ex::Clock 15
2285 Gtk2::Ex::ComboBoxBits 29
2286 Gtk2::Ex::Dashes 2
2287 Gtk2::Ex::Entry::Pango 0.10
2288 RPC::ExtDirect::Client
2289 Gtk2::Ex::PodViewer 0.18
2290 InterMine::Model 0.9607
2291 Gtk2::Ex::TiedListColumn 5
2292 Gtk2::Ex::TreeModelFilter::DragDest 3
2293 Gtk2::Ex::Xor 20
2294 Gzip::BinarySearch 0.9
2295 HDML::LinkExtor 0.02
2296 HTML5::Manifest 0.03
2297 HTML::Barcode 0.08
2298 JE 0.053
2299 JIRA::Client 0.26
2300 HTML::HTML5::Microdata::Parser 0.031
2301 HTML::CalendarMonth 1.25
2302 HTML::CalendarMonthSimple 1.26
2303 HTML::Data::Parser 0.003
2304 HTML::DateSelector 0.04
2305 HTML::Defang 1.04
2306 HTML::Display 0.39
2307 HTML::EasyForm 0.001
2308 HTML::TagParser 0.16
2309 HTML::EasyTags 1.071
2310 HTML::EditableTable 0.21
2311 HTML::ExtractContent 0.10
2312 HTML::Embedded::Turtle 0.090
2313 HTML::EmbeddedPerl 0.22
2314 HTML::Embellish 0.05
2315 HTML::Entities::Latin2 0.04
2316 HTML::Entities::Numbered 0.04
2317 HTML::Toc 1.12
2318 HTML::Entities::Recursive 0.01
2319 HTML::ExtractMain 0.62
2320 JSON::RPC::Common 0.10
2321 HTML::Feature 3.00011
2322 HTML::FillInForm::Lite 1.09
2323 HTML::Filter::Callbacks 0.05
2324 HTML::FormFu::ExtJS 0.077
2325 HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC 0.09000
2326 JavaScript::Dumper 0.011
2327 HTML::FormTemplate 2.03
2328 HTML::FormatExternal 19
2329 HTML::FromANSI 2.03
2330 JavaScript::Packer 1.003_001
2331 HTML::HTML5::Microdata::ToRDFa 0.030
2332 HTML::Latemp::News 0.1.7
2333 HTML::Latemp::GenMakeHelpers 0.2.0
2334 Jcode 2.07
2335 HTML::Highlighter 0.05
2336 HTML::Hyphenate 0.05
2337 HTML::LinkAdd 0.13
2338 HTML::Macro 1.29
2339 HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler 0.52
2340 HTML::Mason::PlackHandler 0.103070
2341 HTML::Miner 0.05
2342 HTML::MobileJp 0.07
2343 HTML::Parser 3.68
2344 HTML::Tidy 1.54
2345 HTML::Parser::Simple 1.06
2346 HTML::QuickTable 1.12
2347 HTML::Quoted 0.03
2348 HTML::Revelation 1.03
2349 Module::Pluggable 3.9
2350 HTML::RewriteAttributes 0.04
2351 HTML::SimpleLinkExtor 1.23
2352 HTML::SimpleParse 0.12
2353 HTML::StickyQuery 0.13
2354 HTML::StickyQuery::DoCoMoGUID 0.03
2355 HTML::StripScripts 1.05
2356 HTML::StripScripts::Parser 1.03
2357 HTML::Summary 0.017
2358 HTML::SummaryBasic 0.2
2359 LEOCHARRE::CLI2 1.16
2360 LEOCHARRE::Debug 1.03
2361 LEOCHARRE::Dir 1.08
2362 HTML::Tagset 3.20
2363 HTML::TagCloud::Centred 5
2364 HTML::Template::Pluggable 0.17
2365 Image::Resize 0.5
2366 LWP::ConnCache::MaxKeepAliveRequests 0.32
2367 KinoSearch 0.313
2368 HTML::Template::Compiled::Plugin::I18N 1.04
2369 HTML::Template::Default 1.10
2370 HTML::Tree 4.2
2371 LWP::Curl 0.06
2372 HTML::Template::Expr 0.07_01
2373 HTML::Template::JIT 0.05
2374 HTML::Truncate 0.20
2375 HTML::Template::Pro::Extension 0.10
2376 LWP::UserAgent::Mockable 1.10
2377 HTML::Tested::JavaScript 0.30
2378 HTML::Transmorgify 0.08
2379 Ham::APRS::FAP 1.17
2380 HTML::TurboForm 0.66
2381 HTML::Widget::Factory 0.082
2382 HTML::Widgets::Index 0.61
2383 Labyrinth 5.04
2384 HTML::Widgets::NavMenu 1.0600
2385 HTML::YUI3::Menu 1.01
2386 HTTP::AppServer 0.04
2387 HTTP::Cookies 6.00
2388 HTTP::Body::MultiPart::Extend 0.01
2389 HTTP::Cache::Transparent 1.0
2390 LaTeX::Encode 0.03
2391 HTTP::Cookies::Mozilla 2.03
2392 HTTP::Cookies::Omniweb 1.13
2393 IO::File::AtomicChange 0.03
2394 HTTP::Cookies::Opera 0.07
2395 HTTP::DAV 0.43
2396 HTTP::Daemon 6.00
2397 HTTP::Date 6.00
2398 HTTP::Cookies::iCab 1.131
2399 HTTP::DAV::Browse 0.05
2400 HTTP::Engine 0.03004
2401 HTTP::LoadGen 0.07
2402 HTTP::Message 6.02
2403 HTTP::MobileAttribute 0.22
2404 Date::Easy
2405 Thread::Queue::Any
2406 IO::Stream 1.0.5
2407 HTTP::OAI 3.24
2408 HTTP::ProxyTest 0.10
2409 HTTP::Response::CGI 1.0
2410 HTTP::Response::Parser 0.03
2411 HTTP::Session 0.43
2412 HTTP::Server::Simple::Recorder 0.03
2413 HTTP::Server::Simple::Static 0.07
2414 HTTP::Session::Store::KyotoTycoon 0.02
2415 HTTP::Tiny 0.012
2416 HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker 1.16
2417 HTTP::WebTest 2.04
2418 HTTPx::Dispatcher 0.08
2419 Lingua::EN::NameParse 1.29
2420 IO::Socket::Socks 0.4
2421 Hadoop::Streaming 0.110030
2422 Ham::APRS::DeviceID 1.04
2423 Ham::APRS::LastPacket 0.03
2424 Ham::Locator 0.1000
2425 Ham::Reference::Callook 0.02
2426 Ham::Reference::Phonetics 0.02
2427 Ham::Reference::QRZ 0.03
2428 Ham::Reference::Qsignals 0.02
2429 Ham::Reference::Solar 0.03
2430 Hash::ConsistentHash 0.05
2431 Hash::Diff 0.005
2432 Hash::MultiKey 0.06
2433 Hash::NoRef 0.03
2434 Hash::Work 0.03
2435 Lingua::Han::PinYin 0.15
2436 Heap 0.80
2437 Lingua::Identify 0.29
2438 Lingua::Han::Utils 0.10
2439 Hook::Modular 1.101050
2440 Heap::Simple 0.13
2441 Helios 2.23
2442 Hopkins::Plugin::RPC 0.900
2443 Hostfile::Manager 0.07
2444 I18N::Collate 1.01
2445 I18N::Handle 0.051
2446 I18N::Langinfo::Wide 7
2447 IDNA::Punycode 1.100
2448 IMDB::Film 0.49
2449 IMS::CP::Manifest 0.0.2
2450 IO 1.25_02
2451 IO::Async 0.39
2452 IO::Async::Loop::Epoll 0.11
2453 Image::TextMode 0.14
2454 IO::Async::Loop::IO::Async 0.02
2455 IO::Async::Loop::POE 0.04
2456 IO::Ppoll 0.10
2457 IO::CaptureOutput 1.1102
2458 IO::Async::Loop::Ppoll 0.08
2459 IO::Compress::Lzop 2.027
2460 IO::Epoll 0.02
2461 IO::File::WithFilename 0.01
2462 IO::Handle::Record 0.14
2463 IO::Interface 1.05
2464 IO::LCDproc 0.037
2465 IO::Multiplex 1.12
2466 IO::Multiplex::Intermediary 0.06
2467 IO::Mux 0.11
2468 Lingua::Stem::Snowball 0.952
2469 Lingua::PT::Words2Nums 1.04
2470 IO::Pager 0.05
2471 IO::Socket::SSL 1.39
2472 Lingua::Translate 0.09
2473 IO::Pipeline 0.009002
2474 IO::Socket::Multicast 1.12
2475 IO::Socket::RedisPubSub 0.02
2476 IO::Socket::Socks::Wrapper 0.03
2477 IO::Stream::Proxy::SOCKSv5 1.0.0
2478 IO::Tee 0.64
2479 IO::Tty 1.10
2480 Lingua::Sentence 1.03
2481 IO::Unread 1.04
2482 IO::Util 1.5
2483 IO::YAML 0.08
2484 IO::Zlib 1.10
2485 IOMux 0.12
2486 IP::Country 2.27
2487 Linux::Fuser 1.5
2488 IP::Country::DB_File 2.01
2489 Linux::Inotify2 1.21
2490 Linux::Epoll 0.002
2491 IPC::SRLock 0.6.164
2492 Lemonldap::NG::Handler 1.0.5
2493 Lemonldap::NG::Common 1.0.4
2494 IP::Location 0.01
2495 IP::World 0.37
2496 IPC::Cmd 0.70
2497 IPC::ConcurrencyLimit 0.01
2498 List::Object 0.01
2499 IPC::ConcurrencyLimit::Lock::NFS 0.01
2500 IPC::Exe 1.010
2501 List::Pairwise 0.29
2502 IPC::Fork::Simple 1.45
2503 IPC::Locker 1.488
2504 IPC::MPS 0.11
2505 IPC::Mmap 0.21
2506 IPC::Open3::Utils 0.8
2507 IPC::Pipeline 0.3
2508 IPC::PubSub 0.29
2509 List::Util::WeightedRoundRobin 0.4
2510 IPC::Run 0.89
2511 IPC::Run3::Simple 0.002
2512 IPC::Run::Fused 0.01028806
2513 IPC::SafeFork 0.0100
2514 IPC::Signal::Force 0.003
2515 IPC::SysV 2.03
2516 IPTables::Log 0.0005
2517 IRC::Formatting::HTML 0.29
2518 Icon::Theme::List 0.0.0
2519 Locale::Maketext::Gettext 1.28
2520 Locale::Msgfmt 0.15
2521 SOAP::XML::Client::DotNet
2522 Locale::SubCountry 1.46
2523 SOAP::XML::Client::Generic
2524 SOAP::XML::Client
2525 Locale::Wolowitz 0.2
2526 IhasQuery 0.022
2527 Image::Scale 0.06
2528 Image::Base::GD 9
2529 Image::Base::Imager 5
2530 Image::Compare 0.9
2531 Image::EXIF::DateTime::Parser 1.2
2532 Image::Epeg 0.12
2533 Image::Fixup 0.01002
2534 Image::MetaData::JPEG 0.153
2535 Image::Imlib2 2.03
2536 Image::Index::LaTeX 0.01
2537 Image::Magick::Thumbnail::Fixed 0.04
2538 Image::Math::Constrain 1.02
2539 Image::PNG 0.03
2540 Image::PNG::FileConvert 0.02
2541 Image::PNG::Rewriter 0.9
2542 Image::SVG::Path 0.02
2543 Image::Simple::Gradient 0.05
2544 Image::TextMode::Reader::ANSI::XS 0.07
2545 Image::ThousandWords 0.10
2546 Image::Thumbnail 0.66
2547 Image::VisualConfirmation 0.10007
2548 Image::Xpm 1.12
2549 Imager::ExifOrientation 0.07
2550 Imager::File::GIF 0.78
2551 Imager::File::PNG 0.78
2552 Imager::File::JPEG 0.78
2553 Imager::File::TIFF 0.78
2554 Imager::Filter::FishEye 0.04
2555 Imager::Font::FT2 0.79
2556 Imager::Graph 0.09
2557 Imager::QRCode 0.033
2558 Imager::Screenshot 0.010
2559 Imager::Simple 0.010003
2560 IncomeTax::IND 0.02
2561 Inline::Files 0.64
2562 Inline::Python 0.38
2563 Inline::TT 0.07
2564 Inline::YAML 0.11
2565 Labyrinth::Plugin::Core 5.06
2566 InlineX::C2XS 0.16
2567 Insolation 0.01
2568 InterMine::Item 0.95
2569 InterMine::TypeLibrary 0.9600
2570 Iterator::IO 0.02
2571 Internals::DumpArenas 0.11
2572 Introspector 0.04
2573 Ipernity::API 0.10
2574 Lingua::FR::Numbers 0.04
2575 Math::MPFR
2576 Iterator::GroupedRange 0.03
2577 Iterator::ToArray 0.02
2578 JS 0.17
2579 JS::JSON 0.02
2580 JS::Test::Simple 0.29
2581 JS::Test::Base 0.16
2582 JS::jQuery
2583 Log::Dispatch::Config::TestLog 0.02
2584 JSAN::Client 0.29
2585 JSAN::Parse::FileDeps 1.00
2586 JSAN::ServerSide 0.06
2587 JSON::DWIW 0.47
2588 JSON::JOM 0.005
2589 JSON::JOM::Plugins::JsonPath 0.001
2590 JSON::JOM::Plugins::JsonT 0.001
2591 JSON::PP 2.27105
2592 JSON::PP::Compat5005 1.10
2593 JSON::PP::Compat5006 1.09
2594 JSON::PPdev 2.27100
2595 JSON::RPC 0.96
2596 JSON::RPC::Dispatcher 0.0505
2597 JSON::RPC::LWP 0.006
2598 JSON::RPC::Simple 0.01
2599 JavaScript::Minifier 1.05
2600 Alien::Judy 0.26
2601 Alien::wxWidgets 0.51
2602 JSON::T 0.100
2603 JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo 0.31
2604 JSON::YAJL 0.05
2605 JavaScript::Beautifier 0.17
2606 JavaScript::Squish 0.07
2607 JavaScript::Writer 0.3.1
2608 Javascript::Closure 0.07
2609 Javascript::MD5 1.10
2610 Javascript::SHA1 1.07
2611 Jet 0.001
2612 Jifty::DBI 0.68
2613 Jit 0.04_08
2614 Job::Machine 0.17
2615 Jonk 0.10_02
2616 Judy 0.40
2617 Kafka::Client 0.02
2618 Kephra
2619 KeyedMutex::Memcached 0.03
2620 Log::LogLite 0.82
2621 Keyword::API 0.0004
2622 Log::Minimal 0.05
2623 Parse::Debian::PackageDesc 0.15
2624 Keyword::Boolean 0.001
2625 KinoSearch1 1.01
2626 KinoSearchX::Simple 0.08
2627 KiokuDB::Backend::BDB 0.15
2628 KiokuDB::Cmd 0.03
2629 Log::Syslog::Constants 1.02
2630 Kwalify 1.21
2631 Linux::usermod 0.69
2632 LEOCHARRE::CLI 1.19
2633 KiokuDB::Serializer::Crypt 0.02
2634 Kwargs undef
2635 LWPx::Record::DataSection 0.01
2636 Kwiki 0.39
2637 Kwiki::Attachments 0.21
2638 LEOCHARRE::Basename 1.08
2639 LEOCHARRE::Class2 1.19
2640 LEOCHARRE::Strings 1.02
2641 LJ::GetCookieSession 0.01
2642 LWP::MediaTypes 6.01
2643 LUGS::Events::Parser 0.05
2644 LWP::Authen::Wsse 0.05
2645 LWP::Protocol::http10 6.02
2646 MD5 2.03
2647 LWP::Protocol::socks 1.3
2648 LWP::Simple::Post 0.05
2649 LWP::UserAgent::Anonymous 0.03
2650 LWP::UserAgent::OfflineCache 0.02
2651 LWP::UserAgent::POE 0.03
2652 Alien::SDL 1.426
2653 LWP::UserAgent::WithCache 0.11
2654 LWPx::ParanoidAgent 1.07
2655 LaTeX::Decode 0.03
2656 MIME::Lite::TT::HTML 0.04
2657 LaTeX::TikZ 0.02
2658 Labkey::Query 0.06
2659 Labyrinth::Plugin::Articles::Diary 1.01
2660 Labyrinth::Plugin::Event 1.01
2661 Language::Befunge 4.13
2662 Language::Befunge::Vector::XS 1.1.1
2663 Language::Befunge::Storage::Generic::Vec::XS 0.03
2664 Language::Expr 0.18
2665 Language::Farnsworth 0.7.7
2666 Layout::Manager 0.32
2667 Language::GolfScript 0.04
2668 Language::Homespring::Visualise::GraphViz 0.04
2669 Lazy::Lockfile 1.16
2670 Lemonldap::NG::Portal 1.0.5
2671 Lexical::Import 0.001
2672 Lexical::Types 0.11
2673 Log::Syslog::DangaSocket 1.06
2674 Lexical::Var 0.005
2675 Leyland 0.001002
2676 Library::CallNumber::LC 0.10
2677 Lingua::AF::Numbers 1.2
2678 Lingua::EN::Numbers 1.01
2679 Lingua::AR::MacArabic 0.10
2680 Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic 1.09
2681 Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic::StarWars 1.02
2682 Lingua::Any::Numbers 0.43
2683 Lingua::Boolean 0.005
2684 Lingua::CS::Num2Word 0.03
2685 Lingua::Concordance 0.04
2686 Lingua::DE::Num2Word 0.03
2687 Lingua::EN::AddressParse 1.16
2688 Lingua::EN::Alphabet::Shaw 0.64
2689 Lingua::EN::Bigram 0.03
2690 Lingua::EN::Conjugate 0.311
2691 Lingua::EN::Contraction 0.104
2692 Lingua::EN::Infinitive 1.11
2693 Lingua::EN::Ngram 0.02
2694 Lingua::EN::Sentence 0.25
2695 Lingua::EN::Titlecase 0.14
2696 Lingua::EN::Titlecase::Simple 0.1
2697 Lingua::ES::Numeros 0.08
2698 Lingua::EU::Numbers 0.03
2699 Lingua::FA::MacFarsi 0.10
2700 Lingua::Gram 0.01
2701 Lingua::HE::MacHebrew 0.10
2702 Lingua::HU::Numbers 0.07
2703 Lingua::Han::CanonicalPinYin 0.04
2704 Lingua::ID::Nums2Words 0.02
2705 Math::Base85 0.2
2706 Math::BaseCalc 1.014
2707 Lingua::IT::Numbers 0.06
2708 Lingua::JA::FindDates 0.011
2709 MIME::Base32 1.02
2710 Lingua::JA::Kana 0.04
2711 Lingua::JA::Moji 0.05
2712 Lingua::JA::Regular::Unicode 0.05
2713 Lingua::JA::Romaji::Valid 0.02
2714 Lingua::Jspell 1.74
2715 Lingua::KO::TypoCorrector 0.02
2716 Math::Combinatorics 0.09
2717 Lingua::PT::Abbrev 0.07
2718 Lingua::LO::Romanize 0.08
2719 Lingua::NL::Numbers 1.3
2720 Lingua::NO::Num2Word 0.011
2721 Lingua::PL::Numbers 1.0
2722 Lingua::PT::Conjugate 1.17
2723 Test::Approx
2724 Lingua::PT::Hyphenate 1.05
2725 Lingua::PT::PLNbase 0.24
2726 Lingua::PT::Inflect 0.06
2727 Lingua::PT::Nums2Words 1.06
2728 Math::Fibonacci 1.5
2729 Lingua::PT::Nums2Ords 0.07
2730 Math::Fibonacci::Phi 0.02
2731 Lingua::PT::Ords2Nums 0.07
2732 Lingua::PT::PLN 0.17
2733 Lingua::PT::ProperNames 0.09
2734 Lingua::RU::Preposition 0.01
2735 Lingua::SV::Numbers 0.04
2736 Lingua::Slavic::Numbers 0.03
2737 Lingua::StarDict::Gen 0.09
2738 Lingua::TR::ASCII 0.11
2739 Lingua::TR::Numbers 0.23
2740 Lingua::Translate::Google 0.12
2741 Math::Int128 0.05
2742 Math::Int2Base 0.04
2743 Lingua::Translate::InterTran 0.05
2744 Math::Libm 1.00
2745 Lingua::Translit 0.19
2746 Lingua::ZH::Numbers 0.04
2747 Lingua::ZH::Wrap 0.03
2748 LinkedList::Single 0.99.9
2749 Linux::DVB 1.01
2750 Math::MPC 0.90
2751 Linux::DVB::DVBT 2.09
2752 Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert 0.02
2753 Linux::DVB::DVBT::TS 0.06
2754 Linux::Distribution 0.20
2755 Linux::FD 0.004
2756 Linux::Proc::Net::TCP 0.04
2757 Math::Random::MT::Perl 1.06
2758 Math::Random::MT 1.12
2759 Linux::Smaps 0.09
2760 Linux::Smaps::Tiny 0.06
2761 Linux::SocketFilter 0.04
2762 List::Bisect 0.002
2763 List::Conditional 0.02
2764 List::DoubleLinked 0.003
2765 List::Enumerator 0.10
2766 List::Gen 0.80
2767 List::MergeSorted::XS 1.05
2768 Locale::MO::File 0.01
2769 List::PowerSet 0.01
2770 List::Parseable 1.06
2771 List::Tuples 0.04
2772 LocalOverride 1
2773 Locale::BR 0.01
2774 Locale::Country::Multilingual 0.23
2775 Locale::Geocode 1.2
2776 Mail::DKIM 0.39
2777 Locale::Hebrew 1.05
2778 Locale::ID::GuessGender::FromFirstName 0.03
2779 Locale::Maketext::Simple 0.21
2780 Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy 0.10
2781 Mail::SpamAssassin 3.003001_01
2782 Locale::Maketext::TieHash::L10N 0.13
2783 Locale::Maketext::TieHash::quant 0.06
2784 Memcached::libmemcached 0.4406
2785 CBOR::XS
2786 Locale::Nationality::en 1.01
2787 Locale::Object undef
2788 Locale::PO::Callback 0.04
2789 Locale::PO::Utils 0.08
2790 Locale::US 1.2
2791 Locales 0.16
2792 Log4Perl::ImportHandle 0.02
2793 Log::Any::Adapter::Dispatch 0.06
2794 Log::Any::Adapter::FileHandle 0.005
2795 Method::Autoload 0.02
2796 Log::Any::Adapter::Syslog 1.2
2797 Encode::MAB2
2798 Log::Dispatch::Dir 0.06
2799 Log::Any::App 0.31
2800 File::Serialize
2801 Crypt::Curve25519
2802 Syntax::Feature::Try
2803 Swim
2804 Catmandu::Solr
2805 Math::Utils
2806 Dancer2::Plugin::Feed
2807 Sig::PackageScoped
2808 Digest::SipHash
2809 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LintPrereqs
2810 Crypt::ECB
2811 Log::Any::Adapter::TAP
2812 Graph::Maker::Hanoi
2813 Net::Yadis
2814 IRC::Server::Tree
2815 EekBoek
2816 Catalyst::Authentication::Store::MongoDB
2817 CGI::Session::Driver::memcache
2818 MediaWiki::Bot 3.3.1
2819 MediaWiki::API 0.35
2820 Data::TDMA
2821 Rex::Endpoint::HTTP
2822 Business::PayPal::EWP
2823 Template::Alloy::XS
2824 POE::Component::MessageQueue
2825 Business::Payment::SwissESR
2826 Redis::Jet
2827 WebService::SonarQube
2828 PDF::Cropmarks
2829 PerlGSL::DiffEq
2830 HPC::Runner::Scheduler
2831 HPC::Runner::Slurm
2833 DBIx::Class::Factory
2834 Net::Random
2835 Mojolicious::Plugin::Pingen
2836 Math::Decimal 0.002
2837 Method::Slice
2838 Perl::Tidy::Sweet
2839 Perl::Tidy::Sweetened
2840 Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic
2841 Devel::SharedLibs
2842 HPC::Runner::PBS
2843 Test2::Tools::EventDumper
2844 SQL::Composer
2845 Net::TinyERP
2846 PerlGSL
2847 Minilla
2848 Statistics::Shannon
2849 Debug::Show
2850 JSON::Decode::Regexp
2851 Module::Install::AutoManifest 0.003
2852 Otogiri::Plugin::BulkInsert
2853 Mojolicious::Plugin::PlainRoutes
2854 Mojolicious::Plugin::JQuery
2855 Log::Dispatch::Binlog 0.02
2856 Log::Dispatch::Config 1.04
2857 MsgPack::RPC
2858 Log::Dispatch::Config::Watcher 0.02
2859 Module::Install::Repository 0.06
2860 Test::BrewBuild::Plugin::TestAgainst
2861 Net::Frame::Layer::NTP
2862 Log::Dispatch::Configurator::Any 1.110690
2863 Log::Dispatch::Configurator::YAML 0.03
2864 Log::Dispatch::Email::EmailSender 0.05
2865 Alien::BWIPP 0.006
2866 Alien::FLTK 0.07694001
2867 Module::List 0.003
2868 Alien::FLTK2 0.08550
2869 Alien::IUP v0.0.22
2870 Alien::InteractiveBrokers 9.6403
2871 Alien::V8 0.02
2872 Alvis::TermTagger 0.7
2873 Antispam::Toolkit 0.08
2874 Antispam::httpBL 0.02
2875 Any::Daemon 0.12
2876 Math::Geometry::Planar::Offset 1.05
2877 AnyData 0.10
2878 Log::Dispatch::File::Stamped 0.09
2879 Log::Dispatch::FileRotate 1.19
2880 Log::Dispatch::Growl 1.0
2881 Log::Dispatch::Kafka 0.01
2882 Log::Dispatch::MongoDB undef
2883 Module::Reload 1.07
2884 Log::Dispatch::Screen::Color 0.04
2885 Module::MultiConf 1.0401
2886 Log::Fast 1.0.3
2887 Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBIx::Class 0.02
2888 Log::Log4perl::Appender::Gearman 0.29
2889 Log::Log4perl::Appender::RabbitMQ 0.102220
2890 Module::Want 0.3
2891 Log::Log4perl::Filter::CallerMatch 1.200
2892 Log::Log4perl::Tiny 1.0.0
2893 invoker
2894 Module::Starter 1.56
2895 Log::Log4perl::Warn::Multiple::EasyInit 0.0.1
2896 Log::Sprintf 0.001001
2897 Log::Stderr 1.00
2898 Log::Structured 0.001001
2899 Log::Syslog::Abstract 1.200
2900 Log::Syslog::Fast 0.55
2901 Module::List::Pluggable 0.08
2902 Log::Tiny 0.9
2903 Log::UDP::Client 0.20.0
2904 Log::UDP::Server 0.40.0
2905 Log::Unrotate 1.25
2906 Love::Match::Calc 0.2
2907 Lua::API 0.04
2908 Lustre::Info 0.02
2909 Math::Random 0.71
2910 Lustre::LFS 0.01
2911 Lvalue 0.21
2912 Lyrics::Fetcher 0.5.2
2913 MIME::Base64 3.13
2914 Lyrics::Fetcher::LyricWiki 0.10
2915 MARC::Fast 0.11
2916 MARC::Record 2.0.3
2917 MARC::Utils::MARC2Ini 0.02
2918 MARC::Utils::MARC2MARC_in_JSON 0.03
2919 MIDI::Simple::Drummer 0.0101
2920 MIME::Base16 1.0
2921 MIME::Base2 1.0
2922 Mail::Builder 2.05
2923 MIME::Base85 1.0
2924 MP3::Tag 1.13
2925 MIME::Base91 1.0
2926 MIME::EncWords 1.012
2927 MIME::Lite::TT 0.02
2928 Map::Tube 2.19
2929 MLDBM::Serializer::JSON 0.001
2930 MLDBM::Sync 0.30
2931 MMapDB 0.14
2932 MP3::M3U::Parser 2.30
2933 MP3::Tag::Utils 0.0.2
2934 MP4::Info 1.13
2935 Mac::Errors 1.14
2936 Mac::Finder::DSStore 0.95
2937 Mac::PropertyList 1.32_01
2938 Mac::PropertyList::SAX 0.85
2939 Mac::iTunes::Library 1.0
2940 Mail::Alias::Reader 0.03
2941 Mail::Box 2.098
2942 Mail::Builder::Simple 0.15
2943 Mail::Chimp 0.12
2944 Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser 1.527
2945 Mail::ExpandAliases 0.49
2946 Mail::Field::Received 0.26
2947 Mail::GnuPG 0.16
2948 Mail::Header::Generator 0.301
2949 Mail::ListDetector 1.04
2950 Mail::Maildir::Is::A 0.0.0
2951 MooseX::AttributeTree 0.03
2952 SSH::Batch::ForNodes
2953 Mail::QmailQueue 0.03
2954 Mail::Send::Loop 0.3
2955 Mail::Sender 0.8.16
2956 Mail::Simple::DKIM::Signer 0.01
2957 Mail::Toaster 5.27
2958 Log::ger
2959 Mail::Transport::Dbx 0.07
2960 Maildir::Reader 0.3
2961 Markdent 0.17
2962 Maplat 0.994
2963 Markup::Unified 0.03
2964 Marpa 0.204000
2965 Marpa::HTML 0.102000
2966 Crypt::OpenSSL::CA 0.21
2967 MooseX::FileAttribute 0.02
2968 Marpa::XS undef
2969 Mason::Plugin::DefaultFilter 0.002
2970 Mason::Plugin::PSGIHandler 0.06
2971 Math::Cephes 0.47
2972 Mason::Plugin::QuoteFilters 0.002
2973 MasonX::Lexer::MSP 0.11
2974 MooseX::POE 0.214
2975 MassSpec::ViewSpectrum 0.07
2976 MooseX::MetaDescription 0.04
2977 Math::Polynomial 1.004
2978 Math::Aronson 4
2979 Math::Base36 0.09
2980 Math::Big 1.12
2981 MooseX::Role::BuildInstanceOf 0.07
2982 Math::BigInt::FastCalc 0.28
2983 Math::BigRat 0.26
2984 MooseX::Role::Matcher 0.05
2985 Math::BigInt::Lite 0.14
2986 Math::BigInt::Pari 1.15
2987 Math::BigInt::Parts 0.02
2988 Math::Calc::Units 1.07
2989 Math::Clipper 0.01
2990 MooseX::Singleton 0.26
2991 Math::Complex 1.56
2992 Math::Complex_C 0.03
2993 Math::ContinuedFraction 0.11
2994 Math::ConvexHull 1.04
2995 Math::ConvexHull::MonotoneChain
2996 Math::Counting 0.09
2997 MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained 0.11
2998 Math::Currency 0.47
2999 MooseX::Types::DateTimeX 0.10
3000 Math::EMA 0.03
3001 Math::Evol 1.12
3002 Math::Fractal::Noisemaker 0.105
3003 Module::Setup 0.09
3004 Math::Function::Roots 0.065
3005 Math::GMP 2.06
3006 Math::GMPn 0.03
3007 Math::Geometry::Planar::GPC 1.04
3008 Math::Geometry::Planar 1.18
3009 Math::Geometry::Planar::GPC::Polygon 0.05
3010 Math::Gradient 0.04
3011 Math::Inequalities::Parser 0.001
3012 MooseX::Types::Locale::Language 0.06
3013 Math::Interpolator 0.004
3014 Math::ModInt 0.004
3015 MooseX::Types::Signal 1.101930
3016 Math::PlanePath 24
3017 Math::Prime::XS 0.23
3018 Morpheus 0.38
3019 Math::Polygon::Tree 0.041
3020 MozRepl 0.06
3021 MozRepl::RemoteObject 0.21
3022 Math::Polygon
3023 Math::Polynom 0.13
3024 Math::Polynomial::Horner 3
3025 Math::Polynomial::Solve 2.61
3026 Math::Random::MicaliSchnorr 0.02
3027 Math::Random::Xorshift 0.05
3028 Math::Round::Fair 0.03
3029 Math::RungeKutta 1.07
3030 Math::Symbolic 0.606
3031 Math::SymbolicX::FastEvaluator 0.01
3032 Math::VecStat 0.08
3033 Math::WalshTransform 1.17
3034 Mcache 0.02
3035 MySQL::Backup 0.04
3036 MeSH::Parser::ASCII 0.03
3037 MealMaster 0.28
3038 Media::Type::Simple 0.02
3039 MediaWiki::Bot::Plugin::Admin 3.2.1
3040 MediaWiki::Bot::Plugin::Steward 0.0003
3041 MediaWiki::Bot::Shell 0.002
3042 MediaWiki::DumpFile 0.2.1
3043 MediaWiki::USERINFO 0.04
3044 Medical::DukePTP 0.3
3045 Medical::ICD10 0.03
3046 MemHandle 0.06
3047 Memcached::Client 2.01
3048 Memcached::Server 0.04
3049 Memoize 1.02
3050 Message::Stack 0.19
3051 Memoize::Saves 0.67
3052 Net::AMQP 0.01.1
3053 Memory::Usage 0.201
3054 Message::Stack::Parser 0.02
3055 MetaStore 0.53
3056 Metabase::Client::Simple 0.008
3057 Net::Appliance::Phrasebook 2.103642
3058 Metabase::Fact 0.019
3059 MetasploitExpress::Parser undef
3060 Method::Assert 0.0.1
3061 Method::Lexical 0.23
3062 Method::Workflow 0.204
3063 Mixin::ExtraFields::Param 0.011
3064 Method::Workflow::Case 0.201
3065 Method::Workflow::SPEC 0.201
3066 Microsoft::AdCenter 7.08
3067 Miril 0.008
3068 Mixin::ExtraFields 0.100971
3069 Mixin::ExtraFields::Hive 0.005
3070 Mixin::Linewise 0.003
3071 Mknod 0.02
3072 Net::CLI::Interact 1.110911
3073 Mock::Person 0.01
3074 Net::CIDR::Lite 0.21
3075 Module::Build::Bundle 0.04
3076 Module::Build::DB 0.10
3077 Module::Build::DistVersion 0.04
3078 Module::Build::JSAN 0.05
3079 Encode::Arabic
3080 Module::Build::JSAN::Installable 0.13
3081 Net::CIDR 0.14
3082 Module::Build::WithXSpp 0.09
3083 Module::Changes 0.05
3084 Inline::Awk
3085 XHTML::MediaWiki
3086 Tie::Trace
3087 MooseX::Types::Parameterizable 0.05
3088 YAML::Logic
3089 WWW::Shopify::Liquid
3090 Module::CheckDeps 0.08
3091 Net::DNS::RR::SRV::Helper 0.0.0
3092 autobox::Transform
3093 WebService::PivotalTracker
3094 Performance::Probability
3095 Test::SSH
3096 Event::Stats
3097 DBIx::POS::Template
3098 Module::Locate 1.7
3099 Algorithm::ConsistentHash::CHash
3100 Device::I2C
3101 SQL::Template
3102 Devel::NYTProf::Callgrind::TicksDiff
3103 Net::Google::AuthSub 0.5
3104 Music::Tag 0.4103
3105 Geo::GeoNames
3106 Swagger2::Markdown
3107 SVG::Estimate
3108 Catalyst::ResponseHelpers
3109 Net::FTPSSL
3110 Geo::What3Words
3111 Net::SSH::Any
3112 Chart::Dygraphs
3113 Parallel::Tiny
3114 Module::ConfigureRequires 0.03
3115 Module::Depends 0.15
3116 Module::Info 0.32
3117 Module::Faker 0.009
3118 Module::Info::File 0.11
3119 Module::Install::AuthorRequires 0.02
3120 Module::Install::AutoConf 0.001
3121 Module::Install::CheckConflicts 0.02
3122 Module::Install::DOAPChangeSets 0.102
3123 Net::GitHub 0.27
3124 Params::Check 0.28
3125 Module::Install::Debian 0.030
3126 Module::Install::ExtraTests 0.007
3127 Net::Google::Analytics 0.11002
3128 Module::Install::Homepage 0.01
3129 Module::Install::ManifestSkip 0.14
3130 Module::Install::PerlTar 1.001
3131 Module::Install::ProvidesClass 1.000000
3132 Module::Install::RPM 0.01
3133 Net::HTTP::API 0.11
3134 Module::Install::RTx 0.28
3135 Module::Install::ReadmeMarkdownFromPod 0.03
3136 Module::Install::TemplateInstallPath 0.03
3137 Module::Install::VersionCheck 0.11
3138 Net::Hiveminder 0.08
3139 Module::Install::XSUtil 0.26
3140 Module::Load 0.18
3141 Module::Loaded 0.06
3142 MooseX::Role::Loggable 0.003
3143 Module::Load::Conditional 0.44
3144 Module::LocalBuild 1.013
3145 Module::LocalLoad 0.172
3146 Module::Pluggable::Ordered 1.5
3147 Module::Metadata::Changes 2.03
3148 Module::OTRS::CoreList 0.02
3149 Module::Overview 0.01
3150 Module::Pluggable::Singleton 0.01
3151 Module::Release 2.05_04
3152 MooseX::amine 0.3
3153 Module::Signature 0.66
3154 Net::IPv4Addr 0.10
3155 Net::IPv6Addr 0.2
3156 Module::Setup::Flavor::JJNAPIORK 0.04
3157 Module::Starter::CSJEWELL 0.200
3158 Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp 0.30
3159 Net::Jifty 0.14
3160 Module::Version 0.12
3161 MogileFS::Client 1.14
3162 MogileFS::Utils 2.19
3163 Net::LDAP::AutoDNs 0.2.2
3164 Net::LDAP::AutoServer 0.2.1
3165 Mojito 0.10
3166 Net::LDAP::LDAPhash 1.0.2
3167 Net::LDAP::Makepath 1.0.1
3168 Mojo::JSON::Any 0.990103
3169 MojoX::AIO 0.02
3170 MojoX::Logite 0.01
3171 MojoX::Ping 0.4
3172 Net::Interface 1.012
3173 MongoDBx::AutoDeref 1.110560
3174 MojoX::Redis 0.7
3175 MojoX::Renderer::Alloy 1.110180
3176 MojoX::Renderer::Haml undef
3177 MojoX::Renderer::TT 1.11
3178 Net::Netmask 1.9015
3179 Net::OAuth2 0.06
3180 MojoX::Renderer::WriteExcel 1.0
3181 Net::OAuth::Simple 1.5
3182 Net::Nslookup 1.19
3183 Net::OpenID::Server
3184 MojoX::Renderer::Xslate 0.04
3185 MojoX::Run 0.14
3186 MojoX::Session::Store::Libmemcached 0.17
3187 MojoX::Validator 0.0012
3188 Mojolicious::Command::Package 0.02
3189 Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuth 0.04
3190 Mojolicious::Plugin::CSRFDefender 0.0.5
3191 Mojolicious::Plugin::Cache 0.0015
3192 Mojolicious::Plugin::ConsoleLogger 0.02
3193 Mojolicious::Plugin::Database 1.05
3194 Mojolicious::Plugin::Disqus 1.22
3195 Mojolicious::Plugin::DomIdHelper 0.1
3196 Mojolicious::Plugin::GroupedParams 0.02
3197 Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail 0.8
3198 Mojolicious::Plugin::MarkaplRenderer 0.2.0
3199 Mojolicious::Plugin::Mongodb 1.06
3200 Mojolicious::Plugin::ParamsAuth 0.01
3201 Mojolicious::Plugin::Proxy 0.2
3202 Mojolicious::Plugin::Recaptcha 0.2
3203 Net::SAJAX
3204 MooseX::Types::DateTime::MySQL 0.003
3205 Mojolicious::Plugin::Redis 0.03
3206 Monitoring::Livestatus 0.74
3207 MooseX::Types::ISO8601 0.07
3208 Mojolicious::Plugin::ShareHelpers 0.2
3209 Mojolicious::Plugin::SslAuth 0.03
3210 Mojolicious::Plugin::TweetButton 0.0003
3211 Mojolicious::Plugin::Wolowitz 1.0.1
3212 Mojolicious::Plugin::YamlConfig 0.1.1
3213 Mollie::Micropayment 0.04
3214 MongoDBx::Bread::Board::Container undef
3215 MongoDBx::Class 0.7
3216 MongoX 0.05
3217 Mongoose 0.09
3218 Mongrel undef
3219 Monitoring::Availability 0.18
3220 Monitoring::Generator::TestConfig 0.38
3221 Monitoring::Livestatus::Class 0.03
3222 Monotone::AutomateStdio 0.12
3223 Moose::Policy 0.05
3224 MooseX::ABC 0.05
3225 MooseX::APIRole 0.01
3226 MooseX::AlwaysCoerce 0.16
3227 MooseX::Async 0.07
3228 MooseX::Atom 0.02
3229 MooseX::Attribute::Deflator 2.1.4
3230 MooseX::Attribute::Dependent 1.0.1
3231 MooseX::AttributeCloner 0.24
3232 MooseX::AttributeIndexes 1.0.1
3233 MooseX::AttributeInflate 0.03
3234 MooseX::AuthorizedMethods 0.006
3235 MooseX::AutoDestruct 0.006
3236 MooseX::AutoImmute 0.001
3237 MooseX::BatmanBeforeRobin 0.03
3238 MooseX::CascadeClearing 0.04
3239 MooseX::ChainedAccessors 0.02
3240 MooseX::Collect 0.92
3241 MooseX::CompileTime::Traits 1.102570
3242 MooseX::ComposedBehavior 0.003
3243 MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors 0.016
3244 MooseX::Error::Trap 0.021
3245 MooseX::GlobRef 0.0701
3246 MooseX::Has::Options 0.002
3247 MooseX::InsideOut 0.106
3248 MooseX::InstanceTracking 0.06
3249 MooseX::LogDispatch 1.2002
3250 MooseX::MethodAttributes 0.24
3251 MooseX::MultiInitArg 0.01
3252 MooseX::MultiObject 0.01
3253 MooseX::Net::API 0.12
3254 MooseX::Params 0.003
3255 MooseX::Plaggerize 0.06
3256 MooseX::Policy::SemiAffordanceAccessor 0.02
3257 MooseX::Privacy 0.05
3258 MooseX::PrivateSetters 0.03
3259 MooseX::Role::Cmd 0.10
3260 MooseX::Role::DBIC 0.01
3261 MooseX::Role::Listenable undef
3262 MooseX::Role::Pluggable 0.02
3263 MooseX::Role::Restricted 1.03
3264 MooseX::Role::Strict 0.05
3265 Net::Curl 0.21
3266 MooseX::Role::Timer 0.03
3267 MooseX::SlurpyConstructor 1.2
3268 MooseX::Timestamp 0.07
3269 MooseX::Traits::Attribute::MergeHashRef 1.002
3270 MooseX::TransactionalMethods 0.008
3271 MooseX::Types::Common 0.001002
3272 Net::DBus 0.33.6
3273 MooseX::Types::DBIx::Class 0.04
3274 Net::DNS::SEC 0.16
3275 MooseX::Types::Data::GUID 0.001000
3276 MooseX::Types::IO 0.03
3277 MooseX::Types::Digest 0.03
3278 MooseX::Types::Implements 1.103350
3279 Net::DNS 0.66
3280 MooseX::Workers 0.16
3281 MooseX::Types::LWP::UserAgent 0.02
3282 MouseX::App::Cmd 0.06
3283 MooseX::Types::Locale::BR 0.01
3284 MooseX::Types::NetAddr::IP 0.04
3285 MooseX::Types::Tied 0.002
3286 MooseX::UndefTolerant 0.12
3287 MooseX::WithCache 0.01002
3288 MouseX::AttributeHelpers 0.06
3289 MouseX::Types::DateTime 0.02
3290 Mozilla::CA 20110409
3291 Mousse 0.87
3292 Mplayer::NowPlaying 0.030
3293 MsOffice::Word::HTML::Writer 0.07
3294 Muldis::D 0.147000
3295 Muldis::D::Manual 0.009000
3296 Music::Tag::FLAC 0.4101
3297 Music::Tag::File 0.4101
3298 Music::Tag::M4A 0.4101
3299 Music::Tag::MP3 0.4101
3300 Music::Tag::MusicBrainz 0.4101
3301 Music::Tag::OGG 0.4101
3302 MySQL::Easy::PYH 0.01
3303 MySQL::Privilege::Reader 0.01
3304 MySQL::Sandbox 3.0.17
3305 Mysql::PrettyPrinter 0.1
3306 NCBIx::Geo 1.0.0
3307 NETIOM 0.10
3308 NEXT 0.65
3309 NRD::Daemon 0.02
3310 Nagios::Object 46
3311 Nagios::Plugin 0.35
3312 Nagios::Scrape 0.03
3313 Net::APE 0.003
3314 Net::APNS 0.0201
3315 Net::Abuse::Utils 0.11
3316 Net::SSLeay
3320 Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 13 subversion 2) configuration:
3321 Commit id: e0de7c21b08329275a76393ac4d80aae90ac428e
3322 Platform:
3323 osname=linux, osvers=2.6.32-2-amd64, archname=x86_64-linux
3324 uname='linux k81 2.6.32-2-amd64 #1 smp fri feb 12 00:01:47 utc 2010 x86_64 gnulinux '
3325 config_args='-Dprefix=/home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/perl/v5.13.2-213-ge0de7c2 -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -des -Ui_db'
3326 hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
3327 useithreads=undef, usemultiplicity=undef
3328 useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
3329 use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef
3330 usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
3331 Compiler:
3332 cc='cc', ccflags ='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
3333 optimize='-O2',
3334 cppflags='-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include'
3335 ccversion='', gccversion='4.4.4', gccosandvers=''
3336 intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
3337 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
3338 ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
3339 alignbytes=8, prototype=define
3340 Linker and Libraries:
3341 ld='cc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib'
3342 libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib /lib64 /usr/lib64
3343 libs=-lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc -lgdbm_compat
3344 perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
3345 libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
3346 gnulibc_version='2.11.2'
3347 Dynamic Linking:
3348 dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
3349 cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -O2 -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector'
3351 =head1 AUTHOR
3353 This Bundle has been generated automatically by the autobundle routine in