bump to v2.9.1
[andGMXsms.git] / res / values / strings.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2         <!--
3                 Copyright (C) 2010 Felix Bechstein
4         -->
5         <!--
6                 This file is part of WebSMS. This program is free software; you can
7                 redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
8                 Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9                 version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10         -->
11         <!--
12                 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13                 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15                 General Public License for more details. You should have received a
16                 copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; If
17                 not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18         -->
19 <resources>
20         <string name="about_">About WebSMS</string>
21         <string name="about">WebSMS enables you to send free and cheap SMS via following providers:
22                 GMX, o2, sipgate.de, sipgate.at, innosend.de, cherry-sms.com, sloono.de and arcor.de .
23         </string>
24         <string name="app_name">WebSMS</string>
25         <string name="app_version">2.9.1</string>
26         <string name="author_">Author:</string>
27         <string name="author0">Felix Bechstein &lt;f@ub0r.de&gt;</string>
28         <string name="author1">Mirko Weber &lt;mirko.weber@gmail.com&gt; (Sipgate Connector)</string>
29         <string name="author2">Lado Kumsiashvili &lt;herrlado@gmail.com&gt; (Arcor Connector)</string>
30         <string name="bootstrap_">Checking prefs...</string>
31         <string name="captcha_">Enter the word below</string>
32         <string name="captcha_btn_">Submit</string>
33         <string name="change_connector_">Change provider</string>
34         <string name="change_connector_nl">Change\nprovider</string>
35         <string name="changelog_">Changelog</string>
36         <string name="click_for_update">(update: click)</string>
37         <string name="compose">Compose</string>
38         <string name="defprefix_">Default int. prefix</string>
39         <string name="defprefix_hint">e.g. +49</string>
40         <string name="donate_url">https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=5779152</string>
41         <string name="donate_mail">f@ub0r.de</string>
42         <string name="donate_subject">I\'m the donator. My sender hash is...</string>
43         <string name="donate_">Donate</string>
44         <string name="donate_remove_ads_">Donate/remove ads</string>
45         <string name="remove_ads_">Remove ads</string>
46         <string name="predonate">This is an open-source application released under the GPLv3 license. It is free and will remain free. If you really like it or if you are annoyed by the ads, please consider donating (via paypal). I\'ll remove the ads for you with the next release.\nThank you!</string>
47         <string name="postdonate">To remove ads, you need to send me the MD5 hash of your IMEI (unique id of your phone). This hash is a one-way-function. It is not traceable back to you.</string>
48         <string name="more_">More Apps..</string>
49         <string name="enable_gmx">Enable GMX</string>
50         <string name="enable_o2">Enable o2</string>
51         <string name="enable_sipgate">Enable Sipgate</string>
52         <string name="enable_sipgate_team">Sipgate Team</string>
53         <string name="enable_sms">Enable SMS</string>
54         <string name="enable_innosend">Enable Innosend</string>
55         <string name="enable_cherrysms">Enable CherrySMS</string>
56         <string name="enable_sloono">Enable Sloono</string>
57     <string name="enable_arcor">Enable Arcor</string>
58         <string name="free_">Free SMS:</string>
59         <string name="get_free">Refresh free sms</string>
60         <string name="license">GPLv3 - see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt</string>
61         <string name="license_">License:</string>
62         <string name="log_empty_settings">You need to set your preferences. Please press the menu button.</string>
63         <string name="log_error">ERROR</string>
64         <string name="log_error_captcha">Your provider is blocking this app witch a captcha. It seams to work for a while after logging in with your web browser.</string>
65         <string name="log_error_defprefix">Please enter a valid countrycode as default prefix. E.g. "+49".</string>
66         <string name="log_error_http">FAILURE: HTTP </string>
67         <string name="log_error_mail">Wrong mail address or password given!</string>
68         <string name="log_error_prefix">Your countrycode is not supported yet. Contact me if your o2 supports Web2SMS.</string>
69         <string name="log_error_pw">Wrong user ID or password given!</string>
70         <string name="log_error_sender">Wrong sender! Set it in international form like +4917012345678.</string>
71         <string name="log_error_sender_unregistered">Sender must be registered and confirmed by GMX.</string>
72         <string name="log_error_server">FAILURE: Serverresponse: </string>
73         <string name="log_error_service">Service is down! Please try again later.</string>
74         <string name="log_error_wrongcaptcha">Captcha was wrong. Please try again.</string>
75         <string name="log_error_input">Error in user input!</string>
76         <string name="log_error_o2_sendlater">Only full 15minutes are supported by o2!</string>
77         <string name="log_http_header_missing">Header: Content-Length is missing!</string>
78         <string name="log_remain_free">free SMS remaining</string>
79         <string name="log_sending">Sending message...</string>
80         <string name="log_update">Update free SMS...</string>
81         <string name="notify_sending">Sending SMS</string>
82         <string name="notify_failed">Failed to send SMS: </string>
83         <string name="notify_failed_">failed sending SMS</string>
84         <string name="user_gmx_">Mail address</string>
85         <string name="user_gmx_hint">user@gmx.tld</string>
86         <string name="password_gmx_">GMX SMS Key</string>
87         <string name="password_gmx_hint">GMX SMS-Manager Keycode. This is not your GMX password! See GMX!</string>
88         <string name="password_o2_">o2 Password</string>
89         <string name="password_o2_hint">Password for o2online</string>
90         <string name="user_sipgate_">Sipgate Username</string>
91         <string name="user_sipgate_hint">Onlineusername for sipgate.de or sipgate.at</string>
92         <string name="password_sipgate_">Sipgate Password</string>
93         <string name="password_sipgate_hint">Onlinepassword for sipgate.de or sipgate.at</string>
94         <string name="user_innosend_">Innosend Username</string>
95         <string name="password_innosend_">Innosend Password</string>
96         <string name="password_cherrysms_">CherrySMS Password</string>
97         <string name="user_sloono_">Sloono Username</string>
98         <string name="password_sloono_">Sloono Password</string>
99     <string name="user_arcor_">Arcor Username</string>
100     <string name="password_arcor_">Arcor Password</string>
101     <string name="copy_sent_sms_arcor">Copy sent sms to Sent Folder</string>
102     <string name="enable_sender_number_arcor">Use custom number</string>
103     <string name="enable_sender_number_arcor_hint">Use custom number for arcor connector.</string>
104     <string name="log_unknow_status_after_send_arcor">The Message was probably not be sent. Please contact the Developer!</string>
105     <string name="enable_validated_number_arcor">Use validated number</string>
106         <string name="validated_number_arcor_hint">If configured by arcor, it will be used as the sender number.</string>
107         <string name="sender_help">Your full international mobile phone number is needed here. This is filled automatically when bootstrapping with init.</string>
108         <string name="sender_hint">Int. phonenumber e.g. +4917912345678</string>
109         <string name="sender_">Your mobile number</string>
110         <string name="send_">Send</string>
111         <string name="settings">Preferences</string>
112         <string name="settings_common">Preferences - Common</string>
113         <string name="settings_connectors">Preferences - Connectors</string>
114         <string name="settings_gmx">Preferences - GMX</string>
115         <string name="settings_o2">Preferences - o2</string>
116         <string name="settings_sipgate">Preferences - Sipgate</string>
117         <string name="settings_innosend">Preferences - Innosend</string>
118         <string name="settings_cherrysms">Preferences - CherrySMS</string>
119         <string name="settings_sloono">Preferences - Sloono</string>
120         <string name="settings_arcor">Preferences - Arcor</string>
121         <string name="extras_">Extras</string>
122         <string name="change_connector_button">"Chg. provider" button</string>
123         <string name="change_connector_button_hint">Display a "Change provider" button on main screen.</string>
124         <string name="softkeyboard_">No keyboard</string>
125         <string name="softkeyboard_hint">No hardare keyboard? Use the alternative layout. Restart App!</string>
126         <string name="autoupdate_">Autoupdate</string>
127         <string name="autoupdate_hint">Update account balances on start.</string>
128         <string name="autoexit_">Autoexit</string>
129         <string name="autoexit_hint">Exit WebSMS when sending sms.</string>
130         <string name="vibrate_on_fail">Vibrate if sending fails</string>
131         <string name="sound_on_fail">Play sound if sending fails</string>
132         <string name="source">http://repo.or.cz/w/andGMXsms.git</string>
133         <string name="source_">Sourcescode:</string>
134         <string name="website_">Website:</string>
135         <string name="website">http://code.google.com/p/websmsdroid/</string>
136         <string name="create_account_">Create account</string>
137         <string name="partner_innosend_hint">Create new Innosend.de account</string>
138         <string name="partner_innosend_url">http://www.innosend.de/index.php?seite=anmeld&amp;gutschein=4d703626-1323</string>
139         <string name="partner_cherrysms_hint">Create new cherry-sms.com account</string>
140         <string name="partner_cherrysms_url">http://www.cherry-sms.com/?ref=DWNWAAAU</string>
141         <string name="partner_sloono_hint">Create new Sloono.de account</string>
142         <string name="partner_sloono_url">http://www.sloono.de/?ref=tzil5PslxBSLhluFQknvjA==</string>
143         <string name="to_hint">Name or Number</string>
144         <string name="text_hint">Text</string>
145         <string name="flashsms">Flash SMS</string>
146         <string name="custom_sender">Custom sender</string>
147         <string name="send_later">Send later</string>
148         <string name="mobile_only_">Show mobiles only</string>
149         <string name="mobile_only_hint">Show mobile numbers only.</string>
151         <string-array name="connectors">
152                 <item>SMS</item>
153                 <item>GMX</item>
154                 <item>o2</item>
155                 <item>Sipgate</item>
156                 <item>Innosend free</item>
157                 <item>Innosend w/o sender</item>
158                 <item>Innosend w/ sender</item>
159                 <item>CherrySMS w/o sender</item>
160                 <item>CherrySMS w/ sender</item>
161                 <item>Sloono discount</item>
162                 <item>Sloono basic</item>
163                 <item>Sloono pro</item>
164         <item>Arcor</item>
165         </string-array>
167         <string-array name="connectors_balance_">
168                 <item>SMS:</item>
169                 <item>GMX:</item>
170                 <item>o2:</item>
171                 <item>Sipgate:</item>
172                 <item>Innosend:</item>
173                 <item>Innosend:</item>
174                 <item>Innosend:</item>
175                 <item>CherrySMS:</item>
176                 <item>CherrySMS:</item>
177                 <item>Sloono:</item>
178                 <item>Sloono:</item>
179                 <item>Sloono:</item>
180         <item>Arcor:</item>
181         </string-array>
182 </resources>