* New flag for XOAUTH2 authentication, which is needed to indicate that
[alpine.git] / doc / mime.types
1 # Sample Pine mime.types file.
3 # This file illustrates the format of data Pine
4 # uses to map MIME type and subtype information
5 # to the file name extension of attachments it sends.
6 # Pine first looks for "~/.mime.types", then adds
7 # any unbound MIME types found in "/etc/mime.types"
8 # and "/usr/local/lib/mime.types".
10 application/postscript         ai eps ps
11 application/rtf                rtf
12 application/x-tex              tex
13 application/x-texinfo          texinfo texi
14 application/x-troff            t tr roff
15 audio/basic                    au snd
16 audio/x-aiff                   aif aiff aifc
17 audio/x-wav                    wav
18 image/gif                      gif
19 image/ief                      ief
20 image/jpeg                     jpeg jpg jpe
21 image/tiff                     tiff tif
22 image/x-xwindowdump            xwd
23 text/html                      html
24 text/plain                     txt c cc h
25 video/mpeg                     mpeg mpg mpe
26 video/quicktime                qt mov
27 video/x-msvideo                avi
28 video/x-sgi-movie              movie