* A little bit more work on the repository. We do not commit files
[alpine.git] / ldap / ldfilter.cfg
1 # ldap filter file
3 # lines like this that start with # or empty lines are ignored
5 # syntax:
7 # <tag>
8 #   <pattern1>  <delimiters>    <filter1-1>     <desc1-1>       [<scope>]
9 #                               <filter1-2>     <desc1-2>       [<scope>]
11 #   <pattern2>  <delimiters>    <filter2-1>     <desc2-1>       [<scope>] ...
13 # The "desc" should describe the filter and it should correctly complete
14 # both of the following phrases:
16 #       One <desc> match was found for...
17 #       Three <desc> matches were found for...
19 # The scope is optional, and should be one of:
20 #       "base"
21 #       "onelevel"
22 #       "subtree"
23 # if it is included.
26 "finger and ud and go500 and go500gw subtree and web500gw subtree and rp500 and rcpt500 and ufn last"
27     "="         " "     "%v"                            "arbitrary filter"
29     "^[0-9][0-9-]*$"    " "     "(telephoneNumber=*%v)" "phone number"
31     "@"         " "     "(mail=%v)"                     "email address"
32                         "(mail=%v*)"                    "start of email address"
34     "^.[. _].*" ". _"   "(cn=%v1* %v2-)"                "first initial"
36     ".*[. _].$" ". _"   "(cn=%v1-*)"                    "last initial"
38     "[. _]"     ". _"   "(|(sn=%v1-)(cn=%v1-))"         "exact"
39                         "(|(sn~=%v1-)(cn~=%v1-))"       "approximate"
41     ".*"        ". "    "(|(cn=%v1)(sn=%v1)(uid=%v1))"  "exact"
42                         "(|(cn~=%v1)(sn~=%v1))"         "approximate"
44 "go500gw onelevel and web500gw onelevel and ufn first and ufn intermediate"
45     "="         " "     "%v"                            "arbitrary filter"
47     "^..$"      " "     "(|(o=%v)(c=%v)(l=%v)(co=%v))"          "exact"
48                         "(|(o~=%v)(c~=%v)(l~=%v)(co~=%v))"      "approximate"
50     " "         " "     "(|(o=%v)(l=%v)(co=%v)(ou=%v))"         "exact"
51                         "(|(o~=%v)(l~=%v)(co~=%v)(ou~=%v))"     "approximate"
53     "\."        " "     "(associatedDomain=%v)"                 "exact"
55     ".*"        " "     "(|(o=%v)(l=%v)(co=%v)(ou=%v))"         "exact"
56                         "(|(o~=%v)(l~=%v)(co~=%v)(ou~=%v))"     "approximate"
60 # xax500
63 "xax500"
64     "="                 " "     "(%v)"                  "arbitrary filter"
66     "^[0-9][0-9-]*$"    " "     "(telephoneNumber=*%v)" "phone number"
68     "@"                 " "     "(mail=%v)"             "email address"
69                                 "(mail=%v*)"            "start of email address"
71     "^.[. _].*"         ". _"   "(cn=%v1* %v2-)"        "first initial"
73     ".*[. _].$"         ". _"   "(cn=%v1-*)"            "last initial"
75     "[. _]"             ". _"   "(|(sn=%v1-)(cn=%v1-))"         "exact"
76                                 "(|(sn~=%v1-)(cn~=%v1-))"       "approximate"
78     ".*"                ". "    "(|(cn=%v1)(sn=%v1)(uid=%v1))"  "exact"
79                         "(|(cn=%v1)(sn~=%v1))"                  "approximate"
82 "xax500-auth"
83     "="                 " "     "(%v)"                  "arbitrary filter"
85     "^[0-9][0-9-]*$"    " "     "(telephoneNumber=*%v)" "phone number"
87     "@"                 " "     "(mail=%v)"             "email address"
88                                 "(mail=%v*)"            "start of email address"
90     "^.[. _].*"         ". _"   "(cn=%v1* %v2-)"        "first initial"
92     ".*[. _].$"         ". _"   "(cn=%v1-*)"            "last initial"
94     "[. _]"             ". _"   "(|(sn=%v1-)(cn=%v1-))" "exact"
95                         "(|(sn~=%v1-)(cn~=%v1-))"       "approximate"
97     ".*"                ". "    "(|(cn=%v1)(sn=%v1)(uid=%v1))"  "exact"
98                         "(|(cn=%v1)(sn~=%v1))"                  "approximate"
100 "list500"
101     "[. _]"     ". _"   "(|(sn=%v1-)(cn=%v1-))"         "exact"
102                         "(|(sn~=%v1-)(cn~=%v1-))"       "approximate"
104     ".*"        ". "    "(|(cn=%v1)(sn=%v1)(uid=%v1))"  "exact"
105                         "(|(cn~=%v1)(sn~=%v1))"         "approximate"