* Implement a different way to delete a password from the cache.
[alpine.git] / doc / tech-notes / cmd-line.html
1 <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Alpine Technical Notes: Command Line Arguments</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
2 <H1>Command Line Arguments</H1>
4 <H2><A NAME="alpine">Alpine</A></H2>
6 <EM>Alpine</EM> and <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> can accept quite a few
7 command-line arguments.
8 Many of these arguments overlap with variables
9 in the <EM>Alpine</EM> configuration file.
10 If there is a difference, then a flag set in the command line takes precedence.
11 Both <EM>Alpine</EM> and <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> expect command line arguments (other
12 than addresses) to be
13 preceded by the "-" (dash) as normally used by UNIX programs.
14 <P>
18 <DT> <EM>[addresses]</EM>
20 <DD> Send-to: If you give <EM>Alpine</EM> an argument or arguments which
21 do not begin with a dash, <EM>Alpine</EM> treats them as email addresses.
22 <EM>Alpine</EM> will startup in
23 the composer with a message started to the addresses specified.
24 Once the message is sent, the <EM>Alpine</EM> session closes.
25 Standard input redirection is allowed.
26 Separate multiple addresses with a space between them.
27 Addresses are placed in the &quot;To&quot; field only.
28 <P>
30 <DT> &lt; <EM>file</EM>
32 <DD> <EM>Alpine</EM> will startup in the composer with <EM>file</EM> read
33 into the body of the message.
34 Once the message is sent, the <EM>Alpine</EM> session closes.
35 <P>
37 <DT> -attach <EM>file</EM>
39 <DD> Go directly into composer with given file attached.
40 <P>
42 <DT> -attachlist <EM>file-list</EM>
44 <DD> Go directly into composer with given files attached.
45 This must be the last option on the command line.
46 <P>
48 <DT> -attach_and_delete <EM>file</EM>
50 <DD> Go directly into composer with given file attached, delete when finished.
51 <P>
53 <DT> -aux <EM>local_directory</EM>
55 <DD> <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> only.
56 This tells <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> the local directory to use for storing auxiliary
57 files, like debug files, address books, and signature files. The pinerc may
58 be local or remote.
59 <P>
61 <DT> -nosplash
63 <DD> <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> only.
64 This tells <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> to not display the splash screen upon startup.
65 This may be helpful for certain troubleshooting or terminal server scenarios.
66 <P>
68 <DT> -bail
70 <DD> If the personal configuration file doesn't already exist, exit.
71 This might be useful if the configuration file is accessed using some
72 remote filesystem protocol. If the remote mount is missing this will cause
73 <EM>Alpine</EM> to quit instead of creating a new pinerc.
74 <P>
76 <DT> -c <EM>n</EM>
78 <DD> When used with the <CODE>-f</CODE> option, apply the <EM>n</EM>th context.
79 This is used when there are multiple folder collections (contexts) and you
80 want to open a folder not in the primary collection.
81 <P>
83 <DT> -conf
85 <DD> Configuration: Prints a sample system configuration file to the
86 screen or standard output. To generate an initial system configuration
87 file, execute
89 <PRE><CODE>
90 alpine -conf > /usr/local/lib/pine.conf
91 </CODE></PRE>
92 <P>
94 To generate a system configuration file using settings from an old
95 system configuration file, execute
97 <PRE><CODE>
98 alpine -P old-pine.conf -conf > /usr/local/lib/pine.conf
99 </CODE></PRE>
101 A system configuration file is not required.
104 <DT> -convert_sigs <EM>-p pinerc</EM>
106 <DD> Convert signatures contained in signature files into literal signatures.
109 <DT> <A NAME="copy_abook">-copy_abook <EM>&lt;local_abook_file&gt; &lt;remote_abook_folder&gt;</EM>
111 <DD> Copy an address book file to a remote address book folder.
112 If the remote folder doesn't exist, it will be created.
113 If it exists but the first message in the folder isn't a remote address
114 book header message, the copy will be aborted.
115 This flag will not usually be used by a user.
116 Instead, the user will create a remote address book from within <EM>Alpine</EM>
117 and copy entries from the local address book by using aggregate Save in
118 the address book screen.
121 <DT> <A NAME="copy_pinerc">-copy_pinerc <EM>&lt;local_pinerc_file&gt; &lt;remote_pinerc_folder&gt;</EM>
123 <DD> Copy a pinerc configuration file to a remote pinerc folder.
124 If the remote folder doesn't exist, it will be created.
125 If it exists but the first message in the folder isn't a remote pinerc
126 header message, the copy will be aborted.
127 This flag may be useful to users who already have a local pinerc file and
128 would like to convert it to a remote pinerc folder and use that instead.
129 This gives a way to bootstrap that conversion without having to manually
130 reset all of the variables in the remote pinerc folder.
133 <DT> -d <EM>debug-level</EM>
135 <DD> Debug Level: Sets the level of debugging information written by
136 <EM>Alpine</EM>.
137 <EM>Debug-level</EM> can be set to any integer 0-9.
138 A debug level of 0 turns off debugging for the session.
139 (Actually there are some levels higher than 9, but you probably don't
140 want to see them. Sensitive authentication information is hidden at
141 levels less than 10.)
144 <DT> -d <EM>keywords</EM>
146 <DD> You may use a more detailed version of the debugging flag to set
147 the debug level in separate parts of <EM>Alpine</EM>.
148 The possibilities are flush, timestamp, imap=0..4, tcp, numfiles=0..31, and
149 verbose=0..9.
150 <EM>Flush</EM> causes debugging information to be flushed immediately to
151 the debug file as it is written.
152 <EM>Verbose</EM> is the general debugging verbosity level.
153 <EM>Timestamp</EM> causes timestamps to be added to the debug file, which
154 is useful when you are trying to figure out what is responsible for delays.
155 <EM>Numfiles</EM> sets the number of debug files saved.
156 <EM>Imap</EM> sets the debug level for the debugging statements related
157 to the conversation with the IMAP server, and more generally, for the
158 debugging related to <EM>Alpine</EM>'s interaction with the C-Client library.
159 If <EM>imap</EM> is set higher than 4, sensitive authentication information
160 will be included in the debug file.
161 <EM>Tcp</EM> adds more TCP/IP debugging information.
164 <DT> -f <EM>folder</EM>
166 <DD> Startup folder: <EM>Alpine</EM> will open this folder in place
167 of the standard INBOX.
170 <DT> -F <EM>file</EM>
172 <DD> Open named text file for viewing and forwarding.
175 <DT> -h
177 <DD> Help: Prints the list of available command-line arguments to the
178 screen.
181 <DT> -i
183 <DD> <EM>Alpine</EM> will start up in the FOLDER INDEX
184 screen instead of the MAIN MENU.
187 Configuration equivalent: <EM>initial-keystroke-list=i</EM>.
190 <DT> -I <EM>a,b,c,...</EM>
192 <DD> Initial Keystrokes: <EM>Alpine</EM> will execute this comma-separated
193 sequence of commands upon startup.
194 This allows users to get <EM>Alpine</EM> to start in any
195 of its menus/screens.
196 You cannot include any input to the composer in the initial keystrokes.
197 The key &lt;Return&gt; is represented by a ``CR'' in
198 the keystroke list; the spacebar is designated by the letters ``SPACE''.
199 Control keys are two character sequences beginning with ``^'', such as
200 ``^I''.
201 A tab character is ``TAB''.
202 Function keys are ``F1'' - ``F12'' and the arrow keys are ``UP'',
203 ``DOWN'', ``LEFT'', and ``RIGHT''.
204 A restriction is that you can't mix function keys and character keys in this
205 list even though you can, in some cases, mix them when running <EM>Alpine</EM>.
206 A user can always use only <EM>character</EM> keys in the startup list even
207 if he or she is using <EM>function</EM> keys normally, or vice versa.
208 If an element in this list is a string of characters surrounded by double
209 quotes (&quot;) then it will be expanded into the individual characters in
210 the string, excluding the double quotes.
213 Configuration equivalent: <EM>initial-keystroke-list</EM>
216 <DT> -install
218 <DD> For <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> only, this option prompts for some basic
219 setup information, then exits.
222 <DT> -k
224 <DD> Function-Key Mode: When invoked in this way, <EM>Alpine</EM> expects
225 the input of commands to be function-keys.
226 Otherwise, commands are linked to the regular character keys.
229 Configuration equivalent: <EM>use-function-keys</EM> included in
230 <EM>feature-list</EM>.
233 <DT> -n <EM>n</EM>
235 <DD> Message-Number: When specified, <EM>Alpine</EM> starts up in the
236 FOLDER INDEX screen with the current message being the specified
237 message number.
240 <DT> -nowrite_password_cache
242 <DD> This tells <EM>Alpine</EM> to use the local password cache if there is one, but to
243 never offer writing new passwords to the cache.
246 <DT> -o <EM>folder</EM>
248 <DD> Opens the INBOX (or a folder specified via the -f argument) ReadOnly.
251 <DT> -p <EM>pinerc</EM>
253 <DD> Uses the named file as the personal configuration file instead of
254 <EM>~/.pinerc</EM> or the default PINERC search sequence <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> uses.
255 Pinerc may be either a local file or a remote configuration folder.
258 <DT> -P <EM>pinerc</EM>
260 <DD> Uses the named file as the system wide configuration file instead of
261 <EM>/usr/local/lib/pine.conf</EM> on UNIX, or nothing on <EM>PC-Alpine</EM>.
262 Pinerc may be either a local file or a remote configuration folder.
265 <DT> -passfile <EM>passfile</EM>
267 <DD> This tells <EM>Alpine</EM> what file should be used as the password file.
268 This should be a fully-qualified filename.
271 <DT> -pinerc <EM>file</EM>
273 <DD> Output fresh pinerc configuration to <EM>file</EM>, preserving the
274 settings of variables that the user has made.
275 Use <EM>file</EM> set to ``-'' to make output go to standard out.
278 <DT> -r
280 <DD> Restricted Mode: For UNIX <EM>Alpine</EM> only.
281 <EM>Alpine</EM> in restricted mode can only send email to itself.
282 Save and export are limited.
285 <DT> -registry <EM>cmd</EM>
287 <DD> For <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> only, this option affects the values of
288 <EM>Alpine</EM>'s registry entries.
289 Possible values for <EM>cmd</EM> are set, noset, clear, clearsilent, and dump.
290 <EM>Set</EM> will always reset <EM>Alpine</EM>'s registry
291 entries according to its current settings.
292 <EM>NoSet</EM> will never set any values in the registry, but it will
293 still use the values already set in the registry.
294 <EM>Clear</EM> will clear the registry values.
295 <EM>Clearsilent</EM> will silently clear the registry values.
296 <EM>Dump</EM> will display the values of current registry settings.
297 Note that the dump command is currently disabled.
298 Without the -registry option, <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> will write values into
299 the registry only if there currently aren't any values set.
302 <DT> -sort <EM>key</EM>
304 <DD> Sort-Key: Specifies the order messages will be displayed in for the
305 FOLDER INDEX screen.
306 <EM>Key</EM> can have the following values:
307 arrival, date, subject, orderedsubj, thread, from, size, score, to, cc,
308 arrival/reverse, date/reverse, subject/reverse, orderedsubj/reverse, thread/reverse,
309 from/reverse, size/reverse, score/reverse, to/reverse, and cc/reverse.
310 The default value is &quot;arrival&quot;.
311 The <EM>key</EM> value reverse is equivalent to arrival/reverse.
314 Configuration equivalent: <EM>sort-key</EM>.
317 <DT> -supported
319 <DD> Some options may or may not be supported depending on how <EM>Alpine</EM>
320 was compiled.
321 This is a way to determine which options are supported in the particular
322 copy of <EM>Alpine</EM> you are using.
325 <DT> -install
327 <DD> For <EM>PC-Alpine</EM> only, this option removes references to Alpine
328 in Windows settings. The registry settings are removed and
329 the password cache is cleared.
332 <DT> -url <EM>url</EM>
334 <DD> Open the given URL.
337 <DT> -v
339 <DD> Version: Print version information to the screen.
342 <DT> -version
344 <DD> Version: Print version information to the screen.
347 <DT> -x <EM>exceptions_config</EM>
349 <DD> Configuration settings in the exceptions config override your normal
350 default settings.
351 <EM>Exceptions_config</EM> may be either a local file or a remote pinerc folder.
354 <DT> -z
356 <DD> Enable Suspend: When run with this flag, the key sequence ctrl-z
357 will suspend the <EM>Alpine</EM> session.
360 Configuration equivalent: <EM>enable-suspend</EM> included in
361 <EM>feature-list</EM>.
364 <DT> -<EM>option</EM>=<EM>value</EM>
366 <DD> Assign <EM>value</EM> to the config option <EM>option</EM>.
367 For example, <EM>-signature-file=sig1</EM> or
368 <EM>-feature-list=signature-at-bottom</EM>.
369 (Note: feature-list values are
370 additive and features may be preceded with no- to turn them off).
373 </DL>
376 <H2><A NAME="pico">Pico</A></H2>
378 The following command line options are supported in <EM>Pico</EM>:
380 <DL>
382 <DT> +<EM>n</EM>
384 <DD> Causes <EM>Pico</EM> to be started with the cursor located <EM>n</EM>
385 lines into the file. (Note: no space between "+" sign and number) <P>
387 <DT> -a
389 <DD> Display all files and directories, including those beginning
390 with a period (.). <P>
392 <DT> -b
394 <DD> Enable the option to Replace text matches found using the
395 "Where is" command. This now does nothing. Instead, the option is
396 always turned on (as if the -b flag had been specified). <P>
398 <DT> -d
400 <DD> Rebind the "delete" key so the character the cursor is on is rubbed
401 out rather than the character to its left. <P>
403 <DT> -e
405 <DD>Enable file name completion. <P>
407 <DT> -f
409 <DD> Use function keys for commands. <I>This option supported only in
410 conjunction with UW Enhanced NCSA telnet.</I> <P>
412 <DT> -g
414 <DD> Enable "Show Cursor" mode in file browser. Cause cursor to be
415 positioned before the current selection rather than placed at the lower
416 left of the display. <P>
418 <DT> -k
420 <DD>Causes "Cut Text" command to remove characters from the cursor
421 position to the end of the line rather than remove the entire line. <P>
423 <DT> -m
425 <DD> Enable mouse functionality. This only works when <EM>Pico</EM> is
426 run from within an X Window System "xterm" window. <P>
428 <DT>-n<EM>n</EM>
430 <DD> The -n<EM>n</EM> option enables new mail notification. The
431 <EM>n</EM> argument is optional, and specifies how often, in seconds, your
432 mailbox is checked for new mail. For example, -n60 causes <EM>Pico</EM>
433 to check for new mail once every minute. The default interval is 180
434 seconds, while the minimum allowed is 30. (Note: no space between "n" and
435 the number) <P>
437 <DT> -o <EM>dir</EM>
439 <DD> Sets operating directory. Only files within this directory are
440 accessible. Likewise, the file browser is limited to the specified
441 directory subtree. <P>
443 <DT> -p
445 <DD> Preserve the &quot;start&quot; and &quot;stop&quot; characters, typically Ctrl-Q
446 and Ctrl-S, which are sometimes used in communications paths to control data flow
447 between devices that operate at different speeds.<P>
449 <DT> -q
451 <DD> TermdefWins. Termcap or terminfo escape sequences are used in preference
452 to default escape sequences.<P>
454 <DT> -Q <EM>quotestr</EM>
456 <DD> Set the quote string. Especially useful when composing email, setting this
457 allows the quote string to be checked for when Justifying paragraphs.
458 A common quote string is "> ".<P>
460 <DT> -r<EM>n</EM>
462 <DD> Sets column used to limit the "Justify" command's right margin. <P>
464 <DT> -t
466 <DD> Enable "tool" mode. Intended for when <EM>Pico</EM> is used as the
467 editor within other tools (e.g., Elm, Pnews). <EM>Pico</EM> will not
468 prompt for save on exit, and will not rename the buffer during the "Write
469 Out" command. <P>
471 <DT> -v
473 <DD> View the file only, disallowing any editing. <P>
475 <DT> -version
477 <DD> Print version information. <P>
479 <DT> -w
481 <DD> Disable word wrap (thus allow editing of long lines). <P>
483 <I>Note: <EM>Pico</EM> will break any lines over 255 characters when reading a
484 file, regardless of word wrapping.</I> <P>
486 <DT> -x
488 <DD> Disable keymenu at the bottom of the screen. <P>
490 <DT> -z
492 <DD> Enable ^Z suspension of <EM>Pico</EM>. <P>
494 </DL>
496 <H2><A NAME="pilot">Pilot</A></H2>
498 The following command line options are supported in <EM>Pilot</EM>:
500 <DL>
502 <DT> -a
504 <DD> Display all files including those beginning with a period (.). <P>
506 <DT> -f
508 <DD> Use function keys for commands. <I>This option supported only in
509 conjunction with UW Enhanced NCSA telnet.</I> <P>
511 <DT> -g
513 <DD> Enable "Show Cursor" mode. Cause cursor to be positioned before the
514 current selection rather than placed at the lower left of the display. <P>
516 <DT> -m
518 <DD> Enable mouse functionality. This only works when <EM>Pilot</EM> is
519 run from within an X Window System "xterm" window. <P>
521 <DT> -n<EM>n</EM>
523 <DD> The -n<EM>n</EM> option enables new mail notification. The
524 <EM>n</EM> argument is optional, and specifies how often, in seconds, your
525 mailbox is checked for new mail. For example, -n60 causes <EM>Pilot</EM>
526 to check for new mail once every minute. The default interval is 180
527 seconds, while the minimum allowed is 30. (Note: no space between "n" and
528 the number) <P>
530 <DT> -o <EM>dir</EM>
532 <DD>Sets operating directory. Only files within the specified directory
533 are accessible and browsing is limited to the specified directory subtree.
536 <DT> -v
538 <DD> Enable single vertical column display. <P>
540 <DT> -x
542 <DD> Disable keymenu at the bottom of the screen. <P>
544 <DT> -z
546 <DD> Enable ^Z suspension of <EM>Pilot</EM>.
548 </DL>
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552 </BODY>
553 </HTML>