* New version 2.19.999
[alpine.git] / pico / edef.h
1 /*
2 * $Id: edef.h 900 2008-01-05 01:13:26Z hubert@u.washington.edu $
4 * ========================================================================
5 * Copyright 2006 University of Washington
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 * ========================================================================
15 * Program: Global definitions and initializations
18 /* EDEF: Global variable definitions for
19 MicroEMACS 3.2
21 written by Dave G. Conroy
22 modified by Steve Wilhite, George Jones
23 greatly modified by Daniel Lawrence
26 #ifndef EDEF_H
27 #define EDEF_H
29 #ifdef maindef
31 /* for MAIN.C */
33 /* initialized global definitions */
35 int direction = 0; /* direction of writing */
36 int fillcol = 72; /* Current fill column */
37 int userfillcol = -1; /* Fillcol set from cmd line */
38 UCS pat[NPAT]; /* Search pattern */
39 UCS rpat[NPAT]; /* Replace pattern */
40 int sgarbk = TRUE; /* TRUE if keyhelp garbaged */
41 int sup_keyhelp = FALSE; /* TRUE if keyhelp is suppressed*/
42 int mline_open = FALSE; /* TRUE if message line is open */
43 int ComposerTopLine = 2; /* TRUE if message line is open */
44 int ComposerEditing = FALSE; /* TRUE if editing the headers */
45 char modecode[] = "WCSEVO"; /* letters to represent modes */
46 long gmode = MDWRAP|MDREPLACE; /* global editor mode */
47 int sgarbf = TRUE; /* TRUE if screen is garbage */
48 int mpresf = FALSE; /* TRUE if message in last line */
49 int clexec = FALSE; /* command line execution flag */
50 char *alt_speller = NULL; /* alt spell checking command */
51 int preserve_start_stop = FALSE; /* TRUE if pass ^S/^Q to term */
52 UCS *glo_quote_str = NULL; /* points to quote string if set*/
53 char *glo_quote_str_orig = NULL;
54 int use_system_translation = FALSE;
55 char *display_character_set = NULL;
56 char *keyboard_character_set = NULL;
57 UCS *glo_wordseps = NULL; /* points to word separators if set */
58 char *glo_wordseps_orig = NULL;
60 /* uninitialized global definitions */
61 int currow; /* Cursor row */
62 int curcol; /* Cursor column */
63 int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */
64 int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */
65 int curgoal; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */
66 char opertree[NLINE+1]; /* operate within this tree */
67 char browse_dir[NLINE+1]; /* directory of last browse (cwd) */
68 WINDOW *curwp; /* Current window */
69 BUFFER *curbp; /* Current buffer */
70 WINDOW *wheadp; /* Head of list of windows */
71 BUFFER *bheadp; /* Head of list of buffers */
72 BUFFER *blistp; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */
74 BUFFER *bfind(char *, int, int); /* Lookup a buffer by name */
75 LINE *lalloc(int used); /* Allocate a line */
76 int km_popped; /* menu popped up */
77 #if defined(HAS_TERMCAP) || defined(HAS_TERMINFO) || defined(VMS)
78 KBESC_T *kbesc; /* keyboard esc sequence trie */
80 void *input_cs; /* passed to mbtow() via kbseq() */
82 #else /* maindef */
84 /* for all the other .C files */
86 /* initialized global external declarations */
88 extern int direction;
89 extern int fillcol; /* Fill column */
90 extern int userfillcol; /* Fillcol set from cmd line */
91 extern UCS pat[]; /* Search pattern */
92 extern UCS rpat[]; /* Replace pattern */
93 extern int sgarbk;
94 extern int sup_keyhelp;
95 extern int mline_open; /* Message line is open */
96 extern int ComposerTopLine; /* TRUE if message line is open */
97 extern int ComposerEditing; /* TRUE if message line is open */
98 extern char modecode[]; /* letters to represent modes */
99 extern KEYTAB keytab[]; /* key bind to functions table */
100 extern KEYTAB pkeytab[]; /* pico's function table */
101 extern long gmode; /* global editor mode */
102 extern int sgarbf; /* State of screen unknown */
103 extern int mpresf; /* Stuff in message line */
104 extern int clexec; /* command line execution flag */
105 extern char *alt_speller; /* alt spell checking command */
106 extern int preserve_start_stop; /* TRUE if pass ^S/^Q to term */
107 extern UCS *glo_quote_str; /* points to quote string if set*/
108 extern char *glo_quote_str_orig;
109 extern int use_system_translation;
110 extern char *display_character_set;
111 extern char *keyboard_character_set;
112 extern UCS *glo_wordseps;
113 extern char *glo_wordseps_orig;
114 /* initialized global external declarations */
115 extern int currow; /* Cursor row */
116 extern int curcol; /* Cursor column */
117 extern int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */
118 extern int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */
119 extern int curgoal; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */
120 extern char opertree[NLINE+1]; /* operate within this tree */
121 extern char browse_dir[NLINE+1]; /* directory of last browse (cwd) */
122 extern WINDOW *curwp; /* Current window */
123 extern BUFFER *curbp; /* Current buffer */
124 extern WINDOW *wheadp; /* Head of list of windows */
125 extern BUFFER *bheadp; /* Head of list of buffers */
126 extern BUFFER *blistp; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */
128 extern BUFFER *bfind(char *, int, int); /* Lookup a buffer by name */
129 extern LINE *lalloc(int used); /* Allocate a line */
130 extern int km_popped; /* menu popped up */
132 * This is a weird one. It has to be defined differently for pico and for
133 * pine. It seems to need to be defined at startup as opposed to set later.
134 * It doesn't work to set it later in pico. When pico is used with a
135 * screen reader it seems to jump to the cursor every time through the
136 * mswin_charavail() loop in GetKey, and the timeout is this long. So we
137 * just need to set it higher than we do in pine. If we understood this
138 * we would probably see that we don't need any timer at all in pico, but
139 * we don't remember why it is here so we'd better leave it.
141 * This is defined in .../pico/main.c and in .../alpine/alpine.c.
143 extern int my_timer_period; /* here so can be set */
144 #ifdef MOUSE
145 extern MENUITEM menuitems[]; /* key labels and functions */
146 extern MENUITEM *mfunc; /* single generic function */
147 extern mousehandler_t mtrack; /* func used to track the mouse */
148 #endif /* MOUSE */
150 #if defined(HAS_TERMCAP) || defined(HAS_TERMINFO) || defined(VMS)
151 extern KBESC_T *kbesc; /* keyboard esc sequence trie */
153 extern void *input_cs; /* passed to mbtow() via kbseq() */
155 #endif /* maindef */
157 /* terminal table defined only in TERM.C */
159 #ifndef termdef
160 #if defined(VMS) && !defined(__ALPHA)
161 globalref
162 #else
163 extern
164 #endif /* VMS */
165 TERM term; /* Terminal information. */
166 #endif /* termdef */
168 #endif /* EDEF_H */