new: flatten, map-product, setp. fixed: set-equal
[alexandria.git] / sequences.lisp
1 (in-package :alexandria)
3 (defun rotate-tail-to-head (sequence n)
4 (declare (type (integer 1) n))
5 (if (listp sequence)
6 (let ((m (mod n (list-length sequence))))
7 (if (null (cdr sequence))
8 sequence
9 (let* ((tail (last sequence (+ m 1)))
10 (last (cdr tail)))
11 (setf (cdr tail) nil)
12 (nconc last sequence))))
13 (let* ((len (length sequence))
14 (m (mod n len))
15 (tail (subseq sequence (- len m))))
16 (replace sequence sequence :start1 m :start2 0)
17 (replace sequence tail)
18 sequence)))
20 (defun rotate-head-to-tail (sequence n)
21 (declare (type (integer 1) n))
22 (if (listp sequence)
23 (let ((m (mod (1- n) (list-length sequence))))
24 (if (null (cdr sequence))
25 sequence
26 (let* ((headtail (nthcdr m sequence))
27 (tail (cdr headtail)))
28 (setf (cdr headtail) nil)
29 (nconc tail sequence))))
30 (let* ((len (length sequence))
31 (m (mod n len))
32 (head (subseq sequence 0 m)))
33 (replace sequence sequence :start1 0 :start2 m)
34 (replace sequence head :start1 (- len m))
35 sequence)))
37 (defun rotate (sequence &optional (n 1))
38 "Returns a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE, with the elements of
39 SEQUENCE rotated by N: N elements are moved from the end of the sequence to
40 the front if N is positive, and -N elements moved from the front to the end if
41 N is negative. SEQUENCE must be a proper sequence. N must be an integer,
42 defaulting to 1. If absolute value of N is greater then the length of the
43 sequence, the results are identical to calling ROTATE with (* (SIGNUM N) (MOD
44 N (LENGTH SEQUENCE))). The original sequence may be destructively altered, and
45 result sequence may share structure with it."
46 (if (plusp n)
47 (rotate-tail-to-head sequence n)
48 (if (minusp n)
49 (rotate-head-to-tail sequence (- n))
50 sequence)))
52 (defun suffle (sequence &key (start 0) end)
53 "Returns a radom permutation of SEQUENCE bounded by START and END.
54 Permuted sequence may share storage with the original one. Signals
55 an error if SEQUENCE is not a proper sequence."
56 (declare (fixnum start) ((or fixnum null) end))
57 (let ((end (or end (if (listp sequence) (list-length sequence) (length sequence)))))
58 (loop for i from start below end
59 do (rotatef (elt sequence i) (elt sequence (random end)))))
60 sequence)
62 (defun random-elt (sequence &key (start 0) end)
63 "Returns a random element from SEQUENCE bounded by START and END. Signals an
64 error if the SEQUENCE is not a proper sequence."
65 (declare (sequence sequence) (fixnum start) ((or fixnum null) end))
66 (let ((i (+ start (random (- (or end (if (listp sequence)
67 (list-length sequence)
68 (length sequence)))
69 start)))))
70 (elt sequence i)))
72 (define-modify-macro removef (item &rest remove-keywords)
73 (lambda (seq item &rest keyword-arguments)
74 (apply #'remove item seq keyword-arguments))
75 "Modify-macro for REMOVE. Sets place designated by the first argument to
76 the result of calling REMOVE with ITEM, place, and the REMOVE-KEYWORDS.")
78 (define-modify-macro deletef (item &rest remove-keywords)
79 (lambda (seq item &rest keyword-arguments)
80 (apply #'delete item seq keyword-arguments))
81 "Modify-macro for DELETE. Sets place designated by the first argument to
82 the result of calling DELETE with ITEM, place, and the REMOVE-KEYWORDS.")
84 (deftype proper-sequence ()
85 "Type designator for proper sequences, that is proper lists and sequences
86 that are not lists."
87 `(or proper-list
88 (and (not list) sequence)))
90 (defun emptyp (sequence)
91 "Returns true if SEQUENCE is an empty sequence. Signals an error if SEQUENCE
92 is not a sequence"
93 (etypecase sequence
94 (list (null sequence))
95 (sequence (zerop (length sequence)))))
97 (defun sequence-of-length-p (sequence length)
98 "Return true if SEQUENCE is a sequence of length LENGTH. Signals an error if
99 SEQUENCE is not a sequence. Returns FALSE for circular lists."
100 (etypecase sequence
101 (null
102 (zerop length))
103 (cons
104 (let ((n (1- length)))
105 (unless (minusp n)
106 (let ((tail (nthcdr n sequence)))
107 (and tail (null (cdr tail)))))))
108 (sequence
109 (= length (length sequence)))))
111 (declaim (inline copy-sequence))
112 (defun copy-sequence (type sequence)
113 "Returns a fresh sequence of TYPE, which has the same elements as
115 (if (typep sequence type)
116 (copy-seq sequence)
117 (coerce sequence type)))
119 (defun first-elt (sequence)
120 "Returns the first element of SEQUENCE. Signals a type-error if SEQUENCE is
121 not a sequence, or is an empty sequence."
122 (cond ((consp sequence)
123 (car sequence))
124 ((and (vectorp sequence) (plusp (length sequence)))
125 (aref sequence 0))
127 (error 'type-error
128 :datum sequence
129 :expected-type '(and sequence (not (satisfies emptyp)))))))
131 (defun last-elt (sequence)
132 "Returns the last element of SEQUENCE. Signals a type-error if SEQUENCE is
133 not a proper sequence, or is an empty sequence."
134 (declare (inline lastcar))
135 (let ((len 0))
136 (cond ((consp sequence)
137 (lastcar sequence))
138 ((and (vectorp sequence) (plusp (setf len (length sequence))))
139 (aref sequence (1- len)))
141 (error 'type-error
142 :datum sequence
143 :expected-type '(and proper-sequence (not (satisfies emptyp))))))))
145 (defun starts-with (object sequence)
146 "Returns true if SEQUENCE is a sequence whose first element is EQL to OBJECT.
147 Returns NIL if the SEQUENCE is not a sequence or is an empty sequence."
148 (eql (typecase sequence
149 (cons (car sequence))
150 (sequence
151 (if (plusp (length sequence))
152 (elt sequence 0)
153 (return-from starts-with nil)))
155 (return-from starts-with nil)))
156 object))
158 (defun ends-with (object sequence)
159 "Returns true if SEQUENCE is a sequence whose last element is EQL to OBJECT.
160 Returns NIL if the SEQUENCE is not a sequence or is an empty sequence. Signals
161 an error if SEQUENCE is an improper list."
162 (eql (typecase sequence
163 (cons
164 ;; signals for improper lists
165 (lastcar sequence))
166 (sequence
167 ;; Can't use last-elt, as that signals an error for empty sequences
168 (let ((len (length sequence)))
169 (if (plusp len)
170 (elt sequence (1- len))
171 (return-from ends-with nil))))
173 (return-from ends-with nil)))
174 object))