added read-file-into-byte-vector and write-byte-vector-into-file (until io.lisp's...
[alexandria.git] / package.lisp
1 (defpackage
2 (:nicknames :alexandria)
3 (:use :cl)
4 (:export
5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 ;;
8 ;; Binding constructs
9 #:if-let
10 #:when-let
11 #:when-let*
12 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
15 ;; Control flow
16 #:cswitch
17 #:eswitch
18 #:switch
19 #:multiple-value-prog2
20 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
23 #:nth-value-or
24 #:whichever
25 #:xor
26 ;; Definitions
27 #:define-constant
28 ;; Hash tables
29 #:alist-hash-table
30 #:copy-hash-table
31 #:ensure-gethash
32 #:hash-table-alist
33 #:hash-table-keys
34 #:hash-table-plist
35 #:hash-table-values
36 #:maphash-keys
37 #:maphash-values
38 #:plist-hash-table
39 ;; Functions
40 #:compose
41 #:conjoin
42 #:curry
43 #:disjoin
44 #:ensure-function
45 #:ensure-functionf
46 #:multiple-value-compose
47 #:named-lambda
48 #:rcurry
49 ;; Lists
50 #:alist-plist
51 #:appendf
52 #:nconcf
53 #:reversef
54 #:nreversef
55 #:circular-list
56 #:circular-list-p
57 #:circular-tree-p
58 #:doplist
59 #:ensure-car
60 #:ensure-cons
61 #:ensure-list
62 #:flatten
63 #:lastcar
64 #:make-circular-list
65 #:map-product
66 #:mappend
67 #:nunionf
68 #:plist-alist
69 #:proper-list
70 #:proper-list-length
71 #:proper-list-p
72 #:remove-from-plist
73 #:remove-from-plistf
74 #:delete-from-plist
75 #:delete-from-plistf
76 #:set-equal
77 #:setp
78 #:unionf
79 ;; Numbers
80 #:binomial-coefficient
81 #:clamp
82 #:count-permutations
83 #:factorial
84 #:gaussian-random
85 #:iota
86 #:lerp
87 #:map-iota
88 #:maxf
89 #:mean
90 #:median
91 #:minf
92 #:standard-deviation
93 #:subfactorial
94 #:variance
95 ;; Arrays
96 #:array-index
97 #:array-length
98 #:copy-array
99 ;; Sequences
100 #:copy-sequence
101 #:deletef
102 #:emptyp
103 #:ends-with
104 #:ends-with-subseq
105 #:first-elt
106 #:last-elt
107 #:map-combinations
108 #:map-derangements
109 #:map-permutations
110 #:proper-sequence
111 #:random-elt
112 #:removef
113 #:rotate
114 #:sequence-of-length-p
115 #:length=
116 #:shuffle
117 #:starts-with
118 #:starts-with-subseq
119 ;; Macros
120 #:once-only
121 #:parse-body
122 #:parse-ordinary-lambda-list
123 #:with-gensyms
124 #:with-unique-names
125 ;; Symbols
126 #:ensure-symbol
127 #:format-symbol
128 #:make-gensym
129 #:make-gensym-list
130 #:make-keyword
131 ;; Strings
132 #:string-designator
133 ;; Types
134 #:negative-double-float
135 #:negative-fixnum-p
136 #:negative-float
137 #:negative-float-p
138 #:negative-long-float
139 #:negative-long-float-p
140 #:negative-rational
141 #:negative-rational-p
142 #:negative-real
143 #:negative-single-float-p
144 #:non-negative-double-float
145 #:non-negative-double-float-p
146 #:non-negative-fixnum
147 #:non-negative-fixnum-p
148 #:non-negative-float
149 #:non-negative-float-p
150 #:non-negative-integer-p
151 #:non-negative-long-float
152 #:non-negative-rational
153 #:non-negative-real-p
154 #:non-negative-short-float-p
155 #:non-negative-single-float
156 #:non-negative-single-float-p
157 #:non-positive-double-float
158 #:non-positive-double-float-p
159 #:non-positive-fixnum
160 #:non-positive-fixnum-p
161 #:non-positive-float
162 #:non-positive-float-p
163 #:non-positive-integer
164 #:non-positive-rational
165 #:non-positive-real
166 #:non-positive-real-p
167 #:non-positive-short-float
168 #:non-positive-short-float-p
169 #:non-positive-single-float-p
170 #:ordinary-lambda-list-keywords
171 #:positive-double-float
172 #:positive-double-float-p
173 #:positive-fixnum
174 #:positive-fixnum-p
175 #:positive-float
176 #:positive-float-p
177 #:positive-integer
178 #:positive-rational
179 #:positive-real
180 #:positive-real-p
181 #:positive-short-float
182 #:positive-short-float-p
183 #:positive-single-float
184 #:positive-single-float-p
185 #:coercef
186 #:negative-double-float-p
187 #:negative-fixnum
188 #:negative-integer
189 #:negative-integer-p
190 #:negative-real-p
191 #:negative-short-float
192 #:negative-short-float-p
193 #:negative-single-float
194 #:non-negative-integer
195 #:non-negative-long-float-p
196 #:non-negative-rational-p
197 #:non-negative-real
198 #:non-negative-short-float
199 #:non-positive-integer-p
200 #:non-positive-long-float
201 #:non-positive-long-float-p
202 #:non-positive-rational-p
203 #:non-positive-single-float
204 #:of-type
205 #:positive-integer-p
206 #:positive-long-float
207 #:positive-long-float-p
208 #:positive-rational-p
209 #:type=
210 ;; Conditions
211 #:required-argument
212 #:ignore-some-conditions
213 #:simple-style-warning
214 #:simple-reader-error
215 #:simple-parse-error
216 #:simple-program-error
217 #:unwind-protect-case
218 ;; Features
219 #:featurep
220 ;; io
221 #:with-input-from-file
222 #:with-output-to-file
223 #:read-file-into-string
224 #:write-string-into-file
225 #:read-file-into-byte-vector
226 #:write-byte-vector-into-file
227 #:copy-stream
228 #:copy-file
229 ;; new additions collected at the end
230 #:symbolicate