[docs] NEWS.xml updated
[adg.git] / adg / Makefile.am
1 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
3 AM_CFLAGS=                      @GTK2_CFLAGS@ \
4                                 -I$(top_srcdir)
5 AM_LDFLAGS=                     @GTK2_LIBS@
7 # file groups
8 adg_h_sources=                  adg.h \
9                                 adg-adim.h \
10                                 adg-arrow-style.h \
11                                 adg-canvas.h \
12                                 adg-container.h \
13                                 adg-context.h \
14                                 adg-dim.h \
15                                 adg-dim-style.h \
16                                 adg-entity.h \
17                                 adg-font-style.h \
18                                 adg-ldim.h \
19                                 adg-line-style.h \
20                                 adg-matrix.h \
21                                 adg-model.h \
22                                 adg-pair.h \
23                                 adg-path.h \
24                                 adg-pattern.h \
25                                 adg-point.h \
26                                 adg-primitive.h \
27                                 adg-rotable.h \
28                                 adg-segment.h \
29                                 adg-stroke.h \
30                                 adg-style.h \
31                                 adg-title-block.h \
32                                 adg-toy-text.h \
33                                 adg-translatable.h \
34                                 adg-util.h \
35                                 adg-widget.h
36 adg_built_h_sources=            adg-type-builtins.h
37 adg_private_h_sources=          adg-adim-private.h \
38                                 adg-arrow-style-private.h \
39                                 adg-canvas-private.h \
40                                 adg-container-private.h \
41                                 adg-context-private.h \
42                                 adg-dim-private.h \
43                                 adg-dim-style-private.h \
44                                 adg-entity-private.h \
45                                 adg-enums.h \
46                                 adg-font-style-private.h \
47                                 adg-intl.h \
48                                 adg-ldim-private.h \
49                                 adg-line-style-private.h \
50                                 adg-model-private.h \
51                                 adg-path-private.h \
52                                 adg-stroke-private.h \
53                                 adg-style-private.h \
54                                 adg-title-block-private.h \
55                                 adg-toy-text-private.h \
56                                 adg-widget-private.h
57 adg_built_private_h_sources= 
58 adg_c_sources=                  adg-adim.c \
59                                 adg-arrow-style.c \
60                                 adg-canvas.c \
61                                 adg-container.c \
62                                 adg-context.c \
63                                 adg-dim.c \
64                                 adg-dim-style.c \
65                                 adg-entity.c \
66                                 adg-enums.c \
67                                 adg-font-style.c \
68                                 adg-ldim.c \
69                                 adg-line-style.c \
70                                 adg-matrix.c \
71                                 adg-model.c \
72                                 adg-pair.c \
73                                 adg-path.c \
74                                 adg-pattern.c \
75                                 adg-point.c \
76                                 adg-primitive.c \
77                                 adg-rotable.c \
78                                 adg-segment.c \
79                                 adg-stroke.c \
80                                 adg-style.c \
81                                 adg-title-block.c \
82                                 adg-toy-text.c \
83                                 adg-translatable.c \
84                                 adg-util.c \
85                                 adg-widget.c
86 adg_built_c_sources=            adg-type-builtins.c
88 # targets
89 BUILT_SOURCES=                  $(adg_built_h_sources) \
90                                 $(adg_built_private_h_sources) \
91                                 $(adg_built_c_sources)
93 libadg_includedir=              $(includedir)/adg
94 libadg_include_DATA=            $(adg_h_sources) \
95                                 $(adg_built_h_sources)
97 lib_LTLIBRARIES=                libadg.la
98 libadg_la_LDFLAGS=              -release @PACKAGE_VERSION@
99 libadg_la_SOURCES=              $(adg_h_sources) \
100                                 $(adg_built_h_sources) \
101                                 $(adg_private_h_sources) \
102                                 $(adg_built_private_h_sources) \
103                                 $(adg_c_sources) \
104                                 $(adg_built_c_sources)
105 libadg_la_LIBADD=               $(top_builddir)/cpml/libcpml.la
106 libadg_la_DEPENDENCIES=         $(top_builddir)/cpml/libcpml.la
109 adg-type-builtins.h: adg-enums.h Makefile
110         glib-mkenums \
111         --fhead "#ifndef __ADG_TYPE_BUILTINS_H__\n#define __ADG_TYPE_BUILTINS_H__\n\n#include <glib-object.h>\n\nG_BEGIN_DECLS\n\n" \
112         --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
113         --vhead "#define ADG_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())\nGType @enum_name@_get_type(void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n\n" \
114         --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n#endif /* __ADG_TYPE_BUILTINS_H__ */" \
115         adg-enums.h > $@
117 adg-type-builtins.c: adg-enums.h Makefile
118         glib-mkenums \
119         --fhead "#include \"adg-enums.h\"\n\n" \
120         --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
121         --vhead "\nGType\n@enum_name@_get_type(void)\n{\n    static GType etype = 0;\n    if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) {\n        static const G@Type@Value values[] = {" \
122         --vprod "            { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
123         --vtail "            { 0, NULL, NULL }\n        };\n        etype = g_@type@_register_static(\"@EnumName@\", values);\n    }\n    return etype;\n}\n" \
124         adg-enums.h > $@