Remove bashisms in the frontend
[adesklets.git] / doc / poster / poster_en.tex
1 % Poster for adesklets, written by S.Fourmanoit <>.
2 % The iconic artwork is borrowed from the lila theme:
4 %
6 % Use the makefile to build; written on GNU Ghostscript 7.07 with TeTex 3.0.
8 % Obviously, direct inspiration was the Larry the Cow poster for Gentoo.
10 \documentclass{article}
12 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 % Headers
15 % Set the geometry
17 \usepackage[dvips,
18 total={11in,8.5in},
19 landscape,
20 margin=.1in]{geometry}
22 % Enter pdf-specific parameters
24 \usepackage[dvips,
25 pdfpagemode=FullScreen,
26 bookmarks=true,
27 urlcolor=blue,
28 colorlinks=True,
29 urlbordercolor={1 1 1},
30 pdftitle={adesklets poster},
31 pdfauthor={Sylvain Fourmanoit <>}]{hyperref}
33 % Other packages
35 \usepackage{helvet}
36 \usepackage{graphicx}
38 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 % Body
41 \begin{document}
42 \huge % Default font: 20.74pt
44 \includegraphics{images/logo.eps}
45 \hspace{2in}
46 \href{}
47 {\includegraphics{images/home.eps}}
48 \href{}
49 {\includegraphics{images/doc.eps}}
50 \href{}
51 {\includegraphics{images/download.eps}}
52 \vspace{.5in}
54 \begin{figure}[h]
55 \begin{minipage}[c]{1.5in}
56 \scalebox{2}{\includegraphics{images/larry.eps}}
57 \end{minipage}
58 \begin{minipage}[b]{.75\linewidth}
59 {\fontfamily{ptm}\Huge
60 Larry the Cow was a bit frustrated at the current state of desktop
61 applets...}
62 \end{minipage}
63 \end{figure}
65 \begin{center}
66 \begin{minipage}[c]{3in}
67 \scalebox{2}{\includegraphics{images/weather.eps}}
68 \end{minipage}
69 \hspace{.5in}
70 \begin{minipage}[c]{4.75in}
71 \scalebox{2}{\includegraphics{images/mail.eps}}
72 \end{minipage}
73 \end{center}
75 \begin{flushright}
76 {\fontfamily{ptm}\Huge
77 ...until he tried adesklets.}
78 \end{flushright}
80 \vfill
82 \noindent He found something fast, something small and robust that worked
83 without tons of dependencies: something he could burn on his LiveCD, or that
84 would run unmodified on his old X11 terminal at work, or even on his palm pilot.
85 Something that would not grow to half a gigabyte of virtual memory after running
86 a couple of hours. Something minimalistic in design, with deep Unix roots, that
87 is portable, reliable and keeps compatibility with existing code on every new
88 release. Larry the Cow liked it.
90 \vfill
92 \end{document}
94 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------