Updated cclive version requirement.
[abby.git] / i18n / abby_fi.ts
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE TS><TS version="1.1" language="fi">
3 <defaultcodec></defaultcodec>
4 <context>
5 <name>AboutDialog</name>
6 <message>
7 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="17"/>
8 <source>About</source>
9 <translation>Tietoja</translation>
10 </message>
11 <message>
12 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="28"/>
13 <source>abby</source>
14 <translation></translation>
15 </message>
16 <message>
17 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="92"/>
18 <source>-</source>
19 <translation></translation>
20 </message>
21 <message>
22 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="71"/>
23 <source>Version:</source>
24 <translation>Versio:</translation>
25 </message>
26 <message>
27 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="65"/>
28 <source>cclive</source>
29 <translation></translation>
30 </message>
31 <message>
32 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="85"/>
33 <source>libcurl:</source>
34 <translation></translation>
35 </message>
36 <message>
37 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="110"/>
38 <source>License</source>
39 <translation>Lisenssi</translation>
40 </message>
41 <message>
42 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="119"/>
43 <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
44 &lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
45 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
46 &lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Monospace&apos;; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
47 &lt;p style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;Copyright (C) 2009 Toni Gundogdu &amp;lt;legatvs@gmail.com&amp;gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
48 &lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
49 &lt;p style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.&lt;/p&gt;
50 &lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
51 &lt;p style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.&lt;/p&gt;
52 &lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
53 &lt;p style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see &amp;lt;http://www.gnu.org/licenses/&amp;gt;.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
54 <translation></translation>
55 </message>
56 <message>
57 <location filename="../rc/aboutdlg.ui" line="55"/>
58 <source>Qt:</source>
59 <translation></translation>
60 </message>
61 </context>
62 <context>
63 <name>MainWindow</name>
64 <message>
65 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="119"/>
66 <source>Enter a video link.</source>
67 <translation>Syötä video-sivun linkki.</translation>
68 </message>
69 <message>
70 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="133"/>
71 <source>Path to cclive command undefined. See preferences.</source>
72 <translation>Määrittelemätön polku cclive-ohjelmaan. Muuta asetuksia.</translation>
73 </message>
74 <message>
75 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="147"/>
76 <source>Save directory undefined. See preferences.</source>
77 <translation>Määrittelemätön &quot;tallenna videot hakemistoon&quot; polku. Muuta asetuksia.</translation>
78 </message>
79 <message>
80 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="251"/>
81 <source>error: failed to start process</source>
82 <translation>virhe: prosessin käynnistäminen epäonnistui</translation>
83 </message>
84 <message>
85 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="264"/>
86 <source>Fetching link...</source>
87 <translation>Haetaan tietoja...</translation>
88 </message>
89 <message>
90 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="266"/>
91 <source>Verifying video link...</source>
92 <translation>Tarkastetaan video tietoja...</translation>
93 </message>
94 <message>
95 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="269"/>
96 <source>error: see log for details</source>
97 <translation>virhe: katso historia</translation>
98 </message>
99 <message>
100 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="272"/>
101 <source>Extracting video...</source>
102 <translation>Kopioidaan videota...</translation>
103 </message>
104 <message>
105 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="306"/>
106 <source>Process exited with an error; see log</source>
107 <translation>Prosessi päättyi virheeseen; katso historia</translation>
108 </message>
109 <message>
110 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="308"/>
111 <source>Process exited normally</source>
112 <translation>Prosessi päättyi normaalisti</translation>
113 </message>
114 <message>
115 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="312"/>
116 <source>Process terminated</source>
117 <translation>Prosessi keskeytetty</translation>
118 </message>
119 <message>
120 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="312"/>
121 <source>Process crashed; see log</source>
122 <translation>Prosessi kaatui; katso historia</translation>
123 </message>
124 <message>
125 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="315"/>
126 <source>error:</source>
127 <translation>virhe:</translation>
128 </message>
129 <message>
130 <location filename="../src/prefsdlg.cpp" line="132"/>
131 <source>English</source>
132 <translation>Suomi</translation>
133 </message>
134 <message>
135 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="14"/>
136 <source>abby</source>
137 <translation></translation>
138 </message>
139 <message>
140 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="25"/>
141 <source>&amp;Download</source>
142 <translation>K&amp;opioi</translation>
143 </message>
144 <message>
145 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="33"/>
146 <source>&amp;Video link:</source>
147 <translation>&amp;Video-linkki:</translation>
148 </message>
149 <message>
150 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="43"/>
151 <source>Link to the video page to download the video from.
153 Example: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3HD220e0bx4</source>
154 <translation>Linkki video-sivulle.
156 Esimerkki: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3HD220e0bx4</translation>
157 </message>
158 <message>
159 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="52"/>
160 <source>&amp;Start</source>
161 <translation>&amp;Käynnistä</translation>
162 </message>
163 <message>
164 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="81"/>
165 <source>&amp;Progress</source>
166 <translation>&amp;Tiedot</translation>
167 </message>
168 <message>
169 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="95"/>
170 <source>File:</source>
171 <translation>Tiedosto:</translation>
172 </message>
173 <message>
174 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="108"/>
175 <source>-</source>
176 <translation></translation>
177 </message>
178 <message>
179 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="125"/>
180 <source>Size:</source>
181 <translation>Koko:</translation>
182 </message>
183 <message>
184 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="135"/>
185 <source>-- / --</source>
186 <translation></translation>
187 </message>
188 <message>
189 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="148"/>
190 <source>Rate:</source>
191 <translation>Nopeus:</translation>
192 </message>
193 <message>
194 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="161"/>
195 <source>--.-</source>
196 <translation></translation>
197 </message>
198 <message>
199 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="174"/>
200 <source>ETA:</source>
201 <translation>Jäljellä:</translation>
202 </message>
203 <message>
204 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="187"/>
205 <source>--:--</source>
206 <translation></translation>
207 </message>
208 <message>
209 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="226"/>
210 <source>&amp;Cancel</source>
211 <translation>&amp;Keskeytä</translation>
212 </message>
213 <message>
214 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="236"/>
215 <source>&amp;Log</source>
216 <translation>&amp;Historia</translation>
217 </message>
218 <message>
219 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="257"/>
220 <source>&amp;Options</source>
221 <translation>Va&amp;ihtoehdot</translation>
222 </message>
223 <message>
224 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="305"/>
225 <source>&amp;Format:</source>
226 <translation>Tie&amp;dostomuoto:</translation>
227 </message>
228 <message>
229 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="321"/>
230 <source>Download format of the video. This is a website specific feature.
232 Note that different formats often mean different video
233 resolution. Also note that some formats may not be available
234 for all videos. Listing only non-flv formats.
236 DailyMotion: spark | spak-mini | vp6-hq | vp6-hd | vp6 | h264
237 Youtube: mp4 | xflv | 3gpp
238 GoogleVideo: mp4
240 If unsure, choose flv which is supported by all websites.</source>
241 <translation>Kopioi tiedostomuoto. Web-palvelusta riippuva asetus.
243 Huomaa, että tiedostomuoto vaihtelee web-palvelusta riippuen,
244 ja tarkoittaa useasti myös eroja kuvalaadussa. Huomaa myös, että
245 tiedostomuoto ei ole aina välttämättä saatavilla. Alla oleva
246 lista pitää sisällään ainoastaan flv:stä poikkeavat muodot.
248 DailyMotion: spark | spak-mini | vp6-hq | vp6-hd | vp6 | h264
249 Youtube: mp4 | xflv | 3gpp
250 GoogleVideo: mp4
252 Valitse flv, jos olet epävarma. Kaikki web-palvelut tukevat sitä.</translation>
253 </message>
254 <message>
255 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="335"/>
256 <source>flv</source>
257 <translation></translation>
258 </message>
259 <message>
260 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="340"/>
261 <source>mp4</source>
262 <translation></translation>
263 </message>
264 <message>
265 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="345"/>
266 <source>xflv</source>
267 <translation></translation>
268 </message>
269 <message>
270 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="350"/>
271 <source>3gpp</source>
272 <translation></translation>
273 </message>
274 <message>
275 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="355"/>
276 <source>spak-mini</source>
277 <translation></translation>
278 </message>
279 <message>
280 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="360"/>
281 <source>vp6-hq</source>
282 <translation></translation>
283 </message>
284 <message>
285 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="365"/>
286 <source>vp6-hd</source>
287 <translation></translation>
288 </message>
289 <message>
290 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="370"/>
291 <source>vp6</source>
292 <translation></translation>
293 </message>
294 <message>
295 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="375"/>
296 <source>h264</source>
297 <translation></translation>
298 </message>
299 <message>
300 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="469"/>
301 <source>Run the command specified in the preferences after
302 download finishes.</source>
303 <translation>Suorita asetuksissa määritelty komento kopioinnin
304 jälkeen.</translation>
305 </message>
306 <message>
307 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="383"/>
308 <source>Attempt to continue a partially downloaded video file.
309 Do not use for Youtube or GoogleVideo flv videos.</source>
310 <translation>Yritä jatkaa osittain kopioitua tiedostoa.
311 HUOM: Ei toimi Youtube eikä GoogleVideo flv-muotoisten
312 tiedostojen kanssa.</translation>
313 </message>
314 <message>
315 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="387"/>
316 <source>&amp;Continue partially downloaded file</source>
317 <translation>&amp;Jatka osittain kopioitua tiedostoa</translation>
318 </message>
319 <message>
320 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="265"/>
321 <source>&amp;Save video as:</source>
322 <translation>Tallenna video &amp;nimellä:</translation>
323 </message>
324 <message>
325 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="278"/>
326 <source>Write video to file. Overrides default file naming.</source>
327 <translation>Tallenna video tiedostoon. Ohittaa tavanomaisen cclive-ohjelmassa
328 käytetyn tiedostojen nimeämistavan.</translation>
329 </message>
330 <message>
331 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="288"/>
332 <source>&amp;Browse</source>
333 <translation>&amp;Selaa</translation>
334 </message>
335 <message>
336 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="522"/>
337 <source>&amp;File</source>
338 <translation>&amp;Tiedosto</translation>
339 </message>
340 <message>
341 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="530"/>
342 <source>&amp;Edit</source>
343 <translation>&amp;Muokkaa</translation>
344 </message>
345 <message>
346 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="540"/>
347 <source>&amp;Quit</source>
348 <translation>&amp;Lopeta</translation>
349 </message>
350 <message>
351 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="546"/>
352 <source>Ctrl+Q</source>
353 <translation></translation>
354 </message>
355 <message>
356 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="554"/>
357 <source>Prefere&amp;nces...</source>
358 <translation>&amp;Asetukset...</translation>
359 </message>
360 <message>
361 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="560"/>
362 <source>Ctrl+E</source>
363 <translation></translation>
364 </message>
365 <message>
366 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="565"/>
367 <source>&amp;About...</source>
368 <translation>&amp;Tietoja...</translation>
369 </message>
370 <message>
371 <location filename="../src/mainwnd.cpp" line="107"/>
372 <source>Save as</source>
373 <translation>Tallenna nimellä</translation>
374 </message>
375 <message>
376 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="543"/>
377 <source>Quit abby</source>
378 <translation>Lopeta ohjelma</translation>
379 </message>
380 <message>
381 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="557"/>
382 <source>Edit preferences</source>
383 <translation>Muokkaa asetuksia</translation>
384 </message>
385 <message>
386 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="568"/>
387 <source>About abby</source>
388 <translation>Tietoja ohjelmasta</translation>
389 </message>
390 <message>
391 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="411"/>
392 <source>Run the stream command defined in the preferences when
393 the file transfer reaches the specified percent done.
395 Note that if the started command runs out of downloaded
396 video data, abby does not attempt to restore the last
397 state. It is recommended that you use this feature
398 with broadband connections only.</source>
399 <translation>Suorita asetuksissa määritelty stream-komento, kun
400 tiedonsiirto saavuttaa seuraavan prosentti-määrän.
402 Mikäli käynnistetylle komennolle ei ole ehditty
403 kopioimaan tarpeeksi ja se keskeytyy, abby ei
404 käynnistä komentoa enää uudelleen. Tämän ohjelma-
405 ominaisuuden käyttö on suositeltavaa vain laaja-
406 kaistakäyttöön.</translation>
407 </message>
408 <message>
409 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="420"/>
410 <source>&amp;Run stream command when transfer reaches:</source>
411 <translation>S&amp;uorita stream-komento kun kopiointi saavuttaa:</translation>
412 </message>
413 <message>
414 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="436"/>
415 <source>Stream command is started when file transfer
416 reaches this percentage. Be sure to set it
417 high enough to make sure that there is enough
418 video data for the command to process.</source>
419 <translation>Stream-komento käynnistetään tiedonsiirron
420 saavuttaessa tämän prosentti-määrän. Huomaa
421 asettaa se tarpeeksi korkeaksi, varmistaaksesi
422 keskeytymätön videon toisto.</translation>
423 </message>
424 <message>
425 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="442"/>
426 <source>%</source>
427 <translation></translation>
428 </message>
429 <message>
430 <location filename="../rc/mainwnd.ui" line="473"/>
431 <source>&amp;Run external command when transfer is finished</source>
432 <translation>Suo&amp;rita komento kopioinnin jälkeen</translation>
433 </message>
434 </context>
435 <context>
436 <name>PasswordDialog</name>
437 <message>
438 <location filename="../rc/passdlg.ui" line="17"/>
439 <source>Youtube password</source>
440 <translation>Youtube salasana</translation>
441 </message>
442 <message>
443 <location filename="../rc/passdlg.ui" line="28"/>
444 <source>&amp;Enter password:</source>
445 <translation>&amp;Anna salasana:</translation>
446 </message>
447 </context>
448 <context>
449 <name>PreferencesDialog</name>
450 <message>
451 <location filename="../src/prefsdlg.cpp" line="169"/>
452 <source>Choose command</source>
453 <translation>Valitse polku komentoon</translation>
454 </message>
455 <message>
456 <location filename="../src/prefsdlg.cpp" line="176"/>
457 <source>Choose cclive</source>
458 <translation>Valitse polku cclive komentoon</translation>
459 </message>
460 <message>
461 <location filename="../src/prefsdlg.cpp" line="189"/>
462 <source>You need to restart the application for the language change to take effect.</source>
463 <translation>Käynnistä ohjelma uudelleen, jotta valittu kieli tulee käyttöön.</translation>
464 </message>
465 <message>
466 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="17"/>
467 <source>Preferences</source>
468 <translation>Asetukset</translation>
469 </message>
470 <message>
471 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="43"/>
472 <source>&amp;General</source>
473 <translation>Yle&amp;iset</translation>
474 </message>
475 <message>
476 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="51"/>
477 <source>&amp;Save videos to:</source>
478 <translation>&amp;Tallenna videot hakemistoon:</translation>
479 </message>
480 <message>
481 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="61"/>
482 <source>Save downloaded videos to this directory.</source>
483 <translation>Tallenna kopioidut tiedostot tähän hakemistoon.</translation>
484 </message>
485 <message>
486 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="68"/>
487 <source>&amp;Browse</source>
488 <translation>&amp;Selaa</translation>
489 </message>
490 <message>
491 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="110"/>
492 <source>E&amp;xternal command:</source>
493 <translation>S&amp;uoritettava komento:</translation>
494 </message>
495 <message>
496 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="134"/>
497 <source>Bro&amp;wse</source>
498 <translation>S&amp;elaa</translation>
499 </message>
500 <message>
501 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="145"/>
502 <source>&amp;Path to cclive:</source>
503 <translation>Pol&amp;ku cclive-ohjelmaan:</translation>
504 </message>
505 <message>
506 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="155"/>
507 <source>Path to cclive command.</source>
508 <translation>Polku cclive-ohjelmaan.</translation>
509 </message>
510 <message>
511 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="162"/>
512 <source>Brows&amp;e</source>
513 <translation>Sel&amp;aa</translation>
514 </message>
515 <message>
516 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="173"/>
517 <source>&amp;Additional options:</source>
518 <translation>Ylimääräiset &amp;parametrit:</translation>
519 </message>
520 <message>
521 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="183"/>
522 <source>Additional options to be passed to cclive.</source>
523 <translation>Ylimääräiset, cclive-ohjelmalle välitettävät parametrit.</translation>
524 </message>
525 <message>
526 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="193"/>
527 <source>&amp;Connection</source>
528 <translation>Y&amp;hteys</translation>
529 </message>
530 <message>
531 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="201"/>
532 <source>Whether use a HTTP proxy for connections.
533 If unsure, leave to &quot;No Proxy&quot;.</source>
534 <translation>Käytä HTTP proxy -välityspalvelinta.
535 Valitse &quot;Ei välityspalvelinta&quot; jos olet epävarma.</translation>
536 </message>
537 <message>
538 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="206"/>
539 <source>No Proxy</source>
540 <translation>Ei välityspalvelinta</translation>
541 </message>
542 <message>
543 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="211"/>
544 <source>Use Proxy</source>
545 <translation>Käytä välityspalvelinta</translation>
546 </message>
547 <message>
548 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="230"/>
549 <source>Limit download transfer speed.</source>
550 <translation>Rajoita siirtonopeutta.</translation>
551 </message>
552 <message>
553 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="233"/>
554 <source>&amp;Limit transfer rate:</source>
555 <translation>&amp;Rajoita siirtonopeutta:</translation>
556 </message>
557 <message>
558 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="243"/>
559 <source>KB/s</source>
560 <translation>KT/s</translation>
561 </message>
562 <message>
563 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="285"/>
564 <source>&amp;Youtube</source>
565 <translation></translation>
566 </message>
567 <message>
568 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="291"/>
569 <source>Usually needed only to download videos that have
570 been flagged as mature content.</source>
571 <translation>Tarpeellinen ainoastaan kopioitaessa videoita, jotka ovat
572 merkitty vain aikuisille sopiviksi.</translation>
573 </message>
574 <message>
575 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="295"/>
576 <source>&amp;Log in</source>
577 <translation>&amp;Kirjaudu sisään</translation>
578 </message>
579 <message>
580 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="307"/>
581 <source>&amp;Username:</source>
582 <translation>Käyttä&amp;jä:</translation>
583 </message>
584 <message>
585 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="324"/>
586 <source>&amp;Password:</source>
587 <translation>&amp;Salasana:</translation>
588 </message>
589 <message>
590 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="334"/>
591 <source>Leave empty if you want abby to prompt for it.</source>
592 <translation>Jos tyhjä, abby kysyy salasanaa käynnistettäessä.</translation>
593 </message>
594 <message>
595 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="361"/>
596 <source>&amp;Misc</source>
597 <translation>&amp;Muut</translation>
598 </message>
599 <message>
600 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="369"/>
601 <source>&amp;Language:</source>
602 <translation>&amp;Kieli:</translation>
603 </message>
604 <message>
605 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="120"/>
606 <source>Command to be run after finishing downloading. You may
607 use the &quot;%i&quot; specifier which will be replaced by the
608 name of the downloaded video file.
610 Example: /usr/local/bin/mplayer %i</source>
611 <translation>Kopioinnin jälkeen suoritettava komento.
612 Voit käyttää %i-merkkiä osoittamaan kopioidun
613 tiedoston nimen paikkaa komennossa.
615 Esimerkki: /usr/local/bin/mplayer %i</translation>
616 </message>
617 <message>
618 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="79"/>
619 <source>S&amp;tream command:</source>
620 <translation>St&amp;ream-komento:</translation>
621 </message>
622 <message>
623 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="89"/>
624 <source>Command to be run when file transfer reaches the
625 percentage specified in the options.
627 Example: /usr/local/bin/mplayer -really-quiet %i</source>
628 <translation>Suoritettava komento tiedonsiirron saavuttaessa
629 vaihtoehdoissa määritellyn prosentti-määrän.
631 Esimerkki: /usr/local/bin/mplayer -really-quiet %i</translation>
632 </message>
633 <message>
634 <location filename="../rc/prefsdlg.ui" line="99"/>
635 <source>B&amp;rowse</source>
636 <translation>Se&amp;laa</translation>
637 </message>
638 </context>
639 </TS>