dumplog lint and formatting
[aNetHack.git] / src / topten.c
1 /* NetHack 3.6 topten.c $NHDT-Date: 1450451497 2015/12/18 15:11:37 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.44 $ */
2 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
5 #include "hack.h"
6 #include "dlb.h"
8 #include "patchlev.h"
9 #else
10 #include "patchlevel.h"
11 #endif
13 #ifdef VMS
14 /* We don't want to rewrite the whole file, because that entails
15 creating a new version which requires that the old one be deletable. */
17 #endif
20 * Updating in place can leave junk at the end of the file in some
21 * circumstances (if it shrinks and the O.S. doesn't have a straightforward
22 * way to truncate it). The trailing junk is harmless and the code
23 * which reads the scores will ignore it.
26 static long final_fpos;
27 #endif
29 #define done_stopprint program_state.stopprint
31 #define newttentry() (struct toptenentry *) alloc(sizeof (struct toptenentry))
32 #define dealloc_ttentry(ttent) free((genericptr_t) (ttent))
33 #ifndef NAMSZ
34 /* Changing NAMSZ can break your existing record/logfile */
35 #define NAMSZ 10
36 #endif
37 #define DTHSZ 100
38 #define ROLESZ 3
40 struct toptenentry {
41 struct toptenentry *tt_next;
43 long fpos;
44 #endif
45 long points;
46 int deathdnum, deathlev;
47 int maxlvl, hp, maxhp, deaths;
48 int ver_major, ver_minor, patchlevel;
49 long deathdate, birthdate;
50 int uid;
51 char plrole[ROLESZ + 1];
52 char plrace[ROLESZ + 1];
53 char plgend[ROLESZ + 1];
54 char plalign[ROLESZ + 1];
55 char name[NAMSZ + 1];
56 char death[DTHSZ + 1];
57 } * tt_head;
58 /* size big enough to read in all the string fields at once; includes
59 room for separating space or trailing newline plus string terminator */
60 #define SCANBUFSZ (4 * (ROLESZ + 1) + (NAMSZ + 1) + (DTHSZ + 1) + 1)
62 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(topten_print, (const char *));
63 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(topten_print_bold, (const char *));
64 STATIC_DCL xchar FDECL(observable_depth, (d_level *));
65 STATIC_DCL void NDECL(outheader);
66 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(outentry, (int, struct toptenentry *, BOOLEAN_P));
67 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(discardexcess, (FILE *));
68 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(readentry, (FILE *, struct toptenentry *));
69 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(writeentry, (FILE *, struct toptenentry *));
70 #ifdef XLOGFILE
71 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(writexlentry, (FILE *, struct toptenentry *, int));
72 STATIC_DCL long NDECL(encodexlogflags);
73 STATIC_DCL long NDECL(encodeconduct);
74 STATIC_DCL long NDECL(encodeachieve);
75 #endif
76 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(free_ttlist, (struct toptenentry *));
77 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(classmon, (char *, BOOLEAN_P));
78 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(score_wanted, (BOOLEAN_P, int, struct toptenentry *, int,
79 const char **, int));
80 #ifdef NO_SCAN_BRACK
81 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(nsb_mung_line, (char *));
82 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(nsb_unmung_line, (char *));
83 #endif
85 static winid toptenwin = WIN_ERR;
87 /* "killed by",&c ["an"] 'killer.name' */
88 void
89 formatkiller(buf, siz, how, incl_helpless)
90 char *buf;
91 unsigned siz;
92 int how;
93 boolean incl_helpless;
95 static NEARDATA const char *const killed_by_prefix[] = {
97 "killed by ", "choked on ", "poisoned by ", "died of ",
99 "drowned in ", "burned by ", "dissolved in ", "crushed to death by ",
101 "petrified by ", "turned to slime by ", "killed by ",
103 "", "", "", "", ""
105 unsigned l;
106 char c, *kname = killer.name;
108 buf[0] = '\0'; /* lint suppression */
109 switch (killer.format) {
110 default:
111 impossible("bad killer format? (%d)", killer.format);
112 /*FALLTHRU*/
114 break;
115 case KILLED_BY_AN:
116 kname = an(kname);
117 /*FALLTHRU*/
118 case KILLED_BY:
119 (void) strncat(buf, killed_by_prefix[how], siz - 1);
120 l = strlen(buf);
121 buf += l, siz -= l;
122 break;
124 /* Copy kname into buf[].
125 * Object names and named fruit have already been sanitized, but
126 * monsters can have "called 'arbitrary text'" attached to them,
127 * so make sure that that text can't confuse field splitting when
128 * record, logfile, or xlogfile is re-read at some later point.
130 while (--siz > 0) {
131 c = *kname++;
132 if (c == ',')
133 c = ';';
134 /* 'xlogfile' doesn't really need protection for '=', but
135 fixrecord.awk for corrupted 3.6.0 'record' does (only
136 if using xlogfile rather than logfile to repair record) */
137 else if (c == '=')
138 c = '_';
139 /* tab is not possible due to use of mungspaces() when naming;
140 it would disrupt xlogfile parsing if it were present */
141 else if (c == '\t')
142 c = ' ';
143 *buf++ = c;
145 *buf = '\0';
147 if (incl_helpless && multi) {
148 /* X <= siz: 'sizeof "string"' includes 1 for '\0' terminator */
149 if (multi_reason && strlen(multi_reason) + sizeof ", while " <= siz)
150 Sprintf(buf, ", while %s", multi_reason);
151 /* either multi_reason wasn't specified or wouldn't fit */
152 else if (sizeof ", while helpless" <= siz)
153 Strcpy(buf, ", while helpless");
154 /* else extra death info won't fit, so leave it out */
158 STATIC_OVL void
159 topten_print(x)
160 const char *x;
162 if (toptenwin == WIN_ERR)
163 raw_print(x);
164 else
165 putstr(toptenwin, ATR_NONE, x);
168 STATIC_OVL void
169 topten_print_bold(x)
170 const char *x;
172 if (toptenwin == WIN_ERR)
173 raw_print_bold(x);
174 else
175 putstr(toptenwin, ATR_BOLD, x);
178 STATIC_OVL xchar
179 observable_depth(lev)
180 d_level *lev;
182 #if 0
183 /* if we ever randomize the order of the elemental planes, we
184 must use a constant external representation in the record file */
185 if (In_endgame(lev)) {
186 if (Is_astralevel(lev))
187 return -5;
188 else if (Is_waterlevel(lev))
189 return -4;
190 else if (Is_firelevel(lev))
191 return -3;
192 else if (Is_airlevel(lev))
193 return -2;
194 else if (Is_earthlevel(lev))
195 return -1;
196 else
197 return 0; /* ? */
198 } else
199 #endif
200 return depth(lev);
203 /* throw away characters until current record has been entirely consumed */
204 STATIC_OVL void
205 discardexcess(rfile)
206 FILE *rfile;
208 int c;
210 do {
211 c = fgetc(rfile);
212 } while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);
215 STATIC_OVL void
216 readentry(rfile, tt)
217 FILE *rfile;
218 struct toptenentry *tt;
223 #ifdef NO_SCAN_BRACK /* Version_ Pts DgnLevs_ Hp___ Died__Born id */
224 static const char fmt[] = "%d %d %d %ld %d %d %d %d %d %d %ld %ld %d%*c";
225 static const char fmt32[] = "%c%c %s %s%*c";
226 static const char fmt33[] = "%s %s %s %s %s %s%*c";
227 #else
228 static const char fmt[] = "%d.%d.%d %ld %d %d %d %d %d %d %ld %ld %d ";
229 static const char fmt32[] = "%c%c %[^,],%[^\n]%*c";
230 static const char fmt33[] = "%s %s %s %s %[^,],%[^\n]%*c";
231 #endif
234 /* note: input below must read the record's terminating newline */
235 final_fpos = tt->fpos = ftell(rfile);
236 #endif
237 #define TTFIELDS 13
238 if (fscanf(rfile, fmt, &tt->ver_major, &tt->ver_minor, &tt->patchlevel,
239 &tt->points, &tt->deathdnum, &tt->deathlev, &tt->maxlvl,
240 &tt->hp, &tt->maxhp, &tt->deaths, &tt->deathdate,
241 &tt->birthdate, &tt->uid) != TTFIELDS) {
242 #undef TTFIELDS
243 tt->points = 0;
244 discardexcess(rfile);
245 } else {
246 /* load remainder of record into a local buffer;
247 this imposes an implicit length limit of SCANBUFSZ
248 on every string field extracted from the buffer */
249 if (!fgets(inbuf, sizeof inbuf, rfile)) {
250 /* sscanf will fail and tt->points will be set to 0 */
251 *inbuf = '\0';
252 } else if (!index(inbuf, '\n')) {
253 Strcpy(&inbuf[sizeof inbuf - 2], "\n");
254 discardexcess(rfile);
256 /* Check for backwards compatibility */
257 if (tt->ver_major < 3 || (tt->ver_major == 3 && tt->ver_minor < 3)) {
258 int i;
260 if (sscanf(inbuf, fmt32, tt->plrole, tt->plgend, s1, s2) == 4) {
261 tt->plrole[1] = tt->plgend[1] = '\0'; /* read via %c */
262 copynchars(tt->name, s1, (int) (sizeof tt->name) - 1);
263 copynchars(tt->death, s2, (int) (sizeof tt->death) - 1);
264 } else
265 tt->points = 0;
266 tt->plrole[1] = '\0';
267 if ((i = str2role(tt->plrole)) >= 0)
268 Strcpy(tt->plrole, roles[i].filecode);
269 Strcpy(tt->plrace, "?");
270 Strcpy(tt->plgend, (tt->plgend[0] == 'M') ? "Mal" : "Fem");
271 Strcpy(tt->plalign, "?");
272 } else if (sscanf(inbuf, fmt33, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6) == 6) {
273 copynchars(tt->plrole, s1, (int) (sizeof tt->plrole) - 1);
274 copynchars(tt->plrace, s2, (int) (sizeof tt->plrace) - 1);
275 copynchars(tt->plgend, s3, (int) (sizeof tt->plgend) - 1);
276 copynchars(tt->plalign, s4, (int) (sizeof tt->plalign) - 1);
277 copynchars(tt->name, s5, (int) (sizeof tt->name) - 1);
278 copynchars(tt->death, s6, (int) (sizeof tt->death) - 1);
279 } else
280 tt->points = 0;
281 #ifdef NO_SCAN_BRACK
282 if (tt->points > 0) {
283 nsb_unmung_line(tt->name);
284 nsb_unmung_line(tt->death);
286 #endif
289 /* check old score entries for Y2K problem and fix whenever found */
290 if (tt->points > 0) {
291 if (tt->birthdate < 19000000L)
292 tt->birthdate += 19000000L;
293 if (tt->deathdate < 19000000L)
294 tt->deathdate += 19000000L;
298 STATIC_OVL void
299 writeentry(rfile, tt)
300 FILE *rfile;
301 struct toptenentry *tt;
303 static const char fmt32[] = "%c%c "; /* role,gender */
304 static const char fmt33[] = "%s %s %s %s "; /* role,race,gndr,algn */
305 #ifndef NO_SCAN_BRACK
306 static const char fmt0[] = "%d.%d.%d %ld %d %d %d %d %d %d %ld %ld %d ";
307 static const char fmtX[] = "%s,%s\n";
308 #else /* NO_SCAN_BRACK */
309 static const char fmt0[] = "%d %d %d %ld %d %d %d %d %d %d %ld %ld %d ";
310 static const char fmtX[] = "%s %s\n";
312 nsb_mung_line(tt->name);
313 nsb_mung_line(tt->death);
314 #endif
316 (void) fprintf(rfile, fmt0, tt->ver_major, tt->ver_minor, tt->patchlevel,
317 tt->points, tt->deathdnum, tt->deathlev, tt->maxlvl,
318 tt->hp, tt->maxhp, tt->deaths, tt->deathdate,
319 tt->birthdate, tt->uid);
320 if (tt->ver_major < 3 || (tt->ver_major == 3 && tt->ver_minor < 3))
321 (void) fprintf(rfile, fmt32, tt->plrole[0], tt->plgend[0]);
322 else
323 (void) fprintf(rfile, fmt33, tt->plrole, tt->plrace, tt->plgend,
324 tt->plalign);
325 (void) fprintf(rfile, fmtX, onlyspace(tt->name) ? "_" : tt->name,
326 tt->death);
328 #ifdef NO_SCAN_BRACK
329 nsb_unmung_line(tt->name);
330 nsb_unmung_line(tt->death);
331 #endif
334 #ifdef XLOGFILE
336 /* as tab is never used in eg. plname or death, no need to mangle those. */
337 STATIC_OVL void
338 writexlentry(rfile, tt, how)
339 FILE *rfile;
340 struct toptenentry *tt;
341 int how;
343 #define Fprintf (void) fprintf
344 #define XLOG_SEP '\t' /* xlogfile field separator. */
345 char buf[BUFSZ], tmpbuf[DTHSZ + 1];
347 Sprintf(buf, "version=%d.%d.%d", tt->ver_major, tt->ver_minor,
348 tt->patchlevel);
349 Sprintf(eos(buf), "%cpoints=%ld%cdeathdnum=%d%cdeathlev=%d", XLOG_SEP,
350 tt->points, XLOG_SEP, tt->deathdnum, XLOG_SEP, tt->deathlev);
351 Sprintf(eos(buf), "%cmaxlvl=%d%chp=%d%cmaxhp=%d", XLOG_SEP, tt->maxlvl,
352 XLOG_SEP, tt->hp, XLOG_SEP, tt->maxhp);
353 Sprintf(eos(buf), "%cdeaths=%d%cdeathdate=%ld%cbirthdate=%ld%cuid=%d",
354 XLOG_SEP, tt->deaths, XLOG_SEP, tt->deathdate, XLOG_SEP,
355 tt->birthdate, XLOG_SEP, tt->uid);
356 Fprintf(rfile, "%s", buf);
357 Sprintf(buf, "%crole=%s%crace=%s%cgender=%s%calign=%s", XLOG_SEP,
358 tt->plrole, XLOG_SEP, tt->plrace, XLOG_SEP, tt->plgend, XLOG_SEP,
359 tt->plalign);
360 /* make a copy of death reason that doesn't include ", while helpless" */
361 formatkiller(tmpbuf, sizeof tmpbuf, how, FALSE);
362 Fprintf(rfile, "%s%cname=%s%cdeath=%s",
363 buf, /* (already includes separator) */
364 XLOG_SEP, plname, XLOG_SEP, tmpbuf);
365 if (multi)
366 Fprintf(rfile, "%cwhile=%s", XLOG_SEP,
367 multi_reason ? multi_reason : "helpless");
368 Fprintf(rfile, "%cconduct=0x%lx%cturns=%ld%cachieve=0x%lx", XLOG_SEP,
369 encodeconduct(), XLOG_SEP, moves, XLOG_SEP, encodeachieve());
370 Fprintf(rfile, "%crealtime=%ld%cstarttime=%ld%cendtime=%ld", XLOG_SEP,
371 (long) urealtime.realtime, XLOG_SEP,
372 (long) ubirthday, XLOG_SEP, (long) urealtime.finish_time);
373 Fprintf(rfile, "%cgender0=%s%calign0=%s", XLOG_SEP,
374 genders[flags.initgend].filecode, XLOG_SEP,
375 aligns[1 - u.ualignbase[A_ORIGINAL]].filecode);
376 Fprintf(rfile, "%cflags=0x%lx", XLOG_SEP, encodexlogflags());
377 Fprintf(rfile, "\n");
378 #undef XLOG_SEP
381 STATIC_OVL long
382 encodexlogflags()
384 long e = 0L;
386 if (wizard)
387 e |= 1L << 0;
388 if (discover)
389 e |= 1L << 1;
390 if (!u.uroleplay.numbones)
391 e |= 1L << 2;
393 return e;
396 STATIC_OVL long
397 encodeconduct()
399 long e = 0L;
401 if (!u.uconduct.food)
402 e |= 1L << 0;
403 if (!u.uconduct.unvegan)
404 e |= 1L << 1;
405 if (!u.uconduct.unvegetarian)
406 e |= 1L << 2;
407 if (!u.uconduct.gnostic)
408 e |= 1L << 3;
409 if (!u.uconduct.weaphit)
410 e |= 1L << 4;
411 if (!u.uconduct.killer)
412 e |= 1L << 5;
413 if (!u.uconduct.literate)
414 e |= 1L << 6;
415 if (!u.uconduct.polypiles)
416 e |= 1L << 7;
417 if (!u.uconduct.polyselfs)
418 e |= 1L << 8;
419 if (!u.uconduct.wishes)
420 e |= 1L << 9;
421 if (!u.uconduct.wisharti)
422 e |= 1L << 10;
423 if (!num_genocides())
424 e |= 1L << 11;
426 return e;
429 STATIC_OVL long
430 encodeachieve()
432 long r = 0L;
434 if (u.uachieve.bell)
435 r |= 1L << 0;
436 if (u.uachieve.enter_gehennom)
437 r |= 1L << 1;
438 if (u.uachieve.menorah)
439 r |= 1L << 2;
440 if (u.uachieve.book)
441 r |= 1L << 3;
442 if (u.uevent.invoked)
443 r |= 1L << 4;
444 if (u.uachieve.amulet)
445 r |= 1L << 5;
446 if (In_endgame(&u.uz))
447 r |= 1L << 6;
448 if (Is_astralevel(&u.uz))
449 r |= 1L << 7;
450 if (u.uachieve.ascended)
451 r |= 1L << 8;
452 if (u.uachieve.mines_luckstone)
453 r |= 1L << 9;
454 if (u.uachieve.finish_sokoban)
455 r |= 1L << 10;
456 if (u.uachieve.killed_medusa)
457 r |= 1L << 11;
458 if (u.uroleplay.blind)
459 r |= 1L << 12;
460 if (u.uroleplay.nudist)
461 r |= 1L << 13;
463 return r;
466 #endif /* XLOGFILE */
468 STATIC_OVL void
469 free_ttlist(tt)
470 struct toptenentry *tt;
472 struct toptenentry *ttnext;
474 while (tt->points > 0) {
475 ttnext = tt->tt_next;
476 dealloc_ttentry(tt);
477 tt = ttnext;
479 dealloc_ttentry(tt);
482 void
483 topten(how, when)
484 int how;
485 time_t when;
487 int uid = getuid();
488 int rank, rank0 = -1, rank1 = 0;
489 int occ_cnt = sysopt.persmax;
490 register struct toptenentry *t0, *tprev;
491 struct toptenentry *t1;
492 FILE *rfile;
493 register int flg = 0;
494 boolean t0_used;
495 #ifdef LOGFILE
496 FILE *lfile;
497 #endif /* LOGFILE */
498 #ifdef XLOGFILE
499 FILE *xlfile;
500 #endif /* XLOGFILE */
502 #ifdef _DCC
503 /* Under DICE 3.0, this crashes the system consistently, apparently due to
504 * corruption of *rfile somewhere. Until I figure this out, just cut out
505 * topten support entirely - at least then the game exits cleanly. --AC
507 return;
508 #endif
510 /* If we are in the midst of a panic, cut out topten entirely.
511 * topten uses alloc() several times, which will lead to
512 * problems if the panic was the result of an alloc() failure.
514 if (program_state.panicking)
515 return;
517 if (iflags.toptenwin) {
518 toptenwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_TEXT);
521 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(__EMX__)
522 #define HUP if (!program_state.done_hup)
523 #else
524 #define HUP
525 #endif
527 #ifdef TOS
528 restore_colors(); /* make sure the screen is black on white */
529 #endif
530 /* create a new 'topten' entry */
531 t0_used = FALSE;
532 t0 = newttentry();
533 t0->ver_major = VERSION_MAJOR;
534 t0->ver_minor = VERSION_MINOR;
535 t0->patchlevel = PATCHLEVEL;
536 t0->points = u.urexp;
537 t0->deathdnum = u.uz.dnum;
538 /* deepest_lev_reached() is in terms of depth(), and reporting the
539 * deepest level reached in the dungeon death occurred in doesn't
540 * seem right, so we have to report the death level in depth() terms
541 * as well (which also seems reasonable since that's all the player
542 * sees on the screen anyway)
544 t0->deathlev = observable_depth(&u.uz);
545 t0->maxlvl = deepest_lev_reached(TRUE);
546 t0->hp = u.uhp;
547 t0->maxhp = u.uhpmax;
548 t0->deaths = u.umortality;
549 t0->uid = uid;
550 copynchars(t0->plrole, urole.filecode, ROLESZ);
551 copynchars(t0->plrace, urace.filecode, ROLESZ);
552 copynchars(t0->plgend, genders[flags.female].filecode, ROLESZ);
553 copynchars(t0->plalign, aligns[1 - u.ualign.type].filecode, ROLESZ);
554 copynchars(t0->name, plname, NAMSZ);
555 formatkiller(t0->death, sizeof t0->death, how, TRUE);
556 t0->birthdate = yyyymmdd(ubirthday);
557 t0->deathdate = yyyymmdd(when);
558 t0->tt_next = 0;
560 t0->fpos = -1L;
561 #endif
563 #ifdef LOGFILE /* used for debugging (who dies of what, where) */
564 if (lock_file(LOGFILE, SCOREPREFIX, 10)) {
565 if (!(lfile = fopen_datafile(LOGFILE, "a", SCOREPREFIX))) {
566 HUP raw_print("Cannot open log file!");
567 } else {
568 writeentry(lfile, t0);
569 (void) fclose(lfile);
571 unlock_file(LOGFILE);
573 #endif /* LOGFILE */
574 #ifdef XLOGFILE
575 if (lock_file(XLOGFILE, SCOREPREFIX, 10)) {
576 if (!(xlfile = fopen_datafile(XLOGFILE, "a", SCOREPREFIX))) {
577 HUP raw_print("Cannot open extended log file!");
578 } else {
579 writexlentry(xlfile, t0, how);
580 (void) fclose(xlfile);
582 unlock_file(XLOGFILE);
584 #endif /* XLOGFILE */
586 if (wizard || discover) {
587 if (how != PANICKED)
588 HUP {
589 char pbuf[BUFSZ];
591 topten_print("");
592 Sprintf(pbuf,
593 "Since you were in %s mode, the score list will not be checked.",
594 wizard ? "wizard" : "discover");
595 topten_print(pbuf);
597 goto showwin;
600 if (!lock_file(RECORD, SCOREPREFIX, 60))
601 goto destroywin;
604 rfile = fopen_datafile(RECORD, "r+", SCOREPREFIX);
605 #else
606 rfile = fopen_datafile(RECORD, "r", SCOREPREFIX);
607 #endif
609 if (!rfile) {
610 HUP raw_print("Cannot open record file!");
611 unlock_file(RECORD);
612 goto destroywin;
615 HUP topten_print("");
617 /* assure minimum number of points */
618 if (t0->points < sysopt.pointsmin)
619 t0->points = 0;
621 t1 = tt_head = newttentry();
622 tprev = 0;
623 /* rank0: -1 undefined, 0 not_on_list, n n_th on list */
624 for (rank = 1;;) {
625 readentry(rfile, t1);
626 if (t1->points < sysopt.pointsmin)
627 t1->points = 0;
628 if (rank0 < 0 && t1->points < t0->points) {
629 rank0 = rank++;
630 if (tprev == 0)
631 tt_head = t0;
632 else
633 tprev->tt_next = t0;
634 t0->tt_next = t1;
636 t0->fpos = t1->fpos; /* insert here */
637 #endif
638 t0_used = TRUE;
639 occ_cnt--;
640 flg++; /* ask for a rewrite */
641 } else
642 tprev = t1;
644 if (t1->points == 0)
645 break;
646 if ((sysopt.pers_is_uid ? t1->uid == t0->uid
647 : strncmp(t1->name, t0->name, NAMSZ) == 0)
648 && !strncmp(t1->plrole, t0->plrole, ROLESZ) && --occ_cnt <= 0) {
649 if (rank0 < 0) {
650 rank0 = 0;
651 rank1 = rank;
652 HUP {
653 char pbuf[BUFSZ];
655 Sprintf(pbuf,
656 "You didn't beat your previous score of %ld points.",
657 t1->points);
658 topten_print(pbuf);
659 topten_print("");
662 if (occ_cnt < 0) {
663 flg++;
664 continue;
667 if (rank <= sysopt.entrymax) {
668 t1->tt_next = newttentry();
669 t1 = t1->tt_next;
670 rank++;
672 if (rank > sysopt.entrymax) {
673 t1->points = 0;
674 break;
677 if (flg) { /* rewrite record file */
679 (void) fseek(rfile, (t0->fpos >= 0 ? t0->fpos : final_fpos),
680 SEEK_SET);
681 #else
682 (void) fclose(rfile);
683 if (!(rfile = fopen_datafile(RECORD, "w", SCOREPREFIX))) {
684 HUP raw_print("Cannot write record file");
685 unlock_file(RECORD);
686 free_ttlist(tt_head);
687 goto destroywin;
689 #endif /* UPDATE_RECORD_IN_PLACE */
690 if (!done_stopprint)
691 if (rank0 > 0) {
692 if (rank0 <= 10) {
693 topten_print("You made the top ten list!");
694 } else {
695 char pbuf[BUFSZ];
697 Sprintf(pbuf,
698 "You reached the %d%s place on the top %d list.",
699 rank0, ordin(rank0), sysopt.entrymax);
700 topten_print(pbuf);
702 topten_print("");
705 if (rank0 == 0)
706 rank0 = rank1;
707 if (rank0 <= 0)
708 rank0 = rank;
709 if (!done_stopprint)
710 outheader();
711 t1 = tt_head;
712 for (rank = 1; t1->points != 0; rank++, t1 = t1->tt_next) {
713 if (flg
715 && rank >= rank0
716 #endif
718 writeentry(rfile, t1);
719 if (done_stopprint)
720 continue;
721 if (rank > flags.end_top && (rank < rank0 - flags.end_around
722 || rank > rank0 + flags.end_around)
723 && (!flags.end_own
724 || (sysopt.pers_is_uid
725 ? t1->uid == t0->uid
726 : strncmp(t1->name, t0->name, NAMSZ) == 0)))
727 continue;
728 if (rank == rank0 - flags.end_around
729 && rank0 > flags.end_top + flags.end_around + 1 && !flags.end_own)
730 topten_print("");
731 if (rank != rank0)
732 outentry(rank, t1, FALSE);
733 else if (!rank1)
734 outentry(rank, t1, TRUE);
735 else {
736 outentry(rank, t1, TRUE);
737 outentry(0, t0, TRUE);
740 if (rank0 >= rank)
741 if (!done_stopprint)
742 outentry(0, t0, TRUE);
744 if (flg) {
745 #ifdef TRUNCATE_FILE
746 /* if a reasonable way to truncate a file exists, use it */
747 truncate_file(rfile);
748 #else
749 /* use sentinel record rather than relying on truncation */
750 t1->points = 0L; /* terminates file when read back in */
751 t1->ver_major = t1->ver_minor = t1->patchlevel = 0;
752 t1->uid = t1->deathdnum = t1->deathlev = 0;
753 t1->maxlvl = t1->hp = t1->maxhp = t1->deaths = 0;
754 t1->plrole[0] = t1->plrace[0] = t1->plgend[0] = t1->plalign[0] = '-';
755 t1->plrole[1] = t1->plrace[1] = t1->plgend[1] = t1->plalign[1] = 0;
756 t1->birthdate = t1->deathdate = yyyymmdd((time_t) 0L);
757 Strcpy(t1->name, "@");
758 Strcpy(t1->death, "<eod>\n");
759 writeentry(rfile, t1);
760 (void) fflush(rfile);
761 #endif /* TRUNCATE_FILE */
763 #endif /* UPDATE_RECORD_IN_PLACE */
764 (void) fclose(rfile);
765 unlock_file(RECORD);
766 free_ttlist(tt_head);
768 showwin:
769 if (iflags.toptenwin && !done_stopprint)
770 display_nhwindow(toptenwin, 1);
771 destroywin:
772 if (!t0_used)
773 dealloc_ttentry(t0);
774 if (iflags.toptenwin) {
775 destroy_nhwindow(toptenwin);
776 toptenwin = WIN_ERR;
780 STATIC_OVL void
781 outheader()
783 char linebuf[BUFSZ];
784 register char *bp;
786 Strcpy(linebuf, " No Points Name");
787 bp = eos(linebuf);
788 while (bp < linebuf + COLNO - 9)
789 *bp++ = ' ';
790 Strcpy(bp, "Hp [max]");
791 topten_print(linebuf);
794 /* so>0: standout line; so=0: ordinary line */
795 STATIC_OVL void
796 outentry(rank, t1, so)
797 struct toptenentry *t1;
798 int rank;
799 boolean so;
801 boolean second_line = TRUE;
802 char linebuf[BUFSZ];
803 char *bp, hpbuf[24], linebuf3[BUFSZ];
804 int hppos, lngr;
806 linebuf[0] = '\0';
807 if (rank)
808 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "%3d", rank);
809 else
810 Strcat(linebuf, " ");
812 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " %10ld %.10s", t1->points ? t1->points : u.urexp,
813 t1->name);
814 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "-%s", t1->plrole);
815 if (t1->plrace[0] != '?')
816 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "-%s", t1->plrace);
817 /* Printing of gender and alignment is intentional. It has been
818 * part of the NetHack Geek Code, and illustrates a proper way to
819 * specify a character from the command line.
821 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "-%s", t1->plgend);
822 if (t1->plalign[0] != '?')
823 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "-%s ", t1->plalign);
824 else
825 Strcat(linebuf, " ");
826 if (!strncmp("escaped", t1->death, 7)) {
827 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "escaped the dungeon %s[max level %d]",
828 !strncmp(" (", t1->death + 7, 2) ? t1->death + 7 + 2 : "",
829 t1->maxlvl);
830 /* fixup for closing paren in "escaped... with...Amulet)[max..." */
831 if ((bp = index(linebuf, ')')) != 0)
832 *bp = (t1->deathdnum == astral_level.dnum) ? '\0' : ' ';
833 second_line = FALSE;
834 } else if (!strncmp("ascended", t1->death, 8)) {
835 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "ascended to demigod%s-hood",
836 (t1->plgend[0] == 'F') ? "dess" : "");
837 second_line = FALSE;
838 } else {
839 if (!strncmp(t1->death, "quit", 4)) {
840 Strcat(linebuf, "quit");
841 second_line = FALSE;
842 } else if (!strncmp(t1->death, "died of st", 10)) {
843 Strcat(linebuf, "starved to death");
844 second_line = FALSE;
845 } else if (!strncmp(t1->death, "choked", 6)) {
846 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "choked on h%s food",
847 (t1->plgend[0] == 'F') ? "er" : "is");
848 } else if (!strncmp(t1->death, "poisoned", 8)) {
849 Strcat(linebuf, "was poisoned");
850 } else if (!strncmp(t1->death, "crushed", 7)) {
851 Strcat(linebuf, "was crushed to death");
852 } else if (!strncmp(t1->death, "petrified by ", 13)) {
853 Strcat(linebuf, "turned to stone");
854 } else
855 Strcat(linebuf, "died");
857 if (t1->deathdnum == astral_level.dnum) {
858 const char *arg, *fmt = " on the Plane of %s";
860 switch (t1->deathlev) {
861 case -5:
862 fmt = " on the %s Plane";
863 arg = "Astral";
864 break;
865 case -4:
866 arg = "Water";
867 break;
868 case -3:
869 arg = "Fire";
870 break;
871 case -2:
872 arg = "Air";
873 break;
874 case -1:
875 arg = "Earth";
876 break;
877 default:
878 arg = "Void";
879 break;
881 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), fmt, arg);
882 } else {
883 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " in %s", dungeons[t1->deathdnum].dname);
884 if (t1->deathdnum != knox_level.dnum)
885 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " on level %d", t1->deathlev);
886 if (t1->deathlev != t1->maxlvl)
887 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " [max %d]", t1->maxlvl);
890 /* kludge for "quit while already on Charon's boat" */
891 if (!strncmp(t1->death, "quit ", 5))
892 Strcat(linebuf, t1->death + 4);
894 Strcat(linebuf, ".");
896 /* Quit, starved, ascended, and escaped contain no second line */
897 if (second_line)
898 Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " %c%s.", highc(*(t1->death)), t1->death + 1);
900 lngr = (int) strlen(linebuf);
901 if (t1->hp <= 0)
902 hpbuf[0] = '-', hpbuf[1] = '\0';
903 else
904 Sprintf(hpbuf, "%d", t1->hp);
905 /* beginning of hp column after padding (not actually padded yet) */
906 hppos = COLNO - (sizeof(" Hp [max]") - 1); /* sizeof(str) includes \0 */
907 while (lngr >= hppos) {
908 for (bp = eos(linebuf); !(*bp == ' ' && (bp - linebuf < hppos)); bp--)
910 /* special case: word is too long, wrap in the middle */
911 if (linebuf + 15 >= bp)
912 bp = linebuf + hppos - 1;
913 /* special case: if about to wrap in the middle of maximum
914 dungeon depth reached, wrap in front of it instead */
915 if (bp > linebuf + 5 && !strncmp(bp - 5, " [max", 5))
916 bp -= 5;
917 if (*bp != ' ')
918 Strcpy(linebuf3, bp);
919 else
920 Strcpy(linebuf3, bp + 1);
921 *bp = 0;
922 if (so) {
923 while (bp < linebuf + (COLNO - 1))
924 *bp++ = ' ';
925 *bp = 0;
926 topten_print_bold(linebuf);
927 } else
928 topten_print(linebuf);
929 Sprintf(linebuf, "%15s %s", "", linebuf3);
930 lngr = strlen(linebuf);
932 /* beginning of hp column not including padding */
933 hppos = COLNO - 7 - (int) strlen(hpbuf);
934 bp = eos(linebuf);
936 if (bp <= linebuf + hppos) {
937 /* pad any necessary blanks to the hit point entry */
938 while (bp < linebuf + hppos)
939 *bp++ = ' ';
940 Strcpy(bp, hpbuf);
941 Sprintf(eos(bp), " %s[%d]",
942 (t1->maxhp < 10) ? " " : (t1->maxhp < 100) ? " " : "",
943 t1->maxhp);
946 if (so) {
947 bp = eos(linebuf);
948 if (so >= COLNO)
949 so = COLNO - 1;
950 while (bp < linebuf + so)
951 *bp++ = ' ';
952 *bp = 0;
953 topten_print_bold(linebuf);
954 } else
955 topten_print(linebuf);
958 STATIC_OVL int
959 score_wanted(current_ver, rank, t1, playerct, players, uid)
960 boolean current_ver;
961 int rank;
962 struct toptenentry *t1;
963 int playerct;
964 const char **players;
965 int uid;
967 int i;
969 if (current_ver
970 && (t1->ver_major != VERSION_MAJOR || t1->ver_minor != VERSION_MINOR
971 || t1->patchlevel != PATCHLEVEL))
972 return 0;
974 if (sysopt.pers_is_uid && !playerct && t1->uid == uid)
975 return 1;
977 for (i = 0; i < playerct; i++) {
978 if (players[i][0] == '-' && index("pr", players[i][1])
979 && players[i][2] == 0 && i + 1 < playerct) {
980 const char *arg = players[i + 1];
981 if ((players[i][1] == 'p'
982 && str2role(arg) == str2role(t1->plrole))
983 || (players[i][1] == 'r'
984 && str2race(arg) == str2race(t1->plrace)))
985 return 1;
986 i++;
987 } else if (strcmp(players[i], "all") == 0
988 || strncmp(t1->name, players[i], NAMSZ) == 0
989 || (players[i][0] == '-' && players[i][1] == t1->plrole[0]
990 && players[i][2] == 0)
991 || (digit(players[i][0]) && rank <= atoi(players[i])))
992 return 1;
994 return 0;
998 * print selected parts of score list.
999 * argc >= 2, with argv[0] untrustworthy (directory names, et al.),
1000 * and argv[1] starting with "-s".
1002 void
1003 prscore(argc, argv)
1004 int argc;
1005 char **argv;
1007 const char **players;
1008 int playerct, rank;
1009 boolean current_ver = TRUE, init_done = FALSE;
1010 register struct toptenentry *t1;
1011 FILE *rfile;
1012 boolean match_found = FALSE;
1013 register int i;
1014 char pbuf[BUFSZ];
1015 int uid = -1;
1016 const char *player0;
1018 if (argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1], "-s", 2)) {
1019 raw_printf("prscore: bad arguments (%d)", argc);
1020 return;
1023 rfile = fopen_datafile(RECORD, "r", SCOREPREFIX);
1024 if (!rfile) {
1025 raw_print("Cannot open record file!");
1026 return;
1029 #ifdef AMIGA
1031 extern winid amii_rawprwin;
1033 init_nhwindows(&argc, argv);
1034 amii_rawprwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_TEXT);
1036 #endif
1038 /* If the score list isn't after a game, we never went through
1039 * initialization. */
1040 if (wiz1_level.dlevel == 0) {
1041 dlb_init();
1042 init_dungeons();
1043 init_done = TRUE;
1046 if (!argv[1][2]) { /* plain "-s" */
1047 argc--;
1048 argv++;
1049 } else
1050 argv[1] += 2;
1052 if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-v")) {
1053 current_ver = FALSE;
1054 argc--;
1055 argv++;
1058 if (argc <= 1) {
1059 if (sysopt.pers_is_uid) {
1060 uid = getuid();
1061 playerct = 0;
1062 players = (const char **) 0;
1063 } else {
1064 player0 = plname;
1065 if (!*player0)
1066 #ifdef AMIGA
1067 player0 = "all"; /* single user system */
1068 #else
1069 player0 = "hackplayer";
1070 #endif
1071 playerct = 1;
1072 players = &player0;
1074 } else {
1075 playerct = --argc;
1076 players = (const char **) ++argv;
1078 raw_print("");
1080 t1 = tt_head = newttentry();
1081 for (rank = 1;; rank++) {
1082 readentry(rfile, t1);
1083 if (t1->points == 0)
1084 break;
1085 if (!match_found
1086 && score_wanted(current_ver, rank, t1, playerct, players, uid))
1087 match_found = TRUE;
1088 t1->tt_next = newttentry();
1089 t1 = t1->tt_next;
1092 (void) fclose(rfile);
1093 if (init_done) {
1094 free_dungeons();
1095 dlb_cleanup();
1098 if (match_found) {
1099 outheader();
1100 t1 = tt_head;
1101 for (rank = 1; t1->points != 0; rank++, t1 = t1->tt_next) {
1102 if (score_wanted(current_ver, rank, t1, playerct, players, uid))
1103 (void) outentry(rank, t1, FALSE);
1105 } else {
1106 Sprintf(pbuf, "Cannot find any %sentries for ",
1107 current_ver ? "current " : "");
1108 if (playerct < 1)
1109 Strcat(pbuf, "you.");
1110 else {
1111 if (playerct > 1)
1112 Strcat(pbuf, "any of ");
1113 for (i = 0; i < playerct; i++) {
1114 /* stop printing players if there are too many to fit */
1115 if (strlen(pbuf) + strlen(players[i]) + 2 >= BUFSZ) {
1116 if (strlen(pbuf) < BUFSZ - 4)
1117 Strcat(pbuf, "...");
1118 else
1119 Strcpy(pbuf + strlen(pbuf) - 4, "...");
1120 break;
1122 Strcat(pbuf, players[i]);
1123 if (i < playerct - 1) {
1124 if (players[i][0] == '-' && index("pr", players[i][1])
1125 && players[i][2] == 0)
1126 Strcat(pbuf, " ");
1127 else
1128 Strcat(pbuf, ":");
1132 raw_print(pbuf);
1133 raw_printf("Usage: %s -s [-v] <playertypes> [maxrank] [playernames]",
1135 hname);
1136 raw_printf("Player types are: [-p role] [-r race]");
1138 free_ttlist(tt_head);
1139 #ifdef AMIGA
1141 extern winid amii_rawprwin;
1143 display_nhwindow(amii_rawprwin, 1);
1144 destroy_nhwindow(amii_rawprwin);
1145 amii_rawprwin = WIN_ERR;
1147 #endif
1150 STATIC_OVL int
1151 classmon(plch, fem)
1152 char *plch;
1153 boolean fem;
1155 int i;
1157 /* Look for this role in the role table */
1158 for (i = 0; roles[i].name.m; i++)
1159 if (!strncmp(plch, roles[i].filecode, ROLESZ)) {
1160 if (fem && roles[i].femalenum != NON_PM)
1161 return roles[i].femalenum;
1162 else if (roles[i].malenum != NON_PM)
1163 return roles[i].malenum;
1164 else
1165 return PM_HUMAN;
1167 /* this might be from a 3.2.x score for former Elf class */
1168 if (!strcmp(plch, "E"))
1169 return PM_RANGER;
1171 impossible("What weird role is this? (%s)", plch);
1172 return PM_HUMAN_MUMMY;
1176 * Get a random player name and class from the high score list,
1178 struct toptenentry *
1179 get_rnd_toptenentry()
1181 int rank, i;
1182 FILE *rfile;
1183 register struct toptenentry *tt;
1184 static struct toptenentry tt_buf;
1186 rfile = fopen_datafile(RECORD, "r", SCOREPREFIX);
1187 if (!rfile) {
1188 impossible("Cannot open record file!");
1189 return NULL;
1192 tt = &tt_buf;
1193 rank = rnd(sysopt.tt_oname_maxrank);
1194 pickentry:
1195 for (i = rank; i; i--) {
1196 readentry(rfile, tt);
1197 if (tt->points == 0)
1198 break;
1201 if (tt->points == 0) {
1202 if (rank > 1) {
1203 rank = 1;
1204 rewind(rfile);
1205 goto pickentry;
1207 tt = NULL;
1210 (void) fclose(rfile);
1211 return tt;
1216 * Attach random player name and class from high score list
1217 * to an object (for statues or morgue corpses).
1219 struct obj *
1220 tt_oname(otmp)
1221 struct obj *otmp;
1223 struct toptenentry *tt;
1224 if (!otmp)
1225 return (struct obj *) 0;
1227 tt = get_rnd_toptenentry();
1229 if (!tt)
1230 return (struct obj *) 0;
1232 set_corpsenm(otmp, classmon(tt->plrole, (tt->plgend[0] == 'F')));
1233 otmp = oname(otmp, tt->name);
1235 return otmp;
1238 #ifdef NO_SCAN_BRACK
1239 /* Lattice scanf isn't up to reading the scorefile. What */
1240 /* follows deals with that; I admit it's ugly. (KL) */
1241 /* Now generally available (KL) */
1242 STATIC_OVL void
1243 nsb_mung_line(p)
1244 char *p;
1246 while ((p = index(p, ' ')) != 0)
1247 *p = '|';
1250 STATIC_OVL void
1251 nsb_unmung_line(p)
1252 char *p;
1254 while ((p = index(p, '|')) != 0)
1255 *p = ' ';
1257 #endif /* NO_SCAN_BRACK */
1259 /*topten.c*/