Fix some issues found with fuzz testing
[aNetHack.git] / include / extern.h
1 /* NetHack 3.6 extern.h $NHDT-Date: 1471112244 2016/08/13 18:17:24 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.570 $ */
2 /* Copyright (c) Steve Creps, 1988. */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
5 #ifndef EXTERN_H
6 #define EXTERN_H
8 #define E extern
10 /* ### alloc.c ### */
12 #if 0
13 E long *FDECL(alloc, (unsigned int));
14 #endif
15 E char *FDECL(fmt_ptr, (const genericptr));
17 /* This next pre-processor directive covers almost the entire file,
18 * interrupted only occasionally to pick up specific functions as needed. */
19 #if !defined(MAKEDEFS_C) && !defined(LEV_LEX_C)
21 /* ### allmain.c ### */
23 E void FDECL(moveloop, (BOOLEAN_P));
24 E void NDECL(stop_occupation);
25 E void NDECL(display_gamewindows);
26 E void NDECL(newgame);
27 E void FDECL(welcome, (BOOLEAN_P));
28 E time_t NDECL(get_realtime);
30 /* ### apply.c ### */
32 E int NDECL(doapply);
33 E int NDECL(dorub);
34 E int NDECL(dojump);
35 E int FDECL(jump, (int));
36 E int NDECL(number_leashed);
37 E void FDECL(o_unleash, (struct obj *));
38 E void FDECL(m_unleash, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
39 E void NDECL(unleash_all);
40 E boolean NDECL(next_to_u);
41 E struct obj *FDECL(get_mleash, (struct monst *));
42 E const char *NDECL(beautiful);
43 E void FDECL(check_leash, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
44 E boolean FDECL(um_dist, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
45 E boolean FDECL(snuff_candle, (struct obj *));
46 E boolean FDECL(snuff_lit, (struct obj *));
47 E boolean FDECL(catch_lit, (struct obj *));
48 E void FDECL(use_unicorn_horn, (struct obj *));
49 E boolean FDECL(tinnable, (struct obj *));
50 E void NDECL(reset_trapset);
51 E void FDECL(fig_transform, (ANY_P *, long));
52 E int FDECL(unfixable_trouble_count, (BOOLEAN_P));
54 /* ### artifact.c ### */
56 E void NDECL(init_artifacts);
57 E void FDECL(save_artifacts, (int));
58 E void FDECL(restore_artifacts, (int));
59 E const char *FDECL(artiname, (int));
60 E struct obj *FDECL(mk_artifact, (struct obj *, ALIGNTYP_P));
61 E const char *FDECL(artifact_name, (const char *, short *));
62 E boolean FDECL(exist_artifact, (int, const char *));
63 E void FDECL(artifact_exists, (struct obj *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
64 E int NDECL(nartifact_exist);
65 E boolean FDECL(arti_immune, (struct obj *, int));
66 E boolean FDECL(spec_ability, (struct obj *, unsigned long));
67 E boolean FDECL(confers_luck, (struct obj *));
68 E boolean FDECL(arti_reflects, (struct obj *));
69 E boolean FDECL(shade_glare, (struct obj *));
70 E boolean FDECL(restrict_name, (struct obj *, const char *));
71 E boolean FDECL(defends, (int, struct obj *));
72 E boolean FDECL(defends_when_carried, (int, struct obj *));
73 E boolean FDECL(protects, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
74 E void FDECL(set_artifact_intrinsic, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P, long));
75 E int FDECL(touch_artifact, (struct obj *, struct monst *));
76 E int FDECL(spec_abon, (struct obj *, struct monst *));
77 E int FDECL(spec_dbon, (struct obj *, struct monst *, int));
78 E void FDECL(discover_artifact, (XCHAR_P));
79 E boolean FDECL(undiscovered_artifact, (XCHAR_P));
80 E int FDECL(disp_artifact_discoveries, (winid));
81 E boolean FDECL(artifact_hit,
82 (struct monst *, struct monst *, struct obj *, int *, int));
83 E int NDECL(doinvoke);
84 E boolean FDECL(finesse_ahriman, (struct obj *));
85 E void FDECL(arti_speak, (struct obj *));
86 E boolean FDECL(artifact_light, (struct obj *));
87 E long FDECL(spec_m2, (struct obj *));
88 E boolean FDECL(artifact_has_invprop, (struct obj *, UCHAR_P));
89 E long FDECL(arti_cost, (struct obj *));
90 E struct obj *FDECL(what_gives, (long *));
91 E const char *FDECL(glow_color, (int));
92 E void FDECL(Sting_effects, (int));
93 E int FDECL(retouch_object, (struct obj **, BOOLEAN_P));
94 E void FDECL(retouch_equipment, (int));
96 /* ### attrib.c ### */
98 E boolean FDECL(adjattrib, (int, int, int));
99 E void FDECL(gainstr, (struct obj *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
100 E void FDECL(losestr, (int));
101 E void FDECL(poisontell, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
102 E void FDECL(poisoned, (const char *, int, const char *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
103 E void FDECL(change_luck, (SCHAR_P));
104 E int FDECL(stone_luck, (BOOLEAN_P));
105 E void NDECL(set_moreluck);
106 E void NDECL(restore_attrib);
107 E void FDECL(exercise, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
108 E void NDECL(exerchk);
109 E void FDECL(init_attr, (int));
110 E void NDECL(redist_attr);
111 E void FDECL(adjabil, (int, int));
112 E int NDECL(newhp);
113 E schar FDECL(acurr, (int));
114 E schar NDECL(acurrstr);
115 E boolean FDECL(extremeattr, (int));
116 E void FDECL(adjalign, (int));
117 E int FDECL(is_innate, (int));
118 E char *FDECL(from_what, (int));
119 E void FDECL(uchangealign, (int, int));
121 /* ### ball.c ### */
123 E void FDECL(ballrelease, (BOOLEAN_P));
124 E void NDECL(ballfall);
125 E void NDECL(placebc);
126 E void NDECL(unplacebc);
127 E void FDECL(set_bc, (int));
128 E void FDECL(move_bc, (int, int, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
129 E boolean FDECL(drag_ball, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int *, xchar *, xchar *,
130 xchar *, xchar *, boolean *, BOOLEAN_P));
131 E void FDECL(drop_ball, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
132 E void NDECL(drag_down);
134 /* ### bones.c ### */
136 E void FDECL(sanitize_name, (char *));
137 E void FDECL(drop_upon_death, (struct monst *, struct obj *, int, int));
138 E boolean NDECL(can_make_bones);
139 E void FDECL(savebones, (int, time_t, struct obj *));
140 E int NDECL(getbones);
142 /* ### botl.c ### */
144 E int FDECL(xlev_to_rank, (int));
145 E int FDECL(title_to_mon, (const char *, int *, int *));
146 E void NDECL(max_rank_sz);
147 #ifdef SCORE_ON_BOTL
148 E long NDECL(botl_score);
149 #endif
150 E int FDECL(describe_level, (char *));
151 E const char *FDECL(rank_of, (int, SHORT_P, BOOLEAN_P));
152 E void NDECL(bot);
154 E void FDECL(status_initialize, (BOOLEAN_P));
155 E void NDECL(status_finish);
156 E void FDECL(status_notify_windowport, (BOOLEAN_P));
158 E boolean FDECL(set_status_hilites, (char *op, BOOLEAN_P));
159 E void FDECL(clear_status_hilites, (BOOLEAN_P));
160 E char *FDECL(get_status_hilites, (char *, int));
161 E boolean NDECL(status_hilite_menu);
162 #endif
163 #endif
165 /* ### cmd.c ### */
167 E boolean FDECL(redraw_cmd, (CHAR_P));
168 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
169 E int NDECL(doextcmd);
170 E int NDECL(domonability);
171 E int NDECL(doprev_message);
172 E int NDECL(timed_occupation);
173 E int NDECL(doattributes);
174 E int NDECL(wiz_detect);
175 E int NDECL(wiz_genesis);
176 E int NDECL(wiz_identify);
177 E int NDECL(wiz_level_tele);
178 E int NDECL(wiz_map);
179 E int NDECL(wiz_where);
180 E int NDECL(wiz_wish);
181 #endif /* USE_TRAMPOLI */
182 E void NDECL(reset_occupations);
183 E void FDECL(set_occupation, (int (*)(void), const char *, int));
184 E char NDECL(pgetchar);
185 E void FDECL(pushch, (CHAR_P));
186 E void FDECL(savech, (CHAR_P));
187 E const char *FDECL(key2extcmddesc, (UCHAR_P));
188 E boolean FDECL(bind_specialkey, (UCHAR_P, const char *));
189 E char FDECL(txt2key, (char *));
190 E void FDECL(parseautocomplete, (char *, BOOLEAN_P));
191 E void FDECL(reset_commands, (BOOLEAN_P));
192 E void FDECL(rhack, (char *));
193 E int NDECL(doextlist);
194 E int NDECL(extcmd_via_menu);
195 E int NDECL(enter_explore_mode);
196 E void FDECL(enlightenment, (int, int));
197 E void FDECL(youhiding, (BOOLEAN_P, int));
198 E void FDECL(show_conduct, (int));
199 E void FDECL(bind_key, (UCHAR_P, const char *));
200 E void NDECL(dokeylist);
201 E int FDECL(xytod, (SCHAR_P, SCHAR_P));
202 E void FDECL(dtoxy, (coord *, int));
203 E int FDECL(movecmd, (CHAR_P));
204 E int NDECL(dxdy_moveok);
205 E int FDECL(getdir, (const char *));
206 E void NDECL(confdir);
207 E const char *FDECL(directionname, (int));
208 E int FDECL(isok, (int, int));
209 E int FDECL(get_adjacent_loc,
210 (const char *, const char *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, coord *));
211 E const char *FDECL(click_to_cmd, (int, int, int));
212 E char FDECL(get_count, (char *, CHAR_P, long, long *));
214 E void FDECL(hangup, (int));
215 E void NDECL(end_of_input);
216 #endif
217 E char NDECL(readchar);
218 E void NDECL(sanity_check);
219 E char* FDECL(key2txt, (UCHAR_P, char *));
220 E char FDECL(yn_function, (const char *, const char *, CHAR_P));
221 E boolean FDECL(paranoid_query, (BOOLEAN_P, const char *));
223 /* ### dbridge.c ### */
225 E boolean FDECL(is_pool, (int, int));
226 E boolean FDECL(is_lava, (int, int));
227 E boolean FDECL(is_pool_or_lava, (int, int));
228 E boolean FDECL(is_ice, (int, int));
229 E boolean FDECL(is_moat, (int, int));
230 E schar FDECL(db_under_typ, (int));
231 E int FDECL(is_drawbridge_wall, (int, int));
232 E boolean FDECL(is_db_wall, (int, int));
233 E boolean FDECL(find_drawbridge, (int *, int *));
234 E boolean FDECL(create_drawbridge, (int, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
235 E void FDECL(open_drawbridge, (int, int));
236 E void FDECL(close_drawbridge, (int, int));
237 E void FDECL(destroy_drawbridge, (int, int));
239 /* ### decl.c ### */
241 E void NDECL(decl_init);
243 /* ### detect.c ### */
245 E boolean FDECL(trapped_chest_at, (int, int, int));
246 E boolean FDECL(trapped_door_at, (int, int, int));
247 E struct obj *FDECL(o_in, (struct obj *, CHAR_P));
248 E struct obj *FDECL(o_material, (struct obj *, unsigned));
249 E int FDECL(gold_detect, (struct obj *));
250 E int FDECL(food_detect, (struct obj *));
251 E int FDECL(object_detect, (struct obj *, int));
252 E int FDECL(monster_detect, (struct obj *, int));
253 E int FDECL(trap_detect, (struct obj *));
254 E const char *FDECL(level_distance, (d_level *));
255 E void FDECL(use_crystal_ball, (struct obj **));
256 E void NDECL(do_mapping);
257 E void FDECL(do_vicinity_map, (struct obj *));
258 E void FDECL(cvt_sdoor_to_door, (struct rm *));
259 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
260 E void FDECL(findone, (int, int, genericptr_t));
261 E void FDECL(openone, (int, int, genericptr_t));
262 #endif
263 E int NDECL(findit);
264 E int NDECL(openit);
265 E boolean FDECL(detecting, (void (*)(int, int, genericptr)));
266 E void FDECL(find_trap, (struct trap *));
267 E void NDECL(warnreveal);
268 E int FDECL(dosearch0, (int));
269 E int NDECL(dosearch);
270 E void NDECL(sokoban_detect);
271 E void FDECL(reveal_terrain, (int, int));
273 /* ### dig.c ### */
275 E int FDECL(dig_typ, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
276 E boolean NDECL(is_digging);
277 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
278 E int NDECL(dig);
279 #endif
280 E int NDECL(holetime);
281 E boolean FDECL(dig_check, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P, int, int));
282 E void FDECL(digactualhole, (int, int, struct monst *, int));
283 E boolean FDECL(dighole, (BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P, coord *));
284 E int FDECL(use_pick_axe, (struct obj *));
285 E int FDECL(use_pick_axe2, (struct obj *));
286 E boolean FDECL(mdig_tunnel, (struct monst *));
287 E void FDECL(draft_message, (BOOLEAN_P));
288 E void FDECL(watch_dig, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
289 E void NDECL(zap_dig);
290 E struct obj *FDECL(bury_an_obj, (struct obj *, boolean *));
291 E void FDECL(bury_objs, (int, int));
292 E void FDECL(unearth_objs, (int, int));
293 E void FDECL(rot_organic, (ANY_P *, long));
294 E void FDECL(rot_corpse, (ANY_P *, long));
295 E struct obj *FDECL(buried_ball, (coord *));
296 E void NDECL(buried_ball_to_punishment);
297 E void NDECL(buried_ball_to_freedom);
298 E schar FDECL(fillholetyp, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
299 E void FDECL(liquid_flow,
300 (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, SCHAR_P, struct trap *, const char *));
301 E boolean FDECL(conjoined_pits, (struct trap *, struct trap *, BOOLEAN_P));
302 #if 0
303 E void FDECL(bury_monst, (struct monst *));
304 E void NDECL(bury_you);
305 E void NDECL(unearth_you);
306 E void NDECL(escape_tomb);
307 E void FDECL(bury_obj, (struct obj *));
308 #endif
310 /* ### display.c ### */
312 E void FDECL(magic_map_background, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int));
313 E void FDECL(map_background, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int));
314 E void FDECL(map_trap, (struct trap *, int));
315 E void FDECL(map_object, (struct obj *, int));
316 E void FDECL(map_invisible, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
317 E void FDECL(unmap_object, (int, int));
318 E void FDECL(map_location, (int, int, int));
319 E void FDECL(feel_newsym, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
320 E void FDECL(feel_location, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
321 E void FDECL(newsym, (int, int));
322 E void FDECL(newsym_force, (int, int));
323 E void FDECL(shieldeff, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
324 E void FDECL(tmp_at, (int, int));
325 E void FDECL(swallowed, (int));
326 E void FDECL(under_ground, (int));
327 E void FDECL(under_water, (int));
328 E void NDECL(see_monsters);
329 E void NDECL(set_mimic_blocking);
330 E void NDECL(see_objects);
331 E void NDECL(see_traps);
332 E void NDECL(curs_on_u);
333 E int NDECL(doredraw);
334 E void NDECL(docrt);
335 E void FDECL(show_glyph, (int, int, int));
336 E void NDECL(clear_glyph_buffer);
337 E void FDECL(row_refresh, (int, int, int));
338 E void NDECL(cls);
339 E void FDECL(flush_screen, (int));
340 E int FDECL(back_to_glyph, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
341 E int FDECL(zapdir_to_glyph, (int, int, int));
342 E int FDECL(glyph_at, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
343 E void NDECL(set_wall_state);
344 E void FDECL(unset_seenv, (struct rm *, int, int, int, int));
345 E int FDECL(warning_of, (struct monst *));
347 /* ### do.c ### */
349 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
350 E int FDECL(drop, (struct obj *));
351 E int NDECL(wipeoff);
352 #endif
353 E int NDECL(dodrop);
354 E boolean FDECL(boulder_hits_pool, (struct obj *, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
355 E boolean FDECL(flooreffects, (struct obj *, int, int, const char *));
356 E void FDECL(doaltarobj, (struct obj *));
357 E boolean FDECL(canletgo, (struct obj *, const char *));
358 E void FDECL(dropx, (struct obj *));
359 E void FDECL(dropy, (struct obj *));
360 E void FDECL(dropz, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
361 E void FDECL(obj_no_longer_held, (struct obj *));
362 E int NDECL(doddrop);
363 E int NDECL(dodown);
364 E int NDECL(doup);
365 #ifdef INSURANCE
366 E void NDECL(save_currentstate);
367 #endif
368 E void FDECL(goto_level, (d_level *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
369 E void FDECL(schedule_goto, (d_level *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P, int,
370 const char *, const char *));
371 E void NDECL(deferred_goto);
372 E boolean FDECL(revive_corpse, (struct obj *));
373 E void FDECL(revive_mon, (ANY_P *, long));
374 E int NDECL(donull);
375 E int NDECL(dowipe);
376 E void FDECL(set_wounded_legs, (long, int));
377 E void NDECL(heal_legs);
379 /* ### do_name.c ### */
381 E char *FDECL(coord_desc, (int, int, char *, CHAR_P));
382 E boolean FDECL(getpos_menu, (coord *, BOOLEAN_P, int));
383 E int FDECL(getpos, (coord *, BOOLEAN_P, const char *));
384 E void FDECL(getpos_sethilite, (void (*f)(int)));
385 E void FDECL(new_mname, (struct monst *, int));
386 E void FDECL(free_mname, (struct monst *));
387 E void FDECL(new_oname, (struct obj *, int));
388 E void FDECL(free_oname, (struct obj *));
389 E const char *FDECL(safe_oname, (struct obj *));
390 E struct monst *FDECL(christen_monst, (struct monst *, const char *));
391 E struct obj *FDECL(oname, (struct obj *, const char *));
392 E boolean FDECL(objtyp_is_callable, (int));
393 E int NDECL(docallcmd);
394 E void FDECL(docall, (struct obj *));
395 E const char *NDECL(rndghostname);
396 E char *FDECL(x_monnam, (struct monst *, int, const char *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
397 E char *FDECL(l_monnam, (struct monst *));
398 E char *FDECL(mon_nam, (struct monst *));
399 E char *FDECL(noit_mon_nam, (struct monst *));
400 E char *FDECL(Monnam, (struct monst *));
401 E char *FDECL(noit_Monnam, (struct monst *));
402 E char *FDECL(m_monnam, (struct monst *));
403 E char *FDECL(y_monnam, (struct monst *));
404 E char *FDECL(Adjmonnam, (struct monst *, const char *));
405 E char *FDECL(Amonnam, (struct monst *));
406 E char *FDECL(a_monnam, (struct monst *));
407 E char *FDECL(distant_monnam, (struct monst *, int, char *));
408 E char *FDECL(rndmonnam, (char *));
409 E const char *FDECL(hcolor, (const char *));
410 E const char *NDECL(rndcolor);
411 E const char *FDECL(hliquid, (const char *));
412 E const char *NDECL(roguename);
413 E struct obj *FDECL(realloc_obj,
414 (struct obj *, int, genericptr_t, int, const char *));
415 E char *FDECL(coyotename, (struct monst *, char *));
416 E const char *FDECL(noveltitle, (int *));
417 E const char *FDECL(lookup_novel, (const char *, int *));
419 /* ### do_wear.c ### */
421 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
422 E int NDECL(Armor_on);
423 E int NDECL(Boots_on);
424 E int NDECL(Gloves_on);
425 E int NDECL(Helmet_on);
426 E int FDECL(select_off, (struct obj *));
427 E int NDECL(take_off);
428 #endif
429 E void FDECL(off_msg, (struct obj *));
430 E void FDECL(set_wear, (struct obj *));
431 E boolean FDECL(donning, (struct obj *));
432 E boolean FDECL(doffing, (struct obj *));
433 E void NDECL(cancel_don);
434 E int FDECL(stop_donning, (struct obj *));
435 E int NDECL(Armor_off);
436 E int NDECL(Armor_gone);
437 E int NDECL(Helmet_off);
438 E int NDECL(Gloves_off);
439 E int NDECL(Boots_off);
440 E int NDECL(Cloak_off);
441 E int NDECL(Shield_off);
442 E int NDECL(Shirt_off);
443 E void NDECL(Amulet_off);
444 E void FDECL(Ring_on, (struct obj *));
445 E void FDECL(Ring_off, (struct obj *));
446 E void FDECL(Ring_gone, (struct obj *));
447 E void FDECL(Blindf_on, (struct obj *));
448 E void FDECL(Blindf_off, (struct obj *));
449 E int NDECL(dotakeoff);
450 E int NDECL(doremring);
451 E int FDECL(cursed, (struct obj *));
452 E int FDECL(armoroff, (struct obj *));
453 E int FDECL(canwearobj, (struct obj *, long *, BOOLEAN_P));
454 E int NDECL(dowear);
455 E int NDECL(doputon);
456 E void NDECL(find_ac);
457 E void NDECL(glibr);
458 E struct obj *FDECL(some_armor, (struct monst *));
459 E struct obj *FDECL(stuck_ring, (struct obj *, int));
460 E struct obj *NDECL(unchanger);
461 E void NDECL(reset_remarm);
462 E int NDECL(doddoremarm);
463 E int FDECL(destroy_arm, (struct obj *));
464 E void FDECL(adj_abon, (struct obj *, SCHAR_P));
465 E boolean
466 FDECL(inaccessible_equipment, (struct obj *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
468 /* ### dog.c ### */
470 E void FDECL(newedog, (struct monst *));
471 E void FDECL(free_edog, (struct monst *));
472 E void FDECL(initedog, (struct monst *));
473 E struct monst *FDECL(make_familiar,
474 (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
475 E struct monst *NDECL(makedog);
476 E void NDECL(update_mlstmv);
477 E void NDECL(losedogs);
478 E void FDECL(mon_arrive, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
479 E void FDECL(mon_catchup_elapsed_time, (struct monst *, long));
480 E void FDECL(keepdogs, (BOOLEAN_P));
481 E void FDECL(migrate_to_level, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, coord *));
482 E int FDECL(dogfood, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
483 E boolean FDECL(tamedog, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
484 E void FDECL(abuse_dog, (struct monst *));
485 E void FDECL(wary_dog, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
487 /* ### dogmove.c ### */
489 E struct obj *FDECL(droppables, (struct monst *));
490 E int FDECL(dog_nutrition, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
491 E int FDECL(dog_eat, (struct monst *, struct obj *, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
492 E int FDECL(dog_move, (struct monst *, int));
493 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
494 E void FDECL(wantdoor, (int, int, genericptr_t));
495 #endif
496 E void FDECL(finish_meating, (struct monst *));
498 /* ### dokick.c ### */
500 E boolean FDECL(ghitm, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
501 E void FDECL(container_impact_dmg, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
502 E int NDECL(dokick);
503 E boolean FDECL(ship_object, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
504 E void FDECL(obj_delivery, (BOOLEAN_P));
505 E schar FDECL(down_gate, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
506 E void FDECL(impact_drop, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
508 /* ### dothrow.c ### */
510 E int NDECL(dothrow);
511 E int NDECL(dofire);
512 E void FDECL(endmultishot, (BOOLEAN_P));
513 E void FDECL(hitfloor, (struct obj *));
514 E void FDECL(hurtle, (int, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
515 E void FDECL(mhurtle, (struct monst *, int, int, int));
516 E boolean FDECL(throwing_weapon, (struct obj *));
517 E void FDECL(throwit, (struct obj *, long, BOOLEAN_P));
518 E int FDECL(omon_adj, (struct monst *, struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
519 E int FDECL(thitmonst, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
520 E int FDECL(hero_breaks, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
521 E int FDECL(breaks, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
522 E void FDECL(release_camera_demon, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
523 E void FDECL(breakobj,
524 (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
525 E boolean FDECL(breaktest, (struct obj *));
526 E boolean FDECL(walk_path, (coord *, coord *,
527 boolean (*)(genericptr, int, int), genericptr_t));
528 E boolean FDECL(hurtle_step, (genericptr_t, int, int));
530 /* ### drawing.c ### */
531 #endif /* !MAKEDEFS_C && !LEV_LEX_C */
532 E int FDECL(def_char_to_objclass, (CHAR_P));
533 E int FDECL(def_char_to_monclass, (CHAR_P));
534 #if !defined(MAKEDEFS_C) && !defined(LEV_LEX_C)
535 E void FDECL(switch_symbols, (int));
536 E void FDECL(assign_graphics, (int));
537 E void NDECL(init_r_symbols);
538 E void NDECL(init_symbols);
539 E void NDECL(update_bouldersym);
540 E void NDECL(init_showsyms);
541 E void NDECL(init_l_symbols);
542 E void FDECL(clear_symsetentry, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
543 E void FDECL(update_l_symset, (struct symparse *, int));
544 E void FDECL(update_r_symset, (struct symparse *, int));
545 E boolean FDECL(cursed_object_at, (int, int));
547 /* ### dungeon.c ### */
549 E void FDECL(save_dungeon, (int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
550 E void FDECL(restore_dungeon, (int));
551 E void FDECL(insert_branch, (branch *, BOOLEAN_P));
552 E void NDECL(init_dungeons);
553 E s_level *FDECL(find_level, (const char *));
554 E s_level *FDECL(Is_special, (d_level *));
555 E branch *FDECL(Is_branchlev, (d_level *));
556 E boolean FDECL(builds_up, (d_level *));
557 E xchar FDECL(ledger_no, (d_level *));
558 E xchar NDECL(maxledgerno);
559 E schar FDECL(depth, (d_level *));
560 E xchar FDECL(dunlev, (d_level *));
561 E xchar FDECL(dunlevs_in_dungeon, (d_level *));
562 E xchar FDECL(ledger_to_dnum, (XCHAR_P));
563 E xchar FDECL(ledger_to_dlev, (XCHAR_P));
564 E xchar FDECL(deepest_lev_reached, (BOOLEAN_P));
565 E boolean FDECL(on_level, (d_level *, d_level *));
566 E void FDECL(next_level, (BOOLEAN_P));
567 E void FDECL(prev_level, (BOOLEAN_P));
568 E void FDECL(u_on_newpos, (int, int));
569 E void FDECL(u_on_rndspot, (int));
570 E void FDECL(u_on_sstairs, (int));
571 E void NDECL(u_on_upstairs);
572 E void NDECL(u_on_dnstairs);
573 E boolean FDECL(On_stairs, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
574 E void FDECL(get_level, (d_level *, int));
575 E boolean FDECL(Is_botlevel, (d_level *));
576 E boolean FDECL(Can_fall_thru, (d_level *));
577 E boolean FDECL(Can_dig_down, (d_level *));
578 E boolean FDECL(Can_rise_up, (int, int, d_level *));
579 E boolean FDECL(has_ceiling, (d_level *));
580 E boolean FDECL(In_quest, (d_level *));
581 E boolean FDECL(In_mines, (d_level *));
582 E branch *FDECL(dungeon_branch, (const char *));
583 E boolean FDECL(at_dgn_entrance, (const char *));
584 E boolean FDECL(In_hell, (d_level *));
585 E boolean FDECL(In_V_tower, (d_level *));
586 E boolean FDECL(On_W_tower_level, (d_level *));
587 E boolean FDECL(In_W_tower, (int, int, d_level *));
588 E void FDECL(find_hell, (d_level *));
589 E void FDECL(goto_hell, (BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
590 E void FDECL(assign_level, (d_level *, d_level *));
591 E void FDECL(assign_rnd_level, (d_level *, d_level *, int));
592 E int FDECL(induced_align, (int));
593 E boolean FDECL(Invocation_lev, (d_level *));
594 E xchar NDECL(level_difficulty);
595 E schar FDECL(lev_by_name, (const char *));
596 E schar FDECL(print_dungeon, (BOOLEAN_P, schar *, xchar *));
597 E char *FDECL(get_annotation, (d_level *));
598 E int NDECL(donamelevel);
599 E int NDECL(dooverview);
600 E void FDECL(show_overview, (int, int));
601 E void FDECL(forget_mapseen, (int));
602 E void FDECL(init_mapseen, (d_level *));
603 E void NDECL(recalc_mapseen);
604 E void FDECL(mapseen_temple, (struct monst *));
605 E void FDECL(room_discovered, (int));
606 E void FDECL(recbranch_mapseen, (d_level *, d_level *));
607 E void FDECL(overview_stats, (winid, const char *, long *, long *));
608 E void FDECL(remdun_mapseen, (int));
610 /* ### eat.c ### */
612 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
613 E int NDECL(eatmdone);
614 E int NDECL(eatfood);
615 E int NDECL(opentin);
616 E int NDECL(unfaint);
617 #endif
618 E void NDECL(eatmupdate);
619 E boolean FDECL(is_edible, (struct obj *));
620 E void NDECL(init_uhunger);
621 E int NDECL(Hear_again);
622 E void NDECL(reset_eat);
623 E int NDECL(doeat);
624 E int FDECL(use_tin_opener, (struct obj *));
625 E void NDECL(gethungry);
626 E void FDECL(morehungry, (int));
627 E void FDECL(lesshungry, (int));
628 E boolean NDECL(is_fainted);
629 E void NDECL(reset_faint);
630 E void NDECL(violated_vegetarian);
631 E void FDECL(newuhs, (BOOLEAN_P));
632 E struct obj *FDECL(floorfood, (const char *, int));
633 E void NDECL(vomit);
634 E int FDECL(eaten_stat, (int, struct obj *));
635 E void FDECL(food_disappears, (struct obj *));
636 E void FDECL(food_substitution, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
637 E void FDECL(eating_conducts, (struct permonst *));
638 E int FDECL(eat_brains, (struct monst *, struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P, int *));
639 E void NDECL(fix_petrification);
640 E void FDECL(consume_oeaten, (struct obj *, int));
641 E boolean FDECL(maybe_finished_meal, (BOOLEAN_P));
642 E void FDECL(set_tin_variety, (struct obj *, int));
643 E int FDECL(tin_variety_txt, (char *, int *));
644 E void FDECL(tin_details, (struct obj *, int, char *));
645 E boolean FDECL(Popeye, (int));
647 /* ### end.c ### */
649 E void FDECL(done1, (int));
650 E int NDECL(done2);
651 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
652 E void FDECL(done_intr, (int));
653 #endif
654 E void FDECL(done_in_by, (struct monst *, int));
655 #endif /* !MAKEDEFS_C && !LEV_LEX_C */
656 E void VDECL(panic, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2) NORETURN;
657 #if !defined(MAKEDEFS_C) && !defined(LEV_LEX_C)
658 E void FDECL(done, (int));
659 E void FDECL(container_contents, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P,
661 E void FDECL(terminate, (int)) NORETURN;
662 E int NDECL(dovanquished);
663 E int NDECL(num_genocides);
664 E void FDECL(delayed_killer, (int, int, const char *));
665 E struct kinfo *FDECL(find_delayed_killer, (int));
666 E void FDECL(dealloc_killer, (struct kinfo *));
667 E void FDECL(save_killers, (int, int));
668 E void FDECL(restore_killers, (int));
669 E char *FDECL(build_english_list, (char *));
670 #if defined(PANICTRACE) && !defined(NO_SIGNAL)
671 E void FDECL(panictrace_setsignals, (BOOLEAN_P));
672 #endif
674 /* ### engrave.c ### */
676 E char *FDECL(random_engraving, (char *));
677 E void FDECL(wipeout_text, (char *, int, unsigned));
678 E boolean FDECL(can_reach_floor, (BOOLEAN_P));
679 E void FDECL(cant_reach_floor, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
680 E const char *FDECL(surface, (int, int));
681 E const char *FDECL(ceiling, (int, int));
682 E struct engr *FDECL(engr_at, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
683 E int FDECL(sengr_at, (const char *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
684 E void FDECL(u_wipe_engr, (int));
685 E void FDECL(wipe_engr_at, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
686 E void FDECL(read_engr_at, (int, int));
687 E void FDECL(make_engr_at, (int, int, const char *, long, XCHAR_P));
688 E void FDECL(del_engr_at, (int, int));
689 E int NDECL(freehand);
690 E int NDECL(doengrave);
691 E void NDECL(sanitize_engravings);
692 E void FDECL(save_engravings, (int, int));
693 E void FDECL(rest_engravings, (int));
694 E void FDECL(engr_stats, (const char *, char *, long *, long *));
695 E void FDECL(del_engr, (struct engr *));
696 E void FDECL(rloc_engr, (struct engr *));
697 E void FDECL(make_grave, (int, int, const char *));
699 /* ### exper.c ### */
701 E int NDECL(newpw);
702 E int FDECL(experience, (struct monst *, int));
703 E void FDECL(more_experienced, (int, int));
704 E void FDECL(losexp, (const char *));
705 E void NDECL(newexplevel);
706 E void FDECL(pluslvl, (BOOLEAN_P));
707 E long FDECL(rndexp, (BOOLEAN_P));
709 /* ### explode.c ### */
711 E void FDECL(explode, (int, int, int, int, CHAR_P, int));
712 E long FDECL(scatter, (int, int, int, unsigned int, struct obj *));
713 E void FDECL(splatter_burning_oil, (int, int));
714 E void FDECL(explode_oil, (struct obj *, int, int));
716 /* ### extralev.c ### */
718 E void NDECL(makeroguerooms);
719 E void FDECL(corr, (int, int));
720 E void NDECL(makerogueghost);
722 /* ### files.c ### */
724 E char *FDECL(fname_encode, (const char *, CHAR_P, char *, char *, int));
725 E char *FDECL(fname_decode, (CHAR_P, char *, char *, int));
726 E const char *FDECL(fqname, (const char *, int, int));
727 E FILE *FDECL(fopen_datafile, (const char *, const char *, int));
728 #ifdef MFLOPPY
729 E void NDECL(set_lock_and_bones);
730 #endif
731 E void FDECL(set_levelfile_name, (char *, int));
732 E int FDECL(create_levelfile, (int, char *));
733 E int FDECL(open_levelfile, (int, char *));
734 E void FDECL(delete_levelfile, (int));
735 E void NDECL(clearlocks);
736 E int FDECL(create_bonesfile, (d_level *, char **, char *));
737 #ifdef MFLOPPY
738 E void NDECL(cancel_bonesfile);
739 #endif
740 E void FDECL(commit_bonesfile, (d_level *));
741 E int FDECL(open_bonesfile, (d_level *, char **));
742 E int FDECL(delete_bonesfile, (d_level *));
743 E void NDECL(compress_bonesfile);
744 E void FDECL(set_savefile_name, (BOOLEAN_P));
745 #ifdef INSURANCE
746 E void FDECL(save_savefile_name, (int));
747 #endif
748 #ifndef MICRO
749 E void NDECL(set_error_savefile);
750 #endif
751 E int NDECL(create_savefile);
752 E int NDECL(open_savefile);
753 E int NDECL(delete_savefile);
754 E int NDECL(restore_saved_game);
755 E void FDECL(nh_compress, (const char *));
756 E void FDECL(nh_uncompress, (const char *));
757 E boolean FDECL(lock_file, (const char *, int, int));
758 E void FDECL(unlock_file, (const char *));
759 #ifdef USER_SOUNDS
760 E boolean FDECL(can_read_file, (const char *));
761 #endif
762 E boolean FDECL(read_config_file, (const char *, int));
763 E void FDECL(check_recordfile, (const char *));
764 E void NDECL(read_wizkit);
765 E int FDECL(read_sym_file, (int));
766 E int FDECL(parse_sym_line, (char *, int));
767 E void FDECL(paniclog, (const char *, const char *));
768 E int FDECL(validate_prefix_locations, (char *));
769 #ifdef SELECTSAVED
770 E char *FDECL(plname_from_file, (const char *));
771 #endif
772 E char **NDECL(get_saved_games);
773 E void FDECL(free_saved_games, (char **));
774 #ifdef SELF_RECOVER
775 E boolean NDECL(recover_savefile);
776 #endif
777 #ifdef SYSCF_FILE
778 E void NDECL(assure_syscf_file);
779 #endif
780 E int FDECL(nhclose, (int));
782 E void NDECL(really_close);
783 #endif
784 #ifdef DEBUG
785 E boolean FDECL(debugcore, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
786 #endif
787 E boolean FDECL(read_tribute, (const char *, const char *, int,
788 char *, int, unsigned));
789 E boolean FDECL(Death_quote, (char *, int));
791 /* ### fountain.c ### */
793 E void FDECL(floating_above, (const char *));
794 E void FDECL(dogushforth, (int));
795 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
796 E void FDECL(gush, (int, int, genericptr_t));
797 #endif
798 E void FDECL(dryup, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
799 E void NDECL(drinkfountain);
800 E void FDECL(dipfountain, (struct obj *));
801 E void FDECL(breaksink, (int, int));
802 E void NDECL(drinksink);
804 /* ### hack.c ### */
806 E boolean FDECL(is_valid_travelpt, (int,int));
807 E anything *FDECL(uint_to_any, (unsigned));
808 E anything *FDECL(long_to_any, (long));
809 E anything *FDECL(monst_to_any, (struct monst *));
810 E anything *FDECL(obj_to_any, (struct obj *));
811 E boolean FDECL(revive_nasty, (int, int, const char *));
812 E void FDECL(movobj, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
813 E boolean FDECL(may_dig, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
814 E boolean FDECL(may_passwall, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
815 E boolean FDECL(bad_rock, (struct permonst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
816 E int FDECL(cant_squeeze_thru, (struct monst *));
817 E boolean FDECL(invocation_pos, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
818 E boolean FDECL(test_move, (int, int, int, int, int));
819 #ifdef DEBUG
820 E int NDECL(wiz_debug_cmd_traveldisplay);
821 #endif
822 E boolean NDECL(u_rooted);
823 E void NDECL(domove);
824 E boolean NDECL(overexertion);
825 E void NDECL(invocation_message);
826 E boolean FDECL(pooleffects, (BOOLEAN_P));
827 E void FDECL(spoteffects, (BOOLEAN_P));
828 E char *FDECL(in_rooms, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int));
829 E boolean FDECL(in_town, (int, int));
830 E void FDECL(check_special_room, (BOOLEAN_P));
831 E int NDECL(dopickup);
832 E void NDECL(lookaround);
833 E boolean FDECL(crawl_destination, (int, int));
834 E int NDECL(monster_nearby);
835 E void FDECL(nomul, (int));
836 E void FDECL(unmul, (const char *));
837 E void FDECL(losehp, (int, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
838 E int NDECL(weight_cap);
839 E int NDECL(inv_weight);
840 E int NDECL(near_capacity);
841 E int FDECL(calc_capacity, (int));
842 E int NDECL(max_capacity);
843 E boolean FDECL(check_capacity, (const char *));
844 E int FDECL(inv_cnt, (BOOLEAN_P));
845 E long FDECL(money_cnt, (struct obj *));
847 /* ### hacklib.c ### */
849 E boolean FDECL(digit, (CHAR_P));
850 E boolean FDECL(letter, (CHAR_P));
851 E char FDECL(highc, (CHAR_P));
852 E char FDECL(lowc, (CHAR_P));
853 E char *FDECL(lcase, (char *));
854 E char *FDECL(ucase, (char *));
855 E char *FDECL(upstart, (char *));
856 E char *FDECL(mungspaces, (char *));
857 E char *FDECL(trimspaces, (char *));
858 E char *FDECL(strip_newline, (char *));
859 E char *FDECL(eos, (char *));
860 E boolean FDECL(str_end_is, (const char *, const char *));
861 E char *FDECL(strkitten, (char *, CHAR_P));
862 E void FDECL(copynchars, (char *, const char *, int));
863 E char FDECL(chrcasecpy, (int, int));
864 E char *FDECL(strcasecpy, (char *, const char *));
865 E char *FDECL(s_suffix, (const char *));
866 E char *FDECL(ing_suffix, (const char *));
867 E char *FDECL(xcrypt, (const char *, char *));
868 E boolean FDECL(onlyspace, (const char *));
869 E char *FDECL(tabexpand, (char *));
870 E char *FDECL(visctrl, (CHAR_P));
871 E char *FDECL(strsubst, (char *, const char *, const char *));
872 E const char *FDECL(ordin, (int));
873 E char *FDECL(sitoa, (int));
874 E int FDECL(sgn, (int));
875 E int FDECL(rounddiv, (long, int));
876 E int FDECL(dist2, (int, int, int, int));
877 E int FDECL(isqrt, (int));
878 E int FDECL(distmin, (int, int, int, int));
879 E boolean FDECL(online2, (int, int, int, int));
880 E boolean FDECL(pmatch, (const char *, const char *));
881 E boolean FDECL(pmatchi, (const char *, const char *));
882 E boolean FDECL(pmatchz, (const char *, const char *));
883 #ifndef STRNCMPI
884 E int FDECL(strncmpi, (const char *, const char *, int));
885 #endif
886 #ifndef STRSTRI
887 E char *FDECL(strstri, (const char *, const char *));
888 #endif
889 E boolean
890 FDECL(fuzzymatch, (const char *, const char *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
891 E void NDECL(setrandom);
892 E time_t NDECL(getnow);
893 E int NDECL(getyear);
894 #if 0
895 E char *FDECL(yymmdd, (time_t));
896 #endif
897 E long FDECL(yyyymmdd, (time_t));
898 E long FDECL(hhmmss, (time_t));
899 E char *FDECL(yyyymmddhhmmss, (time_t));
900 E time_t FDECL(time_from_yyyymmddhhmmss, (char *));
901 E int NDECL(phase_of_the_moon);
902 E boolean NDECL(friday_13th);
903 E int NDECL(night);
904 E int NDECL(midnight);
906 /* ### invent.c ### */
908 E void FDECL(sortloot, (struct obj **, unsigned, BOOLEAN_P));
909 E void FDECL(assigninvlet, (struct obj *));
910 E struct obj *FDECL(merge_choice, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
911 E int FDECL(merged, (struct obj **, struct obj **));
912 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
913 E int FDECL(ckunpaid, (struct obj *));
914 #endif
915 E void FDECL(addinv_core1, (struct obj *));
916 E void FDECL(addinv_core2, (struct obj *));
917 E struct obj *FDECL(addinv, (struct obj *));
918 E struct obj *FDECL(hold_another_object,
919 (struct obj *, const char *, const char *, const char *));
920 E void FDECL(useupall, (struct obj *));
921 E void FDECL(useup, (struct obj *));
922 E void FDECL(consume_obj_charge, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
923 E void FDECL(freeinv_core, (struct obj *));
924 E void FDECL(freeinv, (struct obj *));
925 E void FDECL(delallobj, (int, int));
926 E void FDECL(delobj, (struct obj *));
927 E struct obj *FDECL(sobj_at, (int, int, int));
928 E struct obj *FDECL(nxtobj, (struct obj *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
929 E struct obj *FDECL(carrying, (int));
930 E boolean NDECL(have_lizard);
931 E struct obj *NDECL(u_have_novel);
932 E struct obj *FDECL(o_on, (unsigned int, struct obj *));
933 E boolean FDECL(obj_here, (struct obj *, int, int));
934 E boolean NDECL(wearing_armor);
935 E boolean FDECL(is_worn, (struct obj *));
936 E struct obj *FDECL(g_at, (int, int));
937 E boolean FDECL(splittable, (struct obj *));
938 E struct obj *FDECL(getobj, (const char *, const char *));
939 E int FDECL(ggetobj, (const char *, int (*)(OBJ_P), int,
940 BOOLEAN_P, unsigned *));
941 E int FDECL(askchain, (struct obj **, const char *, int, int (*)(OBJ_P),
942 int (*)(OBJ_P), int, const char *));
943 E void FDECL(fully_identify_obj, (struct obj *));
944 E int FDECL(identify, (struct obj *));
945 E void FDECL(identify_pack, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
946 E void NDECL(learn_unseen_invent);
947 E void FDECL(prinv, (const char *, struct obj *, long));
948 E char *FDECL(xprname,
949 (struct obj *, const char *, CHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P, long, long));
950 E int NDECL(ddoinv);
951 E char FDECL(display_inventory, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
952 E int FDECL(display_binventory, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
953 E struct obj *FDECL(display_cinventory, (struct obj *));
954 E struct obj *FDECL(display_minventory, (struct monst *, int, char *));
955 E int NDECL(dotypeinv);
956 E const char *FDECL(dfeature_at, (int, int, char *));
957 E int FDECL(look_here, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
958 E int NDECL(dolook);
959 E boolean FDECL(will_feel_cockatrice, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
960 E void FDECL(feel_cockatrice, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
961 E void FDECL(stackobj, (struct obj *));
962 E boolean FDECL(mergable, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
963 E int NDECL(doprgold);
964 E int NDECL(doprwep);
965 E int NDECL(doprarm);
966 E int NDECL(doprring);
967 E int NDECL(dopramulet);
968 E int NDECL(doprtool);
969 E int NDECL(doprinuse);
970 E void FDECL(useupf, (struct obj *, long));
971 E char *FDECL(let_to_name, (CHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
972 E void NDECL(free_invbuf);
973 E void NDECL(reassign);
974 E int NDECL(doorganize);
975 E void NDECL(free_pickinv_cache);
976 E int FDECL(count_unpaid, (struct obj *));
977 E int FDECL(count_buc, (struct obj *, int));
978 E long FDECL(count_contents, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
979 E void FDECL(carry_obj_effects, (struct obj *));
980 E const char *FDECL(currency, (long));
981 E void FDECL(silly_thing, (const char *, struct obj *));
983 /* ### ioctl.c ### */
985 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(__BEOS__)
986 E void NDECL(getwindowsz);
987 E void NDECL(getioctls);
988 E void NDECL(setioctls);
989 #ifdef SUSPEND
990 E int NDECL(dosuspend);
991 #endif /* SUSPEND */
992 #endif /* UNIX || __BEOS__ */
994 /* ### light.c ### */
996 E void FDECL(new_light_source, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int, int, ANY_P *));
997 E void FDECL(del_light_source, (int, ANY_P *));
998 E void FDECL(do_light_sources, (char **));
999 E struct monst *FDECL(find_mid, (unsigned, unsigned));
1000 E void FDECL(save_light_sources, (int, int, int));
1001 E void FDECL(restore_light_sources, (int));
1002 E void FDECL(light_stats, (const char *, char *, long *, long *));
1003 E void FDECL(relink_light_sources, (BOOLEAN_P));
1004 E void NDECL(light_sources_sanity_check);
1005 E void FDECL(obj_move_light_source, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
1006 E boolean NDECL(any_light_source);
1007 E void FDECL(snuff_light_source, (int, int));
1008 E boolean FDECL(obj_sheds_light, (struct obj *));
1009 E boolean FDECL(obj_is_burning, (struct obj *));
1010 E void FDECL(obj_split_light_source, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
1011 E void FDECL(obj_merge_light_sources, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
1012 E void FDECL(obj_adjust_light_radius, (struct obj *, int));
1013 E int FDECL(candle_light_range, (struct obj *));
1014 E int FDECL(arti_light_radius, (struct obj *));
1015 E const char *FDECL(arti_light_description, (struct obj *));
1016 E int NDECL(wiz_light_sources);
1018 /* ### lock.c ### */
1020 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
1021 E int NDECL(forcelock);
1022 E int NDECL(picklock);
1023 #endif
1024 E boolean FDECL(picking_lock, (int *, int *));
1025 E boolean FDECL(picking_at, (int, int));
1026 E void FDECL(breakchestlock, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
1027 E void NDECL(reset_pick);
1028 E void NDECL(maybe_reset_pick);
1029 E int FDECL(pick_lock, (struct obj *));
1030 E int NDECL(doforce);
1031 E boolean FDECL(boxlock, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
1032 E boolean FDECL(doorlock, (struct obj *, int, int));
1033 E int NDECL(doopen);
1034 E boolean FDECL(stumble_on_door_mimic, (int, int));
1035 E int FDECL(doopen_indir, (int, int));
1036 E int NDECL(doclose);
1038 #ifdef MAC
1039 /* These declarations are here because the main code calls them. */
1041 /* ### macfile.c ### */
1043 E int FDECL(maccreat, (const char *, long));
1044 E int FDECL(macopen, (const char *, int, long));
1045 E int FDECL(macclose, (int));
1046 E int FDECL(macread, (int, void *, unsigned));
1047 E int FDECL(macwrite, (int, void *, unsigned));
1048 E long FDECL(macseek, (int, long, short));
1049 E int FDECL(macunlink, (const char *));
1051 /* ### macmain.c ### */
1053 E boolean NDECL(authorize_wizard_mode);
1055 /* ### macsnd.c ### */
1057 E void FDECL(mac_speaker, (struct obj *, char *));
1059 /* ### macunix.c ### */
1061 E void FDECL(regularize, (char *));
1062 E void NDECL(getlock);
1064 /* ### macwin.c ### */
1066 E void FDECL(lock_mouse_cursor, (Boolean));
1067 E int NDECL(SanePositions);
1069 /* ### mttymain.c ### */
1071 E void FDECL(getreturn, (char *));
1072 E void VDECL(msmsg, (const char *, ...));
1073 E void NDECL(gettty);
1074 E void NDECL(setftty);
1075 E void FDECL(settty, (const char *));
1076 E int NDECL(tgetch);
1077 E void FDECL(cmov, (int x, int y));
1078 E void FDECL(nocmov, (int x, int y));
1080 #endif /* MAC */
1082 /* ### mail.c ### */
1084 #ifdef MAIL
1085 #ifdef UNIX
1086 E void NDECL(free_maildata);
1087 E void NDECL(getmailstatus);
1088 E void NDECL(ck_server_admin_msg);
1089 #endif
1090 E void NDECL(ckmailstatus);
1091 E void FDECL(readmail, (struct obj *));
1092 #endif /* MAIL */
1094 /* ### makemon.c ### */
1096 E void FDECL(dealloc_monst, (struct monst *));
1097 E boolean FDECL(is_home_elemental, (struct permonst *));
1098 E struct monst *FDECL(clone_mon, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1099 E int FDECL(monhp_per_lvl, (struct monst *));
1100 E void FDECL(newmonhp, (struct monst *, int));
1101 E struct mextra *NDECL(newmextra);
1102 E void FDECL(copy_mextra, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
1103 E void FDECL(dealloc_mextra, (struct monst *));
1104 E struct monst *FDECL(makemon, (struct permonst *, int, int, int));
1105 E boolean FDECL(create_critters, (int, struct permonst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1106 E struct permonst *NDECL(rndmonst);
1107 E void FDECL(reset_rndmonst, (int));
1108 E struct permonst *FDECL(mkclass, (CHAR_P, int));
1109 E int FDECL(mkclass_poly, (int));
1110 E int FDECL(adj_lev, (struct permonst *));
1111 E struct permonst *FDECL(grow_up, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
1112 E int FDECL(mongets, (struct monst *, int));
1113 E int FDECL(golemhp, (int));
1114 E boolean FDECL(peace_minded, (struct permonst *));
1115 E void FDECL(set_malign, (struct monst *));
1116 E void FDECL(newmcorpsenm, (struct monst *));
1117 E void FDECL(freemcorpsenm, (struct monst *));
1118 E void FDECL(set_mimic_sym, (struct monst *));
1119 E int FDECL(mbirth_limit, (int));
1120 E void FDECL(mimic_hit_msg, (struct monst *, SHORT_P));
1121 E void FDECL(mkmonmoney, (struct monst *, long));
1122 E int FDECL(bagotricks, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P, int *));
1123 E boolean FDECL(propagate, (int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1124 E boolean FDECL(usmellmon, (struct permonst *));
1126 /* ### mapglyph.c ### */
1128 E int FDECL(mapglyph, (int, int *, int *, unsigned *, int, int));
1129 E char *FDECL(encglyph, (int));
1130 E void FDECL(genl_putmixed, (winid, int, const char *));
1132 /* ### mcastu.c ### */
1134 E int FDECL(castmu, (struct monst *, struct attack *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1135 E int FDECL(buzzmu, (struct monst *, struct attack *));
1137 /* ### mhitm.c ### */
1139 E int FDECL(fightm, (struct monst *));
1140 E int FDECL(mattackm, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
1141 E boolean FDECL(engulf_target, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
1142 E int FDECL(mdisplacem, (struct monst *, struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1143 E void FDECL(paralyze_monst, (struct monst *, int));
1144 E int FDECL(sleep_monst, (struct monst *, int, int));
1145 E void FDECL(slept_monst, (struct monst *));
1146 E void FDECL(xdrainenergym, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1147 E long FDECL(attk_protection, (int));
1148 E void FDECL(rustm, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
1150 /* ### mhitu.c ### */
1152 E const char *FDECL(mpoisons_subj, (struct monst *, struct attack *));
1153 E void NDECL(u_slow_down);
1154 E struct monst *NDECL(cloneu);
1155 E void FDECL(expels, (struct monst *, struct permonst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1156 E struct attack *FDECL(getmattk, (struct monst *, struct monst *,
1157 int, int *, struct attack *));
1158 E int FDECL(mattacku, (struct monst *));
1159 E int FDECL(magic_negation, (struct monst *));
1160 E boolean NDECL(gulp_blnd_check);
1161 E int FDECL(gazemu, (struct monst *, struct attack *));
1162 E void FDECL(mdamageu, (struct monst *, int));
1163 E int FDECL(could_seduce, (struct monst *, struct monst *, struct attack *));
1164 E int FDECL(doseduce, (struct monst *));
1166 /* ### minion.c ### */
1168 E void FDECL(newemin, (struct monst *));
1169 E void FDECL(free_emin, (struct monst *));
1170 E int FDECL(monster_census, (BOOLEAN_P));
1171 E int FDECL(msummon, (struct monst *));
1172 E void FDECL(summon_minion, (ALIGNTYP_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1173 E int FDECL(demon_talk, (struct monst *));
1174 E long FDECL(bribe, (struct monst *));
1175 E int FDECL(dprince, (ALIGNTYP_P));
1176 E int FDECL(dlord, (ALIGNTYP_P));
1177 E int NDECL(llord);
1178 E int FDECL(ndemon, (ALIGNTYP_P));
1179 E int NDECL(lminion);
1180 E void FDECL(lose_guardian_angel, (struct monst *));
1181 E void NDECL(gain_guardian_angel);
1183 /* ### mklev.c ### */
1185 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
1186 E int FDECL(do_comp, (genericptr_t, genericptr_t));
1187 #endif
1188 E void NDECL(sort_rooms);
1189 E void FDECL(add_room, (int, int, int, int, BOOLEAN_P, SCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1190 E void FDECL(add_subroom, (struct mkroom *, int, int, int, int, BOOLEAN_P,
1192 E void NDECL(makecorridors);
1193 E void FDECL(add_door, (int, int, struct mkroom *));
1194 E void NDECL(mklev);
1196 E void FDECL(topologize, (struct mkroom *, BOOLEAN_P));
1197 #else
1198 E void FDECL(topologize, (struct mkroom *));
1199 #endif
1200 E void FDECL(place_branch, (branch *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1201 E boolean FDECL(occupied, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1202 E int FDECL(okdoor, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1203 E void FDECL(dodoor, (int, int, struct mkroom *));
1204 E void FDECL(mktrap, (int, int, struct mkroom *, coord *));
1205 E void FDECL(mkstairs, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, CHAR_P, struct mkroom *));
1206 E void NDECL(mkinvokearea);
1207 E void FDECL(mineralize, (int, int, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1209 /* ### mkmap.c ### */
1211 E void FDECL(flood_fill_rm, (int, int, int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1212 E void FDECL(remove_rooms, (int, int, int, int));
1213 /* E void FDECL(mkmap, (lev_init *)); -- need sp_lev.h for lev_init */
1215 /* ### mkmaze.c ### */
1217 E void FDECL(wallification, (int, int, int, int));
1218 E void FDECL(fix_wall_spines, (int, int, int, int));
1219 E void FDECL(walkfrom, (int, int, SCHAR_P));
1220 E void FDECL(makemaz, (const char *));
1221 E void FDECL(mazexy, (coord *));
1222 E void NDECL(bound_digging);
1223 E void FDECL(mkportal, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1224 E boolean FDECL(bad_location, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P,
1225 XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1226 E void FDECL(place_lregion, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P,
1227 XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, d_level *));
1228 E void NDECL(fixup_special);
1229 E void NDECL(fumaroles);
1230 E void NDECL(movebubbles);
1231 E void NDECL(water_friction);
1232 E void FDECL(save_waterlevel, (int, int));
1233 E void FDECL(restore_waterlevel, (int));
1234 E const char *FDECL(waterbody_name, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1236 /* ### mkobj.c ### */
1238 E struct oextra *NDECL(newoextra);
1239 E void FDECL(copy_oextra, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
1240 E void FDECL(dealloc_oextra, (struct obj *));
1241 E void FDECL(newomonst, (struct obj *));
1242 E void FDECL(free_omonst, (struct obj *));
1243 E void FDECL(newomid, (struct obj *));
1244 E void FDECL(free_omid, (struct obj *));
1245 E void FDECL(newolong, (struct obj *));
1246 E void FDECL(free_olong, (struct obj *));
1247 E void FDECL(new_omailcmd, (struct obj *, const char *));
1248 E void FDECL(free_omailcmd, (struct obj *));
1249 E struct obj *FDECL(mkobj_at, (CHAR_P, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1250 E struct obj *FDECL(mksobj_at, (int, int, int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1251 E struct obj *FDECL(mkobj, (CHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1252 E int NDECL(rndmonnum);
1253 E boolean FDECL(bogon_is_pname, (CHAR_P));
1254 E struct obj *FDECL(splitobj, (struct obj *, long));
1255 E struct obj *FDECL(unsplitobj, (struct obj *));
1256 E void NDECL(clear_splitobjs);
1257 E void FDECL(replace_object, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
1258 E void FDECL(bill_dummy_object, (struct obj *));
1259 E void FDECL(costly_alteration, (struct obj *, int));
1260 E struct obj *FDECL(mksobj, (int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1261 E int FDECL(bcsign, (struct obj *));
1262 E int FDECL(weight, (struct obj *));
1263 E struct obj *FDECL(mkgold, (long, int, int));
1264 E struct obj *FDECL(mkcorpstat, (int, struct monst *, struct permonst *, int,
1265 int, unsigned));
1266 E int FDECL(corpse_revive_type, (struct obj *));
1267 E struct obj *FDECL(obj_attach_mid, (struct obj *, unsigned));
1268 E struct monst *FDECL(get_mtraits, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
1269 E struct obj *FDECL(mk_tt_object, (int, int, int));
1270 E struct obj *FDECL(mk_named_object,
1271 (int, struct permonst *, int, int, const char *));
1272 E struct obj *FDECL(rnd_treefruit_at, (int, int));
1273 E void FDECL(set_corpsenm, (struct obj *, int));
1274 E void FDECL(start_corpse_timeout, (struct obj *));
1275 E void FDECL(bless, (struct obj *));
1276 E void FDECL(unbless, (struct obj *));
1277 E void FDECL(curse, (struct obj *));
1278 E void FDECL(uncurse, (struct obj *));
1279 E void FDECL(blessorcurse, (struct obj *, int));
1280 E boolean FDECL(is_flammable, (struct obj *));
1281 E boolean FDECL(is_rottable, (struct obj *));
1282 E void FDECL(place_object, (struct obj *, int, int));
1283 E void FDECL(remove_object, (struct obj *));
1284 E void FDECL(discard_minvent, (struct monst *));
1285 E void FDECL(obj_extract_self, (struct obj *));
1286 E void FDECL(extract_nobj, (struct obj *, struct obj **));
1287 E void FDECL(extract_nexthere, (struct obj *, struct obj **));
1288 E int FDECL(add_to_minv, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
1289 E struct obj *FDECL(add_to_container, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
1290 E void FDECL(add_to_migration, (struct obj *));
1291 E void FDECL(add_to_buried, (struct obj *));
1292 E void FDECL(dealloc_obj, (struct obj *));
1293 E void FDECL(obj_ice_effects, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1294 E long FDECL(peek_at_iced_corpse_age, (struct obj *));
1295 E int FDECL(hornoplenty, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
1296 E void NDECL(obj_sanity_check);
1297 E struct obj *FDECL(obj_nexto, (struct obj *));
1298 E struct obj *FDECL(obj_nexto_xy, (struct obj *, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1299 E struct obj *FDECL(obj_absorb, (struct obj **, struct obj **));
1300 E struct obj *FDECL(obj_meld, (struct obj **, struct obj **));
1302 /* ### mkroom.c ### */
1304 E void FDECL(mkroom, (int));
1305 E void FDECL(fill_zoo, (struct mkroom *));
1306 E struct permonst *NDECL(antholemon);
1307 E boolean FDECL(nexttodoor, (int, int));
1308 E boolean FDECL(has_dnstairs, (struct mkroom *));
1309 E boolean FDECL(has_upstairs, (struct mkroom *));
1310 E int FDECL(somex, (struct mkroom *));
1311 E int FDECL(somey, (struct mkroom *));
1312 E boolean FDECL(inside_room, (struct mkroom *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1313 E boolean FDECL(somexy, (struct mkroom *, coord *));
1314 E void FDECL(mkundead, (coord *, BOOLEAN_P, int));
1315 E struct permonst *NDECL(courtmon);
1316 E void FDECL(save_rooms, (int));
1317 E void FDECL(rest_rooms, (int));
1318 E struct mkroom *FDECL(search_special, (SCHAR_P));
1319 E int FDECL(cmap_to_type, (int));
1321 /* ### mon.c ### */
1323 E void NDECL(mon_sanity_check);
1324 E int FDECL(undead_to_corpse, (int));
1325 E int FDECL(genus, (int, int));
1326 E int FDECL(pm_to_cham, (int));
1327 E int FDECL(minliquid, (struct monst *));
1328 E int NDECL(movemon);
1329 E int FDECL(meatmetal, (struct monst *));
1330 E int FDECL(meatobj, (struct monst *));
1331 E void FDECL(mpickgold, (struct monst *));
1332 E boolean FDECL(mpickstuff, (struct monst *, const char *));
1333 E int FDECL(curr_mon_load, (struct monst *));
1334 E int FDECL(max_mon_load, (struct monst *));
1335 E int FDECL(can_carry, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
1336 E int FDECL(mfndpos, (struct monst *, coord *, long *, long));
1337 E boolean FDECL(monnear, (struct monst *, int, int));
1338 E void NDECL(dmonsfree);
1339 E int FDECL(mcalcmove, (struct monst *));
1340 E void NDECL(mcalcdistress);
1341 E void FDECL(replmon, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
1342 E void FDECL(relmon, (struct monst *, struct monst **));
1343 E struct obj *FDECL(mlifesaver, (struct monst *));
1344 E boolean FDECL(corpse_chance, (struct monst *, struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1345 E void FDECL(mondead, (struct monst *));
1346 E void FDECL(mondied, (struct monst *));
1347 E void FDECL(mongone, (struct monst *));
1348 E void FDECL(monstone, (struct monst *));
1349 E void FDECL(monkilled, (struct monst *, const char *, int));
1350 E void FDECL(unstuck, (struct monst *));
1351 E void FDECL(killed, (struct monst *));
1352 E void FDECL(xkilled, (struct monst *, int));
1353 E void FDECL(mon_to_stone, (struct monst *));
1354 E void FDECL(m_into_limbo, (struct monst *));
1355 E void FDECL(mnexto, (struct monst *));
1356 E void FDECL(maybe_mnexto, (struct monst *));
1357 E boolean FDECL(mnearto, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1358 E void FDECL(m_respond, (struct monst *));
1359 E void FDECL(setmangry, (struct monst *, boolean));
1360 E void FDECL(wakeup, (struct monst *, boolean));
1361 E void NDECL(wake_nearby);
1362 E void FDECL(wake_nearto, (int, int, int));
1363 E void FDECL(seemimic, (struct monst *));
1364 E void NDECL(rescham);
1365 E void NDECL(restartcham);
1366 E void FDECL(restore_cham, (struct monst *));
1367 E boolean FDECL(hideunder, (struct monst *));
1368 E void FDECL(hide_monst, (struct monst *));
1369 E void FDECL(mon_animal_list, (BOOLEAN_P));
1370 E int FDECL(select_newcham_form, (struct monst *));
1371 E void FDECL(mgender_from_permonst, (struct monst *, struct permonst *));
1372 E int FDECL(newcham,
1373 (struct monst *, struct permonst *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1374 E int FDECL(can_be_hatched, (int));
1375 E int FDECL(egg_type_from_parent, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
1376 E boolean FDECL(dead_species, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
1377 E void NDECL(kill_genocided_monsters);
1378 E void FDECL(golemeffects, (struct monst *, int, int));
1379 E boolean FDECL(angry_guards, (BOOLEAN_P));
1380 E void NDECL(pacify_guards);
1381 E void FDECL(decide_to_shapeshift, (struct monst *, int));
1382 E boolean FDECL(vamp_stone, (struct monst *));
1384 /* ### mondata.c ### */
1386 E void FDECL(set_mon_data, (struct monst *, struct permonst *, int));
1387 E struct attack *FDECL(attacktype_fordmg, (struct permonst *, int, int));
1388 E boolean FDECL(attacktype, (struct permonst *, int));
1389 E boolean FDECL(noattacks, (struct permonst *));
1390 E boolean FDECL(poly_when_stoned, (struct permonst *));
1391 E boolean FDECL(resists_drli, (struct monst *));
1392 E boolean FDECL(resists_magm, (struct monst *));
1393 E boolean FDECL(resists_blnd, (struct monst *));
1394 E boolean
1395 FDECL(can_blnd, (struct monst *, struct monst *, UCHAR_P, struct obj *));
1396 E boolean FDECL(ranged_attk, (struct permonst *));
1397 E boolean FDECL(hates_silver, (struct permonst *));
1398 E boolean FDECL(mon_hates_silver, (struct monst *));
1399 E boolean FDECL(passes_bars, (struct permonst *));
1400 E boolean FDECL(can_blow, (struct monst *));
1401 E boolean FDECL(can_be_strangled, (struct monst *));
1402 E boolean FDECL(can_track, (struct permonst *));
1403 E boolean FDECL(breakarm, (struct permonst *));
1404 E boolean FDECL(sliparm, (struct permonst *));
1405 E boolean FDECL(sticks, (struct permonst *));
1406 E boolean FDECL(cantvomit, (struct permonst *));
1407 E int FDECL(num_horns, (struct permonst *));
1408 /* E boolean FDECL(canseemon, (struct monst *)); */
1409 E struct attack *FDECL(dmgtype_fromattack, (struct permonst *, int, int));
1410 E boolean FDECL(dmgtype, (struct permonst *, int));
1411 E int FDECL(max_passive_dmg, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
1412 E boolean FDECL(same_race, (struct permonst *, struct permonst *));
1413 E int FDECL(monsndx, (struct permonst *));
1414 E int FDECL(name_to_mon, (const char *));
1415 E int FDECL(name_to_monclass, (const char *, int *));
1416 E int FDECL(gender, (struct monst *));
1417 E int FDECL(pronoun_gender, (struct monst *));
1418 E boolean FDECL(levl_follower, (struct monst *));
1419 E int FDECL(little_to_big, (int));
1420 E int FDECL(big_to_little, (int));
1421 E const char *FDECL(locomotion, (const struct permonst *, const char *));
1422 E const char *FDECL(stagger, (const struct permonst *, const char *));
1423 E const char *FDECL(on_fire, (struct permonst *, struct attack *));
1424 E const struct permonst *FDECL(raceptr, (struct monst *));
1425 E boolean FDECL(olfaction, (struct permonst *));
1427 /* ### monmove.c ### */
1429 E boolean FDECL(itsstuck, (struct monst *));
1430 E boolean FDECL(mb_trapped, (struct monst *));
1431 E boolean FDECL(monhaskey, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1432 E void FDECL(mon_regen, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1433 E int FDECL(dochugw, (struct monst *));
1434 E boolean FDECL(onscary, (int, int, struct monst *));
1435 E void FDECL(monflee, (struct monst *, int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1436 E void FDECL(mon_yells, (struct monst *, const char *));
1437 E int FDECL(dochug, (struct monst *));
1438 E boolean FDECL(m_digweapon_check, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1439 E int FDECL(m_move, (struct monst *, int));
1440 E void FDECL(dissolve_bars, (int, int));
1441 E boolean FDECL(closed_door, (int, int));
1442 E boolean FDECL(accessible, (int, int));
1443 E void FDECL(set_apparxy, (struct monst *));
1444 E boolean FDECL(can_ooze, (struct monst *));
1445 E boolean FDECL(can_fog, (struct monst *));
1446 E boolean FDECL(should_displace,
1447 (struct monst *, coord *, long *, int, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1448 E boolean FDECL(undesirable_disp, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1450 /* ### monst.c ### */
1452 E void NDECL(monst_init);
1454 /* ### monstr.c ### */
1456 E void NDECL(monstr_init);
1458 /* ### mplayer.c ### */
1460 E struct monst *FDECL(mk_mplayer,
1461 (struct permonst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1462 E void FDECL(create_mplayers, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
1463 E void FDECL(mplayer_talk, (struct monst *));
1465 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
1467 /* ### msdos.c,os2.c,tos.c,winnt.c ### */
1469 #ifndef WIN32
1470 E int NDECL(tgetch);
1471 #endif
1472 #ifndef TOS
1473 E char NDECL(switchar);
1474 #endif
1475 #ifndef __GO32__
1476 E long FDECL(freediskspace, (char *));
1477 #ifdef MSDOS
1478 E int FDECL(findfirst_file, (char *));
1479 E int NDECL(findnext_file);
1480 E long FDECL(filesize_nh, (char *));
1481 #else
1482 E int FDECL(findfirst, (char *));
1483 E int NDECL(findnext);
1484 E long FDECL(filesize, (char *));
1485 #endif /* MSDOS */
1486 E char *NDECL(foundfile_buffer);
1487 #endif /* __GO32__ */
1488 E void FDECL(chdrive, (char *));
1489 #ifndef TOS
1490 E void NDECL(disable_ctrlP);
1491 E void NDECL(enable_ctrlP);
1492 #endif
1493 #if defined(MICRO) && !defined(WINNT)
1494 E void NDECL(get_scr_size);
1495 #ifndef TOS
1496 E void FDECL(gotoxy, (int, int));
1497 #endif
1498 #endif
1499 #ifdef TOS
1500 E int FDECL(_copyfile, (char *, char *));
1501 E int NDECL(kbhit);
1502 E void NDECL(set_colors);
1503 E void NDECL(restore_colors);
1504 #ifdef SUSPEND
1505 E int NDECL(dosuspend);
1506 #endif
1507 #endif /* TOS */
1508 #ifdef WIN32
1509 E char *FDECL(get_username, (int *));
1510 E void FDECL(nt_regularize, (char *));
1511 E int NDECL((*nt_kbhit));
1512 E void FDECL(Delay, (int));
1513 #endif /* WIN32 */
1514 #endif /* MICRO || WIN32 */
1516 /* ### mthrowu.c ### */
1518 E int FDECL(thitu, (int, int, struct obj *, const char *));
1519 E int FDECL(ohitmon, (struct monst *, struct obj *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1520 E void FDECL(thrwmu, (struct monst *));
1521 E int FDECL(spitmu, (struct monst *, struct attack *));
1522 E int FDECL(breamu, (struct monst *, struct attack *));
1523 E boolean FDECL(linedup, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int));
1524 E boolean FDECL(lined_up, (struct monst *));
1525 E struct obj *FDECL(m_carrying, (struct monst *, int));
1526 E int FDECL(thrwmm, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
1527 E int FDECL(spitmm, (struct monst *, struct attack *, struct monst *));
1528 E int FDECL(breamm, (struct monst *, struct attack *, struct monst *));
1529 E void FDECL(m_useupall, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
1530 E void FDECL(m_useup, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
1531 E void FDECL(m_throw, (struct monst *, int, int, int, int, int, struct obj *));
1532 E void FDECL(hit_bars, (struct obj **, int, int, int, int,
1534 E boolean FDECL(hits_bars, (struct obj **, int, int, int, int, int, int));
1536 /* ### muse.c ### */
1538 E boolean FDECL(find_defensive, (struct monst *));
1539 E int FDECL(use_defensive, (struct monst *));
1540 E int FDECL(rnd_defensive_item, (struct monst *));
1541 E boolean FDECL(find_offensive, (struct monst *));
1542 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
1543 E int FDECL(mbhitm, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
1544 #endif
1545 E int FDECL(use_offensive, (struct monst *));
1546 E int FDECL(rnd_offensive_item, (struct monst *));
1547 E boolean FDECL(find_misc, (struct monst *));
1548 E int FDECL(use_misc, (struct monst *));
1549 E int FDECL(rnd_misc_item, (struct monst *));
1550 E boolean FDECL(searches_for_item, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
1551 E boolean FDECL(mon_reflects, (struct monst *, const char *));
1552 E boolean FDECL(ureflects, (const char *, const char *));
1553 E boolean FDECL(munstone, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1554 E boolean FDECL(munslime, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1556 /* ### music.c ### */
1558 E void FDECL(awaken_soldiers, (struct monst *));
1559 E int FDECL(do_play_instrument, (struct obj *));
1561 /* ### nhlan.c ### */
1562 #ifdef LAN_FEATURES
1563 E void NDECL(init_lan_features);
1564 E char *NDECL(lan_username);
1565 #endif
1567 /* ### nhregex.c ### */
1568 E struct nhregex *NDECL(regex_init);
1569 E boolean FDECL(regex_compile, (const char *, struct nhregex *));
1570 E const char *FDECL(regex_error_desc, (struct nhregex *));
1571 E boolean FDECL(regex_match, (const char *, struct nhregex *));
1572 E void FDECL(regex_free, (struct nhregex *));
1574 /* ### nttty.c ### */
1576 #ifdef WIN32
1577 E void NDECL(get_scr_size);
1578 E int NDECL(nttty_kbhit);
1579 E void FDECL(nttty_open, (int));
1580 E void NDECL(nttty_rubout);
1581 E int NDECL(tgetch);
1582 E int FDECL(ntposkey, (int *, int *, int *));
1583 E void FDECL(set_output_mode, (int));
1584 E void NDECL(synch_cursor);
1585 #endif
1587 /* ### o_init.c ### */
1589 E void NDECL(init_objects);
1590 E void FDECL(obj_shuffle_range, (int, int *, int *));
1591 E int NDECL(find_skates);
1592 E void NDECL(oinit);
1593 E void FDECL(savenames, (int, int));
1594 E void FDECL(restnames, (int));
1595 E void FDECL(discover_object, (int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1596 E void FDECL(undiscover_object, (int));
1597 E int NDECL(dodiscovered);
1598 E int NDECL(doclassdisco);
1599 E void NDECL(rename_disco);
1601 /* ### objects.c ### */
1603 E void NDECL(objects_init);
1605 /* ### objnam.c ### */
1607 E char *FDECL(obj_typename, (int));
1608 E char *FDECL(simple_typename, (int));
1609 E boolean FDECL(obj_is_pname, (struct obj *));
1610 E char *FDECL(distant_name, (struct obj *, char *(*)(OBJ_P)));
1611 E char *FDECL(fruitname, (BOOLEAN_P));
1612 E char *FDECL(xname, (struct obj *));
1613 E char *FDECL(mshot_xname, (struct obj *));
1614 E boolean FDECL(the_unique_obj, (struct obj *));
1615 E boolean FDECL(the_unique_pm, (struct permonst *));
1616 E boolean FDECL(erosion_matters, (struct obj *));
1617 E char *FDECL(doname, (struct obj *));
1618 E char *FDECL(doname_with_price, (struct obj *));
1619 E char *FDECL(doname_vague_quan, (struct obj *));
1620 E boolean FDECL(not_fully_identified, (struct obj *));
1621 E char *FDECL(corpse_xname, (struct obj *, const char *, unsigned));
1622 E char *FDECL(cxname, (struct obj *));
1623 E char *FDECL(cxname_singular, (struct obj *));
1624 E char *FDECL(killer_xname, (struct obj *));
1625 E char *FDECL(short_oname,
1626 (struct obj *, char *(*)(OBJ_P), char *(*)(OBJ_P), unsigned));
1627 E const char *FDECL(singular, (struct obj *, char *(*)(OBJ_P)));
1628 E char *FDECL(an, (const char *));
1629 E char *FDECL(An, (const char *));
1630 E char *FDECL(The, (const char *));
1631 E char *FDECL(the, (const char *));
1632 E char *FDECL(aobjnam, (struct obj *, const char *));
1633 E char *FDECL(yobjnam, (struct obj *, const char *));
1634 E char *FDECL(Yobjnam2, (struct obj *, const char *));
1635 E char *FDECL(Tobjnam, (struct obj *, const char *));
1636 E char *FDECL(otense, (struct obj *, const char *));
1637 E char *FDECL(vtense, (const char *, const char *));
1638 E char *FDECL(Doname2, (struct obj *));
1639 E char *FDECL(yname, (struct obj *));
1640 E char *FDECL(Yname2, (struct obj *));
1641 E char *FDECL(ysimple_name, (struct obj *));
1642 E char *FDECL(Ysimple_name2, (struct obj *));
1643 E char *FDECL(simpleonames, (struct obj *));
1644 E char *FDECL(ansimpleoname, (struct obj *));
1645 E char *FDECL(thesimpleoname, (struct obj *));
1646 E char *FDECL(bare_artifactname, (struct obj *));
1647 E char *FDECL(makeplural, (const char *));
1648 E char *FDECL(makesingular, (const char *));
1649 E struct obj *FDECL(readobjnam, (char *, struct obj *));
1650 E int FDECL(rnd_class, (int, int));
1651 E const char *FDECL(suit_simple_name, (struct obj *));
1652 E const char *FDECL(cloak_simple_name, (struct obj *));
1653 E const char *FDECL(helm_simple_name, (struct obj *));
1654 E const char *FDECL(mimic_obj_name, (struct monst *));
1655 E char *FDECL(safe_qbuf, (char *, const char *, const char *, struct obj *,
1656 char *(*)(OBJ_P), char *(*)(OBJ_P), const char *));
1658 /* ### options.c ### */
1660 E void NDECL(reglyph_darkroom);
1661 E boolean FDECL(match_optname, (const char *, const char *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1662 E void NDECL(initoptions);
1663 E void NDECL(initoptions_init);
1664 E void NDECL(initoptions_finish);
1665 E void FDECL(parseoptions, (char *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1666 E int NDECL(doset);
1667 E int NDECL(dotogglepickup);
1668 E void NDECL(option_help);
1669 E void FDECL(next_opt, (winid, const char *));
1670 E int FDECL(fruitadd, (char *, struct fruit *));
1671 E int FDECL(choose_classes_menu, (const char *, int, BOOLEAN_P,
1672 char *, char *));
1673 E void FDECL(parsebindings, (char *));
1674 E void FDECL(add_menu_cmd_alias, (CHAR_P, CHAR_P));
1675 E char FDECL(get_menu_cmd_key, (CHAR_P));
1676 E char FDECL(map_menu_cmd, (CHAR_P));
1677 E void FDECL(show_menu_controls, (winid, BOOLEAN_P));
1678 E void FDECL(assign_warnings, (uchar *));
1679 E char *FDECL(nh_getenv, (const char *));
1680 E void FDECL(set_duplicate_opt_detection, (int));
1681 E void FDECL(set_wc_option_mod_status, (unsigned long, int));
1682 E void FDECL(set_wc2_option_mod_status, (unsigned long, int));
1683 E void FDECL(set_option_mod_status, (const char *, int));
1684 E int FDECL(add_autopickup_exception, (const char *));
1685 E void NDECL(free_autopickup_exceptions);
1686 E int FDECL(load_symset, (const char *, int));
1687 E void NDECL(free_symsets);
1688 E boolean FDECL(parsesymbols, (char *));
1689 E struct symparse *FDECL(match_sym, (char *));
1690 E void NDECL(set_playmode);
1691 E int FDECL(sym_val, (const char *));
1692 E const char *FDECL(clr2colorname, (int));
1693 E int FDECL(match_str2clr, (char *));
1694 E boolean FDECL(add_menu_coloring, (char *));
1695 E boolean FDECL(get_menu_coloring, (char *, int *, int *));
1696 E void NDECL(free_menu_coloring);
1697 E boolean FDECL(msgtype_parse_add, (char *));
1698 E int FDECL(msgtype_type, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
1699 E void FDECL(hide_unhide_msgtypes, (BOOLEAN_P, int));
1700 E void NDECL(msgtype_free);
1702 /* ### pager.c ### */
1704 E char *FDECL(self_lookat, (char *));
1705 E void FDECL(mhidden_description, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P, char *));
1706 E boolean FDECL(object_from_map, (int,int,int,struct obj **));
1707 E int FDECL(do_screen_description, (coord, BOOLEAN_P, int, char *,
1708 const char **));
1709 E int FDECL(do_look, (int, coord *));
1710 E int NDECL(dowhatis);
1711 E int NDECL(doquickwhatis);
1712 E int NDECL(doidtrap);
1713 E int NDECL(dowhatdoes);
1714 E char *FDECL(dowhatdoes_core, (CHAR_P, char *));
1715 E int NDECL(dohelp);
1716 E int NDECL(dohistory);
1718 /* ### pcmain.c ### */
1720 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
1721 #ifdef CHDIR
1722 E void FDECL(chdirx, (char *, BOOLEAN_P));
1723 #endif /* CHDIR */
1724 E boolean NDECL(authorize_wizard_mode);
1725 #endif /* MICRO || WIN32 */
1727 /* ### pcsys.c ### */
1729 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
1730 E void NDECL(flushout);
1731 E int NDECL(dosh);
1732 #ifdef MFLOPPY
1733 E void FDECL(eraseall, (const char *, const char *));
1734 E void FDECL(copybones, (int));
1735 E void NDECL(playwoRAMdisk);
1736 E int FDECL(saveDiskPrompt, (int));
1737 E void NDECL(gameDiskPrompt);
1738 #endif
1739 E void FDECL(append_slash, (char *));
1740 E void FDECL(getreturn, (const char *));
1741 #ifndef AMIGA
1742 E void VDECL(msmsg, (const char *, ...));
1743 #endif
1744 E FILE *FDECL(fopenp, (const char *, const char *));
1745 #endif /* MICRO || WIN32 */
1747 /* ### pctty.c ### */
1749 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
1750 E void NDECL(gettty);
1751 E void FDECL(settty, (const char *));
1752 E void NDECL(setftty);
1753 E void VDECL(error, (const char *, ...));
1754 #if defined(TIMED_DELAY) && defined(_MSC_VER)
1755 E void FDECL(msleep, (unsigned));
1756 #endif
1757 #endif /* MICRO || WIN32 */
1759 /* ### pcunix.c ### */
1761 #if defined(MICRO)
1762 E void FDECL(regularize, (char *));
1763 #endif /* MICRO */
1764 #if defined(PC_LOCKING)
1765 E void NDECL(getlock);
1766 #endif
1768 /* ### pickup.c ### */
1770 E int FDECL(collect_obj_classes, (char *, struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P,
1771 boolean FDECL((*), (OBJ_P)), int *));
1772 E boolean FDECL(rider_corpse_revival, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
1773 E void FDECL(add_valid_menu_class, (int));
1774 E boolean FDECL(allow_all, (struct obj *));
1775 E boolean FDECL(allow_category, (struct obj *));
1776 E boolean FDECL(is_worn_by_type, (struct obj *));
1777 E int FDECL(ck_bag, (struct obj *));
1778 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
1779 E int FDECL(in_container, (struct obj *));
1780 E int FDECL(out_container, (struct obj *));
1781 #endif
1782 E int FDECL(pickup, (int));
1783 E int FDECL(pickup_object, (struct obj *, long, BOOLEAN_P));
1784 E int FDECL(query_category, (const char *, struct obj *, int,
1785 menu_item **, int));
1786 E int FDECL(query_objlist, (const char *, struct obj **, int,
1787 menu_item **, int, boolean (*)(OBJ_P)));
1788 E struct obj *FDECL(pick_obj, (struct obj *));
1789 E int NDECL(encumber_msg);
1790 E int FDECL(container_at, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1791 E int NDECL(doloot);
1792 E boolean FDECL(container_gone, (int (*)(OBJ_P)));
1793 E boolean NDECL(u_handsy);
1794 E int FDECL(use_container, (struct obj **, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1795 E int FDECL(loot_mon, (struct monst *, int *, boolean *));
1796 E int NDECL(dotip);
1797 E boolean FDECL(is_autopickup_exception, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
1799 /* ### pline.c ### */
1801 E void VDECL(pline, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1802 E void VDECL(Norep, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1803 E void NDECL(free_youbuf);
1804 E void VDECL(You, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1805 E void VDECL(Your, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1806 E void VDECL(You_feel, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1807 E void VDECL(You_cant, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1808 E void VDECL(You_hear, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1809 E void VDECL(You_see, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1810 E void VDECL(pline_The, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1811 E void VDECL(There, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1812 E void VDECL(verbalize, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1813 E void VDECL(raw_printf, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1814 E void VDECL(impossible, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
1815 E const char *FDECL(align_str, (ALIGNTYP_P));
1816 E void FDECL(mstatusline, (struct monst *));
1817 E void NDECL(ustatusline);
1818 E void NDECL(self_invis_message);
1819 E char *FDECL(piousness, (BOOLEAN_P, const char *));
1820 E void FDECL(pudding_merge_message, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
1822 /* ### polyself.c ### */
1824 E void NDECL(set_uasmon);
1825 E void NDECL(float_vs_flight);
1826 E void NDECL(change_sex);
1827 E void FDECL(polyself, (int));
1828 E int FDECL(polymon, (int));
1829 E void NDECL(rehumanize);
1830 E int NDECL(dobreathe);
1831 E int NDECL(dospit);
1832 E int NDECL(doremove);
1833 E int NDECL(dospinweb);
1834 E int NDECL(dosummon);
1835 E int NDECL(dogaze);
1836 E int NDECL(dohide);
1837 E int NDECL(dopoly);
1838 E int NDECL(domindblast);
1839 E void FDECL(skinback, (BOOLEAN_P));
1840 E const char *FDECL(mbodypart, (struct monst *, int));
1841 E const char *FDECL(body_part, (int));
1842 E int NDECL(poly_gender);
1843 E void FDECL(ugolemeffects, (int, int));
1845 /* ### potion.c ### */
1847 E void FDECL(set_itimeout, (long *, long));
1848 E void FDECL(incr_itimeout, (long *, int));
1849 E void FDECL(make_confused, (long, BOOLEAN_P));
1850 E void FDECL(make_stunned, (long, BOOLEAN_P));
1851 E void FDECL(make_blinded, (long, BOOLEAN_P));
1852 E void FDECL(make_sick, (long, const char *, BOOLEAN_P, int));
1853 E void FDECL(make_slimed, (long, const char *));
1854 E void FDECL(make_stoned, (long, const char *, int, const char *));
1855 E void FDECL(make_vomiting, (long, BOOLEAN_P));
1856 E boolean FDECL(make_hallucinated, (long, BOOLEAN_P, long));
1857 E void FDECL(make_deaf, (long, BOOLEAN_P));
1858 E int NDECL(dodrink);
1859 E int FDECL(dopotion, (struct obj *));
1860 E int FDECL(peffects, (struct obj *));
1861 E void FDECL(healup, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1862 E void FDECL(strange_feeling, (struct obj *, const char *));
1863 E void FDECL(potionhit, (struct monst *, struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
1864 E void FDECL(potionbreathe, (struct obj *));
1865 E int NDECL(dodip);
1866 E void FDECL(mongrantswish, (struct monst **));
1867 E void FDECL(djinni_from_bottle, (struct obj *));
1868 E struct monst *FDECL(split_mon, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
1869 E const char *NDECL(bottlename);
1871 /* ### pray.c ### */
1873 E boolean FDECL(critically_low_hp, (BOOLEAN_P));
1874 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
1875 E int NDECL(prayer_done);
1876 #endif
1877 E int NDECL(dosacrifice);
1878 E boolean FDECL(can_pray, (BOOLEAN_P));
1879 E int NDECL(dopray);
1880 E const char *NDECL(u_gname);
1881 E int NDECL(doturn);
1882 E const char *NDECL(a_gname);
1883 E const char *FDECL(a_gname_at, (XCHAR_P x, XCHAR_P y));
1884 E const char *FDECL(align_gname, (ALIGNTYP_P));
1885 E const char *FDECL(halu_gname, (ALIGNTYP_P));
1886 E const char *FDECL(align_gtitle, (ALIGNTYP_P));
1887 E void FDECL(altar_wrath, (int, int));
1889 /* ### priest.c ### */
1891 E int FDECL(move_special, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P, SCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P,
1893 E char FDECL(temple_occupied, (char *));
1894 E boolean FDECL(inhistemple, (struct monst *));
1895 E int FDECL(pri_move, (struct monst *));
1896 E void FDECL(priestini, (d_level *, struct mkroom *, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
1897 E aligntyp FDECL(mon_aligntyp, (struct monst *));
1898 E char *FDECL(priestname, (struct monst *, char *));
1899 E boolean FDECL(p_coaligned, (struct monst *));
1900 E struct monst *FDECL(findpriest, (CHAR_P));
1901 E void FDECL(intemple, (int));
1902 E void FDECL(forget_temple_entry, (struct monst *));
1903 E void FDECL(priest_talk, (struct monst *));
1904 E struct monst *FDECL(mk_roamer, (struct permonst *, ALIGNTYP_P, XCHAR_P,
1906 E void FDECL(reset_hostility, (struct monst *));
1907 E boolean FDECL(in_your_sanctuary, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1908 E void FDECL(ghod_hitsu, (struct monst *));
1909 E void NDECL(angry_priest);
1910 E void NDECL(clearpriests);
1911 E void FDECL(restpriest, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
1912 E void FDECL(newepri, (struct monst *));
1913 E void FDECL(free_epri, (struct monst *));
1915 /* ### quest.c ### */
1917 E void NDECL(onquest);
1918 E void NDECL(nemdead);
1919 E void FDECL(artitouch, (struct obj *));
1920 E boolean NDECL(ok_to_quest);
1921 E void FDECL(leader_speaks, (struct monst *));
1922 E void NDECL(nemesis_speaks);
1923 E void FDECL(quest_chat, (struct monst *));
1924 E void FDECL(quest_talk, (struct monst *));
1925 E void FDECL(quest_stat_check, (struct monst *));
1926 E void FDECL(finish_quest, (struct obj *));
1928 /* ### questpgr.c ### */
1930 E void NDECL(load_qtlist);
1931 E void NDECL(unload_qtlist);
1932 E short FDECL(quest_info, (int));
1933 E const char *NDECL(ldrname);
1934 E boolean FDECL(is_quest_artifact, (struct obj *));
1935 E void FDECL(com_pager, (int));
1936 E void FDECL(qt_pager, (int));
1937 E struct permonst *NDECL(qt_montype);
1938 E void NDECL(deliver_splev_message);
1940 /* ### random.c ### */
1942 #if defined(RANDOM) && !defined(__GO32__) /* djgpp has its own random */
1943 E void FDECL(srandom, (unsigned));
1944 E char *FDECL(initstate, (unsigned, char *, int));
1945 E char *FDECL(setstate, (char *));
1946 E long NDECL(random);
1947 #endif /* RANDOM */
1949 /* ### read.c ### */
1951 E void FDECL(learnscroll, (struct obj *));
1952 E char *FDECL(tshirt_text, (struct obj *, char *));
1953 E int NDECL(doread);
1954 E boolean FDECL(is_chargeable, (struct obj *));
1955 E void FDECL(recharge, (struct obj *, int));
1956 E void FDECL(forget_objects, (int));
1957 E void FDECL(forget_levels, (int));
1958 E void NDECL(forget_traps);
1959 E void FDECL(forget_map, (int));
1960 E int FDECL(seffects, (struct obj *));
1961 E void FDECL(drop_boulder_on_player,
1963 E boolean FDECL(drop_boulder_on_monster, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
1964 E void FDECL(wand_explode, (struct obj *, int));
1965 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
1966 E void FDECL(set_lit, (int, int, genericptr_t));
1967 #endif
1968 E void FDECL(litroom, (BOOLEAN_P, struct obj *));
1969 E void FDECL(do_genocide, (int));
1970 E void FDECL(punish, (struct obj *));
1971 E void NDECL(unpunish);
1972 E boolean FDECL(cant_revive, (int *, BOOLEAN_P, struct obj *));
1973 E boolean NDECL(create_particular);
1975 /* ### rect.c ### */
1977 E void NDECL(init_rect);
1978 E NhRect *FDECL(get_rect, (NhRect *));
1979 E NhRect *NDECL(rnd_rect);
1980 E void FDECL(remove_rect, (NhRect *));
1981 E void FDECL(add_rect, (NhRect *));
1982 E void FDECL(split_rects, (NhRect *, NhRect *));
1984 /* ## region.c ### */
1985 E void NDECL(clear_regions);
1986 E void NDECL(run_regions);
1987 E boolean FDECL(in_out_region, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1988 E boolean FDECL(m_in_out_region, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1989 E void NDECL(update_player_regions);
1990 E void FDECL(update_monster_region, (struct monst *));
1991 E NhRegion *FDECL(visible_region_at, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1992 E void FDECL(show_region, (NhRegion *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
1993 E void FDECL(save_regions, (int, int));
1994 E void FDECL(rest_regions, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
1995 E void FDECL(region_stats, (const char *, char *, long *, long *));
1996 E NhRegion *FDECL(create_gas_cloud, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int, int));
1997 E boolean NDECL(region_danger);
1998 E void NDECL(region_safety);
2000 /* ### restore.c ### */
2002 E void FDECL(inven_inuse, (BOOLEAN_P));
2003 E int FDECL(dorecover, (int));
2004 E void FDECL(restcemetery, (int, struct cemetery **));
2005 E void FDECL(trickery, (char *));
2006 E void FDECL(getlev, (int, int, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2007 E void FDECL(get_plname_from_file, (int, char *));
2008 #ifdef SELECTSAVED
2009 E int FDECL(restore_menu, (winid));
2010 #endif
2011 E void NDECL(minit);
2012 E boolean FDECL(lookup_id_mapping, (unsigned, unsigned *));
2013 E void FDECL(mread, (int, genericptr_t, unsigned int));
2014 E int FDECL(validate, (int, const char *));
2015 E void NDECL(reset_restpref);
2016 E void FDECL(set_restpref, (const char *));
2017 E void FDECL(set_savepref, (const char *));
2019 /* ### rip.c ### */
2021 E void FDECL(genl_outrip, (winid, int, time_t));
2023 /* ### rnd.c ### */
2025 E int FDECL(rn2, (int));
2026 E int FDECL(rnl, (int));
2027 E int FDECL(rnd, (int));
2028 E int FDECL(d, (int, int));
2029 E int FDECL(rne, (int));
2030 E int FDECL(rnz, (int));
2032 /* ### role.c ### */
2034 E boolean FDECL(validrole, (int));
2035 E boolean FDECL(validrace, (int, int));
2036 E boolean FDECL(validgend, (int, int, int));
2037 E boolean FDECL(validalign, (int, int, int));
2038 E int NDECL(randrole);
2039 E int FDECL(randrace, (int));
2040 E int FDECL(randgend, (int, int));
2041 E int FDECL(randalign, (int, int));
2042 E int FDECL(str2role, (const char *));
2043 E int FDECL(str2race, (const char *));
2044 E int FDECL(str2gend, (const char *));
2045 E int FDECL(str2align, (const char *));
2046 E boolean FDECL(ok_role, (int, int, int, int));
2047 E int FDECL(pick_role, (int, int, int, int));
2048 E boolean FDECL(ok_race, (int, int, int, int));
2049 E int FDECL(pick_race, (int, int, int, int));
2050 E boolean FDECL(ok_gend, (int, int, int, int));
2051 E int FDECL(pick_gend, (int, int, int, int));
2052 E boolean FDECL(ok_align, (int, int, int, int));
2053 E int FDECL(pick_align, (int, int, int, int));
2054 E void NDECL(rigid_role_checks);
2055 E boolean FDECL(setrolefilter, (const char *));
2056 E boolean NDECL(gotrolefilter);
2057 E void NDECL(clearrolefilter);
2058 E char *FDECL(build_plselection_prompt, (char *, int, int, int, int, int));
2059 E char *FDECL(root_plselection_prompt, (char *, int, int, int, int, int));
2060 E void NDECL(plnamesuffix);
2061 E void FDECL(role_selection_prolog, (int, winid));
2062 E void FDECL(role_menu_extra, (int, winid, BOOLEAN_P));
2063 E void NDECL(role_init);
2064 E const char *FDECL(Hello, (struct monst *));
2065 E const char *NDECL(Goodbye);
2067 /* ### rumors.c ### */
2069 E char *FDECL(getrumor, (int, char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2070 E char *FDECL(get_rnd_text, (const char *, char *));
2071 E void FDECL(outrumor, (int, int));
2072 E void FDECL(outoracle, (BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2073 E void FDECL(save_oracles, (int, int));
2074 E void FDECL(restore_oracles, (int));
2075 E int FDECL(doconsult, (struct monst *));
2076 E void NDECL(rumor_check);
2078 /* ### save.c ### */
2080 E int NDECL(dosave);
2081 E int NDECL(dosave0);
2082 E boolean FDECL(tricked_fileremoved, (int, char *));
2083 #ifdef INSURANCE
2084 E void NDECL(savestateinlock);
2085 #endif
2086 #ifdef MFLOPPY
2087 E boolean FDECL(savelev, (int, XCHAR_P, int));
2088 E boolean FDECL(swapin_file, (int));
2089 E void NDECL(co_false);
2090 #else
2091 E void FDECL(savelev, (int, XCHAR_P, int));
2092 #endif
2093 E genericptr_t FDECL(mon_to_buffer, (struct monst *, int *));
2094 E void FDECL(bufon, (int));
2095 E void FDECL(bufoff, (int));
2096 E void FDECL(bflush, (int));
2097 E void FDECL(bwrite, (int, genericptr_t, unsigned int));
2098 E void FDECL(bclose, (int));
2099 E void FDECL(def_bclose, (int));
2100 #if defined(ZEROCOMP)
2101 E void FDECL(zerocomp_bclose, (int));
2102 #endif
2103 E void FDECL(savecemetery, (int, int, struct cemetery **));
2104 E void FDECL(savefruitchn, (int, int));
2105 E void FDECL(store_plname_in_file, (int));
2106 E void NDECL(free_dungeons);
2107 E void NDECL(freedynamicdata);
2108 E void FDECL(store_savefileinfo, (int));
2110 /* ### shk.c ### */
2112 E long FDECL(money2mon, (struct monst *, long));
2113 E void FDECL(money2u, (struct monst *, long));
2114 E void FDECL(shkgone, (struct monst *));
2115 E void FDECL(set_residency, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2116 E void FDECL(replshk, (struct monst *, struct monst *));
2117 E void FDECL(restshk, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2118 E char FDECL(inside_shop, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2119 E void FDECL(u_left_shop, (char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2120 E void FDECL(remote_burglary, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2121 E void FDECL(u_entered_shop, (char *));
2122 E void FDECL(pick_pick, (struct obj *));
2123 E boolean FDECL(same_price, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
2124 E void NDECL(shopper_financial_report);
2125 E int FDECL(inhishop, (struct monst *));
2126 E struct monst *FDECL(shop_keeper, (CHAR_P));
2127 E boolean FDECL(tended_shop, (struct mkroom *));
2128 E boolean FDECL(is_unpaid, (struct obj *));
2129 E void FDECL(delete_contents, (struct obj *));
2130 E void FDECL(obfree, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
2131 E void FDECL(home_shk, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2132 E void FDECL(make_happy_shk, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2133 E void FDECL(make_happy_shoppers, (BOOLEAN_P));
2134 E void FDECL(hot_pursuit, (struct monst *));
2135 E void FDECL(make_angry_shk, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2136 E int NDECL(dopay);
2137 E boolean FDECL(paybill, (int));
2138 E void NDECL(finish_paybill);
2139 E struct obj *FDECL(find_oid, (unsigned));
2140 E long FDECL(contained_cost,
2141 (struct obj *, struct monst *, long, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2142 E long FDECL(contained_gold, (struct obj *));
2143 E void FDECL(picked_container, (struct obj *));
2144 E void FDECL(alter_cost, (struct obj *, long));
2145 E long FDECL(unpaid_cost, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2146 E boolean FDECL(billable, (struct monst **, struct obj *, CHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2147 E void FDECL(addtobill, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2148 E void FDECL(splitbill, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
2149 E void FDECL(subfrombill, (struct obj *, struct monst *));
2150 E long FDECL(stolen_value,
2151 (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2152 E void FDECL(sellobj_state, (int));
2153 E void FDECL(sellobj, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2154 E int FDECL(doinvbill, (int));
2155 E struct monst *FDECL(shkcatch, (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2156 E void FDECL(add_damage, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, long));
2157 E int FDECL(repair_damage, (struct monst *, struct damage *, BOOLEAN_P));
2158 E int FDECL(shk_move, (struct monst *));
2159 E void FDECL(after_shk_move, (struct monst *));
2160 E boolean FDECL(is_fshk, (struct monst *));
2161 E void FDECL(shopdig, (int));
2162 E void FDECL(pay_for_damage, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2163 E boolean FDECL(costly_spot, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2164 E struct obj *FDECL(shop_object, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2165 E void FDECL(price_quote, (struct obj *));
2166 E void FDECL(shk_chat, (struct monst *));
2167 E void FDECL(check_unpaid_usage, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2168 E void FDECL(check_unpaid, (struct obj *));
2169 E void FDECL(costly_gold, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, long));
2170 E long FDECL(get_cost_of_shop_item, (struct obj *));
2171 E boolean FDECL(block_door, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2172 E boolean FDECL(block_entry, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2173 E char *FDECL(shk_your, (char *, struct obj *));
2174 E char *FDECL(Shk_Your, (char *, struct obj *));
2176 /* ### shknam.c ### */
2178 E void FDECL(neweshk, (struct monst *));
2179 E void FDECL(free_eshk, (struct monst *));
2180 E void FDECL(stock_room, (int, struct mkroom *));
2181 E boolean FDECL(saleable, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
2182 E int FDECL(get_shop_item, (int));
2183 E char *FDECL(Shknam, (struct monst *));
2184 E char *FDECL(shkname, (struct monst *));
2185 E boolean FDECL(shkname_is_pname, (struct monst *));
2186 E boolean FDECL(is_izchak, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2188 /* ### sit.c ### */
2190 E void NDECL(take_gold);
2191 E int NDECL(dosit);
2192 E void NDECL(rndcurse);
2193 E void NDECL(attrcurse);
2195 /* ### sounds.c ### */
2197 E void NDECL(dosounds);
2198 E const char *FDECL(growl_sound, (struct monst *));
2199 E void FDECL(growl, (struct monst *));
2200 E void FDECL(yelp, (struct monst *));
2201 E void FDECL(whimper, (struct monst *));
2202 E void FDECL(beg, (struct monst *));
2203 E int NDECL(dotalk);
2204 #ifdef USER_SOUNDS
2205 E int FDECL(add_sound_mapping, (const char *));
2206 E void FDECL(play_sound_for_message, (const char *));
2207 #endif
2209 /* ### sys.c ### */
2211 E void NDECL(sys_early_init);
2212 E void NDECL(sysopt_release);
2213 E void FDECL(sysopt_seduce_set, (int));
2215 /* ### sys/msdos/sound.c ### */
2217 #ifdef MSDOS
2218 E int FDECL(assign_soundcard, (char *));
2219 #endif
2221 /* ### sp_lev.c ### */
2223 E boolean FDECL(check_room, (xchar *, xchar *, xchar *, xchar *, BOOLEAN_P));
2224 E boolean FDECL(create_room, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P,
2226 E void FDECL(create_secret_door, (struct mkroom *, XCHAR_P));
2227 E boolean
2228 FDECL(dig_corridor, (coord *, coord *, BOOLEAN_P, SCHAR_P, SCHAR_P));
2229 E void FDECL(fill_room, (struct mkroom *, BOOLEAN_P));
2230 E boolean FDECL(load_special, (const char *));
2232 /* ### spell.c ### */
2234 E void FDECL(book_cursed, (struct obj *));
2235 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
2236 E int NDECL(learn);
2237 #endif
2238 E int FDECL(study_book, (struct obj *));
2239 E void FDECL(book_disappears, (struct obj *));
2240 E void FDECL(book_substitution, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
2241 E void NDECL(age_spells);
2242 E int NDECL(docast);
2243 E int FDECL(spell_skilltype, (int));
2244 E int FDECL(spelleffects, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
2245 E void NDECL(losespells);
2246 E int NDECL(dovspell);
2247 E void FDECL(initialspell, (struct obj *));
2249 /* ### steal.c ### */
2251 #ifdef USE_TRAMPOLI
2252 E int NDECL(stealarm);
2253 #endif
2254 E long FDECL(somegold, (long));
2255 E void FDECL(stealgold, (struct monst *));
2256 E void FDECL(remove_worn_item, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2257 E int FDECL(steal, (struct monst *, char *));
2258 E int FDECL(mpickobj, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
2259 E void FDECL(stealamulet, (struct monst *));
2260 E void FDECL(maybe_absorb_item, (struct monst *, struct obj *, int, int));
2261 E void FDECL(mdrop_obj, (struct monst *, struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2262 E void FDECL(mdrop_special_objs, (struct monst *));
2263 E void FDECL(relobj, (struct monst *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
2264 E struct obj *FDECL(findgold, (struct obj *));
2266 /* ### steed.c ### */
2268 E void NDECL(rider_cant_reach);
2269 E boolean FDECL(can_saddle, (struct monst *));
2270 E int FDECL(use_saddle, (struct obj *));
2271 E void FDECL(put_saddle_on_mon, (struct obj *, struct monst *));
2272 E boolean FDECL(can_ride, (struct monst *));
2273 E int NDECL(doride);
2274 E boolean FDECL(mount_steed, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2275 E void NDECL(exercise_steed);
2276 E void NDECL(kick_steed);
2277 E void FDECL(dismount_steed, (int));
2278 E void FDECL(place_monster, (struct monst *, int, int));
2279 E boolean FDECL(stucksteed, (BOOLEAN_P));
2281 /* ### teleport.c ### */
2283 E boolean FDECL(goodpos, (int, int, struct monst *, unsigned));
2284 E boolean FDECL(enexto, (coord *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, struct permonst *));
2285 E boolean
2286 FDECL(enexto_core, (coord *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, struct permonst *, unsigned));
2287 E void FDECL(teleds, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
2288 E boolean FDECL(safe_teleds, (BOOLEAN_P));
2289 E boolean FDECL(teleport_pet, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2290 E void NDECL(tele);
2291 E boolean FDECL(scrolltele, (struct obj *));
2292 E int NDECL(dotele);
2293 E void NDECL(level_tele);
2294 E void FDECL(domagicportal, (struct trap *));
2295 E void FDECL(tele_trap, (struct trap *));
2296 E void FDECL(level_tele_trap, (struct trap *));
2297 E void FDECL(rloc_to, (struct monst *, int, int));
2298 E boolean FDECL(rloc, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2299 E boolean FDECL(tele_restrict, (struct monst *));
2300 E void FDECL(mtele_trap, (struct monst *, struct trap *, int));
2301 E int FDECL(mlevel_tele_trap,
2302 (struct monst *, struct trap *, BOOLEAN_P, int));
2303 E boolean FDECL(rloco, (struct obj *));
2304 E int NDECL(random_teleport_level);
2305 E boolean FDECL(u_teleport_mon, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2307 /* ### tile.c ### */
2308 #ifdef USE_TILES
2309 E void FDECL(substitute_tiles, (d_level *));
2310 #endif
2312 /* ### timeout.c ### */
2314 E void NDECL(burn_away_slime);
2315 E void NDECL(nh_timeout);
2316 E void FDECL(fall_asleep, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
2317 E void FDECL(attach_egg_hatch_timeout, (struct obj *, long));
2318 E void FDECL(attach_fig_transform_timeout, (struct obj *));
2319 E void FDECL(kill_egg, (struct obj *));
2320 E void FDECL(hatch_egg, (ANY_P *, long));
2321 E void FDECL(learn_egg_type, (int));
2322 E void FDECL(burn_object, (ANY_P *, long));
2323 E void FDECL(begin_burn, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2324 E void FDECL(end_burn, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2325 E void NDECL(do_storms);
2326 E boolean FDECL(start_timer, (long, SHORT_P, SHORT_P, ANY_P *));
2327 E long FDECL(stop_timer, (SHORT_P, ANY_P *));
2328 E long FDECL(peek_timer, (SHORT_P, ANY_P *));
2329 E void NDECL(run_timers);
2330 E void FDECL(obj_move_timers, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
2331 E void FDECL(obj_split_timers, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
2332 E void FDECL(obj_stop_timers, (struct obj *));
2333 E boolean FDECL(obj_has_timer, (struct obj *, SHORT_P));
2334 E void FDECL(spot_stop_timers, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, SHORT_P));
2335 E long FDECL(spot_time_expires, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, SHORT_P));
2336 E long FDECL(spot_time_left, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, SHORT_P));
2337 E boolean FDECL(obj_is_local, (struct obj *));
2338 E void FDECL(save_timers, (int, int, int));
2339 E void FDECL(restore_timers, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P, long));
2340 E void FDECL(timer_stats, (const char *, char *, long *, long *));
2341 E void FDECL(relink_timers, (BOOLEAN_P));
2342 E int NDECL(wiz_timeout_queue);
2343 E void NDECL(timer_sanity_check);
2345 /* ### topten.c ### */
2347 E void FDECL(formatkiller, (char *, unsigned, int, BOOLEAN_P));
2348 E void FDECL(topten, (int, time_t));
2349 E void FDECL(prscore, (int, char **));
2350 E struct toptenentry *NDECL(get_rnd_toptenentry);
2351 E struct obj *FDECL(tt_oname, (struct obj *));
2353 /* ### track.c ### */
2355 E void NDECL(initrack);
2356 E void NDECL(settrack);
2357 E coord *FDECL(gettrack, (int, int));
2359 /* ### trap.c ### */
2361 E boolean FDECL(burnarmor, (struct monst *));
2362 E int FDECL(erode_obj, (struct obj *, const char *, int, int));
2363 E boolean FDECL(grease_protect, (struct obj *, const char *, struct monst *));
2364 E struct trap *FDECL(maketrap, (int, int, int));
2365 E void FDECL(fall_through, (BOOLEAN_P));
2366 E struct monst *FDECL(animate_statue,
2367 (struct obj *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int, int *));
2368 E struct monst *FDECL(activate_statue_trap,
2369 (struct trap *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2370 E void FDECL(dotrap, (struct trap *, unsigned));
2371 E void FDECL(seetrap, (struct trap *));
2372 E void FDECL(feeltrap, (struct trap *));
2373 E int FDECL(mintrap, (struct monst *));
2374 E void FDECL(instapetrify, (const char *));
2375 E void FDECL(minstapetrify, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2376 E void FDECL(selftouch, (const char *));
2377 E void FDECL(mselftouch, (struct monst *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2378 E void NDECL(float_up);
2379 E void FDECL(fill_pit, (int, int));
2380 E int FDECL(float_down, (long, long));
2381 E void NDECL(climb_pit);
2382 E boolean FDECL(fire_damage, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2383 E int FDECL(fire_damage_chain,
2384 (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2385 E void acid_damage(struct obj *);
2386 E int FDECL(water_damage, (struct obj *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2387 E void FDECL(water_damage_chain, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2388 E boolean NDECL(drown);
2389 E void FDECL(drain_en, (int));
2390 E int NDECL(dountrap);
2391 E void FDECL(cnv_trap_obj, (int, int, struct trap *, BOOLEAN_P));
2392 E int FDECL(untrap, (BOOLEAN_P));
2393 E boolean FDECL(openholdingtrap, (struct monst *, boolean *));
2394 E boolean FDECL(closeholdingtrap, (struct monst *, boolean *));
2395 E boolean FDECL(openfallingtrap, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P, boolean *));
2396 E boolean FDECL(chest_trap, (struct obj *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
2397 E void FDECL(deltrap, (struct trap *));
2398 E boolean FDECL(delfloortrap, (struct trap *));
2399 E struct trap *FDECL(t_at, (int, int));
2400 E void FDECL(b_trapped, (const char *, int));
2401 E boolean NDECL(unconscious);
2402 E void FDECL(blow_up_landmine, (struct trap *));
2403 E int FDECL(launch_obj, (SHORT_P, int, int, int, int, int));
2404 E boolean NDECL(launch_in_progress);
2405 E void NDECL(force_launch_placement);
2406 E boolean FDECL(uteetering_at_seen_pit, (struct trap *));
2407 E boolean NDECL(lava_effects);
2408 E void NDECL(sink_into_lava);
2409 E void NDECL(sokoban_guilt);
2411 /* ### u_init.c ### */
2413 E void NDECL(u_init);
2415 /* ### uhitm.c ### */
2417 E void FDECL(erode_armor, (struct monst *, int));
2418 E boolean FDECL(attack_checks, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
2419 E void FDECL(check_caitiff, (struct monst *));
2420 E int FDECL(find_roll_to_hit,
2421 (struct monst *, UCHAR_P, struct obj *, int *, int *));
2422 E boolean FDECL(attack, (struct monst *));
2423 E boolean FDECL(hmon, (struct monst *, struct obj *, int));
2424 E int FDECL(damageum, (struct monst *, struct attack *));
2425 E void FDECL(missum, (struct monst *, struct attack *, BOOLEAN_P));
2426 E int FDECL(passive, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P, int, UCHAR_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2427 E void FDECL(passive_obj, (struct monst *, struct obj *, struct attack *));
2428 E void FDECL(stumble_onto_mimic, (struct monst *));
2429 E int FDECL(flash_hits_mon, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
2430 E void FDECL(light_hits_gremlin, (struct monst *, int));
2432 /* ### unixmain.c ### */
2434 #ifdef UNIX
2435 #ifdef PORT_HELP
2436 E void NDECL(port_help);
2437 #endif
2438 E void FDECL(sethanguphandler, (void (*)(int)));
2439 E boolean NDECL(authorize_wizard_mode);
2440 E boolean FDECL(check_user_string, (char *));
2441 #endif /* UNIX */
2443 /* ### unixtty.c ### */
2445 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(__BEOS__)
2446 E void NDECL(gettty);
2447 E void FDECL(settty, (const char *));
2448 E void NDECL(setftty);
2449 E void NDECL(intron);
2450 E void NDECL(introff);
2451 E void VDECL(error, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
2452 #endif /* UNIX || __BEOS__ */
2454 /* ### unixunix.c ### */
2456 #ifdef UNIX
2457 E void NDECL(getlock);
2458 E void FDECL(regularize, (char *));
2459 #if defined(TIMED_DELAY) && !defined(msleep) && defined(SYSV)
2460 E void FDECL(msleep, (unsigned));
2461 #endif
2462 #ifdef SHELL
2463 E int NDECL(dosh);
2464 #endif /* SHELL */
2465 #if defined(SHELL) || defined(DEF_PAGER) || defined(DEF_MAILREADER)
2466 E int FDECL(child, (int));
2467 #endif
2468 #ifdef PANICTRACE
2469 E boolean FDECL(file_exists, (const char *));
2470 #endif
2471 #endif /* UNIX */
2473 /* ### unixres.c ### */
2475 #ifdef UNIX
2476 #ifdef GNOME_GRAPHICS
2477 E int FDECL(hide_privileges, (BOOLEAN_P));
2478 #endif
2479 #endif /* UNIX */
2481 /* ### vault.c ### */
2483 E void FDECL(newegd, (struct monst *));
2484 E void FDECL(free_egd, (struct monst *));
2485 E boolean FDECL(grddead, (struct monst *));
2486 E char FDECL(vault_occupied, (char *));
2487 E void NDECL(invault);
2488 E int FDECL(gd_move, (struct monst *));
2489 E void NDECL(paygd);
2490 E long NDECL(hidden_gold);
2491 E boolean NDECL(gd_sound);
2492 E void FDECL(vault_gd_watching, (unsigned int));
2494 /* ### version.c ### */
2496 E char *FDECL(version_string, (char *));
2497 E char *FDECL(getversionstring, (char *));
2498 E int NDECL(doversion);
2499 E int NDECL(doextversion);
2500 #ifdef MICRO
2501 E boolean FDECL(comp_times, (long));
2502 #endif
2503 E boolean
2504 FDECL(check_version, (struct version_info *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2505 E boolean FDECL(uptodate, (int, const char *));
2506 E void FDECL(store_version, (int));
2507 E unsigned long FDECL(get_feature_notice_ver, (char *));
2508 E unsigned long NDECL(get_current_feature_ver);
2509 E const char *FDECL(copyright_banner_line, (int));
2511 #ifdef RUNTIME_PORT_ID
2512 E void FDECL(append_port_id, (char *));
2513 #endif
2515 /* ### video.c ### */
2517 #ifdef MSDOS
2518 E int FDECL(assign_video, (char *));
2519 #ifdef NO_TERMS
2520 E void NDECL(gr_init);
2521 E void NDECL(gr_finish);
2522 #endif
2523 E void FDECL(tileview, (BOOLEAN_P));
2524 #endif
2525 #ifdef VIDEOSHADES
2526 E int FDECL(assign_videoshades, (char *));
2527 E int FDECL(assign_videocolors, (char *));
2528 #endif
2530 /* ### vis_tab.c ### */
2532 #ifdef VISION_TABLES
2533 E void NDECL(vis_tab_init);
2534 #endif
2536 /* ### vision.c ### */
2538 E void NDECL(vision_init);
2539 E int FDECL(does_block, (int, int, struct rm *));
2540 E void NDECL(vision_reset);
2541 E void FDECL(vision_recalc, (int));
2542 E void FDECL(block_point, (int, int));
2543 E void FDECL(unblock_point, (int, int));
2544 E boolean FDECL(clear_path, (int, int, int, int));
2545 E void FDECL(do_clear_area, (int, int, int,
2546 void (*)(int, int, genericptr), genericptr_t));
2547 E unsigned FDECL(howmonseen, (struct monst *));
2549 #ifdef VMS
2551 /* ### vmsfiles.c ### */
2553 E int FDECL(vms_link, (const char *, const char *));
2554 E int FDECL(vms_unlink, (const char *));
2555 E int FDECL(vms_creat, (const char *, unsigned int));
2556 E int FDECL(vms_open, (const char *, int, unsigned int));
2557 E boolean FDECL(same_dir, (const char *, const char *));
2558 E int FDECL(c__translate, (int));
2559 E char *FDECL(vms_basename, (const char *));
2561 /* ### vmsmail.c ### */
2563 E unsigned long NDECL(init_broadcast_trapping);
2564 E unsigned long NDECL(enable_broadcast_trapping);
2565 E unsigned long NDECL(disable_broadcast_trapping);
2566 #if 0
2567 E struct mail_info *NDECL(parse_next_broadcast);
2568 #endif /*0*/
2570 /* ### vmsmain.c ### */
2572 E int FDECL(main, (int, char **));
2573 #ifdef CHDIR
2574 E void FDECL(chdirx, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2575 #endif /* CHDIR */
2576 E void FDECL(sethanguphandler, (void (*)(int)));
2577 E boolean NDECL(authorize_wizard_mode);
2579 /* ### vmsmisc.c ### */
2581 E void NDECL(vms_abort) NORETURN;
2582 E void FDECL(vms_exit, (int)) NORETURN;
2583 #ifdef PANICTRACE
2584 E void FDECL(vms_traceback, (int));
2585 #endif
2587 /* ### vmstty.c ### */
2589 E int NDECL(vms_getchar);
2590 E void NDECL(gettty);
2591 E void FDECL(settty, (const char *));
2592 E void FDECL(shuttty, (const char *));
2593 E void NDECL(setftty);
2594 E void NDECL(intron);
2595 E void NDECL(introff);
2596 E void VDECL(error, (const char *, ...)) PRINTF_F(1, 2);
2597 #ifdef TIMED_DELAY
2598 E void FDECL(msleep, (unsigned));
2599 #endif
2601 /* ### vmsunix.c ### */
2603 E void NDECL(getlock);
2604 E void FDECL(regularize, (char *));
2605 E int NDECL(vms_getuid);
2606 E boolean FDECL(file_is_stmlf, (int));
2607 E int FDECL(vms_define, (const char *, const char *, int));
2608 E int FDECL(vms_putenv, (const char *));
2609 E char *NDECL(verify_termcap);
2610 #if defined(CHDIR) || defined(SHELL) || defined(SECURE)
2611 E void NDECL(privoff);
2612 E void NDECL(privon);
2613 #endif
2614 #ifdef SHELL
2615 E int NDECL(dosh);
2616 #endif
2617 #if defined(SHELL) || defined(MAIL)
2618 E int FDECL(vms_doshell, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2619 #endif
2620 #ifdef SUSPEND
2621 E int NDECL(dosuspend);
2622 #endif
2623 #ifdef SELECTSAVED
2624 E int FDECL(vms_get_saved_games, (const char *, char ***));
2625 #endif
2627 #endif /* VMS */
2629 /* ### weapon.c ### */
2631 E const char *FDECL(weapon_descr, (struct obj *));
2632 E int FDECL(hitval, (struct obj *, struct monst *));
2633 E int FDECL(dmgval, (struct obj *, struct monst *));
2634 E struct obj *FDECL(select_rwep, (struct monst *));
2635 E struct obj *FDECL(select_hwep, (struct monst *));
2636 E void FDECL(possibly_unwield, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2637 E void FDECL(mwepgone, (struct monst *));
2638 E int FDECL(mon_wield_item, (struct monst *));
2639 E int NDECL(abon);
2640 E int NDECL(dbon);
2641 E void FDECL(wet_a_towel, (struct obj *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
2642 E void FDECL(dry_a_towel, (struct obj *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
2643 E int NDECL(enhance_weapon_skill);
2644 E void FDECL(unrestrict_weapon_skill, (int));
2645 E void FDECL(use_skill, (int, int));
2646 E void FDECL(add_weapon_skill, (int));
2647 E void FDECL(lose_weapon_skill, (int));
2648 E int FDECL(weapon_type, (struct obj *));
2649 E int NDECL(uwep_skill_type);
2650 E int FDECL(weapon_hit_bonus, (struct obj *));
2651 E int FDECL(weapon_dam_bonus, (struct obj *));
2652 E void FDECL(skill_init, (const struct def_skill *));
2654 /* ### were.c ### */
2656 E void FDECL(were_change, (struct monst *));
2657 E int FDECL(counter_were, (int));
2658 E int FDECL(were_beastie, (int));
2659 E void FDECL(new_were, (struct monst *));
2660 E int FDECL(were_summon, (struct permonst *, BOOLEAN_P, int *, char *));
2661 E void NDECL(you_were);
2662 E void FDECL(you_unwere, (BOOLEAN_P));
2663 E void FDECL(set_ulycn, (int));
2665 /* ### wield.c ### */
2667 E void FDECL(setuwep, (struct obj *));
2668 E void FDECL(setuqwep, (struct obj *));
2669 E void FDECL(setuswapwep, (struct obj *));
2670 E int NDECL(dowield);
2671 E int NDECL(doswapweapon);
2672 E int NDECL(dowieldquiver);
2673 E boolean FDECL(wield_tool, (struct obj *, const char *));
2674 E int NDECL(can_twoweapon);
2675 E void NDECL(drop_uswapwep);
2676 E int NDECL(dotwoweapon);
2677 E void NDECL(uwepgone);
2678 E void NDECL(uswapwepgone);
2679 E void NDECL(uqwepgone);
2680 E void NDECL(untwoweapon);
2681 E int FDECL(chwepon, (struct obj *, int));
2682 E int FDECL(welded, (struct obj *));
2683 E void FDECL(weldmsg, (struct obj *));
2684 E void FDECL(setmnotwielded, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
2685 E boolean FDECL(mwelded, (struct obj *));
2687 /* ### windows.c ### */
2689 E void FDECL(choose_windows, (const char *));
2690 #ifdef WINCHAIN
2691 void FDECL(addto_windowchain, (const char *s));
2692 void NDECL(commit_windowchain);
2693 #endif
2694 E boolean NDECL(genl_can_suspend_no);
2695 E boolean NDECL(genl_can_suspend_yes);
2696 E char FDECL(genl_message_menu, (CHAR_P, int, const char *));
2697 E void FDECL(genl_preference_update, (const char *));
2698 E char *FDECL(genl_getmsghistory, (BOOLEAN_P));
2699 E void FDECL(genl_putmsghistory, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2701 E void NDECL(nhwindows_hangup);
2702 #endif
2704 E void NDECL(genl_status_init);
2705 E void NDECL(genl_status_finish);
2706 E void FDECL(genl_status_enablefield,
2707 (int, const char *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
2708 E void FDECL(genl_status_update, (int, genericptr_t, int, int));
2709 #ifdef STATUS_HILITES
2710 E void FDECL(genl_status_threshold, (int, int, anything, int, int, int));
2711 #endif
2712 #endif
2714 /* ### wizard.c ### */
2716 E void NDECL(amulet);
2717 E int FDECL(mon_has_amulet, (struct monst *));
2718 E int FDECL(mon_has_special, (struct monst *));
2719 E int FDECL(tactics, (struct monst *));
2720 E boolean FDECL(has_aggravatables, (struct monst *));
2721 E void NDECL(aggravate);
2722 E void NDECL(clonewiz);
2723 E int NDECL(pick_nasty);
2724 E int FDECL(nasty, (struct monst *));
2725 E void NDECL(resurrect);
2726 E void NDECL(intervene);
2727 E void NDECL(wizdead);
2728 E void FDECL(cuss, (struct monst *));
2730 /* ### worm.c ### */
2732 E int NDECL(get_wormno);
2733 E void FDECL(initworm, (struct monst *, int));
2734 E void FDECL(worm_move, (struct monst *));
2735 E void FDECL(worm_nomove, (struct monst *));
2736 E void FDECL(wormgone, (struct monst *));
2737 E void FDECL(wormhitu, (struct monst *));
2738 E void FDECL(cutworm, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, struct obj *));
2739 E void FDECL(see_wsegs, (struct monst *));
2740 E void FDECL(detect_wsegs, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2741 E void FDECL(save_worm, (int, int));
2742 E void FDECL(rest_worm, (int));
2743 E void FDECL(place_wsegs, (struct monst *));
2744 E void FDECL(remove_worm, (struct monst *));
2745 E void FDECL(place_worm_tail_randomly, (struct monst *, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P));
2746 E int FDECL(size_wseg, (struct monst *));
2747 E int FDECL(count_wsegs, (struct monst *));
2748 E boolean FDECL(worm_known, (struct monst *));
2749 E boolean FDECL(worm_cross, (int, int, int, int));
2750 E int FDECL(wseg_at, (struct monst *, int, int));
2752 /* ### worn.c ### */
2754 E void FDECL(setworn, (struct obj *, long));
2755 E void FDECL(setnotworn, (struct obj *));
2756 E long FDECL(wearslot, (struct obj *));
2757 E void FDECL(mon_set_minvis, (struct monst *));
2758 E void FDECL(mon_adjust_speed, (struct monst *, int, struct obj *));
2759 E void FDECL(update_mon_intrinsics,
2760 (struct monst *, struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2761 E int FDECL(find_mac, (struct monst *));
2762 E void FDECL(m_dowear, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2763 E struct obj *FDECL(which_armor, (struct monst *, long));
2764 E void FDECL(mon_break_armor, (struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P));
2765 E void FDECL(bypass_obj, (struct obj *));
2766 E void NDECL(clear_bypasses);
2767 E void FDECL(bypass_objlist, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2768 E struct obj *FDECL(nxt_unbypassed_obj, (struct obj *));
2769 E int FDECL(racial_exception, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
2771 /* ### write.c ### */
2773 E int FDECL(dowrite, (struct obj *));
2775 /* ### zap.c ### */
2777 E void FDECL(learnwand, (struct obj *));
2778 E int FDECL(bhitm, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
2779 E void FDECL(probe_monster, (struct monst *));
2780 E boolean FDECL(get_obj_location, (struct obj *, xchar *, xchar *, int));
2781 E boolean FDECL(get_mon_location, (struct monst *, xchar *, xchar *, int));
2782 E struct monst *FDECL(get_container_location,
2783 (struct obj * obj, int *, int *));
2784 E struct monst *FDECL(montraits, (struct obj *, coord *));
2785 E struct monst *FDECL(revive, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2786 E int FDECL(unturn_dead, (struct monst *));
2787 E void FDECL(cancel_item, (struct obj *));
2788 E boolean FDECL(drain_item, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2789 E struct obj *FDECL(poly_obj, (struct obj *, int));
2790 E boolean FDECL(obj_resists, (struct obj *, int, int));
2791 E boolean FDECL(obj_shudders, (struct obj *));
2792 E void FDECL(do_osshock, (struct obj *));
2793 E int FDECL(bhito, (struct obj *, struct obj *));
2794 E int FDECL(bhitpile,
2795 (struct obj *, int (*)(OBJ_P, OBJ_P), int, int, SCHAR_P));
2796 E int FDECL(zappable, (struct obj *));
2797 E void FDECL(zapnodir, (struct obj *));
2798 E int NDECL(dozap);
2799 E int FDECL(zapyourself, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P));
2800 E void FDECL(ubreatheu, (struct attack *));
2801 E int FDECL(lightdamage, (struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P, int));
2802 E boolean FDECL(flashburn, (long));
2803 E boolean FDECL(cancel_monst, (struct monst *, struct obj *, BOOLEAN_P,
2805 E void NDECL(zapsetup);
2806 E void NDECL(zapwrapup);
2807 E void FDECL(weffects, (struct obj *));
2808 E int FDECL(spell_damage_bonus, (int));
2809 E const char *FDECL(exclam, (int force));
2810 E void FDECL(hit, (const char *, struct monst *, const char *));
2811 E void FDECL(miss, (const char *, struct monst *));
2812 E struct monst *FDECL(bhit, (int, int, int, int, int (*)(MONST_P, OBJ_P),
2813 int (*)(OBJ_P, OBJ_P), struct obj **));
2814 E struct monst *FDECL(boomhit, (struct obj *, int, int));
2815 E int FDECL(zhitm, (struct monst *, int, int, struct obj **));
2816 E int FDECL(burn_floor_objects, (int, int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
2817 E void FDECL(buzz, (int, int, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int, int));
2818 E void FDECL(dobuzz, (int, int, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int, int, BOOLEAN_P));
2819 E void FDECL(melt_ice, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, const char *));
2820 E void FDECL(start_melt_ice_timeout, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, long));
2821 E void FDECL(melt_ice_away, (ANY_P *, long));
2822 E int FDECL(zap_over_floor, (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int, boolean *, SHORT_P));
2823 E void FDECL(fracture_rock, (struct obj *));
2824 E boolean FDECL(break_statue, (struct obj *));
2825 E void FDECL(destroy_item, (int, int));
2826 E int FDECL(destroy_mitem, (struct monst *, int, int));
2827 E int FDECL(resist, (struct monst *, CHAR_P, int, int));
2828 E void NDECL(makewish);
2830 #endif /* !MAKEDEFS_C && !LEV_LEX_C */
2832 #undef E
2834 #endif /* EXTERN_H */