Couple of extra nethack->anethack
[aNetHack.git] / sys / amiga / winami.p
1 /* aNetHack 0.0.1 winami.p $ANH-Date: 1433806595 2015/06/08 23:36:35 $ $ANH-Branch: master $:$ANH-Revision: 1.7 $ */
2 /* Copyright (c) Gregg Wonderly, Naperville, IL, 1992, 1993 */
3 /* aNetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
4 /* winami.c */
5 void FDECL(amii_raw_print, (const char *));
6 void FDECL(amii_raw_print_bold, (const char *));
7 void FDECL(amii_start_menu, (winid ));
8 void FDECL(amii_add_menu, (winid , char , int , const char *));
9 void FDECL(amii_end_menu, (winid , char , const char * , const char *));
10 char FDECL(amii_select_menu, (winid ));
11 void NDECL(amii_update_inventory );
12 void NDECL(amii_mark_synch );
13 void NDECL(amii_wait_synch );
14 void NDECL(amii_setclipped );
15 void FDECL(amii_cliparound, (int , int ));
16 void NDECL(amii_askname );
17 void NDECL(amii_player_selection );
18 void NDECL(flush_output );
19 void FDECL(amii_destroy_nhwindow, (winid ));
20 int FDECL(amii_create_nhwindow, (int ));
21 void NDECL(amii_init_nhwindows );
22 int NDECL(amii_get_ext_cmd);
23 char FDECL(amii_yn_function, (const char * , const char * , char ));
24 void FDECL(amii_addtopl, (const char *));
25 void FDECL(TextSpaces, (struct RastPort * , int ));
26 void FDECL(amii_putstr, (winid , int , const char *));
27 void FDECL(amii_putsym, (winid , int , int , CHAR_P ));
28 void FDECL(amii_clear_nhwindow, (winid ));
29 void FDECL(amii_exit_nhwindows, (const char *));
30 int FDECL(amii_nh_poskey, (int * , int * , int *));
31 int NDECL(amii_nhgetch );
32 void NDECL(amii_get_nh_event );
33 void NDECL(amii_remember_topl );
34 int NDECL(amii_doprev_message );
35 void FDECL(amii_display_nhwindow, (winid , boolean ));
36 void FDECL(amii_display_file, (const char * , boolean ));
37 void FDECL(amii_curs, (winid , int , int ));
38 void FDECL(amii_print_glyph, (winid , xchar , xchar , int, int ));
39 void FDECL(DoMenuScroll, (int , int ));
40 void FDECL(DisplayData, (int , int , int ));
41 void FDECL(SetPropInfo, (struct Window * , struct Gadget * , long , long , long ));
42 void FDECL(kill_nhwindows, (int ));
43 void FDECL(amii_cl_end, (struct amii_WinDesc * , int ));
44 void FDECL(cursor_off, (winid ));
45 void FDECL(cursor_on, (winid ));
46 void NDECL(amii_getret );
47 void FDECL(amii_getlin, (const char * , char *));
48 void FDECL(getlind, (const char * , char * , const char *));
49 void FDECL(amii_suspend_nhwindows, (char * ));
50 void NDECL(amii_resume_nhwindows);
51 void NDECL(amii_bell);
52 void NDECL(EditColor);
53 void FDECL(DrawCol, ( struct Window *, int, UWORD * ) );
54 void FDECL( DispCol, ( struct Window *w, int idx, UWORD * ) );
55 void FDECL( SetBorder, (struct Gadget *) );
56 void NDECL( port_help );
57 void FDECL( dismiss_nhwindow, (winid) );