vanquished monsters tidbit
[aNetHack.git] / src / attrib.c
1 /* NetHack 3.6 attrib.c $NHDT-Date: 1455357587 2016/02/13 09:59:47 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.55 $ */
2 /* Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, M. Stephenson */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
5 /* attribute modification routines. */
7 #include "hack.h"
8 #include <ctype.h>
10 /* part of the output on gain or loss of attribute */
11 static const char
12 *const plusattr[] = { "strong", "smart", "wise",
13 "agile", "tough", "charismatic" },
14 *const minusattr[] = { "weak", "stupid",
15 "foolish", "clumsy",
16 "fragile", "repulsive" };
18 static const struct innate {
19 schar ulevel;
20 long *ability;
21 const char *gainstr, *losestr;
22 } arc_abil[] = { { 1, &(HStealth), "", "" },
23 { 1, &(HFast), "", "" },
24 { 10, &(HSearching), "perceptive", "" },
25 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
27 bar_abil[] = { { 1, &(HPoison_resistance), "", "" },
28 { 7, &(HFast), "quick", "slow" },
29 { 15, &(HStealth), "stealthy", "" },
30 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
32 cav_abil[] = { { 7, &(HFast), "quick", "slow" },
33 { 15, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
34 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
36 hea_abil[] = { { 1, &(HPoison_resistance), "", "" },
37 { 15, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
38 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
40 kni_abil[] = { { 7, &(HFast), "quick", "slow" }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
42 mon_abil[] = { { 1, &(HFast), "", "" },
43 { 1, &(HSleep_resistance), "", "" },
44 { 1, &(HSee_invisible), "", "" },
45 { 3, &(HPoison_resistance), "healthy", "" },
46 { 5, &(HStealth), "stealthy", "" },
47 { 7, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
48 { 9, &(HSearching), "perceptive", "unaware" },
49 { 11, &(HFire_resistance), "cool", "warmer" },
50 { 13, &(HCold_resistance), "warm", "cooler" },
51 { 15, &(HShock_resistance), "insulated", "conductive" },
52 { 17, &(HTeleport_control), "controlled", "uncontrolled" },
53 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
55 pri_abil[] = { { 15, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
56 { 20, &(HFire_resistance), "cool", "warmer" },
57 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
59 ran_abil[] = { { 1, &(HSearching), "", "" },
60 { 7, &(HStealth), "stealthy", "" },
61 { 15, &(HSee_invisible), "", "" },
62 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
64 rog_abil[] = { { 1, &(HStealth), "", "" },
65 { 10, &(HSearching), "perceptive", "" },
66 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
68 sam_abil[] = { { 1, &(HFast), "", "" },
69 { 15, &(HStealth), "stealthy", "" },
70 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
72 tou_abil[] = { { 10, &(HSearching), "perceptive", "" },
73 { 20, &(HPoison_resistance), "hardy", "" },
74 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
76 val_abil[] = { { 1, &(HCold_resistance), "", "" },
77 { 1, &(HStealth), "", "" },
78 { 7, &(HFast), "quick", "slow" },
79 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
81 wiz_abil[] = { { 15, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
82 { 17, &(HTeleport_control), "controlled", "uncontrolled" },
83 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
85 /* Intrinsics conferred by race */
86 dwa_abil[] = { { 1, &HInfravision, "", "" },
87 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
89 elf_abil[] = { { 1, &HInfravision, "", "" },
90 { 4, &HSleep_resistance, "awake", "tired" },
91 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
93 gno_abil[] = { { 1, &HInfravision, "", "" },
94 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
96 orc_abil[] = { { 1, &HInfravision, "", "" },
97 { 1, &HPoison_resistance, "", "" },
98 { 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
100 hum_abil[] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
102 STATIC_DCL void NDECL(exerper);
103 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(postadjabil, (long *));
104 STATIC_DCL const struct innate *FDECL(role_abil, (int));
105 STATIC_DCL const struct innate *FDECL(check_innate_abil, (long *, long));
106 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(innately, (long *));
108 /* adjust an attribute; return TRUE if change is made, FALSE otherwise */
109 boolean
110 adjattrib(ndx, incr, msgflg)
111 int ndx, incr;
112 int msgflg; /* positive => no message, zero => message, and */
113 { /* negative => conditional (msg if change made) */
114 int old_acurr;
115 boolean abonflg;
116 const char *attrstr;
118 if (Fixed_abil || !incr)
119 return FALSE;
121 if ((ndx == A_INT || ndx == A_WIS) && uarmh && uarmh->otyp == DUNCE_CAP) {
122 if (msgflg == 0)
123 Your("cap constricts briefly, then relaxes again.");
124 return FALSE;
127 old_acurr = ACURR(ndx);
128 if (incr > 0) {
129 ABASE(ndx) += incr;
130 if (ABASE(ndx) > AMAX(ndx)) {
131 incr = ABASE(ndx) - AMAX(ndx);
132 AMAX(ndx) += incr;
133 if (AMAX(ndx) > ATTRMAX(ndx))
134 AMAX(ndx) = ATTRMAX(ndx);
135 ABASE(ndx) = AMAX(ndx);
137 attrstr = plusattr[ndx];
138 abonflg = (ABON(ndx) < 0);
139 } else {
140 ABASE(ndx) += incr;
141 if (ABASE(ndx) < ATTRMIN(ndx)) {
142 incr = ABASE(ndx) - ATTRMIN(ndx);
143 ABASE(ndx) = ATTRMIN(ndx);
144 AMAX(ndx) += incr;
145 if (AMAX(ndx) < ATTRMIN(ndx))
146 AMAX(ndx) = ATTRMIN(ndx);
148 attrstr = minusattr[ndx];
149 abonflg = (ABON(ndx) > 0);
151 if (ACURR(ndx) == old_acurr) {
152 if (msgflg == 0 && flags.verbose)
153 pline("You're %s as %s as you can get.",
154 abonflg ? "currently" : "already", attrstr);
155 return FALSE;
158 if (msgflg <= 0)
159 You_feel("%s%s!", (incr > 1 || incr < -1) ? "very " : "", attrstr);
160 context.botl = 1;
161 if (moves > 1 && (ndx == A_STR || ndx == A_CON))
162 (void) encumber_msg();
163 return TRUE;
166 void
167 gainstr(otmp, incr, givemsg)
168 struct obj *otmp;
169 int incr;
170 boolean givemsg;
172 int num = incr;
174 if (!num) {
175 if (ABASE(A_STR) < 18)
176 num = (rn2(4) ? 1 : rnd(6));
177 else if (ABASE(A_STR) < STR18(85))
178 num = rnd(10);
179 else
180 num = 1;
182 (void) adjattrib(A_STR, (otmp && otmp->cursed) ? -num : num,
183 givemsg ? -1 : 1);
186 /* may kill you; cause may be poison or monster like 'a' */
187 void
188 losestr(num)
189 register int num;
191 int ustr = ABASE(A_STR) - num;
193 while (ustr < 3) {
194 ++ustr;
195 --num;
196 if (Upolyd) {
197 -= 6;
198 u.mhmax -= 6;
199 } else {
200 u.uhp -= 6;
201 u.uhpmax -= 6;
204 (void) adjattrib(A_STR, -num, 1);
207 static const struct poison_effect_message {
208 void VDECL((*delivery_func), (const char *, ...));
209 const char *effect_msg;
210 } poiseff[] = {
211 { You_feel, "weaker" }, /* A_STR */
212 { Your, "brain is on fire" }, /* A_INT */
213 { Your, "judgement is impaired" }, /* A_WIS */
214 { Your, "muscles won't obey you" }, /* A_DEX */
215 { You_feel, "very sick" }, /* A_CON */
216 { You, "break out in hives" } /* A_CHA */
219 /* feedback for attribute loss due to poisoning */
220 void
221 poisontell(typ, exclaim)
222 int typ; /* which attribute */
223 boolean exclaim; /* emphasis */
225 void VDECL((*func), (const char *, ...)) = poiseff[typ].delivery_func;
227 (*func)("%s%c", poiseff[typ].effect_msg, exclaim ? '!' : '.');
230 /* called when an attack or trap has poisoned the hero (used to be in mon.c)
232 void
233 poisoned(reason, typ, pkiller, fatal, thrown_weapon)
234 const char *reason, /* controls what messages we display */
235 *pkiller; /* for score+log file if fatal */
236 int typ, fatal; /* if fatal is 0, limit damage to adjattrib */
237 boolean thrown_weapon; /* thrown weapons are less deadly */
239 int i, loss, kprefix = KILLED_BY_AN;
241 /* inform player about being poisoned unless that's already been done;
242 "blast" has given a "blast of poison gas" message; "poison arrow",
243 "poison dart", etc have implicitly given poison messages too... */
244 if (strcmp(reason, "blast") && !strstri(reason, "poison")) {
245 boolean plural = (reason[strlen(reason) - 1] == 's') ? 1 : 0;
247 /* avoid "The" Orcus's sting was poisoned... */
248 pline("%s%s %s poisoned!",
249 isupper((uchar) *reason) ? "" : "The ", reason,
250 plural ? "were" : "was");
252 if (Poison_resistance) {
253 if (!strcmp(reason, "blast"))
254 shieldeff(u.ux,;
255 pline_The("poison doesn't seem to affect you.");
256 return;
259 /* suppress killer prefix if it already has one */
260 i = name_to_mon(pkiller);
261 if (i >= LOW_PM && (mons[i].geno & G_UNIQ)) {
262 kprefix = KILLED_BY;
263 if (!type_is_pname(&mons[i]))
264 pkiller = the(pkiller);
265 } else if (!strncmpi(pkiller, "the ", 4) || !strncmpi(pkiller, "an ", 3)
266 || !strncmpi(pkiller, "a ", 2)) {
267 /*[ does this need a plural check too? ]*/
268 kprefix = KILLED_BY;
271 i = !fatal ? 1 : rn2(fatal + (thrown_weapon ? 20 : 0));
272 if (i == 0 && typ != A_CHA) {
273 /* instant kill */
274 u.uhp = -1;
275 context.botl = TRUE;
276 pline_The("poison was deadly...");
277 } else if (i > 5) {
278 /* HP damage; more likely--but less severe--with missiles */
279 loss = thrown_weapon ? rnd(6) : rn1(10, 6);
280 losehp(loss, pkiller, kprefix); /* poison damage */
281 } else {
282 /* attribute loss; if typ is A_STR, reduction in current and
283 maximum HP will occur once strength has dropped down to 3 */
284 loss = (thrown_weapon || !fatal) ? 1 : d(2, 2); /* was rn1(3,3) */
285 /* check that a stat change was made */
286 if (adjattrib(typ, -loss, 1))
287 poisontell(typ, TRUE);
290 if (u.uhp < 1) {
291 killer.format = kprefix;
292 Strcpy(, pkiller);
293 /* "Poisoned by a poisoned ___" is redundant */
294 done(strstri(pkiller, "poison") ? DIED : POISONING);
296 (void) encumber_msg();
299 void
300 change_luck(n)
301 register schar n;
303 u.uluck += n;
304 if (u.uluck < 0 && u.uluck < LUCKMIN)
305 u.uluck = LUCKMIN;
306 if (u.uluck > 0 && u.uluck > LUCKMAX)
307 u.uluck = LUCKMAX;
311 stone_luck(parameter)
312 boolean parameter; /* So I can't think up of a good name. So sue me. --KAA */
314 register struct obj *otmp;
315 register long bonchance = 0;
317 for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
318 if (confers_luck(otmp)) {
319 if (otmp->cursed)
320 bonchance -= otmp->quan;
321 else if (otmp->blessed)
322 bonchance += otmp->quan;
323 else if (parameter)
324 bonchance += otmp->quan;
327 return sgn((int) bonchance);
330 /* there has just been an inventory change affecting a luck-granting item */
331 void
332 set_moreluck()
334 int luckbon = stone_luck(TRUE);
336 if (!luckbon && !carrying(LUCKSTONE))
337 u.moreluck = 0;
338 else if (luckbon >= 0)
339 u.moreluck = LUCKADD;
340 else
341 u.moreluck = -LUCKADD;
344 void
345 restore_attrib()
347 int i;
349 for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) { /* all temporary losses/gains */
351 if (ATEMP(i) && ATIME(i)) {
352 if (!(--(ATIME(i)))) { /* countdown for change */
353 ATEMP(i) += ATEMP(i) > 0 ? -1 : 1;
355 if (ATEMP(i)) /* reset timer */
356 ATIME(i) = 100 / ACURR(A_CON);
360 (void) encumber_msg();
363 #define AVAL 50 /* tune value for exercise gains */
365 void
366 exercise(i, inc_or_dec)
367 int i;
368 boolean inc_or_dec;
370 debugpline0("Exercise:");
371 if (i == A_INT || i == A_CHA)
372 return; /* can't exercise these */
374 /* no physical exercise while polymorphed; the body's temporary */
375 if (Upolyd && i != A_WIS)
376 return;
378 if (abs(AEXE(i)) < AVAL) {
380 * Law of diminishing returns (Part I):
382 * Gain is harder at higher attribute values.
383 * 79% at "3" --> 0% at "18"
384 * Loss is even at all levels (50%).
386 * Note: *YES* ACURR is the right one to use.
388 AEXE(i) += (inc_or_dec) ? (rn2(19) > ACURR(i)) : -rn2(2);
389 debugpline3("%s, %s AEXE = %d",
390 (i == A_STR) ? "Str" : (i == A_WIS) ? "Wis" : (i == A_DEX)
391 ? "Dex"
392 : "Con",
393 (inc_or_dec) ? "inc" : "dec", AEXE(i));
395 if (moves > 0 && (i == A_STR || i == A_CON))
396 (void) encumber_msg();
399 STATIC_OVL void
400 exerper()
402 if (!(moves % 10)) {
403 /* Hunger Checks */
405 int hs = (u.uhunger > 1000) ? SATIATED : (u.uhunger > 150)
407 : (u.uhunger > 50)
408 ? HUNGRY
409 : (u.uhunger > 0)
410 ? WEAK
413 debugpline0("exerper: Hunger checks");
414 switch (hs) {
415 case SATIATED:
416 exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
417 if (Role_if(PM_MONK))
418 exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
419 break;
420 case NOT_HUNGRY:
421 exercise(A_CON, TRUE);
422 break;
423 case WEAK:
424 exercise(A_STR, FALSE);
425 if (Role_if(PM_MONK)) /* fasting */
426 exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
427 break;
428 case FAINTING:
429 case FAINTED:
430 exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
431 break;
434 /* Encumbrance Checks */
435 debugpline0("exerper: Encumber checks");
436 switch (near_capacity()) {
437 case MOD_ENCUMBER:
438 exercise(A_STR, TRUE);
439 break;
440 case HVY_ENCUMBER:
441 exercise(A_STR, TRUE);
442 exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
443 break;
444 case EXT_ENCUMBER:
445 exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
446 exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
447 break;
451 /* status checks */
452 if (!(moves % 5)) {
453 debugpline0("exerper: Status checks");
454 if ((HClairvoyant & (INTRINSIC | TIMEOUT)) && !BClairvoyant)
455 exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
456 if (HRegeneration)
457 exercise(A_STR, TRUE);
459 if (Sick || Vomiting)
460 exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
461 if (Confusion || Hallucination)
462 exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
463 if ((Wounded_legs && !u.usteed) || Fumbling || HStun)
464 exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
468 /* exercise/abuse text (must be in attribute order, not botl order);
469 phrased as "You must have been [][0]." or "You haven't been [][1]." */
470 static NEARDATA const char *const exertext[A_MAX][2] = {
471 { "exercising diligently", "exercising properly" }, /* Str */
472 { 0, 0 }, /* Int */
473 { "very observant", "paying attention" }, /* Wis */
474 { "working on your reflexes", "working on reflexes lately" }, /* Dex */
475 { "leading a healthy life-style", "watching your health" }, /* Con */
476 { 0, 0 }, /* Cha */
479 void
480 exerchk()
482 int i, ax, mod_val, lolim, hilim;
484 /* Check out the periodic accumulations */
485 exerper();
487 if (moves >= context.next_attrib_check) {
488 debugpline1("exerchk: ready to test. multi = %d.", multi);
490 /* Are we ready for a test? */
491 if (moves >= context.next_attrib_check && !multi) {
492 debugpline0("exerchk: testing.");
494 * Law of diminishing returns (Part II):
496 * The effects of "exercise" and "abuse" wear
497 * off over time. Even if you *don't* get an
498 * increase/decrease, you lose some of the
499 * accumulated effects.
501 for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; ++i) {
502 ax = AEXE(i);
503 /* nothing to do here if no exercise or abuse has occurred
504 (Int and Cha always fall into this category) */
505 if (!ax)
506 continue; /* ok to skip nextattrib */
508 mod_val = sgn(ax); /* +1 or -1; used below */
509 /* no further effect for exercise if at max or abuse if at min;
510 can't exceed 18 via exercise even if actual max is higher */
511 lolim = ATTRMIN(i); /* usually 3; might be higher */
512 hilim = ATTRMAX(i); /* usually 18; maybe lower or higher */
513 if (hilim > 18)
514 hilim = 18;
515 if ((ax < 0) ? (ABASE(i) <= lolim) : (ABASE(i) >= hilim))
516 goto nextattrib;
517 /* can't exercise non-Wisdom while polymorphed; previous
518 exercise/abuse gradually wears off without impact then */
519 if (Upolyd && i != A_WIS)
520 goto nextattrib;
522 debugpline2("exerchk: testing %s (%d).",
523 (i == A_STR)
524 ? "Str"
525 : (i == A_INT)
526 ? "Int?"
527 : (i == A_WIS)
528 ? "Wis"
529 : (i == A_DEX)
530 ? "Dex"
531 : (i == A_CON)
532 ? "Con"
533 : (i == A_CHA)
534 ? "Cha?"
535 : "???",
536 ax);
538 * Law of diminishing returns (Part III):
540 * You don't *always* gain by exercising.
541 * [MRS 92/10/28 - Treat Wisdom specially for balance.]
543 if (rn2(AVAL) > ((i != A_WIS) ? (abs(ax) * 2 / 3) : abs(ax)))
544 goto nextattrib;
546 debugpline1("exerchk: changing %d.", i);
547 if (adjattrib(i, mod_val, -1)) {
548 debugpline1("exerchk: changed %d.", i);
549 /* if you actually changed an attrib - zero accumulation */
550 AEXE(i) = ax = 0;
551 /* then print an explanation */
552 You("%s %s.",
553 (mod_val > 0) ? "must have been" : "haven't been",
554 exertext[i][(mod_val > 0) ? 0 : 1]);
556 nextattrib:
557 /* this used to be ``AEXE(i) /= 2'' but that would produce
558 platform-dependent rounding/truncation for negative vals */
559 AEXE(i) = (abs(ax) / 2) * mod_val;
561 context.next_attrib_check += rn1(200, 800);
562 debugpline1("exerchk: next check at %ld.", context.next_attrib_check);
566 void
567 init_attr(np)
568 register int np;
570 register int i, x, tryct;
572 for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) {
573 ABASE(i) = AMAX(i) = urole.attrbase[i];
574 ATEMP(i) = ATIME(i) = 0;
575 np -= urole.attrbase[i];
578 tryct = 0;
579 while (np > 0 && tryct < 100) {
580 x = rn2(100);
581 for (i = 0; (i < A_MAX) && ((x -= urole.attrdist[i]) > 0); i++)
583 if (i >= A_MAX)
584 continue; /* impossible */
586 if (ABASE(i) >= ATTRMAX(i)) {
587 tryct++;
588 continue;
590 tryct = 0;
591 ABASE(i)++;
592 AMAX(i)++;
593 np--;
596 tryct = 0;
597 while (np < 0 && tryct < 100) { /* for redistribution */
599 x = rn2(100);
600 for (i = 0; (i < A_MAX) && ((x -= urole.attrdist[i]) > 0); i++)
602 if (i >= A_MAX)
603 continue; /* impossible */
605 if (ABASE(i) <= ATTRMIN(i)) {
606 tryct++;
607 continue;
609 tryct = 0;
610 ABASE(i)--;
611 AMAX(i)--;
612 np++;
616 void
617 redist_attr()
619 register int i, tmp;
621 for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) {
622 if (i == A_INT || i == A_WIS)
623 continue;
624 /* Polymorphing doesn't change your mind */
625 tmp = AMAX(i);
626 AMAX(i) += (rn2(5) - 2);
627 if (AMAX(i) > ATTRMAX(i))
628 AMAX(i) = ATTRMAX(i);
629 if (AMAX(i) < ATTRMIN(i))
630 AMAX(i) = ATTRMIN(i);
631 ABASE(i) = ABASE(i) * AMAX(i) / tmp;
632 /* ABASE(i) > ATTRMAX(i) is impossible */
633 if (ABASE(i) < ATTRMIN(i))
634 ABASE(i) = ATTRMIN(i);
636 (void) encumber_msg();
640 void
641 postadjabil(ability)
642 long *ability;
644 if (!ability)
645 return;
646 if (ability == &(HWarning) || ability == &(HSee_invisible))
647 see_monsters();
650 STATIC_OVL const struct innate *
651 role_abil(r)
652 int r;
654 const struct {
655 short role;
656 const struct innate *abil;
657 } roleabils[] = {
658 { PM_ARCHEOLOGIST, arc_abil },
659 { PM_BARBARIAN, bar_abil },
660 { PM_CAVEMAN, cav_abil },
661 { PM_HEALER, hea_abil },
662 { PM_KNIGHT, kni_abil },
663 { PM_MONK, mon_abil },
664 { PM_PRIEST, pri_abil },
665 { PM_RANGER, ran_abil },
666 { PM_ROGUE, rog_abil },
667 { PM_SAMURAI, sam_abil },
668 { PM_TOURIST, tou_abil },
669 { PM_VALKYRIE, val_abil },
670 { PM_WIZARD, wiz_abil },
671 { 0, 0 }
673 int i;
674 for (i = 0; roleabils[i].abil && roleabils[i].role != r; i++);
675 return roleabils[i].abil;
678 STATIC_OVL const struct innate *
679 check_innate_abil(ability, frommask)
680 long *ability;
681 long frommask;
683 const struct innate *abil = 0;
685 if (frommask == FROMEXPER)
686 abil = role_abil(Role_switch);
687 else if (frommask == FROMRACE)
688 switch (Race_switch) {
689 case PM_DWARF:
690 abil = dwa_abil;
691 break;
692 case PM_ELF:
693 abil = elf_abil;
694 break;
695 case PM_GNOME:
696 abil = gno_abil;
697 break;
698 case PM_ORC:
699 abil = orc_abil;
700 break;
701 case PM_HUMAN:
702 abil = hum_abil;
703 break;
704 default:
705 break;
708 while (abil && abil->ability) {
709 if ((abil->ability == ability) && (u.ulevel >= abil->ulevel))
710 return abil;
711 abil++;
713 return (struct innate *) 0;
716 /* reasons for innate ability */
717 #define FROM_NONE 0
718 #define FROM_ROLE 1 /* from experience at level 1 */
719 #define FROM_RACE 2
720 #define FROM_INTR 3 /* intrinsically (eating some corpse or prayer reward) */
721 #define FROM_EXP 4 /* from experience for some level > 1 */
722 #define FROM_FORM 5
723 #define FROM_LYCN 6
725 /* check whether particular ability has been obtained via innate attribute */
726 STATIC_OVL int
727 innately(ability)
728 long *ability;
730 const struct innate *iptr;
732 if ((iptr = check_innate_abil(ability, FROMEXPER)) != 0)
733 return (iptr->ulevel == 1) ? FROM_ROLE : FROM_EXP;
734 if ((iptr = check_innate_abil(ability, FROMRACE)) != 0)
735 return FROM_RACE;
736 if ((*ability & FROMOUTSIDE) != 0L)
737 return FROM_INTR;
738 if ((*ability & FROMFORM) != 0L)
739 return FROM_FORM;
740 return FROM_NONE;
744 is_innate(propidx)
745 int propidx;
747 int innateness;
749 /* innately() would report FROM_FORM for this; caller wants specificity */
750 if (propidx == DRAIN_RES && u.ulycn >= LOW_PM)
751 return FROM_LYCN;
752 if (propidx == FAST && Very_fast)
753 return FROM_NONE; /* can't become very fast innately */
754 if ((innateness = innately(&u.uprops[propidx].intrinsic)) != FROM_NONE)
755 return innateness;
756 if (propidx == JUMPING && Role_if(PM_KNIGHT)
757 /* knight has intrinsic jumping, but extrinsic is more versatile so
758 ignore innateness if equipment is going to claim responsibility */
759 && !u.uprops[propidx].extrinsic)
760 return FROM_ROLE;
761 if (propidx == BLINDED && !haseyes(
762 return FROM_FORM;
763 return FROM_NONE;
766 char *
767 from_what(propidx)
768 int propidx; /* special cases can have negative values */
770 static char buf[BUFSZ];
772 buf[0] = '\0';
774 * Restrict the source of the attributes just to debug mode for now
776 if (wizard) {
777 static NEARDATA const char because_of[] = " because of %s";
779 if (propidx >= 0) {
780 char *p;
781 struct obj *obj = (struct obj *) 0;
782 int innateness = is_innate(propidx);
785 * Properties can be obtained from multiple sources and we
786 * try to pick the most significant one. Classification
787 * priority is not set in stone; current precedence is:
788 * "from the start" (from role or race at level 1),
789 * "from outside" (eating corpse, divine reward, blessed potion),
790 * "from experience" (from role or race at level 2+),
791 * "from current form" (while polymorphed),
792 * "from timed effect" (potion or spell),
793 * "from worn/wielded equipment" (Firebrand, elven boots, &c),
794 * "from carried equipment" (mainly quest artifacts).
795 * There are exceptions. Versatile jumping from spell or boots
796 * takes priority over knight's innate but limited jumping.
798 if (propidx == BLINDED && u.uroleplay.blind)
799 Sprintf(buf, " from birth");
800 else if (innateness == FROM_ROLE || innateness == FROM_RACE)
801 Strcpy(buf, " innately");
802 else if (innateness == FROM_INTR) /* [].intrinsic & FROMOUTSIDE */
803 Strcpy(buf, " intrinsically");
804 else if (innateness == FROM_EXP)
805 Strcpy(buf, " because of your experience");
806 else if (innateness == FROM_LYCN)
807 Strcpy(buf, " due to your lycanthropy");
808 else if (innateness == FROM_FORM)
809 Strcpy(buf, " from current creature form");
810 else if (propidx == FAST && Very_fast)
811 Sprintf(buf, because_of,
812 ((HFast & TIMEOUT) != 0L) ? "a potion or spell"
813 : ((EFast & W_ARMF) != 0L && uarmf->dknown
814 && objects[uarmf->otyp].oc_name_known)
815 ? ysimple_name(uarmf) /* speed boots */
816 : EFast ? "worn equipment"
817 : something);
818 else if (wizard
819 && (obj = what_gives(&u.uprops[propidx].extrinsic)) != 0)
820 Sprintf(buf, because_of, obj->oartifact
821 ? bare_artifactname(obj)
822 : ysimple_name(obj));
823 else if (propidx == BLINDED && Blindfolded_only)
824 Sprintf(buf, because_of, ysimple_name(ublindf));
826 /* remove some verbosity and/or redundancy */
827 if ((p = strstri(buf, " pair of ")) != 0)
828 copynchars(p + 1, p + 9, BUFSZ); /* overlapping buffers ok */
829 else if (propidx == STRANGLED
830 && (p = strstri(buf, " of strangulation")) != 0)
831 *p = '\0';
833 } else { /* negative property index */
834 /* if more blocking capabilities get implemented we'll need to
835 replace this with what_blocks() comparable to what_gives() */
836 switch (-propidx) {
837 case BLINDED:
838 if (ublindf
839 && ublindf->oartifact == ART_EYES_OF_THE_OVERWORLD)
840 Sprintf(buf, because_of, bare_artifactname(ublindf));
841 break;
842 case INVIS:
843 if (u.uprops[INVIS].blocked & W_ARMC)
844 Sprintf(buf, because_of,
845 ysimple_name(uarmc)); /* mummy wrapping */
846 break;
848 if (wizard && (u.uprops[CLAIRVOYANT].blocked & W_ARMH))
849 Sprintf(buf, because_of,
850 ysimple_name(uarmh)); /* cornuthaum */
851 break;
855 } /*wizard*/
856 return buf;
859 void
860 adjabil(oldlevel, newlevel)
861 int oldlevel, newlevel;
863 register const struct innate *abil, *rabil;
864 long prevabil, mask = FROMEXPER;
866 abil = role_abil(Role_switch);
868 switch (Race_switch) {
869 case PM_ELF:
870 rabil = elf_abil;
871 break;
872 case PM_ORC:
873 rabil = orc_abil;
874 break;
875 case PM_HUMAN:
876 case PM_DWARF:
877 case PM_GNOME:
878 default:
879 rabil = 0;
880 break;
883 while (abil || rabil) {
884 /* Have we finished with the intrinsics list? */
885 if (!abil || !abil->ability) {
886 /* Try the race intrinsics */
887 if (!rabil || !rabil->ability)
888 break;
889 abil = rabil;
890 rabil = 0;
891 mask = FROMRACE;
893 prevabil = *(abil->ability);
894 if (oldlevel < abil->ulevel && newlevel >= abil->ulevel) {
895 /* Abilities gained at level 1 can never be lost
896 * via level loss, only via means that remove _any_
897 * sort of ability. A "gain" of such an ability from
898 * an outside source is devoid of meaning, so we set
899 * FROMOUTSIDE to avoid such gains.
901 if (abil->ulevel == 1)
902 *(abil->ability) |= (mask | FROMOUTSIDE);
903 else
904 *(abil->ability) |= mask;
905 if (!(*(abil->ability) & INTRINSIC & ~mask)) {
906 if (*(abil->gainstr))
907 You_feel("%s!", abil->gainstr);
909 } else if (oldlevel >= abil->ulevel && newlevel < abil->ulevel) {
910 *(abil->ability) &= ~mask;
911 if (!(*(abil->ability) & INTRINSIC)) {
912 if (*(abil->losestr))
913 You_feel("%s!", abil->losestr);
914 else if (*(abil->gainstr))
915 You_feel("less %s!", abil->gainstr);
918 if (prevabil != *(abil->ability)) /* it changed */
919 postadjabil(abil->ability);
920 abil++;
923 if (oldlevel > 0) {
924 if (newlevel > oldlevel)
925 add_weapon_skill(newlevel - oldlevel);
926 else
927 lose_weapon_skill(oldlevel - newlevel);
932 newhp()
934 int hp, conplus;
936 if (u.ulevel == 0) {
937 /* Initialize hit points */
938 hp = urole.hpadv.infix + urace.hpadv.infix;
939 if (urole.hpadv.inrnd > 0)
940 hp += rnd(urole.hpadv.inrnd);
941 if (urace.hpadv.inrnd > 0)
942 hp += rnd(urace.hpadv.inrnd);
943 if (moves <= 1L) { /* initial hero; skip for polyself to new man */
944 /* Initialize alignment stuff */
945 u.ualign.type = aligns[flags.initalign].value;
946 u.ualign.record = urole.initrecord;
948 /* no Con adjustment for initial hit points */
949 } else {
950 if (u.ulevel < urole.xlev) {
951 hp = urole.hpadv.lofix + urace.hpadv.lofix;
952 if (urole.hpadv.lornd > 0)
953 hp += rnd(urole.hpadv.lornd);
954 if (urace.hpadv.lornd > 0)
955 hp += rnd(urace.hpadv.lornd);
956 } else {
957 hp = urole.hpadv.hifix + urace.hpadv.hifix;
958 if (urole.hpadv.hirnd > 0)
959 hp += rnd(urole.hpadv.hirnd);
960 if (urace.hpadv.hirnd > 0)
961 hp += rnd(urace.hpadv.hirnd);
963 if (ACURR(A_CON) <= 3)
964 conplus = -2;
965 else if (ACURR(A_CON) <= 6)
966 conplus = -1;
967 else if (ACURR(A_CON) <= 14)
968 conplus = 0;
969 else if (ACURR(A_CON) <= 16)
970 conplus = 1;
971 else if (ACURR(A_CON) == 17)
972 conplus = 2;
973 else if (ACURR(A_CON) == 18)
974 conplus = 3;
975 else
976 conplus = 4;
977 hp += conplus;
979 if (hp <= 0)
980 hp = 1;
981 if (u.ulevel < MAXULEV)
982 u.uhpinc[u.ulevel] = (xchar) hp;
983 return hp;
986 schar
987 acurr(x)
988 int x;
990 register int tmp = (u.abon.a[x] + u.atemp.a[x] + u.acurr.a[x]);
992 if (x == A_STR) {
993 if (tmp >= 125 || (uarmg && uarmg->otyp == GAUNTLETS_OF_POWER))
994 return (schar) 125;
995 else
996 #ifdef WIN32_BUG
997 return (x = ((tmp <= 3) ? 3 : tmp));
998 #else
999 return (schar) ((tmp <= 3) ? 3 : tmp);
1000 #endif
1001 } else if (x == A_CHA) {
1002 if (tmp < 18
1003 && (>mlet == S_NYMPH || u.umonnum == PM_SUCCUBUS
1004 || u.umonnum == PM_INCUBUS))
1005 return (schar) 18;
1006 } else if (x == A_CON) {
1007 if (uwep && uwep->oartifact == ART_OGRESMASHER)
1008 return (schar) 25;
1009 } else if (x == A_INT || x == A_WIS) {
1010 /* yes, this may raise int/wis if player is sufficiently
1011 * stupid. there are lower levels of cognition than "dunce".
1013 if (uarmh && uarmh->otyp == DUNCE_CAP)
1014 return (schar) 6;
1016 #ifdef WIN32_BUG
1017 return (x = ((tmp >= 25) ? 25 : (tmp <= 3) ? 3 : tmp));
1018 #else
1019 return (schar) ((tmp >= 25) ? 25 : (tmp <= 3) ? 3 : tmp);
1020 #endif
1023 /* condense clumsy ACURR(A_STR) value into value that fits into game formulas
1025 schar
1026 acurrstr()
1028 register int str = ACURR(A_STR);
1030 if (str <= 18)
1031 return (schar) str;
1032 if (str <= 121)
1033 return (schar) (19 + str / 50); /* map to 19..21 */
1034 else
1035 return (schar) (min(str, 125) - 100); /* 22..25 */
1038 /* when wearing (or taking off) an unID'd item, this routine is used
1039 to distinguish between observable +0 result and no-visible-effect
1040 due to an attribute not being able to exceed maximum or minimum */
1041 boolean
1042 extremeattr(attrindx) /* does attrindx's value match its max or min? */
1043 int attrindx;
1045 /* Fixed_abil and racial MINATTR/MAXATTR aren't relevant here */
1046 int lolimit = 3, hilimit = 25, curval = ACURR(attrindx);
1048 /* upper limit for Str is 25 but its value is encoded differently */
1049 if (attrindx == A_STR) {
1050 hilimit = STR19(25); /* 125 */
1051 /* lower limit for Str can also be 25 */
1052 if (uarmg && uarmg->otyp == GAUNTLETS_OF_POWER)
1053 lolimit = hilimit;
1054 } else if (attrindx == A_CON) {
1055 if (uwep && uwep->oartifact == ART_OGRESMASHER)
1056 lolimit = hilimit;
1058 /* this exception is hypothetical; the only other worn item affecting
1059 Int or Wis is another helmet so can't be in use at the same time */
1060 if (attrindx == A_INT || attrindx == A_WIS) {
1061 if (uarmh && uarmh->otyp == DUNCE_CAP)
1062 hilimit = lolimit = 6;
1065 /* are we currently at either limit? */
1066 return (curval == lolimit || curval == hilimit) ? TRUE : FALSE;
1069 /* avoid possible problems with alignment overflow, and provide a centralized
1070 location for any future alignment limits */
1071 void
1072 adjalign(n)
1073 int n;
1075 int newalign = u.ualign.record + n;
1077 if (n < 0) {
1078 if (newalign < u.ualign.record)
1079 u.ualign.record = newalign;
1080 } else if (newalign > u.ualign.record) {
1081 u.ualign.record = newalign;
1082 if (u.ualign.record > ALIGNLIM)
1083 u.ualign.record = ALIGNLIM;
1087 /* change hero's alignment type, possibly losing use of artifacts */
1088 void
1089 uchangealign(newalign, reason)
1090 int newalign;
1091 int reason; /* 0==conversion, 1==helm-of-OA on, 2==helm-of-OA off */
1093 aligntyp oldalign = u.ualign.type;
1095 u.ublessed = 0; /* lose divine protection */
1096 context.botl = 1; /* status line needs updating */
1097 if (reason == 0) {
1098 /* conversion via altar */
1099 u.ualignbase[A_CURRENT] = (aligntyp) newalign;
1100 /* worn helm of opposite alignment might block change */
1101 if (!uarmh || uarmh->otyp != HELM_OF_OPPOSITE_ALIGNMENT)
1102 u.ualign.type = u.ualignbase[A_CURRENT];
1103 You("have a %ssense of a new direction.",
1104 (u.ualign.type != oldalign) ? "sudden " : "");
1105 } else {
1106 /* putting on or taking off a helm of opposite alignment */
1107 u.ualign.type = (aligntyp) newalign;
1108 if (reason == 1)
1109 Your("mind oscillates %s.", Hallucination ? "wildly" : "briefly");
1110 else if (reason == 2)
1111 Your("mind is %s.", Hallucination
1112 ? "much of a muchness"
1113 : "back in sync with your body");
1116 if (u.ualign.type != oldalign) {
1117 u.ualign.record = 0; /* slate is wiped clean */
1118 retouch_equipment(0);
1122 /*attrib.c*/