[aNetHack.git] / DEVEL / hooksdir /
2 #
3 # NetHack Git Hook Module
4 # $NHDT-Date$
6 package NHgithook;
7 use Cwd;
9 ###
10 ### CONFIG
11 ###
12 my $trace = 0;
13 my $tracefile = "/tmp/nhgitt.$$";
15 # OS hackery
16 my $DS = quotemeta('/');
17 if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
19 $DS = quotemeta('\\');
22 our %saved_env;
23 our @saved_argv;
24 our $saved_input;
26 sub saveSTDIN {
27 @saved_input = <STDIN>;
29 if($trace){
30 print TRACE "STDIN:\n";
31 print TRACE $saved_input;
32 print TRACE "ENDSTDIN\n";
35 tie *STDIN, 'NHIO::STDIN', @saved_input;
38 # XXX this needs a re-write (don't tie and untie, just set NEXT=0)
39 # (the sensitive thing is @foo = <STDIN> )
40 sub resetSTDIN{
41 my $x = tied(*STDIN);
42 my %x = %$x;
43 my $data = @$x{DATA};
44 untie *STDIN;
45 tie *STDIN, 'NHIO::STDIN', $data;
48 # don't need this now
49 #sub restore {
50 # open STDIN, "<", \$saved_input or die "reopen STDIN: $!";
51 # @ARGV = @saved_argv;
52 # %ENV = %saved_env;
55 sub PRE {
56 &do_hook("PRE");
59 sub POST {
60 &do_hook("POST");
64 sub do_hook {
65 my($p) = @_;
66 my $hname = $0;
67 $hname =~ s!^((.*$DS)|())(.*)!$1$p-$4!;
68 if(-x $hname){
69 print TRACE "START $p: $hname\n" if($trace);
71 open TOHOOK, "|-", $hname or die "open $hname: $!";
72 print TOHOOK <STDIN>;
73 close TOHOOK or die "close $hname: $! $?";
75 print TRACE "END $p\n" if($trace);
79 sub trace_start {
80 return unless($trace);
81 my $self = shift;
82 open TRACE, ">>", $tracefile;
84 print TRACE "CWD: " . cwd() . "\n";
85 print TRACE "[0] $0\n";
86 my $x1;
87 for(my $x=0;$x<scalar @ARGV;$x++){
88 $x1 = $x+1;
89 print TRACE "[$x1] $ARGV[$x]\n";
91 print TRACE "ENV:\n";
92 foreach my $k (sort keys %ENV){
93 next unless ($k =~ m/(^GIT_)|(^NH)/);
94 print TRACE " $k => $ENV{$k}\n";
98 BEGIN {
99 %saved_env = %ENV;
100 @saved_argv = @ARGV;
101 &trace_start;
105 ### ugly mess so we can re-read STDIN
107 package NHIO::STDIN;
108 sub TIEHANDLE {
109 my $class = shift;
110 my %fh;
111 # XXX yuck
112 if(ref @_[0]){
113 $fh{DATA} = @_[0];
114 } else {
115 $fh{DATA} = \@_;
117 $fh{NEXT} = 0;
118 return bless \%fh, $class;
121 sub READLINE {
122 my $self = shift;
123 return undef if($self->{EOF});
124 if(wantarray){
125 my $lim = $#{$self->{DATA}};
126 my @ary = @{$self->{DATA}}[$self->{NEXT}..$lim];
127 my @rv = @ary[$self->{NEXT}..$#ary];
128 $self->{EOF} = 1;
129 return @rv;
130 } else{
131 my $rv = $self->{DATA}[$self->{NEXT}];
132 if(length $rv){
133 $self->{NEXT}++;
134 return $rv;
135 } else {
136 $self->{EOF} = 1;
137 return undef;
142 sub EOF {
143 $self = shift;
144 return $self->{EOF};
148 __END__
150 =head1 NAME
152 NHgithook - common code for NetHack git hooks (and other git bits)
154 =head1 SYNOPSIS
156 BEGIN {
157 my $DS = quotemeta('/');
158 my $PDS = '/';
159 if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
161 $DS = quotemeta('\\');
162 $PDS = '\\';
165 push(@INC, $ENV{GIT_DIR}.$PDS."hooks"); # for most hooks
166 push(@INC, ($0 =~ m!^(.*)$DS!)[0]); # when the above doesn't work
168 $gitdir = `git rev-parse --git-dir`; # and when the above really doesn't work
169 $gitdir =~ s/[\r\n]*$/;
170 push(@INC, $gitdir.$PDS."hooks");
172 use NHgithook;
174 &NHgithook::saveSTDIN;
175 &NHgithook::PRE;
176 (core hook code)
177 &NHgithook::POST;
179 =head1 DESCRIPTION
181 Buffers call information so multiple independent actions may be coded for
182 Git hooks and similar Git callouts.
184 =head1 SETUP
186 Changing the C<$trace> and C<$tracefile> variables requires editing the
187 module source. Setting C<$trace> enables tracing, logs basic information,
188 and leaves the C<TRACE> filehandle open for additional output; output to this
189 filehandle must be guarded by C<$NHgithook::trace>. Setting
190 C<$tracefile> specifies the file used for trace output. Note that C<$$>
191 may be useful since multiple processes may be live at the same time.
193 =head1 FUNCTIONS
195 NHgithook::saveSTDIN reads STDIN until EOF and saves it
196 NHgithook::PRE runs the PRE hook, if it exists
197 NHgithook::POST runs the POST hook, if it exists
199 =head1 BUGS
201 Some features not well tested, especially under Windows.
203 =head1 AUTHOR
205 Kenneth Lorber (