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1 #+OPTIONS:    H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:(HIDE) tags:not-in-toc
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4 #+TAGS:       Write(w) Update(u) Fix(f) Check(c) 
5 #+TITLE:      Symbols in Org-mode
6 #+AUTHOR:     Worg people
7 #+EMAIL:      bzg AT altern DOT org
8 #+LANGUAGE:   en
10 #+CATEGORY:   worg
12 # This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg.  Feel free
13 # to tailor it to your needs.
15 [[][{Back to Worg's index}]]
18 * Here is a table of symbols for Org-mode
20 #+ATTR_LaTeX: longtable
22 | Name           | LaTeX code              | LaTeX                          | HTML code     | HTML        | ASCII                     | Latin1                    | UTF-8  |
23 |----------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+-------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+--------|
24 | nbsp           | =~=                     | $\mbox{~}$                     | = =      |        |                           |                           |        |
25 | iexcl          | =!`=                    | $\mbox{!`}$                    | =¡=     | ¡     | !                         | ¡                         | ¡      |
26 | cent           | =\textcent{}=           | $\mbox{\textcent{}}$           | =¢=      | ¢      | cent                      | ¢                         | ¢      |
27 | pound          | =\pounds{}=             | $\mbox{\pounds{}}$             | =£=     | £     | pound                     | £                         | £      |
28 | curren         | =\textcurrency{}=       | $\mbox{\textcurrency{}}$       | =¤=    | ¤    | curr.                     | ¤                         | ¤      |
29 | yen            | =\textyen{}=            | $\mbox{\textyen{}}$            | =¥=       | ¥       | yen                       | ¥                         | ¥      |
30 | brvbar         | =\textbrokenbar{}=      | $\mbox{\textbrokenbar{}}$      | =¦=    | ¦    | \vert                     | ¦                         | ¦      |
31 | vert           | =\vert{}=               | $\vert{}$                      | =|=      | |      | \vert                     | \vert                     | \vert  |
32 | sect           | =\S=                    | $\mbox{\S}$                    | =§=      | §      | paragraph                 | §                         | §      |
33 | uml            | =\textasciidieresis{}=  | $\mbox{\textasciidieresis{}}$  | =¨=       | ¨       | [diaeresis]               | ¨                         | ¨      |
34 | copy           | =\textcopyright{}=      | $\mbox{\textcopyright{}}$      | =©=      | ©      | (c)                       | ©                         | ©      |
35 | ordf           | =\textordfeminine{}=    | $\mbox{\textordfeminine{}}$    | =ª=      | ª      | _a_                       | ª                         | ª      |
36 | laquo          | =\guillemotleft{}=      | $\mbox{\guillemotleft{}}$      | =&laquo;=     | &laquo;     | <<                        | «                         | «      |
37 | not            | =\textlnot{}=           | $\mbox{\textlnot{}}$           | =&not;=       | &not;       | [angled dash]             | ¬                         | ¬      |
38 | shy            | =\-=                    | $\mbox{\-}$                    | =&shy;=       | &shy;       |                           |                           |        |
39 | reg            | =\textregistered{}=     | $\mbox{\textregistered{}}$     | =&reg;=       | &reg;       | (r)                       | ®                         | ®      |
40 | macr           | =\textasciimacron{}=    | $\mbox{\textasciimacron{}}$    | =&macr;=      | &macr;      | [macron]                  | ¯                         | ¯      |
41 | deg            | =\textdegree{}=         | $\mbox{\textdegree{}}$         | =deg=         | deg         | degree                    | °                         | °      |
42 | pm             | =\textpm{}=             | $\mbox{\textpm{}}$             | =&plusmn;=    | &plusmn;    | +-                        | ±                         | ±      |
43 | plusmn         | =\textpm{}=             | $\mbox{\textpm{}}$             | =&plusmn;=    | &plusmn;    | +-                        | ±                         | ±      |
44 | sup2           | =\texttwosuperior{}=    | $\mbox{\texttwosuperior{}}$    | =&sup2;=      | &sup2;      | ^2                        | ²                         | ²      |
45 | sup3           | =\textthreesuperior{}=  | $\mbox{\textthreesuperior{}}$  | =&sup3;=      | &sup3;      | ^3                        | ³                         | ³      |
46 | acutex         | =\acute x=              | $\acute x$                     | =&acute x;=   | &acute x;   | 'x                        | 'x                        | 𝑥́      |
47 | micro          | =\textmu{}=             | $\mbox{\textmu{}}$             | =&micro;=     | &micro;     | micro                     | µ                         | µ      |
48 | para           | =\P{}=                  | $\mbox{\P{}}$                  | =&para;=      | &para;      | [pilcrow]                 | ¶                         | ¶      |
49 | middot         | =\textperiodcentered{}= | $\mbox{\textperiodcentered{}}$ | =&middot;=    | &middot;    | .                         | ·                         | ·      |
50 | odot           | =\odot=                 | $\odot$                        | =o=           | o           | [circled dot]             | [circled dot]             | ʘ      |
51 | star           | =\star=                 | $\star$                        | =*=           | *           | *                         | *                         | ⋆      |
52 | cedil          | =\c{}=                  | $\mbox{\c{}}$                  | =&cedil;=     | &cedil;     | [cedilla]                 | ¸                         | ¸      |
53 | sup1           | =\textonesuperior{}=    | $\mbox{\textonesuperior{}}$    | =&sup1;=      | &sup1;      | ^1                        | ¹                         | ¹      |
54 | ordm           | =\textordmasculine{}=   | $\mbox{\textordmasculine{}}$   | =&ordm;=      | &ordm;      | _o_                       | º                         | º      |
55 | raquo          | =\guillemotright{}=     | $\mbox{\guillemotright{}}$     | =&raquo;=     | &raquo;     | >>                        | »                         | »      |
56 | iquest         | =?`=                    | $\mbox{?`}$                    | =&iquest;=    | &iquest;    | ?                         | ¿                         | ¿      |
57 | Agrave         | =\`{A}=                 | $\mbox{\`{A}}$                 | =&Agrave;=    | &Agrave;    | A                         | À                         | À      |
58 | Aacute         | =\'{A}=                 | $\mbox{\'{A}}$                 | =&Aacute;=    | &Aacute;    | A                         | Á                         | Á      |
59 | Acirc          | =\^{A}=                 | $\mbox{\^{A}}$                 | =&Acirc;=     | &Acirc;     | A                         | Â                         | Â      |
60 | Atilde         | =\~{A}=                 | $\mbox{\~{A}}$                 | =&Atilde;=    | &Atilde;    | A                         | Ã                         | Ã      |
61 | Auml           | =\"{A}=                 | $\mbox{\"{A}}$                 | =&Auml;=      | &Auml;      | Ae                        | Ä                         | Ä      |
62 | Aring          | =\AA{}=                 | $\mbox{\AA{}}$                 | =&Aring;=     | &Aring;     | A                         | Å                         | Å      |
63 | AA             | =\AA{}=                 | $\mbox{\AA{}}$                 | =&Aring;=     | &Aring;     | A                         | Å                         | Å      |
64 | AElig          | =\AE{}=                 | $\mbox{\AE{}}$                 | =&AElig;=     | &AElig;     | AE                        | Æ                         | Æ      |
65 | Ccedil         | =\c{C}=                 | $\mbox{\c{C}}$                 | =&Ccedil;=    | &Ccedil;    | C                         | Ç                         | Ç      |
66 | Egrave         | =\`{E}=                 | $\mbox{\`{E}}$                 | =&Egrave;=    | &Egrave;    | E                         | È                         | È      |
67 | Eacute         | =\'{E}=                 | $\mbox{\'{E}}$                 | =&Eacute;=    | &Eacute;    | E                         | É                         | É      |
68 | Ecirc          | =\^{E}=                 | $\mbox{\^{E}}$                 | =&Ecirc;=     | &Ecirc;     | E                         | Ê                         | Ê      |
69 | Euml           | =\"{E}=                 | $\mbox{\"{E}}$                 | =&Euml;=      | &Euml;      | E                         | Ë                         | Ë      |
70 | Igrave         | =\`{I}=                 | $\mbox{\`{I}}$                 | =&Igrave;=    | &Igrave;    | I                         | Ì                         | Ì      |
71 | Iacute         | =\'{I}=                 | $\mbox{\'{I}}$                 | =&Iacute;=    | &Iacute;    | I                         | Í                         | Í      |
72 | Icirc          | =\^{I}=                 | $\mbox{\^{I}}$                 | =&Icirc;=     | &Icirc;     | I                         | Î                         | Î      |
73 | Iuml           | =\"{I}=                 | $\mbox{\"{I}}$                 | =&Iuml;=      | &Iuml;      | I                         | Ï                         | Ï      |
74 | ETH            | =\DH{}=                 | $\mbox{\DH{}}$                 | =&ETH;=       | &ETH;       | D                         | Ð                         | Ð      |
75 | Ntilde         | =\~{N}=                 | $\mbox{\~{N}}$                 | =&Ntilde;=    | &Ntilde;    | N                         | Ñ                         | Ñ      |
76 | Ograve         | =\`{O}=                 | $\mbox{\`{O}}$                 | =&Ograve;=    | &Ograve;    | O                         | Ò                         | Ò      |
77 | Oacute         | =\'{O}=                 | $\mbox{\'{O}}$                 | =&Oacute;=    | &Oacute;    | O                         | Ó                         | Ó      |
78 | Ocirc          | =\^{O}=                 | $\mbox{\^{O}}$                 | =&Ocirc;=     | &Ocirc;     | O                         | Ô                         | Ô      |
79 | Otilde         | =\~{O}=                 | $\mbox{\~{O}}$                 | =&Otilde;=    | &Otilde;    | O                         | Õ                         | Õ      |
80 | Ouml           | =\"{O}=                 | $\mbox{\"{O}}$                 | =&Ouml;=      | &Ouml;      | Oe                        | Ö                         | Ö      |
81 | times          | =\texttimes{}=          | $\mbox{\texttimes{}}$          | =&times;=     | &times;     | *                         | ×                         | ×      |
82 | Oslash         | =\O=                    | $\mbox{\O}$                    | =&Oslash;=    | &Oslash;    | O                         | Ø                         | Ø      |
83 | Ugrave         | =\`{U}=                 | $\mbox{\`{U}}$                 | =&Ugrave;=    | &Ugrave;    | U                         | Ù                         | Ù      |
84 | Uacute         | =\'{U}=                 | $\mbox{\'{U}}$                 | =&Uacute;=    | &Uacute;    | U                         | Ú                         | Ú      |
85 | Ucirc          | =\^{U}=                 | $\mbox{\^{U}}$                 | =&Ucirc;=     | &Ucirc;     | U                         | Û                         | Û      |
86 | Uuml           | =\"{U}=                 | $\mbox{\"{U}}$                 | =&Uuml;=      | &Uuml;      | Ue                        | Ü                         | Ü      |
87 | Yacute         | =\'{Y}=                 | $\mbox{\'{Y}}$                 | =&Yacute;=    | &Yacute;    | Y                         | Ý                         | Ý      |
88 | THORN          | =\TH{}=                 | $\mbox{\TH{}}$                 | =&THORN;=     | &THORN;     | TH                        | Þ                         | Þ      |
89 | szlig          | =\ss{}=                 | $\mbox{\ss{}}$                 | =&szlig;=     | &szlig;     | ss                        | ß                         | ß      |
90 | agrave         | =\`{a}=                 | $\mbox{\`{a}}$                 | =&agrave;=    | &agrave;    | a                         | à                         | à      |
91 | aacute         | =\'{a}=                 | $\mbox{\'{a}}$                 | =&aacute;=    | &aacute;    | a                         | á                         | á      |
92 | acirc          | =\^{a}=                 | $\mbox{\^{a}}$                 | =&acirc;=     | &acirc;     | a                         | â                         | â      |
93 | atilde         | =\~{a}=                 | $\mbox{\~{a}}$                 | =&atilde;=    | &atilde;    | a                         | ã                         | ã      |
94 | auml           | =\"{a}=                 | $\mbox{\"{a}}$                 | =&auml;=      | &auml;      | ae                        | ä                         | ä      |
95 | aring          | =\aa{}=                 | $\mbox{\aa{}}$                 | =&aring;=     | &aring;     | a                         | å                         | å      |
96 | aelig          | =\ae{}=                 | $\mbox{\ae{}}$                 | =&aelig;=     | &aelig;     | ae                        | æ                         | æ      |
97 | ccedil         | =\c{c}=                 | $\mbox{\c{c}}$                 | =&ccedil;=    | &ccedil;    | c                         | ç                         | ç      |
98 | checkmark      | =\checkmark=            | $\checkmark$                   | =&#10003;=    | &#10003;    | [checkmark]               | [checkmark]               | ✓      |
99 | egrave         | =\`{e}=                 | $\mbox{\`{e}}$                 | =&egrave;=    | &egrave;    | e                         | è                         | è      |
100 | eacute         | =\'{e}=                 | $\mbox{\'{e}}$                 | =&eacute;=    | &eacute;    | e                         | é                         | é      |
101 | ecirc          | =\^{e}=                 | $\mbox{\^{e}}$                 | =&ecirc;=     | &ecirc;     | e                         | ê                         | ê      |
102 | euml           | =\"{e}=                 | $\mbox{\"{e}}$                 | =&euml;=      | &euml;      | e                         | ë                         | ë      |
103 | igrave         | =\`{i}=                 | $\mbox{\`{i}}$                 | =&igrave;=    | &igrave;    | i                         | ì                         | ì      |
104 | iacute         | =\'{i}=                 | $\mbox{\'{i}}$                 | =&iacute;=    | &iacute;    | i                         | í                         | í      |
105 | icirc          | =\^{i}=                 | $\mbox{\^{i}}$                 | =&icirc;=     | &icirc;     | i                         | î                         | î      |
106 | iuml           | =\"{i}=                 | $\mbox{\"{i}}$                 | =&iuml;=      | &iuml;      | i                         | ï                         | ï      |
107 | eth            | =\dh{}=                 | $\mbox{\dh{}}$                 | =&eth;=       | &eth;       | dh                        | ð                         | ð      |
108 | ntilde         | =\~{n}=                 | $\mbox{\~{n}}$                 | =&ntilde;=    | &ntilde;    | n                         | ñ                         | ñ      |
109 | ograve         | =\`{o}=                 | $\mbox{\`{o}}$                 | =&ograve;=    | &ograve;    | o                         | ò                         | ò      |
110 | oacute         | =\'{o}=                 | $\mbox{\'{o}}$                 | =&oacute;=    | &oacute;    | o                         | ó                         | ó      |
111 | ocirc          | =\^{o}=                 | $\mbox{\^{o}}$                 | =&ocirc;=     | &ocirc;     | o                         | ô                         | ô      |
112 | otilde         | =\~{o}=                 | $\mbox{\~{o}}$                 | =&otilde;=    | &otilde;    | o                         | õ                         | õ      |
113 | ouml           | =\"{o}=                 | $\mbox{\"{o}}$                 | =&ouml;=      | &ouml;      | oe                        | ö                         | ö      |
114 | oslash         | =\o{}=                  | $\mbox{\o{}}$                  | =&oslash;=    | &oslash;    | o                         | ø                         | ø      |
115 | ugrave         | =\`{u}=                 | $\mbox{\`{u}}$                 | =&ugrave;=    | &ugrave;    | u                         | ù                         | ù      |
116 | uacute         | =\'{u}=                 | $\mbox{\'{u}}$                 | =&uacute;=    | &uacute;    | u                         | ú                         | ú      |
117 | ucirc          | =\^{u}=                 | $\mbox{\^{u}}$                 | =&ucirc;=     | &ucirc;     | u                         | û                         | û      |
118 | uuml           | =\"{u}=                 | $\mbox{\"{u}}$                 | =&uuml;=      | &uuml;      | ue                        | ü                         | ü      |
119 | yacute         | =\'{y}=                 | $\mbox{\'{y}}$                 | =&yacute;=    | &yacute;    | y                         | ý                         | ý      |
120 | thorn          | =\th{}=                 | $\mbox{\th{}}$                 | =&thorn;=     | &thorn;     | th                        | þ                         | þ      |
121 | yuml           | =\"{y}=                 | $\mbox{\"{y}}$                 | =&yuml;=      | &yuml;      | y                         | ÿ                         | ÿ      |
122 | fnof           | =\textit{f}=            | $\mbox{\textit{f}}$            | =&fnof;=      | &fnof;      | f                         | f                         | ƒ      |
123 | Alpha          | =A=                     | $\mbox{A}$                     | =&Alpha;=     | &Alpha;     | Alpha                     | Alpha                     | Α      |
124 | Beta           | =B=                     | $\mbox{B}$                     | =&Beta;=      | &Beta;      | Beta                      | Beta                      | Β      |
125 | Gamma          | =\Gamma=                | $\Gamma$                       | =&Gamma;=     | &Gamma;     | Gamma                     | Gamma                     | Γ      |
126 | Delta          | =\Delta=                | $\Delta$                       | =&Delta;=     | &Delta;     | Delta                     | Gamma                     | Δ      |
127 | Epsilon        | =E=                     | $\mbox{E}$                     | =&Epsilon;=   | &Epsilon;   | Epsilon                   | Epsilon                   | Ε      |
128 | Zeta           | =Z=                     | $\mbox{Z}$                     | =&Zeta;=      | &Zeta;      | Zeta                      | Zeta                      | Ζ      |
129 | Eta            | =H=                     | $\mbox{H}$                     | =&Eta;=       | &Eta;       | Eta                       | Eta                       | Η      |
130 | Theta          | =\Theta=                | $\Theta$                       | =&Theta;=     | &Theta;     | Theta                     | Theta                     | Θ      |
131 | Iota           | =I=                     | $\mbox{I}$                     | =&Iota;=      | &Iota;      | Iota                      | Iota                      | Ι      |
132 | Kappa          | =K=                     | $\mbox{K}$                     | =&Kappa;=     | &Kappa;     | Kappa                     | Kappa                     | Κ      |
133 | Lambda         | =\Lambda=               | $\Lambda$                      | =&Lambda;=    | &Lambda;    | Lambda                    | Lambda                    | Λ      |
134 | Mu             | =M=                     | $\mbox{M}$                     | =&Mu;=        | &Mu;        | Mu                        | Mu                        | Μ      |
135 | Nu             | =N=                     | $\mbox{N}$                     | =&Nu;=        | &Nu;        | Nu                        | Nu                        | Ν      |
136 | Xi             | =\Xi=                   | $\Xi$                          | =&Xi;=        | &Xi;        | Xi                        | Xi                        | Ξ      |
137 | Omicron        | =O=                     | $\mbox{O}$                     | =&Omicron;=   | &Omicron;   | Omicron                   | Omicron                   | Ο      |
138 | Pi             | =\Pi=                   | $\Pi$                          | =&Pi;=        | &Pi;        | Pi                        | Pi                        | Π      |
139 | Rho            | =P=                     | $\mbox{P}$                     | =&Rho;=       | &Rho;       | Rho                       | Rho                       | Ρ      |
140 | Sigma          | =\Sigma=                | $\Sigma$                       | =&Sigma;=     | &Sigma;     | Sigma                     | Sigma                     | Σ      |
141 | Tau            | =T=                     | $\mbox{T}$                     | =&Tau;=       | &Tau;       | Tau                       | Tau                       | Τ      |
142 | Upsilon        | =\Upsilon=              | $\Upsilon$                     | =&Upsilon;=   | &Upsilon;   | Upsilon                   | Upsilon                   | Υ      |
143 | Phi            | =\Phi=                  | $\Phi$                         | =&Phi;=       | &Phi;       | Phi                       | Phi                       | Φ      |
144 | Chi            | =X=                     | $\mbox{X}$                     | =&Chi;=       | &Chi;       | Chi                       | Chi                       | Χ      |
145 | Psi            | =\Psi=                  | $\Psi$                         | =&Psi;=       | &Psi;       | Psi                       | Psi                       | Ψ      |
146 | Omega          | =\Omega=                | $\Omega$                       | =&Omega;=     | &Omega;     | Omega                     | Omega                     | Ω      |
147 | alpha          | =\alpha=                | $\alpha$                       | =&alpha;=     | &alpha;     | alpha                     | alpha                     | α      |
148 | beta           | =\beta=                 | $\beta$                        | =&beta;=      | &beta;      | beta                      | beta                      | β      |
149 | gamma          | =\gamma=                | $\gamma$                       | =&gamma;=     | &gamma;     | gamma                     | gamma                     | γ      |
150 | delta          | =\delta=                | $\delta$                       | =&delta;=     | &delta;     | delta                     | delta                     | δ      |
151 | epsilon        | =\epsilon=              | $\epsilon$                     | =&epsilon;=   | &epsilon;   | epsilon                   | epsilon                   | ε      |
152 | varepsilon     | =\varepsilon=           | $\varepsilon$                  | =&epsilon;=   | &epsilon;   | varepsilon                | varepsilon                | ε      |
153 | zeta           | =\zeta=                 | $\zeta$                        | =&zeta;=      | &zeta;      | zeta                      | zeta                      | ζ      |
154 | eta            | =\eta=                  | $\eta$                         | =&eta;=       | &eta;       | eta                       | eta                       | η      |
155 | theta          | =\theta=                | $\theta$                       | =&theta;=     | &theta;     | theta                     | theta                     | θ      |
156 | iota           | =\iota=                 | $\iota$                        | =&iota;=      | &iota;      | iota                      | iota                      | ι      |
157 | kappa          | =\kappa=                | $\kappa$                       | =&kappa;=     | &kappa;     | kappa                     | kappa                     | κ      |
158 | lambda         | =\lambda=               | $\lambda$                      | =&lambda;=    | &lambda;    | lambda                    | lambda                    | λ      |
159 | mu             | =\mu=                   | $\mu$                          | =&mu;=        | &mu;        | mu                        | mu                        | μ      |
160 | nu             | =\nu=                   | $\nu$                          | =&nu;=        | &nu;        | nu                        | nu                        | ν      |
161 | xi             | =\xi=                   | $\xi$                          | =&xi;=        | &xi;        | xi                        | xi                        | ξ      |
162 | omicron        | =\textit{o}=            | $\mbox{\textit{o}}$            | =&omicron;=   | &omicron;   | omicron                   | omicron                   | ο      |
163 | pi             | =\pi=                   | $\pi$                          | =&pi;=        | &pi;        | pi                        | pi                        | π      |
164 | rho            | =\rho=                  | $\rho$                         | =&rho;=       | &rho;       | rho                       | rho                       | ρ      |
165 | sigmaf         | =\varsigma=             | $\varsigma$                    | =&sigmaf;=    | &sigmaf;    | sigmaf                    | sigmaf                    | ς      |
166 | varsigma       | =\varsigma=             | $\varsigma$                    | =&sigmaf;=    | &sigmaf;    | varsigma                  | varsigma                  | ς      |
167 | sigma          | =\sigma=                | $\sigma$                       | =&sigma;=     | &sigma;     | sigma                     | sigma                     | σ      |
168 | tau            | =\tau=                  | $\tau$                         | =&tau;=       | &tau;       | tau                       | tau                       | τ      |
169 | upsilon        | =\upsilon=              | $\upsilon$                     | =&upsilon;=   | &upsilon;   | upsilon                   | upsilon                   | υ      |
170 | phi            | =\phi=                  | $\phi$                         | =&phi;=       | &phi;       | phi                       | phi                       | φ      |
171 | chi            | =\chi=                  | $\chi$                         | =&chi;=       | &chi;       | chi                       | chi                       | χ      |
172 | psi            | =\psi=                  | $\psi$                         | =&psi;=       | &psi;       | psi                       | psi                       | ψ      |
173 | omega          | =\omega=                | $\omega$                       | =&omega;=     | &omega;     | omega                     | omega                     | ω      |
174 | thetasym       | =\vartheta=             | $\vartheta$                    | =&thetasym;=  | &thetasym;  | theta                     | theta                     | ϑ      |
175 | vartheta       | =\vartheta=             | $\vartheta$                    | =&thetasym;=  | &thetasym;  | theta                     | theta                     | ϑ      |
176 | upsih          | =\Upsilon=              | $\Upsilon$                     | =&upsih;=     | &upsih;     | upsilon                   | upsilon                   | ϒ      |
177 | piv            | =\varpi=                | $\varpi$                       | =&piv;=       | &piv;       | omega-pi                  | omega-pi                  | ϖ      |
178 | bull           | =\textbullet{}=         | $\mbox{\textbullet{}}$         | =&bull;=      | &bull;      | *                         | *                         | •      |
179 | bullet         | =\textbullet{}=         | $\mbox{\textbullet{}}$         | =&bull;=      | &bull;      | *                         | *                         | •      |
180 | hellip         | =\dots{}=               | $\mbox{\dots{}}$               | =&hellip;=    | &hellip;    | ...                       | ...                       | …      |
181 | dots           | =\dots{}=               | $\mbox{\dots{}}$               | =&hellip;=    | &hellip;    | ...                       | ...                       | …      |
182 | prime          | =\prime=                | $\prime$                       | =&prime;=     | &prime;     | '                         | '                         | ′      |
183 | Prime          | =\prime{}\prime=        | $\prime{}\prime$               | =&Prime;=     | &Prime;     | ''                        | ''                        | ″      |
184 | oline          | =\overline{~}=          | $\overline{~}$                 | =&oline;=     | &oline;     | [overline]                | ¯                         | ‾      |
185 | frasl          | =/=                     | $\mbox{/}$                     | =&frasl;=     | &frasl;     | /                         | /                         | ⁄      |
186 | weierp         | =\wp=                   | $\wp$                          | =&weierp;=    | &weierp;    | P                         | P                         | ℘      |
187 | image          | =\Im=                   | $\Im$                          | =&image;=     | &image;     | I                         | I                         | ℑ      |
188 | real           | =\Re=                   | $\Re$                          | =&real;=      | &real;      | R                         | R                         | ℜ      |
189 | trade          | =\texttrademark{}=      | $\mbox{\texttrademark{}}$      | =&trade;=     | &trade;     | TM                        | TM                        | ™      |
190 | alefsym        | =\aleph=                | $\aleph$                       | =&alefsym;=   | &alefsym;   | aleph                     | aleph                     | ℵ      |
191 | larr           | =\leftarrow=            | $\leftarrow$                   | =&larr;=      | &larr;      | <-                        | <-                        | ←      |
192 | leftarrow      | =\leftarrow=            | $\leftarrow$                   | =&larr;=      | &larr;      | <-                        | <-                        | ←      |
193 | gets           | =\gets=                 | $\gets$                        | =&larr;=      | &larr;      | <-                        | <-                        | ←      |
194 | uarr           | =\uparrow=              | $\uparrow$                     | =&uarr;=      | &uarr;      | [uparrow]                 | [uparrow]                 | ↑      |
195 | uparrow        | =\uparrow=              | $\uparrow$                     | =&uarr;=      | &uarr;      | [uparrow]                 | [uparrow]                 | ↑      |
196 | rarr           | =\rightarrow=           | $\rightarrow$                  | =&rarr;=      | &rarr;      | ->                        | ->                        | →      |
197 | to             | =\to=                   | $\to$                          | =&rarr;=      | &rarr;      | ->                        | ->                        | →      |
198 | rightarrow     | =\rightarrow=           | $\rightarrow$                  | =&rarr;=      | &rarr;      | ->                        | ->                        | →      |
199 | darr           | =\downarrow=            | $\downarrow$                   | =&darr;=      | &darr;      | [downarrow]               | [downarrow]               | ↓      |
200 | downarrow      | =\downarrow=            | $\downarrow$                   | =&darr;=      | &darr;      | [downarrow]               | [downarrow]               | ↓      |
201 | harr           | =\leftrightarrow=       | $\leftrightarrow$              | =&harr;=      | &harr;      | <->                       | <->                       | ↔      |
202 | leftrightarrow | =\leftrightarrow=       | $\leftrightarrow$              | =&harr;=      | &harr;      | <->                       | <->                       | ↔      |
203 | crarr          | =\hookleftarrow=        | $\hookleftarrow$               | =&crarr;=     | &crarr;     | <-'                       | <-'                       | ↵      |
204 | hookleftarrow  | =\hookleftarrow=        | $\hookleftarrow$               | =&crarr;=     | &crarr;     | <-'                       | <-'                       | ↵      |
205 | lArr           | =\Leftarrow=            | $\Leftarrow$                   | =&lArr;=      | &lArr;      | <=                        | <=                        | ⇐      |
206 | Leftarrow      | =\Leftarrow=            | $\Leftarrow$                   | =&lArr;=      | &lArr;      | <=                        | <=                        | ⇐      |
207 | uArr           | =\Uparrow=              | $\Uparrow$                     | =&uArr;=      | &uArr;      | [dbluparrow]              | [dbluparrow]              | ⇑      |
208 | Uparrow        | =\Uparrow=              | $\Uparrow$                     | =&uArr;=      | &uArr;      | [dbluparrow]              | [dbluparrow]              | ⇑      |
209 | rArr           | =\Rightarrow=           | $\Rightarrow$                  | =&rArr;=      | &rArr;      | = >                       | = >                       | ⇒      |
210 | Rightarrow     | =\Rightarrow=           | $\Rightarrow$                  | =&rArr;=      | &rArr;      | = >                       | = >                       | ⇒      |
211 | dArr           | =\Downarrow=            | $\Downarrow$                   | =&dArr;=      | &dArr;      | [dbldownarrow]            | [dbldownarrow]            | ⇓      |
212 | Downarrow      | =\Downarrow=            | $\Downarrow$                   | =&dArr;=      | &dArr;      | [dbldownarrow]            | [dbldownarrow]            | ⇓      |
213 | hArr           | =\Leftrightarrow=       | $\Leftrightarrow$              | =&hArr;=      | &hArr;      | <=>                       | <=>                       | ⇔      |
214 | Leftrightarrow | =\Leftrightarrow=       | $\Leftrightarrow$              | =&hArr;=      | &hArr;      | <=>                       | <=>                       | ⇔      |
215 | forall         | =\forall=               | $\forall$                      | =&forall;=    | &forall;    | [for all]                 | [for all]                 | ∀      |
216 | partial        | =\partial=              | $\partial$                     | =&part;=      | &part;      | [partial differential]    | [partial differential]    | ∂      |
217 | exist          | =\exists=               | $\exists$                      | =&exist;=     | &exist;     | [there exists]            | [there exists]            | ∃      |
218 | exists         | =\exists=               | $\exists$                      | =&exist;=     | &exist;     | [there exists]            | [there exists]            | ∃      |
219 | empty          | =\empty=                | $\empty$                       | =&empty;=     | &empty;     | [empty set]               | [empty set]               | ∅      |
220 | emptyset       | =\emptyset=             | $\emptyset$                    | =&empty;=     | &empty;     | [empty set]               | [empty set]               | ∅      |
221 | nabla          | =\nabla=                | $\nabla$                       | =&nabla;=     | &nabla;     | [nabla]                   | [nabla]                   | ∇      |
222 | isin           | =\in=                   | $\in$                          | =&isin;=      | &isin;      | [element of]              | [element of]              | ∈      |
223 | in             | =\in=                   | $\in$                          | =&isin;=      | &isin;      | [element of]              | [element of]              | ∈      |
224 | notin          | =\notin=                | $\notin$                       | =&notin;=     | &notin;     | [not an element of]       | [not an element of]       | ∉      |
225 | ni             | =\ni=                   | $\ni$                          | =&ni;=        | &ni;        | [contains as member]      | [contains as member]      | ∋      |
226 | prod           | =\prod=                 | $\prod$                        | =&prod;=      | &prod;      | [product]                 | [n-ary product]           | ∏      |
227 | sum            | =\sum=                  | $\sum$                         | =&sum;=       | &sum;       | [sum]                     | [sum]                     | ∑      |
228 | minus          | =-=                     | $-$                            | =&minus;=     | &minus;     | -                         | -                         | −      |
229 | lowast         | =\ast=                  | $\ast$                         | =&lowast;=    | &lowast;    | *                         | *                         | ∗      |
230 | ast            | =\ast=                  | $\ast$                         | =&lowast;=    | &lowast;    | *                         | *                         | *      |
231 | radic          | =\sqrt{,}=              | $\sqrt{,}$                     | =&radic;=     | &radic;     | [square root]             | [square root]             | √      |
232 | prop           | =\propto=               | $\propto$                      | =&prop;=      | &prop;      | [proportional to]         | [proportional to]         | ∝      |
233 | proptp         | =\propto=               | $\propto$                      | =&prop;=      | &prop;      | [proportional to]         | [proportional to]         | ∝      |
234 | infin          | =\propto=               | $\propto$                      | =&infin;=     | &infin;     | [infinity]                | [infinity]                | ∞      |
235 | infty          | =\infty=                | $\infty$                       | =&infin;=     | &infin;     | [infinity]                | [infinity]                | ∞      |
236 | ang            | =\angle=                | $\angle$                       | =&ang;=       | &ang;       | [angle]                   | [angle]                   | ∠      |
237 | angle          | =\angle=                | $\angle$                       | =&ang;=       | &ang;       | [angle]                   | [angle]                   | ∠      |
238 | and            | =\wedge=                | $\wedge$                       | =&and;=       | &and;       | [logical and]             | [logical and]             | ∧      |
239 | wedge          | =\wedge=                | $\wedge$                       | =&and;=       | &and;       | [logical and]             | [logical and]             | ∧      |
240 | or             | =\vee=                  | $\vee$                         | =&or;=        | &or;        | [logical or]              | [logical or]              | ∨      |
241 | vee            | =\vee=                  | $\vee$                         | =&or;=        | &or;        | [logical or]              | [logical or]              | ∨      |
242 | cap            | =\cap=                  | $\cap$                         | =&cap;=       | &cap;       | [intersection]            | [intersection]            | ∩      |
243 | cup            | =\cup=                  | $\cup$                         | =&cup;=       | &cup;       | [union]                   | [union]                   | ∪      |
244 | int            | =\int=                  | $\int$                         | =&int;=       | &int;       | [integral]                | [integral]                | ∫      |
245 | there4         | =\therefore=            | $\therefore$                   | =&there4;=    | &there4;    | [therefore]               | [therefore]               | ∴      |
246 | sim            | =\sim=                  | $\sim$                         | =&sim;=       | &sim;       | ~                         | ~                         | ∼      |
247 | cong           | =\cong=                 | $\cong$                        | =&cong;=      | &cong;      | [approx. equal to]        | [approx. equal to]        | ≅      |
248 | simeq          | =\simeq=                | $\simeq$                       | =&cong;=      | &cong;      | [approx. equal to]        | [approx. equal to]        | ≅      |
249 | asymp          | =\asymp=                | $\asymp$                       | =&asymp;=     | &asymp;     | [almost equal to]         | [almost equal to]         | ≈      |
250 | approx         | =\approx=               | $\approx$                      | =&asymp;=     | &asymp;     | [almost equal to]         | [almost equal to]         | ≈      |
251 | ne             | =\ne=                   | $\ne$                          | =&ne;=        | &ne;        | [not equal to]            | [not equal to]            | ≠      |
252 | neq            | =\neq=                  | $\neq$                         | =&ne;=        | &ne;        | [not equal to]            | [not equal to]            | ≠      |
253 | equiv          | =\equiv=                | $\equiv$                       | =&equiv;=     | &equiv;     | [identical to]            | [identical to]            | ≡      |
254 | le             | =\le=                   | $\le$                          | =&le;=        | &le;        | <=                        | <=                        | ≤      |
255 | ge             | =\ge=                   | $\ge$                          | =&ge;=        | &ge;        | >=                        | >=                        | ≥      |
256 | sub            | =\subset=               | $\subset$                      | =&sub;=       | &sub;       | [subset of]               | [subset of]               | ⊂      |
257 | subset         | =\subset=               | $\subset$                      | =&sub;=       | &sub;       | [subset of]               | [subset of]               | ⊂      |
258 | sup            | =\supset=               | $\supset$                      | =&sup;=       | &sup;       | [superset of]             | [superset of]             | ⊃      |
259 | supset         | =\supset=               | $\supset$                      | =&sup;=       | &sup;       | [superset of]             | [superset of]             | ⊃      |
260 | nsub           | =\not\subset=           | $\not\subset$                  | =&nsub;=      | &nsub;      | [not a subset of]         | [not a subset of          | ⊄      |
261 | sube           | =\subseteq=             | $\subseteq$                    | =&sube;=      | &sube;      | [subset of or equal to]   | [subset of or equal to]   | ⊆      |
262 | supe           | =\supseteq=             | $\supseteq$                    | =&supe;=      | &supe;      | [superset of or equal to] | [superset of or equal to] | ⊇      |
263 | oplus          | =\oplus=                | $\oplus$                       | =&oplus;=     | &oplus;     | [circled plus]            | [circled plus]            | ⊕      |
264 | otimes         | =\otimes=               | $\otimes$                      | =&otimes;=    | &otimes;    | [circled times]           | [circled times]           | ⊗      |
265 | perp           | =\perp=                 | $\perp$                        | =&perp;=      | &perp;      | [up tack]                 | [up tack]                 | ⊥      |
266 | sdot           | =\cdot=                 | $\cdot$                        | =&sdot;=      | &sdot;      | [dot]                     | [dot]                     | ⋅      |
267 | cdot           | =\cdot=                 | $\cdot$                        | =&sdot;=      | &sdot;      | [dot]                     | [dot]                     | ⋅      |
268 | lceil          | =\lceil=                | $\lceil$                       | =&lceil;=     | &lceil;     | [left ceiling]            | [left ceiling]            | ⌈      |
269 | rceil          | =\rceil=                | $\rceil$                       | =&rceil;=     | &rceil;     | [right ceiling]           | [right ceiling]           | ⌉      |
270 | lfloor         | =\lfloor=               | $\lfloor$                      | =&lfloor;=    | &lfloor;    | [left floor]              | [left floor]              | ⌊      |
271 | rfloor         | =\rfloor=               | $\rfloor$                      | =&rfloor;=    | &rfloor;    | [right floor]             | [right floor]             | ⌋      |
272 | lang           | =\langle=               | $\langle$                      | =&lang;=      | &lang;      | <                         | <                         | ⟨      |
273 | rang           | =\rangle=               | $\rangle$                      | =&rang;=      | &rang;      | >                         | >                         | ⟩      |
274 | loz            | =\diamond=              | $\diamond$                     | =&loz;=       | &loz;       | [lozenge]                 | [lozenge]                 | ◊      |
275 | Diamond        | =\diamond=              | $\diamond$                     | =&diamond;=   | &diamond;   | [diamond]                 | [diamond]                 | ⋄      |
276 | spades         | =\spadesuit=            | $\spadesuit$                   | =&spades;=    | &spades;    | [spades]                  | [spades]                  | ♠      |
277 | spadesuit      | =\spadesuit=            | $\spadesuit$                   | =&spades;=    | &spades;    | [spades]                  | [spades]                  | ♠      |
278 | clubs          | =\clubsuit=             | $\clubsuit$                    | =&clubs;=     | &clubs;     | [clubs]                   | [clubs]                   | ♣      |
279 | clubsuit       | =\clubsuit=             | $\clubsuit$                    | =&clubs;=     | &clubs;     | [clubs]                   | [clubs]                   | ♣      |
280 | hearts         | =\heartsuit=            | $\heartsuit$                   | =&hearts;=    | &hearts;    | [hearts]                  | [hearts]                  | ♥      |
281 | heartsuit      | =\heartsuit=            | $\heartsuit$                   | =&heartsuit;= | &heartsuit; | [hearts]                  | [hearts]                  | ♥      |
282 | diamondsuit    | =\diamondsuit=          | $\diamondsuit$                 | =&diams;=     | &diams;     | [diamonds]                | [diamonds]                | ♦      |
283 | diams          | =\diamondsuit=          | $\diamondsuit$                 | =&diams;=     | &diams;     | [diamonds]                | [diamonds]                | ♦      |
284 | smile          | =\smile=                | $\smile$                       | =&#9786;=     | &#9786;     | :-)                       | :-)                       | ⌣      |
285 | blacksmile     | =\blacksmiley{}=        | $\mbox{\blacksmiley{}}$        | =&#9787;=     | &#9787;     | :-)                       | :-)                       | ☻      |
286 | sad            | =\frownie{}=            | $\mbox{\frownie{}}$            | =&#9785;=     | &#9785;     | :-(                       | :-(                       | ☹      |
287 | quot           | =\textquotedbl{}=       | $\mbox{\textquotedbl{}}$       | =&quot;=      | &quot;      | "                         | "                         | "      |
288 | amp            | =\&=                    | $\mbox{\&}$                    | =&amp;=       | &amp;       | &                         | &                         | &      |
289 | lt             | =\textless{}=           | $\mbox{\textless{}}$           | =&lt;=        | &lt;        | <                         | <                         | <      |
290 | gt             | =\textgreater{}=        | $\mbox{\textgreater{}}$        | =&gt;=        | &gt;        | >                         | >                         | >      |
291 | OElig          | =\OE{}=                 | $\mbox{\OE{}}$                 | =&OElig;=     | &OElig;     | OE                        | OE                        | Œ      |
292 | oelig          | =\oe{}=                 | $\mbox{\oe{}}$                 | =&oelig;=     | &oelig;     | oe                        | oe                        | œ      |
293 | Scaron         | =\v{S}=                 | $\mbox{\v{S}}$                 | =&Scaron;=    | &Scaron;    | S                         | S                         | Š      |
294 | scaron         | =\v{s}=                 | $\mbox{\v{s}}$                 | =&scaron;=    | &scaron;    | s                         | s                         | š      |
295 | Yuml           | =\"{Y}=                 | $\mbox{\"{Y}}$                 | =&Yuml;=      | &Yuml;      | Y                         | Y                         | Ÿ      |
296 | circ           | =\circ=                 | $\circ$                        | =&circ;=      | &circ;      | ^                         | ^                         | ˆ      |
297 | tilde          | =~{}=                   | $\mbox{~{}}$                   | =&tilde;=     | &tilde;     | ~                         | ~                         | ~      |
298 | ensp           | =\hspace*{.5em}=        | $\mbox{\hspace*{.5em}}$        | =&ensp;=      | &ensp;      |                           |                           |        |
299 | emsp           | =\hspace*{1em}=         | $\mbox{\hspace*{1em}}$         | =&emsp;=      | &emsp;      |                           |                           |        |
300 | thinsp         | =\hspace*{.2em}=        | $\mbox{\hspace*{.2em}}$        | =&thinsp;=    | &thinsp;    |                           |                           |        |
301 | zwnj           | =\/{}=                  | $\mbox{\/{}}$                  | =&zwnj;=      | &zwnj;      |                           |                           | ‌       |
302 | zwj            | ==                      | $\mbox{}$                      | =&zwj;=       | &zwj;       |                           |                           | ‍       |
303 | lrm            | ==                      | $\mbox{}$                      | =&lrm;=       | &lrm;       |                           |                           | ‎       |
304 | rlm            | ==                      | $\mbox{}$                      | =&rlm;=       | &rlm;       |                           |                           | ‏       |
305 | ndash          | =--=                    | $\mbox{--}$                    | =&ndash;=     | &ndash;     | -                         | -                         | –      |
306 | mdash          | =---=                   | $\mbox{---}$                   | =&mdash;=     | &mdash;     | --                        | --                        | —      |
307 | lsquo          | =\textquoteleft{}=      | $\mbox{\textquoteleft{}}$      | =&lsquo;=     | &lsquo;     | `                         | `                         | ‘      |
308 | rsquo          | =\textquoteright{}=     | $\mbox{\textquoteright{}}$     | =&rsquo;=     | &rsquo;     | '                         | '                         | ’      |
309 | sbquo          | =\quotesinglbase{}=     | $\mbox{\quotesinglbase{}}$     | =&sbquo;=     | &sbquo;     | ,                         | ,                         | ‚      |
310 | ldquo          | =\textquotedblleft{}=   | $\mbox{\textquotedblleft{}}$   | =&ldquo;=     | &ldquo;     | "                         | "                         | “      |
311 | rdquo          | =\textquotedblright{}=  | $\mbox{\textquotedblright{}}$  | =&rdquo;=     | &rdquo;     | "                         | "                         | ”      |
312 | bdquo          | =\quotedblbase{}=       | $\mbox{\quotedblbase{}}$       | =&bdquo;=     | &bdquo;     | "                         | "                         | „      |
313 | dagger         | =\textdagger{}=         | $\mbox{\textdagger{}}$         | =&dagger;=    | &dagger;    | [dagger]                  | [dagger]                  | †      |
314 | Dagger         | =\textdaggerdbl{}=      | $\mbox{\textdaggerdbl{}}$      | =&Dagger;=    | &Dagger;    | [doubledagger]            | [doubledagger]            | ‡      |
315 | permil         | =\textperthousand{}=    | $\mbox{\textperthousand{}}$    | =&permil;=    | &permil;    | per thousand              | per thousand              | ‰      |
316 | lsaquo         | =\guilsinglleft{}=      | $\mbox{\guilsinglleft{}}$      | =&lsaquo;=    | &lsaquo;    | <                         | <                         | ‹      |
317 | rsaquo         | =\guilsinglright{}=     | $\mbox{\guilsinglright{}}$     | =&rsaquo;=    | &rsaquo;    | >                         | >                         | ›      |
318 | euro           | =\texteuro{}=           | $\mbox{\texteuro{}}$           | =&euro;=      | &euro;      | EUR                       | EUR                       | €      |
319 | EUR            | =\EUR{}=                | $\mbox{\EUR{}}$                | =&euro;=      | &euro;      | EUR                       | EUR                       | €      |
320 | EURdig         | =\EURdig{}=             | $\mbox{\EURdig{}}$             | =&euro;=      | &euro;      | EUR                       | EUR                       | €      |
321 | EURhv          | =\EURhv{}=              | $\mbox{\EURhv{}}$              | =&euro;=      | &euro;      | EUR                       | EUR                       | €      |
322 | EURcr          | =\EURcr{}=              | $\mbox{\EURcr{}}$              | =&euro;=      | &euro;      | EUR                       | EUR                       | €      |
323 | EURtm          | =\EURtm{}=              | $\mbox{\EURtm{}}$              | =&euro;=      | &euro;      | EUR                       | EUR                       | €      |
324 | arccos         | =\arccos=               | $\arccos$                      | =arccos=      | arccos      | arccos                    | arccos                    | arccos |
325 | arcsin         | =\arcsin=               | $\arcsin$                      | =arcsin=      | arcsin      | arcsin                    | arcsin                    | arcsin |
326 | arctan         | =\arctan=               | $\arctan$                      | =arctan=      | arctan      | arctan                    | arctan                    | arctan |
327 | arg            | =\arg=                  | $\arg$                         | =arg=         | arg         | arg                       | arg                       | arg    |
328 | cos            | =\cos=                  | $\cos$                         | =cos=         | cos         | cos                       | cos                       | cos    |
329 | cosh           | =\cosh=                 | $\cosh$                        | =cosh=        | cosh        | cosh                      | cosh                      | cosh   |
330 | cot            | =\cot=                  | $\cot$                         | =cot=         | cot         | cot                       | cot                       | cot    |
331 | coth           | =\coth=                 | $\coth$                        | =coth=        | coth        | coth                      | coth                      | coth   |
332 | csc            | =\csc=                  | $\csc$                         | =csc=         | csc         | csc                       | csc                       | csc    |
333 | deg            | =\deg=                  | $\deg$                         | =&deg;=       | &deg;       | deg                       | deg                       | deg    |
334 | det            | =\det=                  | $\det$                         | =det=         | det         | det                       | det                       | det    |
335 | dim            | =\dim=                  | $\dim$                         | =dim=         | dim         | dim                       | dim                       | dim    |
336 | exp            | =\exp=                  | $\exp$                         | =exp=         | exp         | exp                       | exp                       | exp    |
337 | gcd            | =\gcd=                  | $\gcd$                         | =gcd=         | gcd         | gcd                       | gcd                       | gcd    |
338 | hom            | =\hom=                  | $\hom$                         | =hom=         | hom         | hom                       | hom                       | hom    |
339 | inf            | =\inf=                  | $\inf$                         | =inf=         | inf         | inf                       | inf                       | inf    |
340 | ker            | =\ker=                  | $\ker$                         | =ker=         | ker         | ker                       | ker                       | ker    |
341 | lg             | =\lg=                   | $\lg$                          | =lg=          | lg          | lg                        | lg                        | lg     |
342 | lim            | =\lim=                  | $\lim$                         | =lim=         | lim         | lim                       | lim                       | lim    |
343 | liminf         | =\liminf=               | $\liminf$                      | =liminf=      | liminf      | liminf                    | liminf                    | liminf |
344 | limsup         | =\limsup=               | $\limsup$                      | =limsup=      | limsup      | limsup                    | limsup                    | limsup |
345 | ln             | =\ln=                   | $\ln$                          | =ln=          | ln          | ln                        | ln                        | ln     |
346 | log            | =\log=                  | $\log$                         | =log=         | log         | log                       | log                       | log    |
347 | max            | =\max=                  | $\max$                         | =max=         | max         | max                       | max                       | max    |
348 | min            | =\min=                  | $\min$                         | =min=         | min         | min                       | min                       | min    |
349 | Pr             | =\Pr=                   | $\Pr$                          | =Pr=          | Pr          | Pr                        | Pr                        | Pr     |
350 | sec            | =\sec=                  | $\sec$                         | =sec=         | sec         | sec                       | sec                       | sec    |
351 | sin            | =\sin=                  | $\sin$                         | =sin=         | sin         | sin                       | sin                       | sin    |
352 | sinh           | =\sinh=                 | $\sinh$                        | =sinh=        | sinh        | sinh                      | sinh                      | sinh   |
353 | sup            | =\sup=                  | $\sup$                         | =&sup;=       | &sup;       | sup                       | sup                       | sup    |
354 | tan            | =\tan=                  | $\tan$                         | =tan=         | tan         | tan                       | tan                       | tan    |
355 | tanh           | =\tanh=                 | $\tanh$                        | =tanh=        | tanh        | tanh                      | tanh                      | tanh   |
356 | frac12         | =\textonehalf{}=        | $\mbox{\textonehalf{}}$        | =&frac12;=    | &frac12;    | 1/2                       | ½                         | ½      |
357 | frac14         | =\textonequarter{}=     | $\mbox{\textonequarter{}}$     | =&frac14;=    | &frac14;    | 1/4                       | ¼                         | ¼      |
358 | frac34         | =\textthreequarters{}=  | $\mbox{\textthreequarters{}}$  | =&frac34;=    | &frac34;    | 3/4                       | ¾                         | ¾      |
359 | div            | =\textdiv{}=            | $\mbox{\textdiv{}}$            | =&divide;=    | &divide;    | /                         | ÷                         | ÷      |
360 | acute          | =\textasciiacute{}=     | $\mbox{\textasciiacute{}}$     | =&acute;=     | &acute;     | '                         | ´                         | ´      |
361 | nsup           | =\not\supset=           | $\not\supset$                  | =&nsup;=      | &nsup;      | [not a superset of]       | [not a superset of]       | ⊅      |
362 | smiley         | =\smiley{}=             | $\mbox{\smiley{}}$             | =&#9786;=     | &#9786;     | :-)                       | :-)                       | ☺      |