1 TourGuide
:RegisterGuide("Thousand Needles (25-26)", "Ashenvale (26-27)", "Horde", function()
4 T Message to Freewind Post
6 A Wanted - Arnak Grimtotem
13 A Test of Faith |N|Cave Northeast of Freewind Post (52,43)|
14 C Test of Faith |N|*WALK* off the platform, do *NOT* jump.|
15 T Test of Faith |N|Do not accept "Test of Endurance" unless you're a hardcore masochist|
17 C Alien Egg |N|Look for occamy nests Southeast of Freewind Post|
18 C A Different Approach |N|Rock Elementals near the Shimmering Flats|
19 G Level 26 |N|Or two bars from it|
28 A Washte Pawne |U|5103| |O|
31 F Thunder Bluff |N|For training|
34 A Steelsnap |N|Hunter Rise|
35 A The Sacred Flame |N|NPC is in the area connecting Elder and Hunter Rises|]]