[WoW-TourGuide.git] / 01_05_Eversong.lua
2 local TourGuide = TourGuide
3 local _, class = UnitClass("player")
5 local questsequence = class == "WARLOCK" and
6 [[A Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle
7 C Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle
8 T Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle
9 A Unfortunate Measures
10 A Warlock Training
11 T Warlock Training
12 A Windows to the Source
13 t Train (Level 2)
14 A Well Watcher Solanian
15 T Well Watcher Solanian
16 A The Shrine of Dath'Remar
17 A Solanian's Belongings
18 A A Fistful of Slivers
19 A Thirst Unending
20 C Unfortunate Measures
21 T Unfortunate Measures
22 A Report to Lanthan Perilon
23 T Report to Lanthan Perilon
24 A Aggression
25 C Aggression
26 C The Shrine of Dath'Remar
27 C Thirst Unending
28 C A Fistful of Slivers
29 C Solanian's Belongings
30 T Thirst Unending
31 T A Fistful of Slivers
32 t Train (Level 4)
33 T The Shrine of Dath'Remar
34 T Solanian's Belongings
35 T Aggression
36 C Windows to the Source
37 A Felendren the Banished
38 C Felendren the Banished
39 T Windows to the Source
40 T Felendren the Banished
41 A Aiding The Outrunners
42 T Tainted Arcane Sliver
43 R Ruins of Silvermoon]]
45 [[A Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle
46 C Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle
47 T Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle
48 A Unfortunate Measures
51 t Train (Level 2)
52 A Well Watcher Solanian
53 T Well Watcher Solanian
54 A The Shrine of Dath'Remar
55 A Solanian's Belongings
56 A A Fistful of Slivers
57 A Thirst Unending
58 C Unfortunate Measures
59 T Unfortunate Measures
60 A Report to Lanthan Perilon
61 T Report to Lanthan Perilon
62 A Aggression
63 C Aggression
64 C The Shrine of Dath'Remar
65 C Thirst Unending
66 C A Fistful of Slivers
67 C Solanian's Belongings
68 T Thirst Unending
69 T A Fistful of Slivers
70 t Train (Level 4)
71 T The Shrine of Dath'Remar
72 T Solanian's Belongings
73 T Aggression
74 A Felendren the Banished
75 C Felendren the Banished
76 T Felendren the Banished
77 A Aiding The Outrunners
78 T Tainted Arcane Sliver
79 R Ruins of Silvermoon]]
82 local actiontypes = {
83 A = "ACCEPT",
84 C = "COMPLETE",
85 T = "TURNIN",
86 R = "RUN",
87 t = "TRAIN",
91 local function ParseActions(a1, ...)
92 if select(1, ...) then return actiontypes[string.char(a1:byte())], ParseActions(...)
93 else return actiontypes[string.char(a1:byte())] end
94 end
97 local function ParseQuests(a1, ...)
98 if select(1, ...) then return a1:sub(3), ParseQuests(...)
99 else return a1:sub(3) end
103 local function ParseSequence(...)
104 return {ParseActions(...)}, {ParseQuests(...)}
108 local actions, quests = ParseSequence(string.split("\n", questsequence))
111 local itemstartedquests = {["Tainted Arcane Sliver"] = 20483}
112 local notes = {["Felendren the Banished"] = 'You should find an item while doing this quest which starts "Tainted Arcane Sliver"'}
115 TourGuide.itemstartedquests = itemstartedquests
116 TourGuide.quests = quests
117 TourGuide.actions = actions
118 TourGuide.notes = notes