TourGuide - More ally guide data
[WoW-TourGuide.git] / James_Alliance / 43_Tanaris.lua
2 TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Jame's - Tanaris (43)", "Jame's - Feralas (43-45)", "Alliance", function()
3 return [[
4 F Gadgetzan
5 T Tran'Rek |N|Don't accept the follow-up|
6 A Wastewander Justice
7 A Water Pouch Bounty
8 A Handle With Care |N|From Curgle Cranklehop|
10 R Steamwheedle Port
11 A WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting
12 A Screecher Spirits
13 T Stoley's Debt
14 A Stoley's Shipment
16 C Wastewander Justice |N| At Noonshade Ruins (61,24) or to the southeast (63,30).|
17 C WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting
18 C Water Pouch Bounty
19 G Level 43
21 T Water Pouch Bounty
22 T Wastewander Justice
23 A More Wastewander Justice
24 T WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting
26 N Turnin quests in Shimmering flats |N|If you have them.|
30 end)