[WoW-TourGuide.git] / QuestTracking.lua
3 local TourGuide = TourGuide
4 local hadquest
10 function TourGuide:PLAYER_LEVEL_UP(event, newlevel)
11 local level = self:GetObjectiveTag("LV")
12 self:Debug(1, "PLAYER_LEVEL_UP", newlevel, level)
13 if level and newlevel >= level then self:SetTurnedIn() end
14 end
17 function TourGuide:ZONE_CHANGED()
18 local action, quest = self:GetObjectiveInfo()
19 if (action == "RUN" or action == "FLY" or action == "HEARTH" or action == "BOAT") and (GetSubZoneText() == quest or GetZoneText() == quest) then
20 self:DebugF(1, "Detected zone change %q - %q", action, quest)
21 self:SetTurnedIn()
22 end
23 end
29 function TourGuide:CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM(event, msg)
30 local action, quest = self:GetObjectiveInfo()
32 if action == "SETHEARTH" then
33 local _, _, loc = msg:find("(.*) is now your home.")
34 if loc and loc == quest then
35 self:DebugF(1, "Detected setting hearth to %q", loc)
36 return self:SetTurnedIn()
37 end
38 end
40 if action == "ACCEPT" then
41 local _, _, text = msg:find("Quest accepted: (.*)")
42 if text and quest:gsub("%s%(Part %d+%)", "") == text then
43 self:DebugF(1, "Detected quest accept %q", quest)
44 return self:UpdateStatusFrame()
45 end
46 end
47 end
50 function TourGuide:QUEST_WATCH_UPDATE(event)
51 if self:GetObjectiveInfo() == "COMPLETE" then self:UpdateStatusFrame() end
52 end
55 function TourGuide:QUEST_LOG_UPDATE(event)
56 self:Debug(10, "QUEST_LOG_UPDATE")
57 local action, _, logi, complete = self:GetObjectiveInfo(), self:GetObjectiveStatus()
59 if (self.updatedelay and not logi) or action == "ACCEPT" or action == "COMPLETE" and complete then self:UpdateStatusFrame() end
60 end
63 function TourGuide:CHAT_MSG_LOOT(event, msg)
64 local action, quest = self:GetObjectiveInfo()
65 local lootitem, lootqty = self:GetObjectiveTag("L")
66 local _, _, itemid, name = msg:find("^You .*Hitem:(%d+).*(%[.+%])")
67 self:Debug(10, event, msg:gsub("|","||"), action, quest, lootitem, lootqty, itemid, name)
69 if action == "BUY" and name and name == quest
70 or (action == "BUY" or action == "NOTE") and lootitem and itemid == lootitem and (GetItemCount(lootitem) + 1) >= lootqty then
71 return self:SetTurnedIn()
72 end
73 end
76 function TourGuide:UI_INFO_MESSAGE(event, msg)
77 if msg == ERR_NEWTAXIPATH and self:GetObjectiveInfo() == "GETFLIGHTPOINT" then
78 self:Debug(1, "Discovered flight point")
79 self:SetTurnedIn()
80 end
81 end
84 local orig = GetQuestReward
85 GetQuestReward = function(...)
86 local quest = GetTitleText()
87 TourGuide:Debug(10, "GetQuestReward", quest)
88 TourGuide:CompleteQuest(quest, true)
90 return orig(...)
91 end