Make sure CTRL+HOME scrolls to the beginning of the first line
[TortoiseGit.git] / src / TortoiseMerge / svninclude / svn_path.h
1 /**
2 * @copyright
3 * ====================================================================
4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
6 * distributed with this work for additional information
7 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
9 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
10 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 *
14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
18 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
19 * under the License.
20 * ====================================================================
21 * @endcopyright
23 * @file svn_path.h
24 * @brief A path manipulation library
26 * All incoming and outgoing paths are non-NULL and in UTF-8, unless
27 * otherwise documented.
29 * No result path ever ends with a separator, no matter whether the
30 * path is a file or directory, because we always canonicalize() it.
32 * Nearly all the @c svn_path_xxx functions expect paths passed into
33 * them to be in canonical form as defined by the Subversion path
34 * library itself. The only functions which do *not* have such
35 * expectations are:
37 * - @c svn_path_canonicalize()
38 * - @c svn_path_is_canonical()
39 * - @c svn_path_internal_style()
40 * - @c svn_path_uri_encode()
42 * For the most part, we mean what most anyone would mean when talking
43 * about canonical paths, but to be on the safe side, you must run
44 * your paths through @c svn_path_canonicalize() before passing them to
45 * other functions in this API.
48 #ifndef SVN_PATH_H
49 #define SVN_PATH_H
51 #include <apr.h>
52 #include <apr_pools.h>
53 #include <apr_tables.h>
55 #include "svn_types.h"
56 #include "svn_string.h"
57 #include "svn_dirent_uri.h"
60 #ifdef __cplusplus
61 extern "C" {
62 #endif /* __cplusplus */
66 /** Convert @a path from the local style to the canonical internal style.
68 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
69 * New code should use svn_dirent_internal_style().
72 const char *
73 svn_path_internal_style(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
75 /** Convert @a path from the canonical internal style to the local style.
77 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
78 * New code should use svn_dirent_local_style().
81 const char *
82 svn_path_local_style(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
85 /** Join a base path (@a base) with a component (@a component), allocating
86 * the result in @a pool. @a component need not be a single component: it
87 * can be any path, absolute or relative to @a base.
89 * If either @a base or @a component is the empty path, then the other
90 * argument will be copied and returned. If both are the empty path the
91 * empty path is returned.
93 * If the @a component is an absolute path, then it is copied and returned.
94 * Exactly one slash character ('/') is used to join the components,
95 * accounting for any trailing slash in @a base.
97 * Note that the contents of @a base are not examined, so it is possible to
98 * use this function for constructing URLs, or for relative URLs or
99 * repository paths.
101 * This function is NOT appropriate for native (local) file
102 * paths. Only for "internal" canonicalized paths, since it uses '/'
103 * for the separator. Further, an absolute path (for @a component) is
104 * based on a leading '/' character. Thus, an "absolute URI" for the
105 * @a component won't be detected. An absolute URI can only be used
106 * for the base.
108 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
109 * New code should use svn_dirent_join(), svn_relpath_join() or
110 * svn_fspath__join().
113 char *
114 svn_path_join(const char *base, const char *component, apr_pool_t *pool);
116 /** Join multiple components onto a @a base path, allocated in @a pool. The
117 * components are terminated by a @c NULL.
119 * If any component is the empty string, it will be ignored.
121 * If any component is an absolute path, then it resets the base and
122 * further components will be appended to it.
124 * This function does not support URLs.
126 * See svn_path_join() for further notes about joining paths.
128 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
129 * For new code, consider using svn_dirent_join_many() or a sequence of
130 * calls to one of the *_join() functions.
133 char *
134 svn_path_join_many(apr_pool_t *pool, const char *base, ...);
137 /** Get the basename of the specified canonicalized @a path. The
138 * basename is defined as the last component of the path (ignoring any
139 * trailing slashes). If the @a path is root ("/"), then that is
140 * returned. Otherwise, the returned value will have no slashes in
141 * it.
143 * Example: svn_path_basename("/foo/bar") -> "bar"
145 * The returned basename will be allocated in @a pool.
147 * @note If an empty string is passed, then an empty string will be returned.
149 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
150 * New code should use svn_dirent_basename(), svn_uri_basename(),
151 * svn_relpath_basename() or svn_fspath__basename().
154 char *
155 svn_path_basename(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
157 /** Get the dirname of the specified canonicalized @a path, defined as
158 * the path with its basename removed. If @a path is root ("/"), it is
159 * returned unchanged.
161 * The returned dirname will be allocated in @a pool.
163 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
164 * New code should use svn_dirent_dirname(), svn_uri_dirname(),
165 * svn_relpath_dirname() or svn_fspath__dirname().
168 char *
169 svn_path_dirname(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
171 /** Split @a path into a root portion and an extension such that
172 * the root + the extension = the original path, and where the
173 * extension contains no period (.) characters. If not @c NULL, set
174 * @a *path_root to the root portion. If not @c NULL, set
175 * @a *path_ext to the extension (or "" if there is no extension
176 * found). Allocate both @a *path_root and @a *path_ext in @a pool.
178 * @since New in 1.5.
180 void
181 svn_path_splitext(const char **path_root, const char **path_ext,
182 const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
184 /** Return the number of components in the canonicalized @a path.
186 * @since New in 1.1.
188 apr_size_t
189 svn_path_component_count(const char *path);
191 /** Add a @a component (a NULL-terminated C-string) to the
192 * canonicalized @a path. @a component is allowed to contain
193 * directory separators.
195 * If @a path is non-empty, append the appropriate directory separator
196 * character, and then @a component. If @a path is empty, simply set it to
197 * @a component; don't add any separator character.
199 * If the result ends in a separator character, then remove the separator.
201 void
202 svn_path_add_component(svn_stringbuf_t *path, const char *component);
204 /** Remove one component off the end of the canonicalized @a path. */
205 void
206 svn_path_remove_component(svn_stringbuf_t *path);
208 /** Remove @a n components off the end of the canonicalized @a path.
209 * Equivalent to calling svn_path_remove_component() @a n times.
211 * @since New in 1.1.
213 void
214 svn_path_remove_components(svn_stringbuf_t *path, apr_size_t n);
216 /** Divide the canonicalized @a path into @a *dirpath and @a
217 * *base_name, allocated in @a pool.
219 * If @a dirpath or @a base_name is NULL, then don't set that one.
221 * Either @a dirpath or @a base_name may be @a path's own address, but they
222 * may not both be the same address, or the results are undefined.
224 * If @a path has two or more components, the separator between @a dirpath
225 * and @a base_name is not included in either of the new names.
227 * examples:
228 * - <pre>"/foo/bar/baz" ==> "/foo/bar" and "baz"</pre>
229 * - <pre>"/bar" ==> "/" and "bar"</pre>
230 * - <pre>"/" ==> "/" and "/"</pre>
231 * - <pre>"X:/" ==> "X:/" and "X:/"</pre>
232 * - <pre>"bar" ==> "" and "bar"</pre>
233 * - <pre>"" ==> "" and ""</pre>
235 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
236 * New code should use svn_dirent_split(), svn_uri_split(),
237 * svn_relpath_split() or svn_fspath__split().
240 void
241 svn_path_split(const char *path,
242 const char **dirpath,
243 const char **base_name,
244 apr_pool_t *pool);
247 /** Return non-zero iff @a path is empty ("") or represents the current
248 * directory -- that is, if prepending it as a component to an existing
249 * path would result in no meaningful change.
252 svn_path_is_empty(const char *path);
255 #ifndef SVN_DIRENT_URI_H
256 /* This declaration has been moved to svn_dirent_uri.h, and remains
257 here only for compatibility reasons. */
258 svn_boolean_t
259 svn_dirent_is_root(const char *dirent, apr_size_t len);
260 #endif /* SVN_DIRENT_URI_H */
263 /** Return a new path (or URL) like @a path, but transformed such that
264 * some types of path specification redundancies are removed.
266 * This involves collapsing redundant "/./" elements, removing
267 * multiple adjacent separator characters, removing trailing
268 * separator characters, and possibly other semantically inoperative
269 * transformations.
271 * Convert the scheme and hostname to lowercase (see issue #2475)
273 * The returned path may be statically allocated, equal to @a path, or
274 * allocated from @a pool.
276 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
277 * New code should use svn_dirent_canonicalize(), svn_uri_canonicalize(),
278 * svn_relpath_canonicalize() or svn_fspath__canonicalize().
281 const char *
282 svn_path_canonicalize(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
284 /** Return @c TRUE iff path is canonical. Use @a pool for temporary
285 * allocations.
287 * @since New in 1.5.
288 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
289 * New code should use svn_dirent_is_canonical(), svn_uri_is_canonical(),
290 * svn_relpath_is_canonical() or svn_fspath__is_canonical().
293 svn_boolean_t
294 svn_path_is_canonical(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
297 /** Return an integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0, according
298 * as @a path1 is greater than, equal to, or less than @a path2.
300 * This function works like strcmp() except that it orders children in
301 * subdirectories directly after their parents. This allows using the
302 * given ordering for a depth first walk.
305 svn_path_compare_paths(const char *path1, const char *path2);
308 /** Return the longest common path shared by two canonicalized paths,
309 * @a path1 and @a path2. If there's no common ancestor, return the
310 * empty path.
312 * @a path1 and @a path2 may be URLs. In order for two URLs to have
313 * a common ancestor, they must (a) have the same protocol (since two URLs
314 * with the same path but different protocols may point at completely
315 * different resources), and (b) share a common ancestor in their path
316 * component, i.e. 'protocol://' is not a sufficient ancestor.
318 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
319 * New code should use svn_dirent_get_longest_ancestor(),
320 * svn_uri_get_longest_ancestor(), svn_relpath_get_longest_ancestor() or
321 * svn_fspath__get_longest_ancestor().
324 char *
325 svn_path_get_longest_ancestor(const char *path1,
326 const char *path2,
327 apr_pool_t *pool);
329 /** Convert @a relative canonicalized path to an absolute path and
330 * return the results in @a *pabsolute, allocated in @a pool.
332 * @a relative may be a URL, in which case no attempt is made to convert it,
333 * and a copy of the URL is returned.
335 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
336 * New code should use svn_dirent_get_absolute() on a non-URL input.
339 svn_error_t *
340 svn_path_get_absolute(const char **pabsolute,
341 const char *relative,
342 apr_pool_t *pool);
344 /** Return the path part of the canonicalized @a path in @a
345 * *pdirectory, and the file part in @a *pfile. If @a path is a
346 * directory, set @a *pdirectory to @a path, and @a *pfile to the
347 * empty string. If @a path does not exist it is treated as if it is
348 * a file, since directories do not normally vanish.
350 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
351 * New code should implement the required logic directly; no direct
352 * replacement is provided.
355 svn_error_t *
356 svn_path_split_if_file(const char *path,
357 const char **pdirectory,
358 const char **pfile,
359 apr_pool_t *pool);
361 /** Find the common prefix of the canonicalized paths in @a targets
362 * (an array of <tt>const char *</tt>'s), and remove redundant paths if @a
363 * remove_redundancies is TRUE.
365 * - Set @a *pcommon to the absolute path of the path or URL common to
366 * all of the targets. If the targets have no common prefix, or
367 * are a mix of URLs and local paths, set @a *pcommon to the
368 * empty string.
370 * - If @a pcondensed_targets is non-NULL, set @a *pcondensed_targets
371 * to an array of targets relative to @a *pcommon, and if
372 * @a remove_redundancies is TRUE, omit any paths/URLs that are
373 * descendants of another path/URL in @a targets. If *pcommon
374 * is empty, @a *pcondensed_targets will contain full URLs and/or
375 * absolute paths; redundancies can still be removed (from both URLs
376 * and paths). If @a pcondensed_targets is NULL, leave it alone.
378 * Else if there is exactly one target, then
380 * - Set @a *pcommon to that target, and
382 * - If @a pcondensed_targets is non-NULL, set @a *pcondensed_targets
383 * to an array containing zero elements. Else if
384 * @a pcondensed_targets is NULL, leave it alone.
386 * If there are no items in @a targets, set @a *pcommon and (if
387 * applicable) @a *pcondensed_targets to @c NULL.
389 * @note There is no guarantee that @a *pcommon is within a working
390 * copy.
392 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
393 * New code should use svn_dirent_condense_targets() or
394 * svn_uri_condense_targets().
397 svn_error_t *
398 svn_path_condense_targets(const char **pcommon,
399 apr_array_header_t **pcondensed_targets,
400 const apr_array_header_t *targets,
401 svn_boolean_t remove_redundancies,
402 apr_pool_t *pool);
405 /** Copy a list of canonicalized @a targets, one at a time, into @a
406 * pcondensed_targets, omitting any targets that are found earlier in
407 * the list, or whose ancestor is found earlier in the list. Ordering
408 * of targets in the original list is preserved in the condensed list
409 * of targets. Use @a pool for any allocations.
411 * How does this differ in functionality from svn_path_condense_targets()?
413 * Here's the short version:
415 * 1. Disclaimer: if you wish to debate the following, talk to Karl. :-)
416 * Order matters for updates because a multi-arg update is not
417 * atomic, and CVS users are used to, when doing 'cvs up targetA
418 * targetB' seeing targetA get updated, then targetB. I think the
419 * idea is that if you're in a time-sensitive or flaky-network
420 * situation, a user can say, "I really *need* to update
421 * wc/A/D/G/tau, but I might as well update my whole working copy if
422 * I can." So that user will do 'svn up wc/A/D/G/tau wc', and if
423 * something dies in the middles of the 'wc' update, at least the
424 * user has 'tau' up-to-date.
426 * 2. Also, we have this notion of an anchor and a target for updates
427 * (the anchor is where the update editor is rooted, the target is
428 * the actual thing we want to update). I needed a function that
429 * would NOT screw with my input paths so that I could tell the
430 * difference between someone being in A/D and saying 'svn up G' and
431 * being in A/D/G and saying 'svn up .' -- believe it or not, these
432 * two things don't mean the same thing. svn_path_condense_targets()
433 * plays with absolute paths (which is fine, so does
434 * svn_path_remove_redundancies()), but the difference is that it
435 * actually tweaks those targets to be relative to the "grandfather
436 * path" common to all the targets. Updates don't require a
437 * "grandfather path" at all, and even if it did, the whole
438 * conversion to an absolute path drops the crucial difference
439 * between saying "i'm in foo, update bar" and "i'm in foo/bar,
440 * update '.'"
442 svn_error_t *
443 svn_path_remove_redundancies(apr_array_header_t **pcondensed_targets,
444 const apr_array_header_t *targets,
445 apr_pool_t *pool);
448 /** Decompose the canonicalized @a path into an array of <tt>const
449 * char *</tt> components, allocated in @a pool. If @a path is
450 * absolute, the first component will be a lone dir separator (the
451 * root directory).
453 apr_array_header_t *
454 svn_path_decompose(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
456 /** Join an array of <tt>const char *</tt> components into a '/'
457 * separated path, allocated in @a pool. The joined path is absolute if
458 * the first component is a lone dir separator.
460 * Calling svn_path_compose() on the output of svn_path_decompose()
461 * will return the exact same path.
463 * @since New in 1.5.
465 const char *
466 svn_path_compose(const apr_array_header_t *components, apr_pool_t *pool);
468 /** Test that @a name is a single path component, that is:
469 * - not @c NULL or empty.
470 * - not a `/'-separated directory path
471 * - not empty or `..'
473 svn_boolean_t
474 svn_path_is_single_path_component(const char *name);
478 * Test to see if a backpath, i.e. '..', is present in @a path.
479 * If not, return @c FALSE.
480 * If so, return @c TRUE.
482 * @since New in 1.1.
484 svn_boolean_t
485 svn_path_is_backpath_present(const char *path);
489 * Test to see if a dotpath, i.e. '.', is present in @a path.
490 * If not, return @c FALSE.
491 * If so, return @c TRUE.
493 * @since New in 1.6.
495 svn_boolean_t
496 svn_path_is_dotpath_present(const char *path);
499 /** Test if @a path2 is a child of @a path1.
500 * If not, return @c NULL.
501 * If so, return a copy of the remainder path, allocated in @a pool.
502 * (The remainder is the component which, added to @a path1, yields
503 * @a path2. The remainder does not begin with a dir separator.)
505 * Both paths must be in canonical form, and must either be absolute,
506 * or contain no ".." components.
508 * If @a path2 is the same as @a path1, it is not considered a child, so the
509 * result is @c NULL; an empty string is never returned.
511 * @note In 1.5 this function has been extended to allow a @c NULL @a pool
512 * in which case a pointer into @a path2 will be returned to
513 * identify the remainder path.
515 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
516 * For replacement functionality, see svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(),
517 * svn_dirent_is_child(), svn_uri_skip_ancestor(), and
518 * svn_relpath_skip_ancestor().
521 const char *
522 svn_path_is_child(const char *path1, const char *path2, apr_pool_t *pool);
524 /** Return TRUE if @a path1 is an ancestor of @a path2 or the paths are equal
525 * and FALSE otherwise.
527 * @since New in 1.3.
529 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.
530 * For replacement functionality, see svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(),
531 * svn_uri_skip_ancestor(), and svn_relpath_skip_ancestor().
534 svn_boolean_t
535 svn_path_is_ancestor(const char *path1, const char *path2);
538 * Check whether @a path is a valid Subversion path.
540 * A valid Subversion pathname is a UTF-8 string without control
541 * characters. "Valid" means Subversion can store the pathname in
542 * a repository. There may be other, OS-specific, limitations on
543 * what paths can be represented in a working copy.
545 * ASSUMPTION: @a path is a valid UTF-8 string. This function does
546 * not check UTF-8 validity.
548 * Return @c SVN_NO_ERROR if valid and @c SVN_ERR_FS_PATH_SYNTAX if
549 * invalid.
551 * @note Despite returning an @c SVN_ERR_FS_* error, this function has
552 * nothing to do with the versioned filesystem's concept of validity.
554 * @since New in 1.2.
556 svn_error_t *
557 svn_path_check_valid(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
560 /** URI/URL stuff
562 * @defgroup svn_path_uri_stuff URI/URL conversion
563 * @{
566 /** Return TRUE iff @a path looks like a valid absolute URL. */
567 svn_boolean_t
568 svn_path_is_url(const char *path);
570 /** Return @c TRUE iff @a path is URI-safe, @c FALSE otherwise. */
571 svn_boolean_t
572 svn_path_is_uri_safe(const char *path);
574 /** Return a URI-encoded copy of @a path, allocated in @a pool. (@a
575 path can be an arbitrary UTF-8 string and does not have to be a
576 canonical path.) */
577 const char *
578 svn_path_uri_encode(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
580 /** Return a URI-decoded copy of @a path, allocated in @a pool. */
581 const char *
582 svn_path_uri_decode(const char *path, apr_pool_t *pool);
584 /** Extend @a url by @a component, URI-encoding that @a component
585 * before adding it to the @a url; return the new @a url, allocated in
586 * @a pool. If @a component is @c NULL, just return a copy of @a url,
587 * allocated in @a pool.
589 * @a component need not be a single path segment, but if it contains
590 * multiple segments, they must be separated by '/'. @a component
591 * should not begin with '/', however; if it does, the behavior is
592 * undefined.
594 * @a url must be in canonical format; it may not have a trailing '/'.
596 * @note To add a component that is already URI-encoded, use
597 * <tt>svn_path_join(url, component, pool)</tt> instead.
599 * @note gstein suggests this for when @a component begins with '/':
601 * "replace the path entirely
602 * joined with /leading/slash,
603 * should return:
604 * per the RFCs on combining URIs"
606 * We may implement that someday, which is why leading '/' is
607 * merely undefined right now.
609 * @since New in 1.6.
611 const char *
612 svn_path_url_add_component2(const char *url,
613 const char *component,
614 apr_pool_t *pool);
616 /** Like svn_path_url_add_component2(), but allows path components that
617 * end with a trailing '/'
619 * @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.5 API.
622 const char *
623 svn_path_url_add_component(const char *url,
624 const char *component,
625 apr_pool_t *pool);
628 * Convert @a iri (Internationalized URI) to an URI.
629 * The return value may be the same as @a iri if it was already
630 * a URI. Else, allocate the return value in @a pool.
632 * @since New in 1.1.
634 const char *
635 svn_path_uri_from_iri(const char *iri, apr_pool_t *pool);
638 * URI-encode certain characters in @a uri that are not valid in an URI, but
639 * doesn't have any special meaning in @a uri at their positions. If no
640 * characters need escaping, just return @a uri.
642 * @note Currently, this function escapes <, >, ", space, {, }, |, \, ^, and `.
643 * This may be extended in the future to do context-dependent escaping.
645 * @since New in 1.1.
647 const char *
648 svn_path_uri_autoescape(const char *uri, apr_pool_t *pool);
650 /** @} */
652 /** Charset conversion stuff
654 * @defgroup svn_path_charset_stuff Charset conversion
655 * @{
658 /** Convert @a path_utf8 from UTF-8 to the internal encoding used by APR. */
659 svn_error_t *
660 svn_path_cstring_from_utf8(const char **path_apr,
661 const char *path_utf8,
662 apr_pool_t *pool);
664 /** Convert @a path_apr from the internal encoding used by APR to UTF-8. */
665 svn_error_t *
666 svn_path_cstring_to_utf8(const char **path_utf8,
667 const char *path_apr,
668 apr_pool_t *pool);
671 /** @} */
674 /** Repository relative URLs
676 * @defgroup svn_path_repos_relative_urls Repository relative URLs
677 * @{
681 * Return @c TRUE iff @a path is a repository-relative URL: specifically
682 * that it starts with the characters "^/"
684 * @a path is in UTF-8 encoding.
686 * Does not check whether @a path is a properly URI-encoded, canonical, or
687 * valid in any other way.
689 * @since New in 1.8.
691 svn_boolean_t
692 svn_path_is_repos_relative_url(const char *path);
695 * Set @a absolute_url to the absolute URL represented by @a relative_url
696 * relative to @a repos_root_url, preserving any peg revision
697 * specifier present in @a relative_url. Allocate @a absolute_url
698 * from @a pool.
700 * @a relative_url is in repository-relative syntax: "^/[REL-URL][@PEG]"
702 * @a repos_root_url is the absolute URL of the repository root.
704 * All strings are in UTF-8 encoding.
706 * @a repos_root_url and @a relative_url do not have to be properly
707 * URI-encoded, canonical, or valid in any other way. The caller is
708 * expected to perform canonicalization on @a absolute_url after the
709 * call to the function.
711 * @since New in 1.8.
713 svn_error_t *
714 svn_path_resolve_repos_relative_url(const char **absolute_url,
715 const char *relative_url,
716 const char *repos_root_url,
717 apr_pool_t *pool);
719 /** @} */
721 #ifdef __cplusplus
723 #endif /* __cplusplus */
726 #endif /* SVN_PATH_H */