update images and documentation
[TortoiseGit.git] / doc / source / en / TortoiseGit / tsvn_dug / dug_settings_registry.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2 <!DOCTYPE sect2 SYSTEM "../../../dtd/dblite.dtd">\r
3 <sect2 id="tsvn-dug-settings-registry">\r
4         <title>Registry Settings</title>\r
5         <indexterm>\r
6                 <primary>registry</primary>\r
7         </indexterm>\r
8         <para>\r
9                 A few infrequently used settings are available only by editing\r
10                 the registry directly. It goes without saying that you should\r
11                 only edit registry values if you know what you are doing.\r
12         </para>\r
13         <variablelist>\r
14                 <varlistentry>\r
15                         <term>Cache tray icon</term>\r
16                         <listitem>\r
17                                 <para>\r
18                                         To add a cache tray icon for the TSVNCache program,\r
19                                         create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 1 at\r
20                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\CacheTrayIcon</literal>.\r
21                                         This is really only useful for developers as it allows\r
22                                         you to terminate the program gracefully.\r
23                                 </para>\r
24                         </listitem>\r
25                 </varlistentry>\r
26                 <varlistentry>\r
27                         <term>Debug</term>\r
28                         <listitem>\r
29                                 <para>\r
30                                         To show the command line parameters passed from the shell\r
31                                         extension to TortoiseProc.exe\r
32                                         create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 1 at\r
33                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\Debug</literal>.\r
34                                 </para>\r
35                         </listitem>\r
36                 </varlistentry>\r
37                 <varlistentry>\r
38                         <term>Owner-Drawn Menus</term>\r
39                         <listitem>\r
40                                 <para>\r
41                                         This can be useful if you use something other than the windows explorer\r
42                                         or if you get problems with the context menu displaying correctly.\r
43                                         create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 0 at\r
44                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\OwnerdrawnMenus</literal>\r
45                                         if you don't want TortoiseGit to use owner-draw menu items in the shell\r
46                                         context menu. Set this value to 2 if you don't want TortoiseGit to use\r
47                                         icons in the context menu at all.\r
48                                 </para>\r
49                         </listitem>\r
50                 </varlistentry>\r
51                 <varlistentry>\r
52                         <term>Block Overlay Status</term>\r
53                         <listitem>\r
54                                 <para>\r
55                                         If you don't want the explorer to update the status overlays while another\r
56                                         TortoiseGit command is running (e.g. Update, Commit, ...) then\r
57                                         create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 1 at\r
58                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\BlockStatus</literal>.\r
59                                 </para>\r
60                         </listitem>\r
61                 </varlistentry>\r
62 <!--\r
63                 <varlistentry>\r
64                         <term>Update Check URL</term>\r
65                         <listitem>\r
66                                 <para>\r
67                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\UpdateCheckURL</literal>\r
68                                         contains the URL from which TortoiseGit tries to download a text file\r
69                                         to find out if there are updates available. You can also set this under\r
70                                         <literal>HKLM</literal> instead of <literal>HKCU</literal> if you want,\r
71                                         but <literal>HKCU</literal> overwrites the setting in <literal>HKLM</literal>.\r
72                                         This might be useful for company admins who don't want their users to\r
73                                         update TortoiseGit until they approve it.\r
74                                 </para>\r
75                         </listitem>\r
76                 </varlistentry>\r
77 -->\r
78                 <varlistentry>\r
79                         <term>Filenames without extensions in auto-completion list</term>\r
80                         <listitem>\r
81                                 <para>\r
82                                         The auto-completion list shown in the commit message editor\r
83                                         displays the names of files listed for commit.\r
84                                         To also include these names with extensions removed,\r
85                                         create a <literal>DWORD</literal> key with a value of 1 at\r
86                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\AutocompleteRemovesExtensions</literal>.\r
87                                 </para>\r
88                         </listitem>\r
89                 </varlistentry>\r
90                 <varlistentry>\r
91                         <term>Explorer columns everywhere</term>\r
92                         <listitem>\r
93                                 <para>\r
94                                         The extra columns the TortoiseGit adds to the details view\r
95                                         in Windows Explorer are normally only active in a working\r
96                                         copy. If you want those to be accessible everywhere, not\r
97                                         just in working copies, create a <literal>DWORD</literal>\r
98                                         key with a value of 1 at\r
99                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\ColumnsEveryWhere</literal>.\r
100                                 </para>\r
101                         </listitem>\r
102                 </varlistentry>\r
103 <!--\r
104                 <varlistentry>\r
105                         <term>Always blame changes with TortoiseMerge</term>\r
106                         <listitem>\r
107                                 <para>\r
108                                         TortoiseGit allows you to assign external diff viewer.\r
109                                         Most such viewers, however, are not suited for change blaming\r
110                                         (<xref linkend="tsvn-dug-blame-diffs"/>),\r
111                                         so you might wish to fall back to TortoiseMerge in this case.\r
112                                         To do so, create a <literal>DWORD</literal>     key with a value of 1 at\r
113                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\DiffBlamesWithTortoiseMerge</literal>.\r
114                                 </para>\r
115                         </listitem>\r
116                 </varlistentry>\r
117 -->\r
118                 <varlistentry>\r
119                         <term>Current revision highlighting for folders in log dialog</term>\r
120                         <listitem>\r
121                                 <para>\r
122                                         The log dialog highlights the current working copy revision\r
123                                         when the log is shown for a file. To do the same thing for a\r
124                                         folder requires a working copy crawl, which can be a slow\r
125                                         operation for large working copies.\r
126                                         If you want to enable this feature you must create a\r
127                                         <literal>DWORD</literal> registry key at\r
128                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\RecursiveLogRev</literal>.\r
129                                         A value of 0 disables the feature (no highlighting for folders),\r
130                                         a value of 1 (default) will fetch the status recursively (find the\r
131                                         highest revision in the working copy tree), and a value of 2 will\r
132                                         check the revision of the selected folder itself, but will\r
133                                         not check any child items.\r
134                                 </para>\r
135                         </listitem>\r
136                 </varlistentry>\r
137 <!--\r
138                 <varlistentry>\r
139                         <term>Make checkout fail if an item of the same name exists</term>\r
140                         <listitem>\r
141                                 <para>\r
142                                         By default, if you checkout a working copy over an existing\r
143                                         unversioned folder structure, as you might do after import,\r
144                                         then any existing which differ from the repository content\r
145                                         will be left unchanged and marked as modified. When you come\r
146                                         to commit, it is your local copy which will then be sent back\r
147                                         to the repository. Some people would prefer the checkout to\r
148                                         fail if the existing content differs, so that if two people\r
149                                         add the same file the second person's version does not\r
150                                         overwrite the original version by mistake.\r
151                                         If you want to force checkouts to fail in this instance you must\r
152                                         create a <literal>DWORD</literal> registry key with value 0 at\r
153                                         <literal>HKCU\Software\TortoiseGit\AllowUnversionedObstruction</literal>.\r
154                                 </para>\r
155                         </listitem>\r
156                 </varlistentry>\r
157 -->\r
158         </variablelist>\r
159 </sect2>\r