fixed svn specific stuff
[TortoiseGit.git] / doc / source / en / TortoiseGit / tsvn_introduction.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2 <!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "../../dtd/dblite.dtd">\r
3 <chapter id="tsvn-introduction">\r
4         <title>Introduction</title>\r
5         <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_ABOUT"?>\r
6         <simplesect>\r
7                 <indexterm>\r
8                         <primary>version control</primary>\r
9                 </indexterm>\r
10                 <para>\r
11                         Version control is the art of managing changes to\r
12                         information. It has long been a critical tool for programmers,\r
13                         who typically spend their time making small changes to software\r
14                         and then undoing or checking some of those changes the next day.  \r
15                         Imagine a team of such developers working concurrently - and perhaps even\r
16                         simultaneously on the very same files! - and you can see why\r
17                         a good system is needed to <emphasis>manage the potential chaos</emphasis>.\r
18                 </para>\r
19         </simplesect>\r
20         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
21         <!-- ======================== SECTION 1 ============================== -->\r
22         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
23         <sect1 id="tsvn-intro-about">\r
24                 <title>What is TortoiseGit?</title>\r
25                 <para>\r
26                         TortoiseGit is a free open-source client for the\r
27                         <firstterm>Git</firstterm> version control system.\r
28                         That is, TortoiseGit manages files over time.\r
29                         Files are stored in a local <firstterm>repository</firstterm>.\r
30                         The repository is much like an ordinary file server, except that it\r
31                         remembers every change ever made to your files and directories.\r
32                         This allows you to recover older versions of your files and examine\r
33                         the history of how and when your data changed, and who changed it.\r
34                         This is why many people think of Git and version control\r
35                         systems in general as a sort of <quote>time machine</quote>.\r
36                 </para>\r
37                 <para>\r
38                         Some version control systems are also software configuration\r
39                         management (SCM) systems.  These systems are specifically\r
40                         tailored to manage trees of source code, and have many features\r
41                         that are specific to software development - such as natively\r
42                         understanding programming languages, or supplying tools for\r
43                         building software.  Git, however, is not one of these\r
44                         systems; it is a general system that can be used to manage\r
45                         <emphasis>any</emphasis> collection of files, including\r
46                         source code.\r
47                 </para>\r
48                 <para>\r
49                         Git is an <emphasis>open source, distributed version control system</emphasis>\r
50                         designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and \r
51                         efficiency. Every Git clone is a full-fledged repository with complete history \r
52                         and full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or \r
53                         a central server. Branching and merging are fast and easy to do.\r
54                 </para>\r
55         </sect1>\r
56         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
57         <!-- ======================== SECTION 2 ============================== -->\r
58         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
59         <sect1 id="tsvn-intro-history">\r
60                 <title>TortoiseGit's History</title>\r
61                 <para>\r
62                         In 2008, Frank Li found that Git was a very good version\r
63                         control system, but it lacked a good GUI client. The idea for a\r
64                         Git client as a Windows shell integration was inspired by\r
65                         the similar client for SVN named TortoiseSVN.\r
66                 </para>\r
67                 <para>\r
68                         Frank studied the source code of TortoiseSVN and used it as a base for\r
69                         TortoiseGit. He then started the project, registered the project\r
70                         at and put the source code online. \r
71                 </para>\r
72                 <para>\r
73                         As Git became more stable it attracted more and more users\r
74                         who also started using TortoiseGit as their Git client.\r
75                 </para>\r
76         </sect1>\r
77         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
78         <!-- ======================== SECTION 3 ============================== -->\r
79         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
80         <sect1 id="tsvn-intro-features">\r
81                 <title>TortoiseGit's Features</title>\r
82                 <para>\r
83                         What makes TortoiseGit such a good Git client?\r
84                         Here's a short list of features.\r
85                 </para>\r
86                 <variablelist>\r
87                         <varlistentry>\r
88                                 <term>Shell integration</term>\r
89                                 <listitem>\r
90                                         <indexterm>\r
91                                                 <primary>Windows shell</primary>\r
92                                         </indexterm>\r
93                                         <indexterm>\r
94                                                 <primary>explorer</primary>\r
95                                         </indexterm>\r
96                                         <para>\r
97                                                 TortoiseGit integrates seamlessly into the Windows shell\r
98                                                 (i.e. the explorer). This means you can keep working\r
99                                                 with the tools you're already familiar with. And you\r
100                                                 do not have to change into a different application\r
101                                                 each time you need functions of the version control!\r
102                                         </para>\r
103                                         <para>\r
104                                                 And you are not even forced to use the Windows Explorer.\r
105                                                 TortoiseGit's context menus work in many other file managers,\r
106                                                 and in the File/Open dialog which is common to most\r
107                                                 standard Windows applications.\r
108                                                 You should, however, bear in mind that TortoiseGit\r
109                                                 is intentionally developed as extension for the Windows\r
110                                                 Explorer. Thus it is possible that in other applications\r
111                                                 the integration is not as complete and e.g. the icon\r
112                                                 overlays may not be shown.\r
113                                         </para>\r
114                                 </listitem>\r
115                         </varlistentry>\r
116                         <varlistentry>\r
117                                 <term>Icon overlays</term>\r
118                                 <listitem>\r
119                                         <para>\r
120                                                 The status of every versioned file and folder is\r
121                                                 indicated by small overlay icons. That way you can see\r
122                                                 right away what the status of your working tree is.\r
123                                         </para>\r
124                                         <para>\r
125                                                 The icon overlays are based on TortoiseOverlays (<a href=""></a>)\r
126                                         </para>\r
127                                 </listitem>\r
128                         </varlistentry>\r
129                         <varlistentry>\r
130                                 <term>Easy access to Git commands</term>\r
131                                 <listitem>\r
132                                         <para>\r
133                                                 All Git commands are available from the explorer\r
134                                                 context menu. TortoiseGit adds its own submenu there.\r
135                                         </para>\r
136                                 </listitem>\r
137                         </varlistentry>\r
138                 </variablelist>\r
139                 <para>\r
140                         Since TortoiseGit is a Git client, we would also like to show you\r
141                         some of the features of Git itself:\r
142                 </para>\r
143                 <variablelist>\r
144                         <varlistentry>\r
145                                 <term>Distributed version control</term>\r
146                                 <listitem>\r
147                                         <para>\r
148                                                  Like most other modern version control systems, Git \r
149                                                  gives each developer a local copy of the entire development \r
150                                                  history, and changes are copied from one such repository \r
151                                                  to another. These changes are imported as additional \r
152                                                  development branches, and can be merged in the same way \r
153                                                  as a locally developed branch. Repositories can be easily \r
154                                                  accessed via the efficient Git protocol (optionally wrapped \r
155                                                  in ssh for authentication and security) or simply using \r
156                                                  HTTP - you can publish your repository anywhere without \r
157                                                  any special webserver configuration required.\r
158                                         </para>\r
159                                 </listitem>\r
160                         </varlistentry>\r
161                         <varlistentry>\r
162                                 <term>Atomic commits</term>\r
163                                 <listitem>\r
164                                         <para>\r
165                                                 A commit either goes into the repository completely,\r
166                                                 or not at all. \r
167                                         </para>\r
168                                 </listitem>\r
169                         </varlistentry>\r
170                         <varlistentry>\r
171                                 <term>Strong support for non-linear development</term>\r
172                                 <listitem>\r
173                                         <para>\r
174                                                 Git supports rapid and convenient branching and merging, \r
175                                                 and includes powerful tools for visualizing and navigating \r
176                                                 a non-linear development history.                                       \r
177                                         </para>\r
178                                 </listitem>\r
179                         </varlistentry>\r
180                         <varlistentry>\r
181                                 <term>Efficient handling of large projects</term>\r
182                                 <listitem>\r
183                                         <para>\r
184                                                 Git is very fast and scales well even when working with \r
185                                                 large projects and long histories. It is commonly an order \r
186                                                 of magnitude faster than most other version control systems, \r
187                                                 and several orders of magnitude faster on some operations. \r
188                                                 It also uses an extremely efficient packed format for long-term \r
189                                                 revision storage that currently tops any other open source \r
190                                                 version control system.\r
191                                         </para>\r
192                                 </listitem>\r
193                         </varlistentry>\r
194                         <varlistentry>\r
195                                 <term>Cryptographic authentication of history</term>\r
196                                 <listitem>\r
197                                         <para>\r
198                                                 The Git history is stored in such a way that the name of a \r
199                                                 particular revision (a "commit" in Git terms) depends upon \r
200                                                 the complete development history leading up to that commit. \r
201                                                 Once it is published, it is not possible to change the old \r
202                                                 versions without it being noticed. Also, tags can be \r
203                                                 cryptographically signed. \r
204                                         </para>\r
205                                 </listitem>\r
206                         </varlistentry>\r
207                         <varlistentry>\r
208                                 <term>Efficient branching and tagging</term>\r
209                                 <listitem>\r
210                                         <para>\r
211                                                 The cost of branching and tagging need not be\r
212                                                 proportional to the project size. Branch is just head of commits. \r
213                                                 Tag is friend name of commit hash. \r
214                                         </para>\r
215                                 </listitem>\r
216                         </varlistentry>\r
217                         <varlistentry>\r
218                                 <term>Toolkit design</term>\r
219                                 <listitem>\r
220                                         <para>\r
221                                                 Following the Unix tradition, Git is a collection of many small \r
222                                                 tools written in C, and a number of scripts that provide convenient \r
223                                                 wrappers. Git provides tools for both easy human usage and easy \r
224                                                 scripting to perform new clever operations.\r
225                                         </para>\r
226                                 </listitem>\r
227                         </varlistentry>\r
228                 </variablelist>\r
229         </sect1>\r
230         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
231         <!-- ======================== SECTION 4 ============================== -->\r
232         <!-- ================================================================= -->\r
233         <sect1 id="tsvn-intro-install">\r
234                 <title>Installing TortoiseGit</title>\r
235                 <sect2>\r
236                         <title>System requirements</title>\r
237                         <para>\r
238                                 TortoiseGit runs on Windows XP SP3 or higher.\r
239                                 Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT4 and Windows 2000 are no longer supported.\r
240                         </para>\r
241                         <para>\r
242                                 If you encounter any problems during or after installing\r
243                                 TortoiseGit please refer to\r
244                                 <xref linkend="tsvn-faq"/>\r
245                                 first.\r
246                         </para>\r
247                 </sect2>\r
248                 <sect2>\r
249                         <title>Installation</title>\r
250                         <indexterm>\r
251                                 <primary>install</primary>\r
252                         </indexterm>\r
253                         <para>\r
254                                 TortoiseGit comes with an easy to use installer. Double click on\r
255                                 the installer file and follow the instructions. The installer\r
256                                 will take care of the rest. \r
257                         </para>\r
258                         <important>\r
259                                 <para>\r
260                                         You need Administrator privileges to install TortoiseGit.\r
261                                 </para>\r
262                         </important>\r
263                 </sect2>\r
264                 <sect2 id="tsvn-intro-install-lang">\r
265                         <title>Language Packs</title>\r
266                         <indexterm>\r
267                                 <primary>language packs</primary>\r
268                         </indexterm>\r
269                         <indexterm>\r
270                                 <primary>translations</primary>\r
271                         </indexterm>\r
272                         <para>\r
273                                 The TortoiseGit user interface has not yet been translated into many\r
274                                 different languages.\r
275                         </para>\r
276 <!--\r
277                         <para>\r
278                                 The TortoiseGit user interface has been translated into many\r
279                                 different languages, so you may be able to download a language\r
280                                 pack to suit your needs.\r
281                                 You can find the language packs on our \r
282                                 <ulink url="">\r
283                                         <citetitle>translation status page</citetitle>\r
284                                 </ulink>.\r
285                                 And if there is no language pack available yet, why not join\r
286                                 the team and submit your own translation ;-)\r
287                         </para>\r
288                         <para>\r
289                                 Each language pack is packaged as a <literal>.exe</literal> installer.\r
290                                 Just run the install program and follow the instructions.\r
291                                 Next time you restart, the translation will be available.\r
292                         </para>\r
293 -->\r
294                 </sect2>\r
295                 <sect2 id="tsvn-intro-instalsl-spell">\r
296                         <title>Spellchecker</title>\r
297                         <indexterm>\r
298                                 <primary>spellchecker</primary>\r
299                         </indexterm>\r
300                         <indexterm>\r
301                                 <primary>dictionary</primary>\r
302                         </indexterm>\r
303                         <para>\r
304                                 TortoiseGit includes a spell checker which allows you to check your\r
305                                 commit log messages. This is especially useful if the project language\r
306                                 is not your native language.\r
307                                 The spell checker uses the same dictionary files as\r
308                                 <ulink url="">\r
309                                         <citetitle>OpenOffice</citetitle>\r
310                                 </ulink>\r
311                                 and \r
312                                 <ulink url="">\r
313                                         <citetitle>Mozilla</citetitle>\r
314                                 </ulink>.\r
315                         </para>\r
316                         <para>\r
317                                 The installer automatically adds the US and UK English dictionaries.\r
318 <!--\r
319                                 If you want other languages, the easiest option is simply to\r
320                                 install one of TortoiseGit's language packs. This will install\r
321                                 the appropriate dictionary files as well as the TortoiseGit local\r
322                                 user interface.\r
323                                 Next time you restart, the dictionary will be available too.\r
324 -->\r
325                         </para>\r
326                         <para>\r
327                                 Or you can install the dictionaries yourself. If you have OpenOffice or\r
328                                 Mozilla installed, you can copy those dictionaries, which are located\r
329                                 in the installation folders for those applications.\r
330                                 Otherwise, you need to download the required dictionary files from\r
331                                 <ulink url="">\r
332                                         <citetitle></citetitle>\r
333                                 </ulink>\r
334                         </para>\r
335                         <para>\r
336                                 Once you have got the dictionary files, you\r
337                                 probably need to rename them so that the filenames only have\r
338                                 the locale chars in it.\r
339                                 Example:\r
340                                 <itemizedlist>\r
341                                         <listitem>\r
342                                                 <para>\r
343                                                         <filename>en_US.aff</filename>\r
344                                                 </para>\r
345                                         </listitem>\r
346                                         <listitem>\r
347                                                 <para>\r
348                                                         <filename>en_US.dic</filename>\r
349                                                 </para>\r
350                                         </listitem>\r
351                                 </itemizedlist>\r
352                                 Then just copy them to the <filename>bin</filename> sub-folder of\r
353                                 the TortoiseGit installation folder. Normally this will be\r
354                                 <filename>C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin</filename>.\r
355                                 If you don't want to litter the <filename>bin</filename> sub-folder,\r
356                                 you can instead place your spell checker files in\r
357                                 <filename>C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\Languages</filename>. If that folder isn't\r
358                                 there, you have to create it first.\r
359                                 The next time you start TortoiseGit, the spell checker will be available.\r
360                         </para>\r
361                         <para>\r
362                                 If you install multiple dictionaries, TortoiseGit uses these rules\r
363                                 to select which one to use.\r
364                                 <orderedlist>\r
365 <!--\r
366                                         <listitem>\r
367                                                 <para>\r
368                                                 Check the <literal>tsvn:projectlanguage</literal> setting.\r
369                                                 Refer to <xref linkend="tsvn-dug-propertypage"/> for information\r
370                                                 about setting project properties.\r
371                                                 </para>\r
372                                         </listitem>\r
373 -->\r
374                                         <listitem>\r
375                                                 <para>\r
376                                                 If no project language is set, or that language is not\r
377                                                 installed, try the language corresponding to the Windows locale.\r
378                                                 </para>\r
379                                         </listitem>\r
380                                         <listitem>\r
381                                                 <para>\r
382                                                 If the exact Windows locale doesn't work, try the\r
383                                                 <quote>Base</quote> language, eg.\r
384                                                 <literal>de_CH</literal> (Swiss-German) falls back to\r
385                                                 <literal>de_DE</literal> (German).\r
386                                                 </para>\r
387                                         </listitem>\r
388                                         <listitem>\r
389                                                 <para>\r
390                                                 If none of the above works, then the default language\r
391                                                 is English, which is included with the standard installation.\r
392                                                 </para>\r
393                                         </listitem>\r
394                                 </orderedlist>\r
395                         </para>\r
396                 </sect2>\r
397         </sect1>\r
398 </chapter>\r
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400 local variables:\r
401 sgml-parent-document: ("book.xml" "chapter")\r
402 end:\r
403 -->\r