Update Scintilla to 4.0.4
[TortoiseGit.git] / ext / scintilla / lexlib / Accessor.h
1 // Scintilla source code edit control
2 /** @file Accessor.h
3 ** Interfaces between Scintilla and lexers.
4 **/
5 // Copyright 1998-2010 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>
6 // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
8 #ifndef ACCESSOR_H
9 #define ACCESSOR_H
11 namespace Scintilla {
13 enum { wsSpace=1, wsTab=2, wsSpaceTab=4, wsInconsistent=8 };
15 class Accessor;
16 class WordList;
17 class PropSetSimple;
19 typedef bool (*PFNIsCommentLeader)(Accessor &styler, Sci_Position pos, Sci_Position len);
21 class Accessor : public LexAccessor {
22 public:
23 PropSetSimple *pprops;
24 Accessor(IDocument *pAccess_, PropSetSimple *pprops_);
25 int GetPropertyInt(const char *, int defaultValue=0) const;
26 int IndentAmount(Sci_Position line, int *flags, PFNIsCommentLeader pfnIsCommentLeader = 0);
31 #endif