Update documentation
[TortoiseGit.git] / src / TortoiseGitBlame / TortoiseGitBlameDoc.cpp
1 // TortoiseGit - a Windows shell extension for easy version control
3 // Copyright (C) 2008-2016 - TortoiseGit
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 // TortoiseGitBlameDoc.cpp : implementation of the CTortoiseGitBlameDoc class
24 #include "stdafx.h"
25 #include "TortoiseGitBlame.h"
27 #include "TortoiseGitBlameDoc.h"
28 #include "GitAdminDir.h"
29 #include "Git.h"
30 #include "MainFrm.h"
31 #include "TGitPath.h"
32 #include "TortoiseGitBlameView.h"
33 #include "CmdLineParser.h"
34 #include "CommonAppUtils.h"
35 #include "BlameDetectMovedOrCopiedLines.h"
36 #include "TempFile.h"
38 #ifdef _DEBUG
39 #define new DEBUG_NEW
40 #endif
43 // CTortoiseGitBlameDoc
45 IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CTortoiseGitBlameDoc, CDocument)
47 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTortoiseGitBlameDoc, CDocument)
51 // CTortoiseGitBlameDoc construction/destruction
53 CTortoiseGitBlameDoc::CTortoiseGitBlameDoc()
54 : m_bFirstStartup(true)
55 , m_IsGitFile(FALSE)
56 , m_lLine(1)
60 CTortoiseGitBlameDoc::~CTortoiseGitBlameDoc()
64 BOOL CTortoiseGitBlameDoc::OnNewDocument()
66 return TRUE;
68 BOOL CTortoiseGitBlameDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
70 CCmdLineParser parser(AfxGetApp()->m_lpCmdLine);
71 if (m_bFirstStartup)
73 m_Rev = parser.GetVal(L"rev");
74 m_lLine = (int)parser.GetLongVal(L"line");
75 m_bFirstStartup = false;
77 else
79 m_Rev.Empty();
80 m_lLine = 1;
83 return OnOpenDocument(lpszPathName,m_Rev);
86 BOOL CTortoiseGitBlameDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName,CString Rev)
88 if(Rev.IsEmpty())
89 Rev = L"HEAD";
91 // enable blame for files which do not exist in current working tree
92 if (!PathFileExists(lpszPathName) && Rev != L"HEAD")
94 if (!CDocument::OnOpenDocument(CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(true).GetWinPathString()))
95 return FALSE;
97 else
99 if (!CDocument::OnOpenDocument(lpszPathName))
100 return FALSE;
103 m_CurrentFileName = lpszPathName;
105 m_Rev=Rev;
107 // (SDI documents will reuse this document)
108 if(!g_Git.CheckMsysGitDir())
110 CCommonAppUtils::RunTortoiseGitProc(L" /command:settings");
111 return FALSE;
113 CString topdir;
114 if (!GitAdminDir::HasAdminDir(m_CurrentFileName, &topdir))
116 CString temp;
117 temp.Format(IDS_CANNOTBLAMENOGIT, (LPCTSTR)m_CurrentFileName);
118 MessageBox(nullptr, temp, L"TortoiseGitBlame", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
119 return FALSE;
121 else
123 m_IsGitFile=TRUE;
124 sOrigCWD = g_Git.m_CurrentDir = topdir;
126 CString PathName = m_CurrentFileName;
127 if (topdir[topdir.GetLength() - 1] == L'\\' || topdir[topdir.GetLength() - 1] == L'/')
128 PathName=PathName.Right(PathName.GetLength()-g_Git.m_CurrentDir.GetLength());
129 else
130 PathName=PathName.Right(PathName.GetLength()-g_Git.m_CurrentDir.GetLength()-1);
132 CTGitPath path;
133 path.SetFromWin(PathName);
135 if(!g_Git.m_CurrentDir.IsEmpty())
136 SetCurrentDirectory(g_Git.m_CurrentDir);
140 // make sure all config files are read in order to check that none contains an error
141 g_Git.GetConfigValue(L"doesnot.exist");
143 catch (char * libgiterr)
145 MessageBox(nullptr, CString(libgiterr), L"TortoiseGitBlame", MB_ICONERROR);
146 return FALSE;
149 CString cmd, option;
150 int dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLines = theApp.GetInt(L"DetectMovedOrCopiedLines", BLAME_DETECT_MOVED_OR_COPIED_LINES_DISABLED);
151 int dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLinesNumCharactersWithinFile = theApp.GetInt(L"DetectMovedOrCopiedLinesNumCharactersWithinFile", BLAME_DETECT_MOVED_OR_COPIED_LINES_NUM_CHARACTERS_WITHIN_FILE_DEFAULT);
152 int dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLinesNumCharactersFromFiles = theApp.GetInt(L"DetectMovedOrCopiedLinesNumCharactersFromFiles", BLAME_DETECT_MOVED_OR_COPIED_LINES_NUM_CHARACTERS_FROM_FILES_DEFAULT);
153 switch(dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLines)
155 default:
157 option.Empty();
158 break;
160 option.Format(L"-M%d", dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLinesNumCharactersWithinFile);
161 break;
163 option.Format(L"-C%d", dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLinesNumCharactersFromFiles);
164 break;
166 option.Format(L"-C -C%d", dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLinesNumCharactersFromFiles);
167 break;
169 option.Format(L"-C -C -C%d", dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLinesNumCharactersFromFiles);
170 break;
173 if (theApp.GetInt(L"IgnoreWhitespace", 0) == 1)
174 option += L" -w";
176 bool onlyFirstParent = theApp.GetInt(L"OnlyFirstParent", 0) == 1;
177 if (onlyFirstParent)
179 CString tmpfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(true).GetWinPathString();
180 cmd.Format(L"git rev-list --first-parent %s", (LPCTSTR)Rev);
181 CString err;
182 CAutoFILE file = _wfsopen(tmpfile, L"wb", SH_DENYWR);
183 if (!file)
185 MessageBox(nullptr, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_BLAMEERROR)) + L"\n\nCould not create temp file!", L"TortoiseGitBlame", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
186 return FALSE;
189 CStringA lastline;
190 if (g_Git.Run(cmd, [&](const CStringA& line)
192 fwrite(lastline + ' ' + line + '\n', sizeof(char), lastline.GetLength() + 1 + line.GetLength() + 1, file);
193 lastline = line;
195 , &err))
197 MessageBox(nullptr, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_BLAMEERROR)) + L"\n\n" + err, L"TortoiseGitBlame", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
198 return FALSE;
200 option.AppendFormat(L" -S \"%s\"", (LPCTSTR)tmpfile);
203 cmd.Format(L"git.exe blame -p %s %s -- \"%s\"", (LPCTSTR)option, (LPCTSTR)Rev, (LPCTSTR)path.GetGitPathString());
204 m_BlameData.clear();
205 BYTE_VECTOR err;
206 if(g_Git.Run(cmd, &m_BlameData, &err))
208 CString str;
209 if (!m_BlameData.empty())
210 CGit::StringAppend(&str, &m_BlameData[0], CP_UTF8, (int)m_BlameData.size());
211 if (!err.empty())
212 CGit::StringAppend(&str, &err[0], CP_UTF8, (int)err.size());
213 MessageBox(nullptr, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_BLAMEERROR)) + L"\n\n" + str, L"TortoiseGitBlame", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
215 return FALSE;
219 m_TempFileName = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(true).GetWinPathString();
221 cmd.Format(L"git.exe cat-file blob %s:\"%s\"", (LPCTSTR)Rev, (LPCTSTR)path.GetGitPathString());
223 if(g_Git.RunLogFile(cmd, m_TempFileName))
225 CString str;
226 str.Format(IDS_CHECKOUTFAILED, (LPCTSTR)path.GetGitPathString());
227 MessageBox(nullptr, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_BLAMEERROR)) + L"\n\n" + str, L"TortoiseGitBlame", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
228 return FALSE;
230 #endif
231 m_GitPath = path;
233 CTortoiseGitBlameView *pView=DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CTortoiseGitBlameView,GetMainFrame()->GetActiveView());
234 if (!pView)
236 CWnd* pWnd = GetMainFrame()->GetDescendantWindow(AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, TRUE);
237 if (pWnd && pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CTortoiseGitBlameView)))
238 pView = static_cast<CTortoiseGitBlameView*>(pWnd);
239 else
240 return FALSE;
242 pView->ParseBlame();
244 BOOL bShowCompleteLog = (theApp.GetInt(L"ShowCompleteLog", 1) == 1);
245 if (bShowCompleteLog && BlameIsLimitedToOneFilename(dwDetectMovedOrCopiedLines) && !onlyFirstParent)
247 if (GetMainFrame()->m_wndOutput.LoadHistory(path.GetGitPathString(), m_Rev, (theApp.GetInt(L"FollowRenames", 0) == 1)))
248 return FALSE;
250 else
252 std::unordered_set<CGitHash> hashes;
253 pView->m_data.GetHashes(hashes);
254 if (GetMainFrame()->m_wndOutput.LoadHistory(hashes))
255 return FALSE;
258 pView->MapLineToLogIndex();
259 pView->UpdateInfo();
260 if (m_lLine > 0)
261 pView->GotoLine(m_lLine);
263 SetPathName(m_CurrentFileName, FALSE);
266 return TRUE;
269 void CTortoiseGitBlameDoc::SetPathName(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bAddToMRU)
271 CDocument::SetPathName(lpszPathName, bAddToMRU && (m_Rev == L"HEAD"));
273 this->SetTitle(CString(lpszPathName) + L':' + m_Rev);
276 // CTortoiseGitBlameDoc diagnostics
278 #ifdef _DEBUG
279 void CTortoiseGitBlameDoc::AssertValid() const
281 CDocument::AssertValid();
284 void CTortoiseGitBlameDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
286 CDocument::Dump(dc);
288 #endif //_DEBUG
291 // CTortoiseGitBlameDoc commands