Add notes about the hierarchical git configuration style
[TortoiseGit.git] / doc / source / en / TortoiseGit / tgit_dug / dug_settings_general.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2 <!DOCTYPE sect2 SYSTEM "../../../dtd/dblite.dtd">\r
3 <sect2 id="tgit-dug-settings-main">\r
4         <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSMAIN"?>\r
5         <title>General Settings</title>\r
6         <indexterm>\r
7                 <primary>sounds</primary>\r
8         </indexterm>\r
9         <indexterm>\r
10                 <primary>git.exe path</primary>\r
11         </indexterm>\r
12         <indexterm>\r
13                 <primary>Extern DLL Path</primary>\r
14         </indexterm>\r
15         <para>\r
16                 <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-dia-main">\r
17                         <title>The Settings Dialog, General Page</title>\r
18                         <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsMain.png"/>\r
19                 </figure>\r
20                 This dialog allows you to specify your preferred language,\r
21                 and the Git-specific settings.\r
22         </para>\r
23         <variablelist>\r
24                 <varlistentry>\r
25                         <term>Language</term>\r
26                         <listitem>\r
27                                 <para>\r
28                                         Selects your user interface language.\r
29                                         What else did you expect? Only languages of installed LanguagePacks are listed.\r
30                                         You can download language packs on the <ulink url="">TortoiseGit download page</ulink>\r
31                                         or <ulink url="">help translating</ulink>.\r
32                                 </para>\r
33                         </listitem>\r
34                 </varlistentry>\r
35                 <varlistentry>\r
36                         <term>Automatically check for newer versions every week</term>\r
37                         <listitem>\r
38                                 <para>\r
39                                         If checked, TortoiseGit will contact its download site once a week \r
40                                         to see if there is a newer version of the program available.\r
41                                         Use <guibutton>Check now</guibutton> if you want an answer\r
42                                         right away. The new version will not be downloaded; you\r
43                                         simply receive an information dialog telling you that the\r
44                                         new version is available.\r
45                                 </para>\r
46                         </listitem>\r
47                 </varlistentry>\r
48                 <varlistentry>\r
49                         <term>System sounds</term>\r
50                         <listitem>\r
51                                 <para>\r
52                                         TortoiseGit has three custom sounds which are installed by default.\r
53                                         <itemizedlist>\r
54                                                 <listitem>\r
55                                                         <para>\r
56                                                         Error\r
57                                                         </para>\r
58                                                         </listitem>\r
59                                                 <listitem>\r
60                                                         <para>\r
61                                                         Notice\r
62                                                         </para>\r
63                                                 </listitem>\r
64                                                 <listitem>\r
65                                                         <para>\r
66                                                         Warning\r
67                                                         </para>\r
68                                                 </listitem>\r
69                                         </itemizedlist>\r
70                                         You can select different sounds (or turn these sounds\r
71                                         off completely) using the Windows Control Panel.\r
72                                         <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> is a shortcut to the Control Panel.\r
73                                 </para>\r
74                         </listitem>\r
75                 </varlistentry>\r
76                 <varlistentry>\r
77                         <term>Create Library</term>\r
78                         <listitem>\r
79                                 <para>\r
80                                         On Windows 7 you can create a Library in which to group working copies\r
81                                         which are scattered in various places on your system.\r
82                                 </para>\r
83                         </listitem>\r
84                 </varlistentry>\r
85                 <varlistentry>\r
86                         <term>Git.exe Path</term>\r
87                         <listitem>\r
88                                 <para>\r
89                                         TortoiseGit needs to know which <literal>git.exe</literal> to use for it's operations. Enter the full path to <literal>git.exe</literal> here.\r
90                                 </para>\r
91                                 <para>\r
92                                         <caution>\r
93                                                 <para>\r
94                                                         git.exe must not be marked to be run in elevated mode (i.e. "Run as administrator" or run in any compatibility mode).\r
95                                                 </para>\r
96                                         </caution>\r
97                                         <caution>\r
98                                                 <para>\r
99                                                         There is a <ulink url=""><citetitle>known issue in msysGit/Git for Windows</citetitle></ulink>:\r
100                                                         Git for Windows provides two <literal>git.exe</literal>-files (one in a folder named <literal>bin</literal> and one in a folder named <literal>cmd</literal>).\r
101                                                         Make sure <guilabel>Git.exe Path</guilabel> points to the <literal>bin</literal>-folder within the Git for Windows installation folder.\r
102                                                 </para>\r
103                                         </caution>\r
104                                 </para>\r
105                                 <para>\r
106                                         <tip>\r
107                                                 <para>\r
108                                                         In order to debug problems you can open TortoiseGit advanced settings and set "DebugOutputString" to "true" (<xref linkend="tgit-dug-settings-registry"/>). Start capturing the debug output.\r
109                                                         Then start TortoiseGit settings, click on <guilabel>Check now</guilabel> and observe the debug messages.\r
110                                                 </para>\r
111                                         </tip>\r
112                                 </para>\r
113                         </listitem>\r
114                 </varlistentry>\r
115                 <varlistentry>\r
116                         <term>Extern DLL Path</term>\r
117                         <listitem>\r
118                                 <para>\r
119                                         If your git installation needs an extra entry in the PATH environment variable,\r
120                                         you can enter it here and it will get added to the PATH environment variable automatically when TortoiseGit starts.\r
121                                 </para>\r
122                                 <para>\r
123                                         This is especially needed if you installed the developer version of msysGit ("Full installer (self-contained) if you want to hack on Git" with the filename <literal>msysGit-fullinstall-*.exe</literal>),\r
124                                         in this case it is necessary that the <literal>[MSYSGIT-INSTALL-PATH]\mingw\bin</literal>-folder is on the path (i.e. entered in the <guilabel>Extern DLL Path</guilabel> textbox) in order to execute git.exe.\r
125                                 </para>\r
126                                 <para>\r
127                                         Often you can see if you need this when you start git.exe in <literal>[MSYSGIT-INSTALL-PATH]\mingw\bin</literal>-folder and you get a messagebox saying that a dll is missing.\r
128                                 </para>\r
129                         </listitem>\r
130                 </varlistentry>\r
131         </variablelist>\r
132         <sect3 id="tgit-dug-settings-look-feel">\r
133                 <title>Context Menu Settings</title>\r
134                 <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSLOOKANDFEEL"?>\r
135                 <para>\r
136                         <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-dia-context">\r
137                                 <title>The Settings Dialog, Context Menu Page</title>\r
138                                 <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsContext.png"/>\r
139                         </figure>\r
140                         This page allows you to specify which of the TortoiseGit context menu\r
141                         entries will show up in the main context menu, and which will appear\r
142                         in the TortoiseGit submenu. By default most items are unchecked and\r
143                         appear in the submenu.\r
144                 </para>\r
145                 <para>\r
146                         Most of the time, you won't need the TortoiseGit context menu, apart\r
147                         for folders that are under version control by Git. For non-\r
148                         versioned folders, you only really need the context menu when you\r
149                         want to do a checkout. If you check the option <literal>Hide menus\r
150                         for unversioned paths</literal>, TortoiseGit will not add its entries\r
151                         to the context menu for unversioned folders. But the entries are\r
152                         added for all items and paths in a versioned folder. And you can\r
153                         get the entries back for unversioned folders by holding the \r
154                         <keycap>Shift</keycap> key down while showing the context menu.\r
155                 </para>\r
156                 <para>\r
157                         If there are some paths on your computer where you just don't want\r
158                         TortoiseGit's context menu to appear at all, you can list them in\r
159                         the box at the bottom.\r
160                 </para>\r
161         </sect3>\r
162         \r
163         <sect3 id="tgit-dug-settings-look-feel-extended">\r
164                 <title>Set Extend Menu Item</title>\r
165                 <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSEXTMENU"?>\r
166                 <para>\r
167                         <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-ext-menu">\r
168                                 <title>The Settings Dialog, Set Extend Menu Item</title>\r
169                                 <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsExtendMenu.png"/>\r
170                         </figure>\r
171                         This page allows you to specify which of the TortoiseGit context menu\r
172                         entries will show up in the extend context menu (press <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
173                         key on <action>right click</action>), \r
174                         and which will appear in the normal context menu. \r
175                         This config will help reduce the context menu number at normal usage case\r
176                         according to your usage module. \r
177                 </para>\r
178         </sect3>\r
179         \r
180         <sect3 id="tgit-dug-settings-dialogs">\r
181                 <title>TortoiseGit Dialog Settings</title>\r
182                 <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSDIALOGS"?>\r
183                 <para>\r
184                         <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-dia-dialogs">\r
185                                 <title>The Settings Dialog, Dialogs Page</title>\r
186                                 <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsDialog.png"/>\r
187                         </figure>\r
188                         This dialog allows you to configure some of TortoiseGit's\r
189                         dialogs the way you like them.\r
190                 </para>\r
191                 <variablelist>\r
192                         <varlistentry>\r
193                                 <term>Font for log messages</term>\r
194                                 <listitem>\r
195                                         <para>\r
196                                                 Selects the font face and size used to display the log\r
197                                                 message itself in the middle pane of the Revision Log\r
198                                                 dialog, and when composing log messages in the Commit\r
199                                                 dialog.\r
200                                         </para>\r
201                                 </listitem>\r
202                         </varlistentry>\r
203                         <varlistentry>\r
204                                 <term>Short date / time format in log messages</term>\r
205                                 <listitem>\r
206                                         <para>\r
207                                                 If the standard long messages use up too much \r
208                                                 space on your screen use the short format.\r
209                                         </para>\r
210                                 </listitem>\r
211                         </varlistentry>\r
212                         <varlistentry>\r
213                                 <term>apply --topo-order</term>\r
214                                 <listitem>\r
215                                         <para>\r
216                                                 Normally log entries/commits are ordered in descending order of the commit date.\r
217                                                 '--topo-order' makes the commits appear in topological order (i.e. descendant\r
218                                                 commits are shown before their parents). Not using this option, might break\r
219                                                 the graph in the log dialog. However, this option is slower, because all\r
220                                                 log entries have to be processed before displaying them.\r
221                                         </para>\r
222                                 </listitem>\r
223                         </varlistentry>\r
224                         <varlistentry>\r
225                                 <term>Can double-click in log list to compare with previous revision</term>\r
226                                 <listitem>\r
227                                         <para>\r
228                                                 If you frequently find yourself comparing revisions in the top\r
229                                                 pane of the log dialog, you can use this option to allow that\r
230                                                 action on double-click. It is not enabled by default because\r
231                                                 fetching the diff is often a long process, and many people\r
232                                                 prefer to avoid the wait after an accidental double-click,\r
233                                                 which is why this option is not enabled by default.\r
234                                         </para>\r
235                                 </listitem>\r
236                         </varlistentry>\r
237                         <varlistentry>\r
238                                 <term>Abbreviate renamings</term>\r
239                                 <listitem>\r
240                                         <para>\r
241                                                 Normally renamed files are listed as "long/path/for/file.txt (from long/path/to/file.txt)".\r
242                                                 If you check this option renamed files will be listed in a shorter format ("long/path/{to => for}/file.txt"),\r
243                                                 however, this abbreviated format might be harder to understand.\r
244                                         </para>\r
245                                 </listitem>\r
246                         </varlistentry>\r
247                         <varlistentry>\r
248                                 <term>Symbolize ref names</term>\r
249                                 <listitem>\r
250                                         <para>\r
251                                                 Show symbols on ref labels to substitute part of the ref names.\r
252                                                 If this option is enabled, the following description and example will apply.\r
253                                                 If there is only a single remote, a lightning symbol will substitute the remote name part of each remote branch.\r
254                                                 If the remote branch is the upstream of a local branch, an up triangle symbol will substitute the branch name part of the remote branch.\r
255                                                 <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-symbolizerefname-example">\r
256                                                         <title>Example of Symbolize ref names</title>\r
257                                                         <graphic fileref="../images/SymbolizeRefNamesExample.png"/>\r
258                                                 </figure>\r
259                                         </para>\r
260                                 </listitem>\r
261                         </varlistentry>\r
262                         <varlistentry>\r
263                                 <term>Enable log cache</term>\r
264                                 <listitem>\r
265                                         <para>\r
266                                                 Load/saves log cache in .git folder (, tortoisegit.index) to boost performance of subsequent use of log list.\r
267                                                 If this option is disabled, the cache files are not read or written.\r
268                                                 Default is enabled.\r
269                                         </para>\r
270                                 </listitem>\r
271                         </varlistentry>\r
272                         <varlistentry>\r
273                                 <term>Enable Gravatar</term>\r
274                                 <listitem>\r
275                                         <para>\r
276                                                 Shows the Gravatar image of the author of the commit in Log Dialog.\r
277                                                 The URL is customizable so you may specify more options supported by the server,\r
278                                                 or use your own avatar server.\r
279                                                 The default URL is\r
280                                                 Currently, the supported parameter is <literal>%HASH%</literal>, which is the MD5 email hash.\r
281                                         </para>\r
282                                 </listitem>\r
283                         </varlistentry>\r
284                         <varlistentry>\r
285                                 <term>Draw tag/branch labels on right side</term>\r
286                                 <listitem>\r
287                                         <para>\r
288                                                 Shows tag/branch labels after the commit message.\r
289                                         </para>\r
290                                 </listitem>\r
291                         </varlistentry>\r
292                 </variablelist>\r
293         </sect3>\r
294         <sect3 id="tgit-dug-settings-dialogs2">\r
295                 <title>TortoiseGit Dialog Settings 2</title>\r
296                 <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSDIALOGS2"?>\r
297                 <para>\r
298                         <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-dia-dialogs">\r
299                                 <title>The Settings Dialog, Dialogs Page 2</title>\r
300                                 <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsDialog2.png"/>\r
301                         </figure>\r
302                         This dialog allows you to configure some more of TortoiseGit's\r
303                         dialogs the way you like them.\r
304                 </para>\r
305                 <variablelist>\r
306                         <varlistentry>\r
307                                 <term>Git.exe Progress Dialog</term>\r
308                                 <listitem>\r
309                                         <para>\r
310                                                 TortoiseGit can automatically close all progress dialogs \r
311                                                 when the action is finished without error. This setting\r
312                                                 allows you to select the conditions for closing the\r
313                                                 dialogs. The default (recommended) setting is\r
314                                                 <guilabel>Close manually</guilabel>\r
315                                                 which allows you to review all messages and check what\r
316                                                 has happened. However, you may decide that you want to\r
317                                                 ignore some types of message and have the dialog\r
318                                                 close automatically if there are no critical changes.\r
319                                         </para>\r
320 <!--\r
321                                         <para>\r
322                                                 <guilabel>Auto-close if no merges, adds or deletes</guilabel>\r
323                                                 means that the progress dialog will close if there were\r
324                                                 simple updates, but if changes from the repository were\r
325                                                 merged with yours, or if any files were added or deleted,\r
326                                                 the dialog will remain open. It will also stay open if\r
327                                                 there were any conflicts or errors during the operation.\r
328                                         </para>\r
329                                         <para>\r
330                                                 <guilabel>Auto-close if no merges, adds or deletes for\r
331                                                 local operations</guilabel> means that the progress dialog\r
332                                                 will close as for <guilabel>Auto-close if no merges, adds\r
333                                                 or deletes</guilabel> but only for local operations like adding\r
334                                                 files or reverting changes. For remote operations the\r
335                                                 dialog will stay open.\r
336                                         </para>\r
337                                         <para>\r
338                                                 <guilabel>Auto-close if no conflicts</guilabel>\r
339                                                 relaxes the criteria further and will close the dialog\r
340                                                 even if there were merges, adds or deletes. However,\r
341                                                 if there were any conflicts or errors, the dialog\r
342                                                 remains open.\r
343                                         </para>\r
344 -->\r
345                                         <para>\r
346                                                 <guilabel>Auto-close if no further options are available</guilabel>\r
347                                                 will close the dialog if git.exe exited cleanly (i.e. no error occurred)\r
348                                                 and no further options are presented in the progress dialog.\r
349                                         </para>\r
350                                         <para>\r
351                                                 <guilabel>Auto-close if no errors</guilabel>\r
352                                                 always closes the dialog if git.exe exited with 0 error code.\r
353                                         </para>\r
354                                 </listitem>\r
355                         </varlistentry>\r
356                         <varlistentry>\r
357                                 <term>Use recycle bin when reverting</term>\r
358                                 <listitem>\r
359                                         <para>\r
360                                                 When you revert local modifications, your changes are\r
361                                                 discarded. TortoiseGit gives you an extra safety net by\r
362                                                 sending the modified file to the recycle bin before\r
363                                                 bringing back the pristine copy. If you prefer to\r
364                                                 skip the recycle bin, uncheck this option.\r
365                                         </para>\r
366                                 </listitem>\r
367                         </varlistentry>\r
368                         <varlistentry>\r
369                                 <term>Confirm to kill running git process</term>\r
370                                 <listitem>\r
371                                         <para>\r
372                                                 When enabled, if you close Progress Dialog or Sync Dialog with a running git process,\r
373                                                 you will be asked for confirmation before killing it.\r
374                                                 This avoids closing the dialog by accident that kills running git process.\r
375                                         </para>\r
376                                 </listitem>\r
377                         </varlistentry>\r
378                         <varlistentry>\r
379                                 <term>Randomize Sync Dialog startup position</term>\r
380                                 <listitem>\r
381                                         <para>\r
382                                                 When enabled, the startup position of Sync Dialog will be randomized.\r
383                                                 If you open many Sync Dialogs and press pull button at the same time,\r
384                                                 you may easily press the pull button in any previous Sync Dialog if it finishes and becomes foreground.\r
385                                         </para>\r
386                                 </listitem>\r
387                         </varlistentry>\r
388                         <varlistentry>\r
389                                 <term>Use auto-completion of file paths and keywords</term>\r
390                                 <listitem>\r
391                                         <para>\r
392                                                 The commit dialog includes a facility to parse the list\r
393                                                 of filenames being committed. When you type the first 3\r
394                                                 letters of an item in the list, the auto-completion\r
395                                                 box pops up, and you can press Enter to complete the\r
396                                                 filename. Check the box to enable this feature.\r
397                                         </para>\r
398                                 </listitem>\r
399                         </varlistentry>\r
400                         <varlistentry>\r
401                                 <term>Timeout in seconds to stop the auto-completion parsing</term>\r
402                                 <listitem>\r
403                                         <para>\r
404                                                 The auto-completion parser can be quite slow if there are a lot\r
405                                                 of large files to check. This timeout stops the commit dialog\r
406                                                 being held up for too long. If you are missing important\r
407                                                 auto-completion information, you can extend the timeout.\r
408                                         </para>\r
409                                 </listitem>\r
410                         </varlistentry>\r
411                         <varlistentry>\r
412                                 <term>Max. items to keep in the log message history</term>\r
413                                 <listitem>\r
414                                         <para>\r
415                                                 When you type in a log message in the commit dialog, TortoiseGit\r
416                                                 stores it for possible re-use later. By default it will keep the\r
417                                                 last 25 log messages for each repository, but you can customize\r
418                                                 that number here.\r
419                                                 If you have many different repositories, you may wish to\r
420                                                 reduce this to avoid filling your registry.\r
421                                         </para>\r
422                                         <para>\r
423                                                 Note that this setting applies only to messages that you type\r
424                                                 in on this computer. It has nothing to do with the log cache.\r
425                                         </para>\r
426                                 </listitem>\r
427                         </varlistentry>\r
428                         <varlistentry>\r
429                                 <term>Select items automatically</term>\r
430                                 <listitem>\r
431                                         <para>\r
432                                                 The normal behaviour in the commit dialog is for all modified\r
433                                                 (versioned) items to be selected for commit automatically.\r
434                                                 If you prefer to start with nothing selected and pick the\r
435                                                 items for commit manually, uncheck this box.\r
436                                         </para>\r
437                                 </listitem>\r
438                         </varlistentry>\r
439                 </variablelist>\r
440         </sect3>\r
441         <sect3 id="tgit-dug-settings-dialogs3">\r
442                 <title>TortoiseGit Dialog Settings 3</title>\r
443                 <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSDIALOGS3"?>\r
444                 <para>\r
445                         <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-dia-dialogs">\r
446                                 <title>The Settings Dialog, Dialogs 3 Page</title>\r
447                                 <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsDialog3.png"/>\r
448                         </figure>\r
449                         This dialog allows you to configure some of TortoiseGit's\r
450                         dialogs the way you like them.\r
451                         This third page mainly affects the Commit dialog and the settings which are stored in git config files.\r
452                 </para>\r
453                 <important>\r
454                         <para>\r
455                                 If you have problems entering/storing data please see <xref linkend="tgit-dug-settings-hierachical"/>.\r
456                         </para>\r
457                 </important>\r
458                 <variablelist>\r
459                         <varlistentry>\r
460                                 <term>Language</term>\r
461                                 <listitem>\r
462                                         <para>\r
463                                                 TortoiseGit can use spell checker modules which are also\r
464                                                 used by OpenOffice and Mozilla. If you have those installed\r
465                                                 this property will determine which spell checker to use, i.e.\r
466                                                 in which language the log messages for your project should\r
467                                                 be written.\r
468                                                 The <literal>tgit.projectlanguage</literal> config key sets the language\r
469                                                 module the spell checking engine should use when you enter\r
470                                                 a log message. You can find the values for your language\r
471                                                 on this page:\r
472                                                 <ulink url="">\r
473                                                         <citetitle>MSDN: Language Identifiers</citetitle>\r
474                                                 </ulink>.\r
475                                         </para>\r
476                                         <para>\r
477                                                 Enter this value in decimal. For example English (US) can be entered as <literal>1033</literal>.\r
478                                         </para>\r
479                                         <para>\r
480                                                 Use <literal>-1</literal> to disable the spell checker.\r
481                                         </para>\r
482                                 </listitem>\r
483                         </varlistentry>\r
484                         <varlistentry>\r
485                                 <term>Limit</term>\r
486                                 <listitem>\r
487                                         <para>\r
488                                                 <literal>tgit.logminsize</literal>\r
489                                                 sets the minimum length of a log message for a commit.\r
490                                                 If you enter a shorter message than specified here, the commit button\r
491                                                 is disabled. This feature is very useful for reminding you to\r
492                                                 supply a proper descriptive message for every commit.\r
493                                                 If this property is not set,\r
494                                                 or the value is zero, empty log messages are allowed.\r
495                                         </para>\r
496                                 </listitem>\r
497                         </varlistentry>\r
498                         <varlistentry>\r
499                                 <term>Border</term>\r
500                                 <listitem>\r
501                                         <para>\r
502                                                 <literal>tgit.logwidthmarker</literal> is used with projects which\r
503                                                 require log messages to be formatted with some maximum width\r
504                                                 (typically 72 characters) before a line break. Setting this\r
505                                                 property to a non-zero will place a marker to indicate the maximum width\r
506                                                 and performs line wrapping. Note: this feature\r
507                                                 will only work correctly if you have a fixed-width font\r
508                                                 selected for log messages.\r
509                                         </para>\r
510                                 </listitem>\r
511                         </varlistentry>\r
512                         <varlistentry>\r
513                                 <term>Warn on Signed-Off-By on commit</term>\r
514                                 <listitem>\r
515                                         <para>\r
516                                                 <literal>tgit.warnnosignedoffby</literal> is used with projects which\r
517                                                 require Signed-off-by line in commit messages.\r
518                                         </para>\r
519                                 </listitem>\r
520                         </varlistentry>\r
521                         <varlistentry>\r
522                                 <term>Overlay Icon</term>\r
523                                 <listitem>\r
524                                         <para>\r
525                                                 <literal>tgit.icon</literal> is used with projects which wish to show the logo \r
526                                                 on the taskbar for easier identification when multiple TortoiseGit application instances\r
527                                                 of different projects are running at the same time.\r
528                                                 <graphic fileref="../images/TaskbarOverlayIcon.png"/>\r
529                                                 If icon is not 16x16 px in size, it will be automatically scaled.\r
530                                                 Supported formats are ico, png, jpg, gif, bmp.\r
531                                                 If no icon is included by that project, you may find one on you own, \r
532                                                 put it in .git folder and set the relative path in local config. e.g. <literal>.git/logo.ico</literal>\r
533                                                 If you want to disable it, you may set <literal>tgit.icon</literal> as an empty string in local config.\r
534                                                 It will fallback to a color block when disabled or load failed.\r
535                                                 Note that the advanced option <literal>GroupTaskbarIconsPerRepo</literal> should be 3 or 4 in order to use this function.\r
536                                         </para>\r
537                                 </listitem>\r
538                         </varlistentry>\r
539                 </variablelist>\r
540         </sect3>\r
541         <sect3 id="tgit-dug-settings-colours">\r
542                 <title>TortoiseGit Colour Settings</title>\r
543                 <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSCOLORS_1"?>\r
544                 <para>\r
545                         <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-dia-colors">\r
546                                 <title>The Settings Dialog, Colours Page</title>\r
547                                 <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsColors.png"/>\r
548                         </figure>\r
549                         This dialog allows you to configure the text colours\r
550                         used in TortoiseGit's dialogs the way you like them.\r
551                 </para>\r
552                 <variablelist>\r
553                         <varlistentry>\r
554                                 <term>Possible or real conflict / obstructed</term>\r
555                                 <listitem>\r
556                                         <para>\r
557                                                 A conflict has occurred during update, or may occur during merge.\r
558                                                 Update is obstructed by an existing unversioned file/folder of\r
559                                                 the same name as a versioned one.\r
560                                         </para>\r
561                                         <para>\r
562                                                 This colour is also used for error messages in the progress dialogs.\r
563                                         </para>\r
564                                 </listitem>\r
565                         </varlistentry>\r
566                         <varlistentry>\r
567                                 <term>Added files</term>\r
568                                 <listitem>\r
569                                         <para>\r
570                                                 Items added to the repository.\r
571                                         </para>\r
572                                 </listitem>\r
573                         </varlistentry>\r
574                         <varlistentry>\r
575                                 <term>Missing / deleted / replaced</term>\r
576                                 <listitem>\r
577                                         <para>\r
578                                                 Items deleted from the repository, missing from the working\r
579                                                 copy, or deleted from the working tree and replaced with\r
580                                                 another file of the same name.\r
581                                         </para>\r
582                                 </listitem>\r
583                         </varlistentry>\r
584                         <varlistentry>\r
585                                 <term>Merged</term>\r
586                                 <listitem>\r
587                                         <para>\r
588                                                 Changes from the repository successfully merged into the working tree\r
589                                                 without creating any conflicts.\r
590                                         </para>\r
591                                 </listitem>\r
592                         </varlistentry>\r
593                         <varlistentry>\r
594                                 <term>Modified / copied</term>\r
595                                 <listitem>\r
596                                         <para>\r
597                                                 Add with history, or paths copied in the repository.\r
598                                                 Also used in the log dialog for entries which include\r
599                                                 copied items.\r
600                                         </para>\r
601                                 </listitem>\r
602                         </varlistentry>\r
603                         <varlistentry>\r
604                                 <term>Note node</term>\r
605                                 <listitem>\r
606                                         <para>\r
607                                                 A reference which points to git notes, under refs/notes namespace.\r
608                                         </para>\r
609                                 </listitem>\r
610                         </varlistentry>\r
611                         <varlistentry>\r
612                                 <term>Use local branch color for current branch</term>\r
613                                 <listitem>\r
614                                         <para>\r
615                                                 In revision graph, use local branch color for current branch.\r
616                                                 You may not want to emphasize current branch of a local\r
617                                                 repository in revision graph.\r
618                                         </para>\r
619                                 </listitem>\r
620                         </varlistentry>\r
621                 </variablelist>\r
622         </sect3>\r
623         <sect3 id="tgit-dug-settings-colours2">\r
624                 <title>TortoiseGit Colour Settings 2</title>\r
625                 <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSCOLORS_2"?>\r
626                 <para>\r
627                         <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-dia-colors2">\r
628                                 <title>The Settings Dialog, Colours Page</title>\r
629                                 <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsColors2.png"/>\r
630                         </figure>\r
631                         This dialog allows you to configure the text colours\r
632                         used in TortoiseGit's dialogs the way you like them.\r
633                 </para>\r
634         </sect3>\r
635         <sect3 id="tgit-dug-settings-colours3">\r
636                 <title>TortoiseGit Colour Settings 3</title>\r
637                 <?dbhh topicname="HIDD_SETTINGSCOLORS_3"?>\r
638                 <para>\r
639                         <figure id="tgit-dug-settings-dia-colors-3">\r
640                                 <title>The Settings Dialog, Colours Page</title>\r
641                                 <graphic fileref="../images/SettingsColors3.png"/>\r
642                         </figure>\r
643                         This dialog allows you to configure the line colours, line width and node size\r
644                         in the graph column used in TortoiseGit's log dialog the way you like them.\r
645                 </para>\r
646         </sect3>\r
647 </sect2>